magic eye doctor

Chapter 3007 The Corner That Can't Be Digged

After staying for a while, Le Yun's mild obsessive-compulsive disorder relapsed, and she couldn't stand the slight unpleasant smell in the house, so she used spells to clean the entire house, and then used wind spells to refresh the air.

After cleaning it, it still smells bad, so I put a three-legged tripod in the atrium, and burn smokeless charcoal roasted medicine balls to fumigate the house.

Chef Xiao cleaned up the south wing, and cleaned the side room for the kitchen several times. He even dismantled the old stove and put his own kitchen utensils.

He tidied up the house and went to take a shower. He smelled the faint fragrance, walked into the yard to smell the fragrance in the incense burner, and walked around the incense burner with interest.

Good guy, the incense burner turned out to be a top-grade magic weapon.

After smoking the incense, Le Yun went back to the upper room, put the spirit boat on the side of the middle hall where people could not see, entered her own spirit boat, and then went back to the star core space to take a bath and change clothes, and transferred some ingredients and spiritual plants into the nave. utensils.

She wanted to go to Master Lingshan, but when she saw him coming to the courtyard to admire the incense burner, she walked out of the upper room and walked over slowly.

Chef Xiao saw the female cultivator coming, and asked with a smile, "Is the fairy a craftsman?"

"Yes." Le Yun replied with a smile, and handed over three storage utensils: "These are some ingredients and spiritual plants. The spiritual meals are mainly prepared for the little guys around me, so I will trouble the master to make them suitable for them." A spiritual meal to eat."

"Let me take a look at the ingredients." Smiling Chef took the storage container in his hand, and poked his spiritual sense in to check. A storage container was full of spiritual plants, and most of them were the most common middle and low-level spiritual plants in the Angry Bear Mountain Range .

There are more than a dozen kinds of first-tier to sixth-tier monster meat in the other container. Some monsters have been packed and packed in boxes, and some monsters have not been processed.

The third storage container is also a monster. There are eight-legged sea spiders, fish-eating crocodiles, forest giant apes, badger monsters, black crow monsters, rock tiger monsters, two each, and two big pythons, all of which are seventh-level monsters. , and several mountain-breaking dragons of the seventh to tenth ranks.

"..." Chef Xiao glanced at the high-level ingredients and let out a sigh of relief: "Fairy, you are not afraid that I will ruin your ingredients."

"It's okay, anyway, I still have some. If there are any seasonings and supplies that are missing, the master will help to fill them up first. If you don't help with the purchase, you will keep the account first, and we will settle together later." Le Yun didn't care. , this amount is just a drop in the bucket in the ingredients library.

"I'm going to make a spiritual meal. I'm running out of time. I can only have a simple lunch today." The female nun has a broad mind, laughing at the chef's heart, and returning to the kitchen with the ingredients in a hurry.

Finally found a cook!Le Yun let out a deep breath. In the seventh year in the mountains, the meals she purchased for the cubs were consumed by the cubs.

In order to raise the cub, I had to take out the medicinal food I had stored before, and put in a lot of spiritual food, but my heart hurt her.

Raising children costs the most money, and she has five gold swallowing beasts by her side, so one can imagine the pressure.

This time I was lucky, I even caught a master of spiritual food when I entered the city, which just solved my urgent need.

With the chef helping her to share her worries, Le Yun walked back to the upper room and entered the wishful room in Lingzhou to catch up on sleep.

In the secret place, she did not dare to sleep deeply, and used meditation every day for sleep. Although she was not physically tired, she hadn't slept for a long time, and she still wanted to sleep well like a normal person mentally.

Le Xiao, who fell down to sleep, relaxed physically and mentally. After a few breaths, he fell into his eyes soundly, and fell asleep in seconds.

This sleep was exceptionally sound, and it was only a quarter of an hour before noon when I woke up naturally.

After Meimei slept, Le Yun suddenly felt that her soul was satisfied, she got up to wash herself up, and floated lightly out of the upper room to the kitchen.

Laughing, the chef has finished the main course and is frying the last plate of soul vegetables.

Seeing the nun coming, he smiled and said, "After half a cup of tea, you can have lunch."

The kitchen has three rooms, one bright, two dark, and the middle is open, spacious and grand. The chef cooks meals in the northern area, and a large spirit wood table is set in the middle of the side room, with three bowls as big as small pots placed on it.

The bowl for serving vegetables is also a small magic weapon, engraved with magic circles to keep warm.

"Okay." Le Yun sat down gracefully, and then informed the cubs.

After playing for a while, the four of them went back to Ruyi House to practice their spells. After hearing the fairy's announcement that dinner was about to start, they tidied up their appearance and went to the kitchen with Miss Lin.

The five people entered the kitchen, sat down in order, and left the seat on the right hand side of the fairy to Master Lingshan.

The black dog lay beside the fairy's seat as usual.

Chef Xiao quickly fried the spirit vegetables, put them on a plate, and served them on the table.

The cubs didn't dare to work hard for the master chef to take care of themselves, and got up to serve the meal, still holding on to the fairy first, and then served a bowl of rice for the chef.

