magic eye doctor

Chapter 3001

The secret revealed by the fairy was like a blow to the head, and Miss Lin was knocked dizzy.

She was exhausted from swinging the sword all day, and suffered another heavy blow to her heart. She couldn't bear it, her pupils shrank violently, she couldn't catch her breath, her eyes turned white, and she passed out.

The girl couldn't bear the blow and fainted, Le Yun didn't help her up, and after she passed out, she moved her back to the sheltered area in the cave, and then shrunk the wishful house of the four cubs and took her away.

Her flying machine had already landed first, pulling the four cubs and the black dog back to the safe harbor where they made spiritual meals.

The four children climbed off the aircraft by themselves, dragged their tired bodies to sit on the ground under the wooden shed.

After entering the defensive formation, Le Yun enlarged the wishful house and placed it on the grass, telling the little guy that Miss Yinlin needs some time to think about some problems, let them rest for a few days, and she has something to go out for.

The cubs responded one after another, and promised that they would not waste their sword practice.

Le Yun left the Sihuo brothers and sisters as secret guards, drove the spirit boat to the Grand Canyon, chose a grassland with mountain springs and high terrain, cleared a piece of land several miles wide, and set up a protective array.

Then a row of tools and supplies were brought out, and ten thousand puppets were arranged to dissect and dispose of wild animals and fish.

After they got their hands on it, they drove the spirit boat over the mountains and ridges to the exit point of the mining tunnel, and sneaked into the mine deep in the ground to inspect the mining progress of the puppet army.

After the Lingshi mine buried deep in the mountain range was excavated, a huge cavity was formed, and the four-sided wall with the top was scattered in the cavity.

Le Yun, who was flying in the mine, couldn't help but be happy. The puppet army is also particular about people and beasts. The size of the wall supporting the roof is not much different.

Following the scent, they found Little Fox and Xiao Huihui without any effort. The two cuties and a puppet army were working hard to mine.

The little fox smelled the little girl's breath, grabbed the little monkey and rushed to meet it, and met the little girl halfway, he jumped up and jumped into the palm of the little girl's outstretched hand.

Put down the little monkey again, pretending to be calm: "Little girl, don't you want to teach the little cubs how to learn swordsmanship, why do you still have time to wander around?"

Xiao Huihui shrunk into a small ball, hugged the little sister's thumb, and gnawed the little sister's cute fingers affectionately.

A little cutie doesn't change her nature, she always likes to gnaw her fingers mischievously, a little cutie is obviously happy to see her but pretends to be calm, Le Yun moves her hand closer, grabs the two little beasts and kisses wildly.

The two little beasts, who were so dizzy from being kissed, held their faces together and smiled with little stars in their eyes.

A few sweet kisses were just appetizers, the real reward was left behind, Le Yun took the cute little beast into the spirit boat, and treated the little cutie to a big meal.

In the mine, he can eat any amount of spiritual energy, and there is also a delicious feast to beat the teeth. The little fox is so happy that he squints his fox eyes and almost forgets who he is.

Xiao Huihui climbed onto Miss Sister's shoulders with a full stomach, and offered a bunch of space vessels full of spirit stones.

The little fox also handed over the space device he was in charge of to the little girl.

Le Yun roughly analyzed the length of the storage device and the opened cave, and came to the result that the storage device would definitely be sufficient within half a year.

There is no shortage of space devices for the time being, so naturally there is no need to refine them.

Wandering around in the cave, the little loli became the shopkeeper again, crawled out from the underground mine, added a magic circle to the exit again, and ran in the dark in the spirit boat.

Then I ran to a group of mountains about 800 million miles away from the mine, and went to collect spiritual spring water.

There are four spiritual springs in the secret land. The spiritual spring occupied by the red-scaled armored dragon is the second largest spiritual spring, and the first spiritual spring was once the cave area of ​​the immortals.

The spiritual spring gushes out from under the rock at the foot of a giant peak, and 50 meters below the spring is a huge lake with a length and width of more than [-] miles.

On the mountainside of Jufeng is the Immortal Cave Mansion, who knows how to enjoy, and has built towers and pavilions. From the only remaining foundations, three or so exquisite stone carvings, and a few remaining stone pavilions, it can be inferred that the pavilions are exquisite and gorgeous.

People take tea to cool down, and the world is like this.

The same is true for buildings. When the owner leaves, the once gorgeous carved railings and paintings cannot withstand the wind and rain, and they all become broken stones and monuments, giving the afterglow of smoke.

Le Yun once visited the Xianshi Cave, but found nothing except for the remaining broken monuments and ruins. It can be seen that the Xianshi packed up before leaving, and took away all useful things in his luggage.

It doesn't matter if you don't find the leak, there are spirit stone veins.

There is also a spiritual stone vein hidden under the mountain range where the fairy cave is located. Visually, that underground vein was also excavated when the fairy left, and the total length is only 300 million miles.

