magic eye doctor

Chapter 2996

Le Yun is not the warm-hearted kind who is good at being a teacher, but she picked up the cubs, so of course she has to take on the responsibility of teaching them.

Yunlan's god is not kind, she remembered the black account of Yunlan's heavenly way, and did not vent her anger on the little boy, and taught her very carefully.

The fairy was teaching, and the cubs listened very carefully, and even went to the meadow to pull out the plants and asked the fairy to look at them to confirm whether the plants they found were correct.

The amount of grilled fish is enough, Le Xiao and the cubs share the fish, and continue to grill the fish while eating.

The black dog worked hard, and he got the most fish, and he couldn't finish a meal.

At this time, Le Yun remembered that the black dog did not have a storage device, so he found two circular storage devices and presented it to the black dog, teaching it how to make a contract and use it.

The black dog identified the storage container as the fairy said, one as a collar, and the other as an ankle bracelet.

Zhumi Dazai and Youbai Tranquility were not jealous of the black dog. They also had two storage devices. The fairy first gave them a storage bag that mortals could use, and then gave them a ring storage device.

The ring storage device is worn on the arm as an armband, and the storage bag is hung between the wrist and hidden in the sleeve with a charm bracelet.

There are two storage containers, and meals are stored separately from supplies such as clothes.

The black dog had a storage container, so he picked up the uneaten fish in a basin and put it into the storage container to store food.

After eating the fish, the four boys went to the river to wash their clothes and put them in a bamboo bucket, then moved them into the fairy boat, and dried them when they returned to the cave.

Le Yun led the cubs to roast all the fish, collected the embers as fertilizer, and kept the fire pit. In the future, the cubs don’t need to dig a pit if they want to barbecue, and they can just start a fire at the original fire pile.

Before the spirit boat flew back to the cave from the valley, it still stopped on the platform.

The cubs jumped off the spirit boat with buckets in hand, dried their clothes on the platform, ran back to the cave, and gave Miss Lin a piece of grilled fish.

Little Lolita took the cub to the canyon in the morning, and it was past noon when she came back.

Miss Lin ate some stored food by herself, and was still in the rest stage. When she got a delicious grilled fish, she was stunned for a while.

"This is the fish we caught in the river with Dahei. The fairy baked it. It's delicious."

"Miss Lin, when you become a qi refining monk, let's go down the mountain to catch fish and pick wild fruits to eat together."

"Come on, Miss Lin, you will soon be able to draw energy into your body."

The four little friends cheered for Miss Lin.

The children were full of anticipation, Miss Lin nodded, and put the grilled fish into her storage container.

After talking with Miss Lin, the four friends ran to the platform to meditate in the open air.

The black dog also jumped off the spirit boat and slept not far from the human cubs.

Humans need to meditate and practice exercises, while monster cultivation is much easier, and they can also increase their cultivation base while sleeping.

For the four cubs who had taken the Jingling Pill, the impurities in their spiritual roots were completely removed, and the purity of their spiritual roots was at the lowest level, and they absorbed the spiritual energy faster when breathing out.

Le Yun observed for a few days, leaving the Sihuo brothers and sisters as secret guards in the cave, and then buried a formation plate at the foot of the mountain, enclosing a five-hundred-mile radius in the protection formation of the formation plate.

After setting up the protective array, she drove the spirit boat over the giant mountain range, and traveled millions of miles to find a mountain with a spirit jade mine that she had discovered.

Little Loli selected several mountain peaks containing jasper, sapphire, red jade and sapphire mines, and sent puppet people and puppet beasts to dig the mountains.

A large number of puppets and puppets worked day and night, and it took more than [-] days to clear and cut off several mountains.

Le Yun moved the mountain peaks containing the jasper and sapphire spirit mines back to the coniferous tree spirit planting space, placed them in the preset position, and filled the surroundings with soil.

There are several kinds of jade mines in the mountains first, and then the mountains with metal mines are dug.

Little Lolita led the puppet army to work in the mountains for two and a half months, and returned to the basin after collecting all the peaks she needed.

As soon as the spirit boat fell into the entrance of the cave, the black dog jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the spirit boat.

The four little cubs who were practicing also recovered from their concentration, turned their heads to look outside, and saw the fairy's spirit boat, they also jumped three feet high, and rushed out to meet them with cheers.

"The fairy is back!"

"Fairy Fairy, you are back!"

The fairy had been away for more than three months, Zhumi and the others looked forward to seeing the fairy coming out of the spirit boat, and surrounded her excitedly when they saw the fairy coming out of the spirit boat.

Miss Lin reacted half a beat slower and fell behind.

The Sihuo brothers and sisters stayed in the wishful room and did not show up.