The little monks were handsome and elegant, and they were as polite and well-mannered as the sons of ordinary big families. The chef smiled at them and lifted the lid of the bowl first, and then sat down next to the nun.

He and the little monks waited for the female nun to move the chopsticks before starting the banquet.

Three dishes and one soup at noon, the main course is first-order porpoise monster meat, another is ordinary flower and poultry meat, a pot of fish soup and a plate of spiritual vegetables.

A professional spirit meal master, the craftsmanship is undeniable, and the dishes made with ordinary ingredients also have a certain spirit. The four dishes are both spirited and full of color and taste.

The little fellows of bamboo rice couldn't stop eating.

Le Yun also enjoyed eating without washing her hands to make soup.

After the meal, the cubs still washed the dishes and cleared the table, passed the vegetable bowl and plates through clean water again, and sent them back to the countertop of the kitchen, and fed the black dog with a meal reserved by the master.

The five of them went to wash up again, and followed the fairy to go shopping.

Le Yun walked out of the monk's residential area, went to the commercial street, looked for restaurants and restaurants to place orders, looked for animal gardens that sold spirit dolphins, spirit flowers and birds, ordered spirit dolphins and spirit birds, bought spirit rice, ready-made cloth and so on.

Cultivating immortals does not mean not eating fireworks in the world, but also inseparable from food, clothing, housing and transportation. The cubs learned the knowledge of practice before, and they also need to learn to plan ahead and learn how to live.

When shopping, you can also get information from the city, and then analyze the operation status of a city from a small amount of information, so that you can see the details.

The territory that can be set foot in half a day is limited. In the evening, the shops closed one after another, the cattle and sheep returned to the pen, the chickens and ducks returned to the cages, and Le Xiao took the cubs back home.

Chef Xiao cooked more than a dozen spiritual meals in the afternoon, sealed them in a box, and the last one was an evening meal, which was still three dishes and one soup, but the dishes were not the same as those at noon.

The next day, little Lolita still took the cubs out to do the shopping, and it was the same after that, going out early and returning late every day.

It took more than ten days to wander around the main streets of the West District, and then wandered around the East District. After staying in the East District for more than ten days, I returned to the West District, and went to pick up the goods at the place where I placed the order.

Take back the ordered things, and then go to the East District to find the seller who placed the order to pick up the goods and check out.

Run around and return to the compound in the west district, and the two-month period will be over in five days.

After resting for one night, Le Yun went out alone the next day, and went around the North District to sweep away commonly used items such as talisman paper, cloth, and spiritual rice.

On the last day of the rental period, I stepped into the mission hall in the west district again, and talked with the deacon who rented the house last time to discuss buying a house.

The mansion is a bit expensive, the little expert little bargainer and the deacon come and go, but she just cut off five thousand spirit stones.

After the negotiation, the deacon will help with the land deed.

The lease of the yard is done with a temporary title deed. The buyer buys the house and gets a permanent title deed. As long as there are successors to the homeowner, the property rights of the yard will always be his.

If the owner of the house changes, the new owner needs to bring the land deed to the mission hall to exchange for another one, which is equivalent to the modern house transfer.

In order to prevent people from maliciously robbing real estate, Tianxian City has also formulated rules. When exchanging land deeds, there must be a handwriting left by the previous owner with blood-inked handprints. The monk also needs a soul imprint. This method is different from modern wills. Same song.

If there is no evidence left by the previous owner, ten neighbors are required to testify about his relationship with the former owner and prove that he is a reasonable inheritance of the house.

It has to be said that the rules and regulations set have played a big role, effectively protecting the rights of some weak people, and the rules are more friendly to ordinary people.

After the buyer paid off the spirit stones, the deacon also handed over all the affairs of the house, such as the master key jade slip to protect the house and another set of keys for the house, to the buyer.

At the same time, there are waist badges that only residents of the city have.

After getting the title deed, Le Yun went shopping in a leisurely manner, shopping all the way, and when she entered the monk's residential area, there were no shops.

The monks' residential area is the quietest. Of course, because the monks' homes have set up defensive formations, even if there is any movement from each family, it will not be spread.

If anyone's house does not set up a defense line, but often knocks and beats, which affects the cleaning or life of other neighbors, they will definitely be visited or warned by the neighbors.

Those who have been taught repeatedly may turn into dead people silently one night, or disappear completely overnight.

After entering the monk's residence, not to mention seeing no one, not even a cat or a dog, Le Yun entered the mansion and then the residence unimpeded all the way.

The cubs worked hard to practice swords, cultivate, and draw talismans without going out. Master Lingshan was busy in the kitchen. The aroma of Lingshan filled the courtyard and permeated the air and floated in all directions.

Le Yun first went to the kitchen ear room to learn about the progress of Master Ling Shan.

There are more than a dozen stoves in the kitchen, laughing at the chef, making a pot of tea by himself in his spare time, drinking tea leisurely, seeing the nun came back, he greeted with a smile: "The fairy came back in time, my pot has just been brewed. heat."

