magic eye doctor

Chapter 3000 Destiny

The fairy assigned work, Miss Lin and Niwanzi found their positions immediately, each performed their duties,

Zhumi took her own job, and asked puzzledly: "Fairy, why can't Xingyi and Miss Lin not use sauce or skewer fish and shrimp?"

"Due to certain restrictions, the spiritual roots of Xingyi and Miss Lin cannot be used as spiritual meals. Let them make spiritual meals. Sometimes the spiritual plants and ingredients are not poisonous, but they become very poisonous when they are made into spiritual meals by other heroes. , may be poisonous to death.

You, Qian Bing, and Jing Ning can make spiritual meals, but you and Qian Bing are also destined not to be masters of spiritual meals. Jing Ning's spiritual roots are not restricted by rules.

Miss Lin has not become a monk yet, so she is not restricted by certain rules for the time being, it is better to abide by the rules. Of course, Miss Lin can help skewer fish and shrimp.

Luckily, it's okay for him to only do one of all the processes of Lingshan, and he can't do too much. "

The fairy explained the reason, and Zhumi was shocked at first, then her eyes turned red, and tears burst out of her eyes: "I, I... If I can't be the master of spiritual food, how can I cook flower and poultry soup for the fairy to taste."

Le Yun floated over happily, hugging the little boy and rubbing his head: "Silly boy, you just can't be a master of spiritual meal, but it's not that you can't be a spiritual meal.

When you grow up and have the ability to protect yourself, go collect spiritual plants and make flower and poultry soup by yourself, this fairy is waiting. "

"Yeah!" Zhumi smiled through tears and nodded emphatically.

Miss Lin knew that she couldn't make a spiritual meal, so she got up to help skewer the shrimp, and changed the bamboo rice to help with the sauce.

The five of them were very happy when they had work to do.

The cubs are here, three meals a day are indispensable, Le Yun soaked rice, and set up two additional stoves, a large stove with a bucket for steaming rice, and a small stove with a large clay pot for soup.

The little guys are very serious about their work, and the cooked kebabs are put into different boxes according to the type.

The two people who skewered the shrimp skewered a large basket in less than an hour, and asked the fairy to get two baskets of small fish and shrimp skewers.

At noon, they set up a table by the big fire pond for dinner.

Le Yun was not stingy either, and cut a grilled blue and white dolphin into pieces as the main course, and added a plate of grilled shrimp skewers, a soup and a green vegetable bought from a restaurant.

The spiritual meal made by the blue-and-white dolphin is still too spiritual for Miss Lin. She only ate two pieces of meat, and kept the rest as food reserves.

The four cubs hadn't finished their portion yet, and the black dog had a big appetite, so he ate all of his portion.

After a full meal, the cubs were full of energy. In the afternoon, they not only skewered the small fish and shrimp, but also grilled a box of pork meat.

After dinner, Le Yun didn't let the cubs practice. She made spiritual food all night long, and changed a batch of new ingredients in the middle of the night.

The next day is the last day before the New Year's Eve. The secular world is generally busy killing chickens and fish for cleaning, preparing to post Spring Festival couplets, washing hair and taking a bath.

The monks don't pay much attention to those things when they are outside, but little Lolita still boiled a big pot of boiling water for the cubs to wash and give them a new set of clothes.

Da Zai took a bath by himself and did not let the black dog go.

The black dog who was preyed upon by the strong dog, after taking a bath, shook off the water stains, stuck to the fairy, and ignored his little master for a whole day.

On the morning of the New Year's Day, Le Yun made a spiritual meal, and in the afternoon, he took the little ones to make a New Year's Eve dinner. Let them do whatever they can do, let them participate in it, and experience life.

As the evening approached, the spirit meal that could be cooked was put out of the pot, and a table with a hole in the middle was set up beside the big fire pond, and a small stove was placed on it, and the bottom of the pot was placed on it, and the prepared dishes were filled. desktop.

Eat hot pot for New Year's Eve dinner.

The black dog also had fun with the human race. The fairy helped him set up a wide square stool beside the little master. He sat on the wide stool with his rice bowl in front of him.

The cubs ate happily, insisted on keeping vigil with the fairy after the meal, and grilled meat on skewers.

The little ones are so obedient, Le Yun sits down by the firepit after finishing the work of making spiritual meals, and gives each little one a red envelope.

A red envelope is a small storage bag wrapped in red cloth, three feet wide, filled with a bag full of low-grade spirit stones.

The five people who got the red envelope opened the bag and took a look, their eyes widened in shock.

The black dog put his portion into the storage container and poured it out to look at it. When he saw the sparkling spirit stone, he was so excited that he rushed to the fairy's feet and hugged her feet.

You can't hug your legs, you can always hug your feet!

The black dog hugged the fairy's feet and rubbed his face.

The children were overjoyed after being shocked. They collected the lucky money given by the fairy, and served the grilled skewers to the fairy. Youbai quietly put down their work and made tea.

Little Lolita enjoyed the Queen's treatment again.

After sitting and watching until the time passed, the cubs also listened to the fairy and went back to the wishful house. Of course, rest is not allowed. They meditate and practice.

The five people who practice half-night welcome the first day of the new year with full energy.

On the first day of the new year, of course it was eating and drinking.

Classmate Le gave some nuts to the little ones and asked them to toss about how to eat them. The little boy really used his imagination, boiled, fried, stewed, steamed, whatever he wanted to eat.

The second day of junior high school also eats, drinks and plays happily.