The total length of the Lingshi veins excavated by the Puppet Legion is more than 580 million. It was only after weighing the pros and cons that we decided to mine the Lingshi mine with the long mine line first.

When the spirit boat arrived at the ruins of the Xianshi Cave Mansion, a twelfth-rank brown bear demon looking for food in the dark saw the golden light suddenly appear, ran away with its head in its arms, and disappeared in the vast night in an instant.

Le Yun, standing on the bow of the spirit boat, showed an innocent and unscrupulous smile.

The bear demon is the lord of the Great Lakes area. When she came here for the first time, the brown bears would attack if they disagreed, and they would fight one by one.

Because the brown bear has never seen the methods of the human race, it was unfortunately defeated after fighting hundreds of times.

The bear demon was afraid that she would catch him, chop his claws and stew the bear's paws, so he abandoned the formation and fled.

People say that once bitten by a snake, they are afraid of well ropes for ten years, and the bear demon is also like this. Whenever he sees the golden light of the spirit boat, he will definitely run away.

I came to the Great Lakes to get water from the spiritual spring twice before, and each time I came during the day, presumably the bear demon didn't want to meet her, so I changed to look for food at night.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly attacked at night.

Inadvertently frightened the bear demon again, Le Yun grinned unkindly and opened her small mouth, and did not go to pick up the prey dropped by the bear demon, but landed the spirit boat beside the big lake, went to pick it up and put it under the mouth of the spirit lake to catch water The swallowing snail.

The swallowing snail swallowed four-fifths of the water volume of the spiritual spring, absorbing water day and night, and the accumulated spiritual spring water only filled less than one-tenth of the space of the conch.

And Lingquan Lake is full of water.

Le Yun transferred the spiritual spring water in the swallowing snail, and then took out a swallowing snail to absorb the spiritual spring water of the big lake, sucking half of it and keeping the other half, lest the fish in the lake be frozen to death without water.

After collecting the spiritual spring water, he rushed to another place without stopping.

When the little Lolita was running around in the dark, Miss Lin who had fainted also woke up leisurely.

When Miss Lin woke up, she couldn't remember what happened at all. She stared blankly at the bright light above, until a bone-piercing chill came from her back, and she instinctively sat up.

After standing up, I realized that my whole body was cold.

The coldness woke her up, and her memory slowly recovered.

Recalling what the fairy said, Lin Panhao covered his heart with one hand, and tears welled up in his eyes.

She couldn't accept that Pan'an would smoke her spiritual roots and kill her.

Even if the fairy said that Pan'an would go all out in order to cultivate immortals, take risks, kill people and steal her spiritual roots, she would accept it. After all, the temptation to cultivate immortals is too great, and it is understandable for ordinary people to do anything to cultivate immortals.

Wei Tu said that Pan An would kill her to extract the spirit root, which was unbearable. She is Pan An's elder sister, the elder sister who raised him with her own hands and depended on him for life. Pan An can do anything to her?
The cave at night was so cold that Lin Pan'an shivered.

However, the coldness in her body was far less than the coldness in her heart.

Lin Pan'an stood there blankly, his mind was filled with the fairy's words, and his heart felt dull pain after burst of pain. After an unknown period of time, he was awakened by the shrill cry of the nighthawk.

Looking around in a daze, apart from himself, there are only two magic treasure houses in the whole cave.

Seeing the Magic Treasure House, Lin Panhao's gaze was fixed. There were only the Magic Treasure House where he lived and the public Magic Treasure House where the fairy taught in the cave.

The treasure house of the four children is gone.

The fairy should have taken the children down the valley and left behind the magic house for the public use, and told her that the fairy didn't abandon her, and they would come back.

When the wind blowing from the entrance of the cave hit her body again and felt the cold again, Lin Panhao shivered, dragged her stiff legs, and walked slowly into the wishful room where she lived.

The magic treasure house is the same in all seasons, neither hot nor cold.

After entering the house, finally he could not feel the bone-piercing cold, Lin Panhao supported the wall near the door, slowly slid down and sat down, his heart was in a mess.

There are anger, sadness, doubts and sadness, and more helplessness and disappointment.

All kinds of emotions were mixed together, which made his chest feel uncomfortable as if it was about to burst. Lin Pan couldn't help but curled up, hugging his knees with his hands and weeping.

She didn't know who to turn to to confide the sadness in her heart, and there was no one to turn to.

Looking for the little ones?They were so young, how could they know her feelings for Pan'an, she picked up Pan'an with her own hands, raised him with feces and piss, it is not an exaggeration to say that they love each other like a mother and a child.

Now, someone told her that in the future, Pan An, whom she raised with her own hands, would take away her spiritual roots and kill her.

Talk to the fairy?
Even if the fairy had the patience to listen, she herself did not have the courage to speak.

Lin Panhao curled up and hugged herself, weeping helplessly.

Niwanzi, Dazai, Zhumi, and Youbai Ningjing don't know the bitterness of Miss Lin. They meditate after the fairy goes out, practice until they wake up on time, and then run back to Ruyi House to take a bath when they are full of energy.