After turning off the defensive formation, Le Yun flew to the ground, and when she saw the little cub running over, she smiled in her eyes: "Yes, you have made progress, it shows that you are working hard!"

In just over three months, each of the four cubs has stepped into the fourth level of Qi refining. This speed of cultivation is in line with the purity of their spiritual roots.

Naturally, the cub protected by God cannot be an ordinary person.

The praised Bamboo Rice Niwanzi Dazai Youbai Ningping blushed with happiness.

Miss Lin lowered her head in shame. The four children had all reached the middle stage of Qi refining, but she still couldn't draw Qi into her body.

Le Yun touched the dog's head of the black dog hugging the thigh, entered the cave with a few cubs, and went back to the wishful room to talk. In fact, she was listening to the cubs asking questions about cultivation, and she helped to solve their doubts.

After the questions of the cubs were answered, Mao Sai suddenly realized, and began to meditate conscientiously.

The children went out, Miss Lin was too ashamed to raise her head, but she mustered up the courage to ask for advice: "Fairy, I... I can't feel the air in my body anymore."

"The ray of spiritual power that this fairy injects into your dantian will last for at most three months. You failed to attract the qi into your body, and the spiritual power was supplemented by the external spiritual energy. It became weaker and weaker, and finally dissipated naturally without a trace.

This fairy will inject another ray of spiritual power into you, whether you can succeed this time depends on your luck. "

How could Le Yun not know the reason why Miss Lin was unable to introduce Qi into her body for so long? Miss Lin's heart was covered with dust, so Ling Qi refused to get close to her, so naturally she couldn't introduce Qi into her body.

Why is Miss Lin so dusty?

The reason lies in her own body, she cannot properly handle the emotional ties between her and her relatives, that is to say, she has not let go.

She couldn't let go of her family affection, so naturally she would always think about what happened on the day she left, and that period of the past also became her heart disease.

Miss Lin was stuck in the past and couldn't get out, her body and mind were covered with an invisible shadow, and even the aura of heaven and earth rejected her.

In particular, she also gets along with the four cubs day and night. The cubs are pure in heart and clean in eyes. Of course, the aura is close to the cubs and stays away from Miss Lin.

Miss Lin couldn't establish a harmonious relationship with the aura of heaven and earth. Even if her spiritual roots were good, she still couldn't cross that threshold and embark on the avenue of practice.

But to untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be needed. Miss Lin's heart knot originated from herself, and she can only untie it by herself. No matter how much others say, it is useless.

If what others said was useful, Miss Lin would not still be obsessed with it. After all, she broke up the stakes and told her about it.

Le Yun with sharp eyes saw the crux of Miss Lin's inability to draw her breath into her body, and she didn't act as an emotional mentor to comfort her, so she got up and walked out of the wishful room.

What Miss Lin wanted to ask was why she couldn't inhale the spiritual energy. The fairy's answer was specious, and the fairy obviously didn't want to explain further, so she followed the fairy out of the wishful layer with her head down, and sat down in the meditation place.

Le Yun put his hand on the girl's back, and sent a ray of spiritual power to Dantian, retracted his hand, turned around and picked up the black dog for research.

The cubs are very talented, breaking through the first level in about a month, and the black dog is even more ferocious, he has already refined the seventh level.

The black dog that turned out to be out of the ordinary.

After some research, Le Yun found that there was no external reason for the rapid rise of the black dog's cultivation base. After washing his little hands, he turned around and left the cave, and flew to the spiritual spring on the opposite mountain peak.

After surveying the scene, a small pit was dug at the water outlet of Lingquan Cave, and a twelfth-order sky-swallowing snail was placed in it.

The swallowing snail just took over half of the water in the Lingquan.

There is a swallowing snail as a water receiver, so there is no need to collect spiritual spring water every day.

The stone mahi in the big lakes lay eggs at the end of April, and many small fry will hatch out. After one or two years, they will grow into big fish, and then they can fish again.

After inspecting his own fish pond, Le Yun flew to the swamp area with his little hands on his back, and inspected the growth of another industry of his own - Ge Xianmi.

The grassland is a swamp formed by immersion in spiritual spring water all year round. Even if the snow melts and snow water is mixed, when the temperature rises, some of the water evaporates, and the content of snow water gradually decreases, but the water in the swamp area is still full of spiritual energy.

The soil nourished by the spiritual spring water also contains a strong spiritual energy, the plants grow very well, and the swamp is full of Ge Xianmi.

The Gexianmi in the swamp area is blue-green, spherical, and the quality has reached the first-grade Lingzhen.

The small blue-green balls are piled up in pieces, which is really attractive.

Ge Xianmi is growing well, Le Yun is full of joy, and starts the picking mode, picks those big ones back, and keeps the small ones to continue growing.