The cubs were more nervous and didn't notice Miss Lin's change, but Le Yun found out that Miss Lin was a little more cheerful than years ago.

After playing happily for a few days, after the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, both adults and children returned to their usual routines, one concentrated on making spiritual meals, and the five children were busy practicing, learning talismans, and practicing spells.

In the midst of being busy, it was fifteen in a blink of an eye.

Little Lolita made another delicious meal for the Lantern Festival.

Probably due to eating too well, the cubs have grown a little in just a few days, and their cultivation base has increased by a lot.

After the Lantern Festival, Le Yun sent the cubs back to the cave mansion, and notified them in advance, and formally taught them how to learn swords half a month later.

The cubs practiced more diligently.

At the end of the first lunar month, Le Yun put away the spiritual meals that had reached the fire, no longer added ingredients, and only used the embers to roast whole camels, sheep, and beef.

On the last day of the month, the last few pots of spiritual meals are also out.

Little Loli poured the embers into the big firepit, hung smoked fish on it, and skewered a few camels to roast, and still assigned January to take care of it.

When the first day of February came, Le Yun returned to the cave on time, swept all the snow from the platform, and took five cubs, one big, four small, and braved the cold wind to teach swordsmanship.

Of course, I didn't teach too esoteric sword moves. I taught the basics first, and let the children practice the movements of swinging swords.

There are too few little guys, so they practice with ordinary swords.

If so, at the end of the day, all of them were so tired that their legs and feet were weak, and their arms were so sore that they couldn't lift them up.

Swinging the sword was very tiring, but the little ones did not flinch. They meditated for one night, and the next day they carried the sword and walked to the practice field with full of energy.

Several little Qi-refining monks rested for one night and were able to jump around again the next day, but Miss Lin couldn't, but she still insisted on not falling behind, no matter how tired she was, she didn't fall down.

Le Yun saw that the girl persisted for half a month and did not give up. She practiced swordsmanship for a day on the day of Shiliu. In the evening, after class, the four little guys were sent down the mountain by flying machine, leaving Miss Lin behind.

Miss Lin was afraid that the fairy would think she was a burden and would send her away, even though her calves were trembling, she refused to sit on the ground and stood upright with her sword.

The girl was trembling slightly nervously, Le Yun did not reprimand, and calmly stated: "The eyes of this fairy can see through many things, and can see through the fortune and lifespan of living beings. future.

For example, as long as this fairy is willing, she only needs to look at a person's face to know his past and present lives.

On the day you left Wangzhu County, you led Lin Pan'an to the door privately. When you entered the Ruyi House and met Fairy Ben, do you know what Fairy Ben saw from you? "

Lin Pan was so shocked that he raised his eyes to look at the fairy, his heart throbbed, and his voice was dry and hoarse: "Pan is... stupid, unable to guess."

Le Yun slowly said what she saw: "This fairy has seen your future, you treat your brother like a treasure, and take him to cultivate immortals together, but Lin Pan'an dug up your spiritual root and transplanted it to him. body."

Lin Panhao's pupils trembled one after another, and he couldn't sit up any longer, his legs softened and he sat on the ground, and the voice from his throat was broken: "No, no, no..."

"He dug out your spiritual root, then imprisoned you, took a bowl of your blood every day, he fused your blood, and your spiritual root naturally merged with his body completely.

And you lingered for less than a year, and your soul disappeared in a fire that Lin Pan'an set off to prevent future troubles. "

Le Yun ignored the girl's fear, and said the crueler ending, and sighed quietly: "In order to protect you from harm, this fairy rejected Lin Pan'an that day, and also analyzed the stakes for you. listen.

I originally thought that you might not be able to completely let go of family affection, but you can always treat family affection correctly, at least you will not be bound by the so-called family affection.

Unfortunately, this fairy thinks highly of you.

The secrets are unspeakable, and this fairy will also tell the unspeakable secrets, and completely cut off the cause and effect with you. If you are still obsessed with your obsession, it has nothing to do with this fairy if you still come to that step in the future.

This is also the last time this fairy will help you. Whether you can break free from the established destiny and fight for a way out for yourself depends on yourself. "

People's luck is not static, and so is fate. Originally, Miss Lin didn't know that she had spiritual roots, so she was trapped in the mortal world for her whole life, and she was born, aged, sick and died just like ordinary people.

When her spiritual roots were discovered, her destiny changed.

In Miss Lin's hometown, Le Yun saw that the fate belonging to Miss Lin went smoothly after entering the world of practice, but when she put family affection first, her fate changed again and became Lin Pan'an's. A stepping stone, who had been dug up for his spiritual roots and died a miserable death.

If she had seen that Miss Lin would end up being deprived of her spiritual roots when she entered the spiritual world in the future when she was in the temporary housing area for victims of the disaster in the small town, then she would not have told Miss Lin that she had spiritual roots, let alone introduce her into the spiritual world.

Miss Lin's fate is always in her own hands. If she can handle her family relationship correctly, she will have a future. If she can't let go, even if she becomes a monk, she will inevitably be dragged into her destined path by fate.

In fact, Le Yun has many ways to solve the troublesome matter of Miss Lin being rejected by the spiritual energy. If she didn't help Miss Lin solve it, she hoped that she would recognize her heart and see through the truth and falsehood.

Because of the girl's tenacity, she wanted to pull it out again. This time, she couldn't wake up Miss Lin. She would help her infuse Qi into her body at an appropriate time to become a monk, and then send it to Liberty City around the Angry Bear Mountain Range.

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