After breakfast, the four little ones practiced for a while again in the morning. After the sky was bright, they ran out of the protective formation and spontaneously went to practice swords on the snow.

Cultivation does not distinguish between seasons, whether it is cold winter or hot spring, every day is a good day for cultivation, as long as you can get up, you must persevere in cultivation.

The four tall and straight figures, like plums who are proud of the snow and bullying the frost, are not afraid of the cold, swinging their swords against the wind on the snow, over and over again.

When the cubs practiced their swords diligently, Miss Lin, who cried all night, finally woke up again, she was starved.

The strong hunger forced Lin Panhao to face the reality, stood up slowly, dragged his sore legs into the washing room, wiped his face with cold water indiscriminately, went back to the outside room, and took out something to eat.

I was so hungry that my vest was sticking to my back, and no one else was present, so I didn't need to worry about the appearance of eating. I gobbled it up for a while, and felt full after eating three bowls of rice in a row.

Looking at the empty plates and bowls, Lin Panhao was stunned again. Before the children had learned the dust removal technique, Mr. Bai and Niwanzi took care of the meals. She was responsible for washing the dishes, while Zhumi and Dazai cleaned the tables and swept the floor.

The children learned the technique of dust removal, and used it to wash dishes and sweep the floor, and nothing happened to her anymore.

Immortal cultivators are really happy. With just a trick, they can complete daily housework that would take a cup of tea or a quarter of an hour to complete.

After being dazed for a while, Miss Lin put away the dishes, washed them clean, took a shower, and walked resolutely to the door of the Magic Treasure House.

She wants to cultivate immortality!

If he became a true king and possessed absolute power, even if Pan An entered the world of cultivating immortals through other means, he would not be able to harm her.

Having made up her mind, Miss Lin walked out of the magic house, walked firmly to the entrance of the cave, sat down and breathed out.

February is already spring, and the snow on the Raging Bear Mountain Range has not yet melted, so it is rare to see the sun, and occasionally the sun shines through the thick clouds and casts on the earth at noon.

The occasional sunshine is also like a flash in the pan.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye between darkness and dawn.

On the fourth day, Le Yun returned to the former habitat of the red-scaled ankylosaurus. The spirit boat was still in the air, overlooking the four little ones practicing swords in the snow, full of pride.

Look, this is the cub she taught, how self-conscious and persistent!

The cubs are so obedient, it's not in vain for her to delay their trip to the south for them.

Feeling full of pride, Le Yun landed from the sky in a spirit boat and appeared on the stage in a shining way.

Seeing the fairy who had been away for several days, the four people who were seriously swinging swords stopped practicing, ran over with sweat on their faces, and greeted the fairy with joy in their eyes.

"So good." Le Yun was in a beautiful mood, rubbing each of the four heads.

You Bai Tranquility is taller than her, and has grown into a handsome young man with outstanding appearance, but that has nothing to do with her touching his head, at most, he floats a little higher when he can't reach his head, and he can still touch his head correctly.

You Bai Tranquility was rubbed on the head, and he wasn't shy, he just felt at ease.

If the fairy loves Zhumi and the others and loses him alone, he must suspect that there is something wrong with him, and the fairy doesn't like him anymore.

The cubs were promoted to Qi-refining monks, and they were not too afraid of the cold, and they wore fewer clothes.

Le Yun took four cubs back to the defensive formation, set up a table, and took out a plate of spiritual fruits for the cubs to eat to replenish their strength.

After the little guy rested for a while, he went to the snow to teach a set of sword skills.

Qi refining monks are not good at fighting, but their memory is quite good. Le Yun only demonstrated it twice, and they memorized the sword moves.

It's easy to remember the moves, just follow the gestures.

There is a saying that practice makes perfect, you don’t necessarily have to understand the meaning of the sword first, you have to practice it hundreds of times and thousands of times. come out.

The cubs practiced swords, and Le Yun moved a small chair and sat beside him, holding a small bag, and comfortably cracking fruit shells.

The "cracking" sound made by pinching the fruit shells with fingers, and the whirring sound made by the cubs dancing with swords, form a monotonous tune.

Knocking and knocking, Le Yun stopped, and looked at the little cubs in surprise, the little cubs have reached the realm of the unity of human and sword!
She just officially taught them swordsmanship, and the cubs have practiced it less than eight times, and they have achieved the unity of human and sword. This talent is really a talent.

And it's not the same person, but four people have entered the realm of the unity of human and sword.

Good guy, really good guy!
Slightly stunned, Le Yun quickly threw the shell bag back into the storage, took out a qin, fine-tuned the strings, and began to play the qin.

The sound of the piano is soft and gentle.

The cubs have entered into a state of complete ecstasy, and their sword dancing movements are not slowed down by the sound of the piano. Slowly, the speed of the four people's sword dancing matches the sound of the piano. .

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