magic eye doctor

Chapter 302 Confession

Chapter 302 Confession
It is a great event in life to have a baby in the family. Le Yun is so excited that she will soon have a baby at home. She hangs up the phone and smirks while holding her cell phone.

Lejia is the only family in Mei Village, and there are too few people. She deeply experienced the loneliness of no brothers and sisters, and hopes that there are younger brothers and sisters to shoulder the important task of spreading branches and leaves for Lejia together with her, and to inherit Lejia. go down,

Now, the wish is about to come true.

Life is happiest when you have siblings.

Le Yun happily kissed her phone, jumped back to the dining table and sat down to continue eating, eating all the dishes she made, and eating half a bowl of rice more than usual. point to protect a younger brother or sister.

After cleaning up the table and chopsticks, I took out my computer and searched various Baidu on the Internet. I was busy on the Internet for a while, picked out what I wanted, and went to a certain treasure website in the same city to place an order.

After ordering the things she wants to use, Le Yun pokes and squats next to the writing table to accompany her little Huihui, gives him a handful of peanuts as a snack to eat, arranges her own home, picks up bananas from the space, peels them, mashes them into puree, and then Add flour, yam powder and dough.

Knead and set aside the bread, take out the greens from the space, wash, chop, and make the filling.

Make the stuffing, add water to a large rice cooker, set aside the two sieves without the medicine, open the small foldable table, wipe it clean, sprinkle with flour, use the table as a panel, and divide the dough into pieces. Then roll into strips, divide into pieces, and roll out the dough.

Some people say that the hardships you have endured will one day become your blessings.That sentence is true, Le Xiao’s classmate was poor, and he knew how to save money and earn money with his own hands since he was a child, so he started to work odd jobs in high school. Roll out the dough, make dumplings, buns and wontons.

It seems that the craft can only be used for eating, but it is not, because every process such as bread and dumplings is exquisite, requiring the right strength and speed, and long-term practice, so that she can master the strength and the strength of her own hands. He knows it like the palm of his hand, and his hand is extremely fast.

Fast hand speed is extremely beneficial to doctors. The operation should be accurate, fast, and precise. The faster the speed, the less chance the patient will get infected in the air-exposed part.

Le Xiaoxiao has practiced good hand speed, and has speed in everything. The knife is dazzlingly fast to cut small pieces of dough, and the dough is rolled out quickly and evenly. Dumplings take new noodle pieces on the side, and do not stop in the middle.

After wrapping the dumplings that fill a table and a half, the water in the large rice cooker boils. Immediately put the dumplings in the pot and cook them while wrapping them. The cooked dumplings are drained in a sieve. There is a basin under the sieve. Take the soup.

The speed is fast enough, almost while wrapping and serving and cooking, cook two pots, put the sieve full of gluttons on the balcony to cool, the second sieve out, and bring back the cold dumplings and put them in a large bucket.

After using one dough, knead the dough again to make the filling.

There are several kinds of water, flour raw materials and stuffing from the kneading noodles are all made of top-level special materials. Not many are made, but about a hundred of each are made. After they are boiled and cooled, they are thrown back into the space to hide.

I kept making dumplings, kept cooking, and before eleven o'clock, all the flour was used up!
Le Yun originally wanted to stay up all night and make countless dumplings for later use. Without flour, it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The next day on Friday, November 11th.

In the morning, Le Yun was as calm as ever to get up early, exercise in the morning, cook food, read books, and when the first class in school, she twisted her backpack, rode her bicycle, and went to the mall for shopping, buying a lot of things, screwing Back to the dormitory, steamed some potatoes and mashed them, kneaded noodles, chopped stuffing, and continued to make dumplings.

Dumplings Dumplings Dumplings…

In her eyes, other than dumplings, there are dumplings, potato powder, mashed banana, yam powder, pure flour, green vegetables, sauerkraut, meat stuffing, vermicelli green stuffing, vermicelli meat stuffing.

Most of the dumplings made yesterday and that day were hidden in the space, and a few were kept in the dormitory. Because of the cold weather, the cooked dumplings were placed on the balcony for seven or eight minutes, like quick-frozen ones. It can make more than fifty dumplings.

While wrapping a batch of vermicelli meat dumplings, there was a knock on the quiet door. Le Yun couldn't guess who it was, so she grabbed a disposable glove and put it on her right hand and ran out to open the door.