Of course, she didn't catch all the big xianmi, she kept some in every place, and let it spread spores as seedlings for reproduction.

In order not to damage the mud layer of the swamp and affect the growth of Ge Xianmi, Le Yun was very patient and walked very slowly. It took an hour to walk all over the swamp.

Picking for the first time, I got ten barrels full of Ge Xianmi.

Gexianmi grows on the surface of the soil, so it is impossible to avoid sticking to the mud when picking it, and it needs to be cleaned.

Having had a great harvest, Le Yun returned to Lingquan Lake and stopped by the last puddle before the water from Lingquan entered the lake. He smoothed the rocks next to the puddle and dug another puddle with a diameter of about two meters.

She dug a few depressions on the edge of the small puddle, put wooden sticks, and then put a bamboo sieve on the edge, let the sieve sink into the water, and then poured gexianmi into the sieve to wash.

The holes of the bamboo sieve are so small that the mud leaks out through the holes of the sieve, and Ge Xianmi is so big that it cannot leak out.

Washing Gexianmi is like panning for gold. When the waves wash the sand, impurities are washed away, and gold is left behind.

The mud washed out from the gexian rice flows into the large lake below and becomes the rice for microbes, which in turn are the food for fish.

The cleaned Ge Xianmi is packed in a jade fresh-keeping box, which can be stored for a long time.

Le Yun cleaned all the ten barrels of Ge Xianmi, put them in boxes and put them into storage containers that could hold living things, and then went to the canyon to collect spiritual plants and plants.

Pangolins on Earth feed on small insects such as termites, while mountain dragons in Yunlan Realm are impurity animals. They eat insects, other animals, and plants.

The edible high-level spiritual plants near the cave where the twelfth-level red-scaled ankylosaurus lived have eaten, and the spiritual plants all over the mountains and plains are all low-level spiritual plants.

Little Lolita collected spiritual plants in the meadow sub-area and the forest, and after dark, she went to the Grand Canyon to collect water and cast a net to catch fish.

What do you want to ask Yunlan the most?
The answer remains the same: fish and plants.

The most important thing Yunlan lacks is plants. Except for the desert, other places are green everywhere, even the places where humans live together are also full of trees.

And whether it is a big river with high mountains, a big lake or a sea, or a small stream near a human settlement, there must be fish where the water system is connected.

The Angry Bear Mountain Range is no exception. Fish can be seen everywhere in the rivers and creeks.

There are not as many types of fish in the Great Canyon River as there are in the ancient secret realm, and the number of groups of each type of fish is not inferior.

Student Le Xiao drove the spirit boat and moved along the trend of the big river, collecting water while fishing. The conch was full of water and caught a lot of fish.

Instead of sleeping outside, she returned to the platform of the cave, got into the coniferous spiritual planting space, and was busy laying rivers or lakes.

There are mountains where mountains need to be placed in the conifer spiritual planting space, and the ground in the entire space has been filled with the bottom and middle layers of soil.

The little loli who got into Lingzhi's space worked overtime for half the night, built the sides of five lakes, and dug a few waterways.

Leave the Lingzhi space at dawn.

Back in the spirit boat, Le Yun washed up, ate some spirit fruit, and waited for the cubs to finish their breakfast before putting away the spirit boat and entering the cave to teach.

The cubs are tidy too.

The little Lolita took up the class immediately, teaching the cubs to make formulas and learn the most basic little spells.

The first thing to teach is the dust removal technique.

Dust removal is the simplest and most basic technique, and it is also the most practical technique. It is commonly used in daily life, such as cleaning oneself, washing dishes, sweeping the floor and so on.

Miss Lin is not a monk yet, she also learns seals when she studies.

The four cubs made gestures according to the fairy's hand gestures, mastered the hand formulas, and then used their spiritual power to formally form the hand seals.

A group of friends practiced for less than half a day, and the pitifully little spiritual power in the dantian was exhausted, so they crawled to meditate to recover.

In the morning, little Lolita taught the technique of dust removal, and in the afternoon she taught how to draw dust removal spells.

The cubs already know how to write talismans of the dust removal technique, but when formally drawing talismans, they need to inject spiritual power, which is dozens of times more difficult than simply writing talismans.

The little cubs all ended in failure when they picked up the first brush strokes. Some paintings were crooked, and some couldn't grasp their spiritual power and broke the paper.

Miss Lin couldn't draw talismans either, so she practiced writing talismans. Seeing the four children fail again and again, her heart felt cold.

Little Lolita teaches during the day and organizes her Lingzhi space at night.

The next day, I still learn the dust removal technique and the dust removal talisman. When the cubs have learned the dust removal technique, I will teach another technique, so that they will not be confused because they can't remember the complicated formulas of the technique.

At the end of the day, the cubs still ended in failure.

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