"Sure enough, it's better to come early than to come early. It's a blessing." Le Yun followed the goodness, entered the kitchen, took a seat, and lifted the veil in front of the veiled hat.

Chef Xiao made a pot of spiritual tea, which was filled in a small cup carved from spiritual wood. The tea soup was clear and green, just like the new leaves on the branches in early spring, fresh and elegant, with a pleasant fragrance.

The strong fragrance of the kitchen is as rich as mist, while the tea fragrance is like the light tearing through the clouds, adding an elegance and calmness to the kitchen.

Le Yun holds the teacup and sips carefully, her mind is also peaceful and comfortable.

After tasting a few cups of tea, the chef smiled and broke the silence: "Is the fairy preparing to leave?"

"Yes, we are going to leave in the next few days." Le Yun said calmly, "I took the four boys away, and the girl stayed in Tianxian City to wait for her master. I have already bought this house. Master doesn't mind if there are any leftover ingredients." You can go home after the ingredients are done.”

Chef Xiao was full of astonishment: "The little girl is not a disciple of the fairy, nor is she a disciple of the fairy family or the fairy sect?"

"Five children are not my disciples"

Le Yun smiled until her eyes turned into crescent moons: "Master, didn't you notice, they call me a fairy, never called me master or uncle or uncle."

"..." Chef Xiao was silent for a few breaths, his eyes seemed to be thoughtful, and after a while, he said solemnly, "Do all the little monks brought by the fairy have masters?"

"The master doesn't want to rob his apprentice, does he?" Le Yun looked at the chef in surprise, the chef wanted to poach a corner.

"I have this idea. The age of the four young men seems to be less than [-]. At such a young age, they are already in the late stage of Bigu Dzogchen, and they are only one step away from forming alchemy. With such talents, who would not want to accept apprentices."

"Looking at the mainland, the origins of the four male children's masters are also beyond the reach of the top fighters of the Xianzong sect. It is impossible to learn another teacher. For various reasons, I was entrusted by the master of Xiao Lang to teach them for a period of time. .

The girl, because this fairy found that her spiritual root was good, cherished her talents and led her to practice.The girl hasn't formally apprenticed to a teacher yet, so she can worship a few more masters if she takes the path of casual cultivation in the future.

However, the girl's spiritual roots are not in line with the master's, and her spiritual meal is the kind that can poison people to death.The girl has nothing to do with the master's family, the master should not force it. "

Chef Xiao was so shocked that he almost jumped up: "The master of the four young men, can't they be Fan Xian?"

"Master can still guess in a higher direction." Le Yun smiled brightly: "The masters of the four little boys used to be well-known figures, and even low-priced immortals have to look up to them."

Chef Xiao's eyes changed from shock to astonishment, and it took a long time to calm down: "So that's it! The inheritance they got must be the secret book of immortal law, and ordinary immortals are not qualified to give advice."

He muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on the smile of the female cultivator, and he was stunned: "I always feel that the face of the fairy is familiar, so I would take the liberty to ask the fairy's name, what is the name of the Taoist?"

"Small surname, there is no dao name for now."

"No Dao?" Chef Laughed with gloomy eyes, silently took out a painting and threw it in the air, so that the painting and the veiled nun were side by side.

The apricot-yellow silk cloth refined by the craftsman is used as the background. In the painting, a female fairy is dressed in formal clothes, holding a small sapling in her hand, and looking forward with a kind face. , Mysterious and ethereal.

The face of the person in the painting coincided perfectly with that of the nun.

Chef Xiao's pupils suddenly trembled, and he stood up abruptly, leaned over and bowed: "Xiao Changkai pays homage to the guardian of the sacred tree! A few years ago, I heard that the fairy came to Tianhu City, and the monks from all sides of Songzhu thought that the fairy had traveled far away. I never thought that Tianxian City would still be honored to have a fairy here."

"Exemption." The identity was leaked, Le Yun didn't care, and used his spiritual power to support the chef of Lingshan: "This fairy came to Tianxian City for a private matter, and only the master needs to know. If the monks in the city know that the little girl is following the fairy Coming here is not conducive to her growth."

"The people under the protection of fairies live in Tianxian City for a long time. It is a blessing for Tianxian City. The monks will not hurt the little girl. Fairies don't worry." Xiao Chef dared not take a seat, put away the painting, and stood respectfully on one side.

"The fate between this fairy and the girl is over, she has her own way, if the monks of all parties think that she is the person protected by this fairy, and give them care everywhere, it will miss the girl's future.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain. If a girl wants to go to a high place, she has to fight her way to the sky with her own strength. If others help her to reach the top, she can't stand still.

She is still too weak at present, the master already knows her origin, please protect her secretly, mainly to prevent the monks from plotting against her, once she has formed the pill, there is no need to take care of her. "

Le Yun got up, and quickly pressed a jade slip between the eyebrows of Master Lingshan: "You are a minor in cooking, and this fairy will give you a copy of the insights from previous generations in cooking, and I will entrust you to take care of the girl secretly." remuneration."

Chef Xiao wanted to decline the fairy's reward, but he couldn't move, so he could only relax and accept the spiritual consciousness record from the jade slip.

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