He opened the door, and outside stood a handsome guy with a long and slender figure, wrapped in a knee-length black trench coat, without a scarf, revealing a white shirt and a thin sweater collar with a small V-neck, holding a backpack, looking a little bit. restrained.

"Little Loli." Yan Xing, who was standing at the door, saw a round face sticking out his head and raised the most friendly smile. The whole face was bright and vivid, and there were stars in his eyes.

"I don't have face control, and the handsome man's trick is useless to me." Seeing Yanren's smile, Le Yun guessed that the guy must be asking her again, and used the handsome man's trick as the opening remark, snorted, turned and ran away own business.

Having been with handsome Yan for so long, I can almost judge his emotions by his heartbeat, breath, eyes and facial expressions, as well as the small movements of his hands.Handsome Yan hasn't shown up for nearly a week. Today, he came here to check his presence, and his expression was flattering, indicating that something must have happened.

Little Loli didn't give a smile or a cold face, indicating that she was neither happy nor angry, Yan Xing was very aware of current affairs, and quickly followed the dormitory door, the faint scent that could be smelled downstairs, be a little girl When Loli opened the door, the fragrant smell and warmth rushed to the face, making people want to drool.

He closed the door like a lightning bolt, and then looked carefully. Little Loli was making dumplings, tables, sieves, bowls and other utensils in the empty space near the small kitchen, leaving only a narrow passage leading to the bathroom. Or lead to table meal.

There are several small pots on the table for eating, containing cooked dumplings; the big electric pot is still cooking dumplings, steaming hot, and the little loli is busy rolling out the dough and stuffing.

"Little Loli, do you know how to make dumplings?" Yan Xing almost thought he had read it wrong. He knew that Little Loli would cook according to the recipe, but he really didn't know that she could make dumplings. Her hand speed was still that fast. Small and cute, definitely not ugly.

"Don't bully the southerners for not being able to make dumplings. Except for the Bangbang noodles in Lao Qindi, the southerners will also be inseparable from the northern cuisine."

Le Yun ran back to the kitchen and sat down. Hearing Yan Shuai's shocked tone, she rolled her eyes angrily, thinking that southerners are all handicapped?The exquisite snacks made by the southerners are also well-known both at home and abroad, and they are also exquisite in craftsmanship and artistic beauty.

After rectifying the name of the southerners, let's get back to business: "And you, if you have something serious, you can stay cool and stay there, and don't bother me with my experiments."

"That, I have something to do." Worried that Little Loli would immediately sweep him out, Yan Xing hurriedly chose to show that he was not here to eat, but for something.

Little Loli didn't answer and was busy fetching the cooked dumplings. He had to walk to the place opposite her, sat down where he couldn't touch the house, and kneaded the dough in a depressing way. Good-looking and give face?

"Little Loli, let me ask, when are you free to help with the surgery." No one asked him, so he had to be honest and explain the reason.

"Why do you suddenly think of asking me for surgery?" Before the surgery, a diagnosis is required. Yanren disappeared for many days without knowing why. He just started talking about the surgery. Why are you in such a hurry?
"Those three guys are claws cultivated by the National Intelligence Agency of country M. They are very loyal. They have been reluctant to tell the truth. The one with double pupils went on a hunger strike, for fear that he would damage his eyes."

"One cry, two troubles, three hangs, it's enough to be stunned by the medicine. It will make people stunned with Mongolian medicine, and only give him some nutrition to keep him alive. When he is half-dead, let's see if he will be stubborn." Reason, the use of extraordinary means to use extraordinary means.

Yan Xing had the urge to sigh, Little Lolita thought they had no means?Having been engaged in special work for many years, which individual is not experienced and sometimes does not need extraordinary means, it is because people are still useful.

As for spies, each country has its own secret methods and principles for dealing with them. As long as those who secretly carry out espionage work are secretly arrested, countries will naturally deal with them in secret. Who is also humanitarian and will publicly pronounce the sentence?

The reason why the three idiots who kidnapped the little loli did not use any special means was because they needed someone's double eye.

"I'm afraid of hurting his eyes. Little Loli, when you are free, I will prepare in advance."

"I'm not free today and tomorrow, I'll go check on Sunday to see if I can operate directly." Take out the dumplings, put them in the pot again, and move neatly.

"Okay." Little Loli readily agreed, Yan Xing breathed a sigh of relief, his brother was basically ready at any time, just waiting for the operation.

