magic eye doctor

Chapter 2997 Harvest

Zhumi, Youbai Tranquility, Dazai and Niwanzi have practiced for five days in a row, and they already know the art like the back of their hands, but they have not touched the door of the dust removal technique.

The cubs are very frustrated, and the little Lolita is very calm. She is so calm that she teaches how to draw symbols, and calmly takes care of her spiritual plant space.

Near noon in the morning of the seventh day, when Ni Wanzi made a gesture at the dirt on the small table in front of him, the dirt disappeared.

He was stunned: "I... I succeeded?"

Zhumi Youbai, Tranquility, and Dazai, who practiced the hand formula, turned their heads and looked over, with three faces full of astonishment: "Qian Bing, have you learned it yet?"

"Yes." Le Yun, who supervised the cubs practicing hand formulas, confirmed with a smile: "Look at his table, the soil has disappeared."

The three friends looked at the table in front of Qian Bing, and it was indeed spotlessly clean.

Ni Wanzi turned his hands over and over again, and he couldn't believe that he had succeeded.

The little boy was not confident, so Le Yun put a little soil on the sides of the Niwanzi's case, mixed in a little water, and encouraged with a smile: "Try again, you have to be confident, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, this time it doesn't work come back next time."

The fairy was full of smiles, her eyes were soft, and the pressure in Ni Wanzi's heart was lessened. He recalled the process of kneading the hand formula before, and kneaded the formula against the table again.

Lived up to expectations, succeeded again, and the desktop became clean.

"Wow, Qian Bing succeeded again!"

"Qian Bing, you are amazing!"

"Thousand ice sticks are great."

The three who hadn't learned the spells were also happy for their little friends, and cheered and surrounded them to send friendly congratulations and learn from them by the way.

Ni Wanzi tried a few more times and succeeded every time. He generously shared his experiences and insights with his friends.

The techniques and techniques are fixed, and because people's spiritual roots are different, the effects of using them may not be the same.

The experience of Niwanzi may not be applicable to other people, but it can provide some ideas for others.

With Niwanzi jewelry in front, Bai Ning and Dazai Zhumi were inspired by it, and the three also mastered the dust removal technique one after another on the same day and the next day.

After learning the dust removal technique, the little ones immediately put it into practice, using the dust removal technique to wash dishes, tidy up the table, and clean the wishful house. They were very busy.

The cubs have learned the dust removal technique, and little Lolita will teach the second technique—the technique of summoning wind and rain.

Calling the wind and calling the rain is actually the wind art and the rain condensation art.

This time, the cubs struggled for twelve days, and finally managed to master the art of summoning wind and rain.

The order in which they mastered the spells was related to their spiritual roots, namely Youbai Tranquility, Niwanzi, Zhumi, and Dazai.

Youbai Tranquility is a wind-wood spirit root, and people with wind spirit roots learn wind-type spells the fastest. He has wood spirit roots and has a high affinity, so he can learn water-type spells faster.

The cubs have mastered the second practical technique, and the little Lolita will teach the earth-type technique-digging the ground three feet.

This technique is more friendly to people with earth spirit roots and gold spirit roots. The four cubs practiced it repeatedly for several days but couldn't understand it. After the eighth day, Dazai was the first to master the essentials of the earth system technique.

Da Zai has two spiritual roots of gold and fire, he does not have earth spiritual roots, but his number of spiritual roots is small, so he can master the spell earlier.

The second place is still Niwanzi, he is Bingfenghumu Earth Spirit Root, although it has Earth Spirit Root, but its Earth Spirit Root is the weakest, so it is a little slow to Earth-type spells.

The cubs are very talented, and classmate Le Xiao also taught the basics of the fire system - a lamp is like a bean.

In fact, it is the most basic fire condensing technique, which condenses the spiritual power of fire. Because the condensed fire is usually a small flame at first, it is called "a lamp is like a bean".

This time, Dazai with Golden Fire Spiritual Root was still the first, followed by Zhumi, Youbai Tranquility, and Niwanzi.

And it took nearly two months for the cubs to learn the four spells, and the foot of the season was on the tail of August.

When the little ones were studying the method, they used up the stored spiritual power again and again to cultivate and absorb the spiritual power. Learning and practicing both were correct, and their cultivation base also rose to the fifth level of Qi refining.

When the cubs of the human race were studying, the black dog developed in a low-key manner, and cultivated to the Dzogchen in the late stage of Qi refining.

The cubs have gained something, and Le Yun herself is not bad. After unremitting efforts, the space has finally been tidied up, and the lakes, canals, fertile fields, and planting areas have been perfected.

The stratum of the earth is also filled in, because the number of spiritual field soil is limited, only the surface layer of good field area and crop planting area is paved with spiritual field soil, and other areas lack a layer of spiritual field soil.

The only one who didn't get anything was Miss Lin, she still didn't draw air into her body.

At the end of August, the fragrance of plant fruits is wafting all over the mountains and plains, which also means that the harvest season of the year is coming again.

This season is suitable for collecting, Le Yun suspended teaching, helped Heigou compress his cultivation to the early stage of Qi refining, and left the cave to pick Ge Xianmi.

Collect the Ge Xianmi in the swamp, and then drive the spirit boat a million miles away, and send the puppet army into groups to collect resources.

Little Lolita herself was not idle, she occupied the Grand Canyon, and collected river water while collecting. The soil layer in the coniferous spiritual planting space is relatively dry, and the lakes, rivers and soil are short of water.

