magic eye doctor

Chapter 3008

Le Yun obtained a large number of cultivation techniques and valuable experience left by the predecessors in the library of Yaoguang Palace and Huoyun Jinxian on Skull Island. When she has time, she sorted them out and made them into jade slips of spiritual consciousness.

Yu Jian, who has experience in cooking, was going to pass it on to Mu Linggen's cub at the right time. Master Ling Shan recognized her identity, and in order to seal his mouth, he also passed on a copy.

Le Yun put the record of spiritual consciousness into Master Lingshan's brain, and took back the jade slip: "This insight is a precious experience left by Fanxian who minored in cooking. If you understand it thoroughly, you may be able to achieve higher achievements in the future. "

The enlightenment gifted by the fairy was stored in the sea of ​​knowledge, the chef laughed and didn't look at it, and bowed down: "Thank you fairy for the gift!"

Fanxian's insights are so precious that the fairy gave him as a gift, and the fairy is equivalent to a half-master to him.

He couldn't bow down, Le Yun stopped him from making a big gift: "The big gift is waived, you just need to help look after the girl secretly. Sit down, and first settle the account of the expenses of the spiritual meal."

"Being able to serve the fairy is a blessing that always smiles. The ingredients for the spiritual meal are provided by the fairy. I didn't post anything, so there is no need to settle."

"One yard is worth one yard. This is the spiritual meal that this fairy entrusted you to make. The account that needs to be settled must be settled clearly. You will be paid according to your previous rules. Don't break the rules you set."

"..." Fairy insisted on the principle, laughed Chef sat down as promised, and took out her own record book to calculate.

He remembered very clearly that the main ingredients of any spiritual meal and the condiments of the spiritual plants were all listed, and there was a summary every day.

He said he didn't post anything, but in fact, he used a lot of spiritual plants for the help, and the bowls for the spiritual food were all his own, and he even asked someone to send a batch.

After checking the accounts, Chef Xiao returned the monster bones, skins, horns, inner alchemy, and the remaining monsters and spiritual plants that were separated when processing the ingredients, and returned them to Zhao.

Le Yun took the rest of the ingredients, and first settled a sum of spirit stones that Master Lingshan had helped to advance resources. According to the way he charged labor fees, a Yuanying-level monster meat was used as a reward.

At the beginning, because of the identity of the guardian of the Xiazhou Kan family, they never forgot to collect money wherever they went, but the fairy who was also the guardian of the longevity tree was fair and fair in everything, and the rules of conduct of the two were very different.

Chef Xiao took what he deserved, revered and admired the fairy from the bottom of his heart, poured tea for the fairy again, and said about when the last spiritual meal would be out of the pot.

There was a spiritual meal that was served in the pot after half an afternoon. It was high-grade monster meat, and it would not be cooked until tomorrow morning at least. There was also a spiritual pork meat that the young men gave him, which had not yet been finished.

The house has become her own, Le Yun is not in a hurry to check out, she is not ready to leave immediately, so that Master Lingshan doesn't have to rush and work slowly and meticulously.

After chatting for a while, she went back to the room to change and wash. After tidying up, it was time for dinner.

Not yet ready to leave, Le Yun did not give the land deed to Miss Lin, and at night she was still nestled in the spirit boat to record some inheritance with her spiritual consciousness.

Under the order of the fairy, Chef Xiao didn't increase the firepower in order to shorten the time, so he used Chaoshi, and the spiritual meal made of high-grade monster meat has not yet been baked.

Little Loli went out again, and went straight to the South District to scour for common food, poultry, pots and other supplies, and traveled for ten days before turning to the East District again.

He only stayed in the East District for three days, and then transferred to the North District for another four days. Finally, he was satisfied and returned to the mansion in the West District without a trace of nostalgia.

Chef Xiao hasn't left yet, he is still conscientiously making spiritual meal, which uses blue and white spirit dolphin as the main ingredient.

It was already evening when we returned to the house, and Le Yun had dinner with the cubs as usual.

After the evening meal, the little monks went back to practice. Chef laughed and left the fairy to drink tea, and handed over a storage bag: "The fairy doesn't want to disturb the monks in the city, and I keep my mouth shut. I didn't even notify the family. This is my own." Thank you, to thank the fairy for your gift."

Master Lingshan had sincere eyes, Le Yun accepted his thank you gift, and checked the storage bag in front of him.

The thank-you gifts prepared by the monks include a large number of local spiritual plants, as well as spiritual rice, blue-and-white spirit dolphins and spirit flower birds, and a local river shell, about the size of an egg on earth, with white spots on the blue shell , like the night sky dotted with stars.

River shells are a specialty of the Nuxiong Mountain Range. Although they are ordinary river shells, they are delicious.

The monk didn't give any rare treasures, but this gift was sent to Le Yun's heart, and she put it away with a smile on her face: "It cost you."

"It's just a small gift, as long as the fairy doesn't dislike it." Chef Xiao was full of joy.

Le Yun chatted with Master Lingshan for a while about the various ways of eating Hebei, and went back to the room to do her own business.

Chef Xiao kept watch over the spiritual meal until midnight, when the spiritual meal was out of the pot, he sealed it up, cleaned up his own kitchen utensils, took care of himself, and meditated for half the night.

Before the sky broke blue, the meal was still arranged in advance at the daily meal time, waiting for the fairy to come to eat.

The morning meal is also regarded as a farewell meal, with twelve dishes, which is very rich.

After eating for a long time, and eating the spiritual fruit after the meal, the chef laughed and bid farewell to the fairy.