There is a large water shortage in the spiritual planting space. It is too unrealistic to fill all the lakes by collecting the spiritual spring water.

Le Xiao took a shortcut, collected clean mountain spring water and added an appropriate amount of spiritual liquid to dilute it into spiritual spring water, and then poured it into the lake in the spiritual planting space, or artificial rainfall.

The Grand Canyon is rich in products, and she can't do it alone, so she grabs the best little helpers, Little Fox and Little Huihui, to help dig spiritual plants and collect plant seeds.

Xiao Huihui is not afraid of the sun, and works day and night. The little fox returns to the star core space during the day and works night shift in nature at night.

In the past, the little fox would definitely complain, but now, it is impossible to complain, he is more active than anyone else in his work.

After all, there are not only sea snails but also fat fish in the star core space of the little girl.

There are only delicious foods and beauties in the world that cannot be let down.

In order to live up to the little girl's trust and to satisfy his hunger, the little fox is not idle in the star core space during the day, picking harvestable medicinal materials and various plant fruits conscientiously.

In order to save trouble, little loli took out the keel every once in a while to deter the big monsters, so that the big monsters would not come to trouble her and waste her time.

As expected, with the invisible coercion of the keel, the monsters either ran away after hearing the news, or hid themselves, and no beast dared to commit crimes against the wind.

The team of puppets did not carry spiritual objects to deter the big monsters. When the team swept away resources and stepped into the territory of some big monsters, a fierce battle was inevitable.

The results of the battle are winners and losers.

In the battle that the puppets lost, they must have encountered the monster family. The monsters had many beasts, and they were outnumbered.

The puppets have their master's orders. When encountering a strong enemy, they mainly protect themselves. Therefore, they voluntarily give up collecting resources and change maps when they can't beat the opponent.

If they can beat it, they must sweep away the resources in the monster territory before leaving.

Miss Lin and the four children also arranged their own time fully after the fairy went out, practicing cultivation, practicing spells, and practicing drawing symbols every day.

The little cubs failed to draw talismans again and again, but they still studied tirelessly. It was the talisman that abused me thousands of times, and I treated the talisman like first love.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you don't give up.

With unremitting efforts and hard practice for two months, Zhumi was the first to paint a painting of dust removal.

The talisman that had just finished the last stroke was emitting a faint light.

"Ah, it's done!" Zhumi himself stared at the talisman on the table in disbelief.

"It's done?" The friends looked at Qianxiu, and when they saw the glowing talisman paper, they all rushed out of their seats and gathered around to admire it.

The rune light lasted for a short moment, and the light was restrained.

The friends repeatedly urged: "Try it!"

They kept moving, poured some water and mud on the ground, and stirred to mix the two together.

Zhumi was a little at a loss, put down the talisman pen, took the talisman paper, sensed it repeatedly, then input a little spiritual power to activate the talisman, and threw it on the muddy ground.

The symbol turned into a ball of light, covering the ground about a foot wide, and after a while, the light disappeared without a sound.

Looking at the ground again, the artificially mixed muddy water also disappeared.

"It's done!" Niwanzi Dazai Youbai Ningjing yelled and rubbed Qianxiu's head.

When they let go of their claws, the hair bands tied with bamboo rice also loosened, and their hair was fluffy, and their heads became chicken coops.

Zhumi's face was also pinched red by the little brothers. With his red face on his face, he arranged his hair in a mess, tied it up, and drew a talisman.

The second picture was useless, but fortunately the third picture regained its feeling, and the next few talismans were all successful.

The friends gathered around the bamboo rice to learn scriptures, and then returned to their seats to draw amulets in meditation.

The children could hold their breath, and within four days, they also drew complete spell removal talismans one after another.

Da Zai was the last little friend who drew the dust removal technique. When he drew the first talisman, he jumped three feet high with excitement: "I also succeeded!"

"Lucky is great!"

Niwanzi, Zhumi, and Youbai Tranquility also gathered around to celebrate with Da Zai, and had an encouraging meal.

Miss Lin, who was meditating, also leaned over to see the effect of the Da Zai test talisman.

The first talisman drawn by Da Zai could only clean up a small area.

Da Zai felt very useless, and Miss Lin was very envious.

Youbai Tranquility and Zhumi also knew that because Miss Lin couldn't draw her breath into her body, they took care of her mood and took the initiative to comfort her.

"Miss Lin, don't worry, you will also draw talismans in the future."

"I may have to wait until the year of the monkey when I draw the qi into the body." Miss Lin was very frustrated. She could sense the route of the dantian's spiritual energy, but she couldn't sense the surrounding aura, nor could it attract it.

"Don't worry, it will definitely succeed when the time comes." The four friends couldn't figure out the reason why Miss Lin couldn't draw Qi into her body, so they could only comfort her.

After learning how to draw the dust-removing talisman, the four of them made persistent efforts and kept practicing. Their goal was to strive to clean the entire table and bowls like a fairy by throwing just one talisman.

Miss Lin has no spiritual power in her dantian, and she focuses on cultivation, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't sense the spiritual energy.

When the first snow fell, Niwanzi and others had improved their ability to draw talismans to the point that throwing a talisman could clean the ground within three feet.

At the same time, his cultivation base has also risen to the ninth level of Qi refining, and the low-key and insignificantly developed Black Dog is once again the latecomer, returning to the Dzogchen in the late stage of Qi refining.

Today is June [-], I wish all the little cuties who read the article a happy holiday~

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