Master Lingshan made Lingshan for more than two months, which helped him a lot. Le Yun personally sent him out of the courtyard, watched him go away in the wind, and then turned back and closed the courtyard door.

Walk slowly to the courtyard, recall the formation disk, then enter the residential courtyard, go back to the upper room and put the spirit boat in the sleeve, then walk to the wing room, first move the cubs’ wishful rooms into the spirit boat at the door, and then He walked outside the room where Miss Lin lived, and knocked on the door.

The door was actually open.

Miss Lin was preparing materials for drawing talismans in the magic treasure house. When she heard the sound, she hurried out to have a look. When she saw the fairy coming, she respectfully invited the fairy to enter.

Le Yun stepped over the threshold, shrunk the wishful house to a height of one foot, pointed to the position of the contract formation, and asked Miss Lin to make a contract.

Miss Lin was short of breath: "Fairy, this... this is yours."

"The two wishful houses you lived in are given away to you, and the same is true of the treasure house that Niwanzi and the others live in. Only after you contract it can you store it and carry it as you like."

"..." Miss Lin froze for a few breaths, suppressed her excitement, cut her finger and dripped blood, and regained her sense of consciousness.

Ruyi House absorbs her blood and establishes a connection with her spiritual consciousness. The house grows and shrinks with her thoughts, and feels as light as nothing.

The girl contracted the wishful house, and Le Yun handed over a box containing the land deed and waist badge: "This is the land deed of the house, and the waist badge is also the status badge of the long-lived monks in Tianxian City. From now on, you will be the owner of this place, so keep it safe." The title deed, if it is lost, it will be more troublesome to deal with it again."

As if a lightning strike strikes the sky, Lin Panhao widened his eyes in horror: " you going to abandon Pan?"

"Your words are really chilling, this fairy is neither your master nor your father, how can I abandon you?

This fairy leads you into the practice world because there is a causal relationship. This fairy calls you, helps you practice, and teaches you cultivation techniques. I have said everything that can be said, and taught everything that can be taught.

For you, I think I have done my best.

When I enlightened you in the cave that day, I made it very clear that this fairy revealed the secret, and the last bit of karma with you is over.

The karma is over, the fate is over, and they will naturally go their separate ways from then on. "

Le Yun really felt chilled, she treated girls and cubs equally, she never lost her share of food and clothing, and taught everything that cubs could.

Before parting, he set up a house for her to live and live, and entrusted someone to look after her. Who knows, in Miss Lin's heart, separation means abandonment.

Miss Lin was stunned, she sat down with a pale face, and begged in tears: "Fairy Fairy, I didn't think about it that way, I just said the wrong thing, please don't abandon Pan, where can I do it?" If it's not good, it must be changed..."

Le Yun retreated outside the threshold, looking at the tearful girl, her heart was calm and calm: "You feel resentful towards this fairy, but this fairy can't be unkind, and I have left some magic weapons for you.

The array disk is a magic weapon of Tianpin, which can be used as a magic weapon to protect the courtyard at home, and to carry it as a magic weapon to protect the body when going out.

I also prepared two sets of magic robes and some magic tools for you. You are too weak to show your wealth. You will not use the corresponding magic weapons until your cultivation reaches a certain stage.

Be cautious in your words and deeds, and don't forget your original intention. Only then can you be consistent. You can do it yourself. "

Le Yun sent the array board and a storage bag that she had just taken out from the yard, together with the box containing the title deed, to the girl, left her last advice, and without further ado, she left Tianxian City without hesitation. .

After decades of practice, the teleportation technique has been cultivated to the highest level. It is silent when teleporting, and there is no weak aura fluctuation when leaving the original position and appearing in a new place.

Only the moving distance is still insufficient. At present, the maximum distance can reach [-] miles.

The moving distance is limited, Le Yun moved three times before leaving Tianxian City, and appeared in the mountains five hundred miles away from the west city wall.

The ice and snow in the Bear Mountain Range melts gradually from the outside to the inside. The place where the outside meets the plain starts to melt at the end of the first lunar month every year. When the snow in Liberty City or the Xianzong sect first melts, it will be around early February.

Little Lolita arrived in Tianxian City at the end of the first lunar month, stayed for more than two months, and left in late April.

The area around Tianxian City is the season when grass grows and warblers fly, and everything is thriving.

The monks also started collecting, and there are many low-level monks in the mountains near the city.

Le Yun moved to the mountains with the technique of moving, and immediately took out the spirit boat in her sleeve to enlarge it, drove the spirit boat soaring into the sky, flew below the sea of ​​clouds, and then headed towards the Nuxiong Mountain Range.

Miss Lin cried and begged Fairy to take her to continue her practice, her eyes blurred with tears, Fairy's figure disappeared, her crying stuck in her throat.

The fairy is gone!

Miss Lin's mind was empty, and her eyes drifted away, until her eyes touched the things left by the fairy, her pupils shrank, and her eyes regained focus.

She got up, grabbed the box, array disk and storage bag, put them in her storage, and ran outside.

First trot, then gallop.

He ran out of the room, walked along the corridor, crossed the middle hall of the wing room, and arrived at another side room. Looking in from the open door, there was no Ruyi House in the room, and it was empty.

The fairy took Mr. Youbai and others away, and left herself alone.

When the fairy left, she didn't even let the four children say goodbye to her. Presumably, the fairy didn't want to take her to practice anymore, and she was afraid that the children would be soft-hearted and plead for her.

Lin Panhao slid down while supporting the door frame, thinking of himself, weeping alone, lamenting his ill-fated fate.

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