"Men Yan, there is something in the drawer of the writing desk that might interest you."

"What's the fun?"

Little Loli didn't lift her head, Yan Xing stepped up to the writing table, opened the drawer with a slit, and with a bang, a cute little fluffy monkey jumped from the drawer to the table, and scurried to a place. Sitting down on the phone next to the small dish, he stared at him with his big black eyes.

Little Lolita let him watch the little monkey?
Seeing the little black monkey, Yan Dashao looked at the little loli with a little surprise, the other party seemed to understand his movements, and burst out a crisp sentence: "I'm talking about lying down and can't move, not Xiao Huihui. "

Yan Xing secretly pulled out a hint of doubt and looked at the small drawer of the writing desk. Inside was a stack of A4 papers sealed in a transparent bag, and there was also a silver-gray mobile phone. The one that couldn't move should be it.

What are the secrets of cell phones?
Suspiciously, he picked up the silver-gray mobile phone, an Apple-branded machine, which was light and agile, turned it on, and after a few seconds, the screen flashed and asked to enter the password to unlock it.

"Unlock the password ILOVENATION. I capitalize, all others are lowercase." Le Yun knew that handsome Yan would not be able to find someone to decipher the password for a while, so she told him first, so that he would not waste his brain or ask her again.

Yanxing entered the password, the phone was specially encrypted, the first lock was unlocked, and the second and third locks were unlocked, and the home screen was actually displayed.

I can see the home page screen, check the recording according to the words, broadcast it, and the voice of the dialogue comes out. It is the question of the three stupid hijackers who hypnotized Little Loli.

Hearing the previous conversation, Yan Xing was still calm. He knew almost everything about Little Loli's family situation. When he heard the hypnotist asking Little Loli about the purpose of entering Shennong Mountain, his heart skipped a beat, and there was something wrong with his intuition!
Observing the little loli, she wore a smiling face that always smiled like the warm sun in March, lowered her head, and kept rolling the dough and making dumplings with her hands, as if she had no feeling for the recording.

Why does Little Loli let him listen to the recording?
He didn't think it was as simple as letting him know that the three idiots hypnotized her, but what else was there?Shennong Mountain?
Yan Xing vaguely touched the truth, his heartstrings tensed slightly, but his face remained calm. After listening to the hypnotic dialogue, he calmly asked, "Little Loli, is this phone from some idiot?"

"Yes, I took a few glances while he was recording with his phone, wrote down his password, confiscated the loot afterwards, brought it back to play, and saw how high-end the iPhone is. It's useless now, you are interested in studying it, no Interested, I will find someone to restore the factory design and sell it to a second-hand store, and I can get some money back, as they will compensate me for my mental damage."

"I'll borrow it for a few days, and I'll give it to you in a few days." Yan Xing quietly touched her forehead. Little Loli's memory is too strong, she can remember other people's multiple passwords after reading it, and she must not lose in front of her in the future. The password, if you really want to use it in front of her, you must change it later.

"Don't break it, the machine is quite new, and the value will be discounted if it is broken."


"Now, handsome Yan, can you honestly explain why you came to me? What are you looking for in Shennong Mountain? Looking for someone or something?"

"!" Yan Xinggang thought that he had avoided the catastrophe. There was no special reason why Little Loli asked him to listen to the recording. When he heard her straight-to-the-point question, his heart was tense, and he said that it was not good!

Little Loli really sensed something was wrong and suspected that their purpose was impure. Maybe she thought he and Xiang Yang Lai Qing Da were just like the three stupid criminals, and they were also for ulterior motives.

In fact, they did come with a purpose, but the main reason was definitely not because of her, it was really just a coincidence.

After thinking about it, he gave an ambiguous answer: "Looking for people is also looking for things."

"Who stole something into Shennong Mountain, so you look around? Does that have anything to do with me? I was looking for medicinal herbs in Shennong Mountain. At that time, so many people were exploring and parading in Shennong Mountain. Why are they all watching? Are you following me like a hooligan, even when you get to the capital? You are either making open or unannounced visits, or hijacking me in broad daylight and bullying me with a bun face, right?"

Annoyed, Le Yun was very angry, and after a long quarrel, she lost her first kiss in vain because she was in Shennong Mountain, and the Yanren suspected that she was not a good citizen, so they followed her, played hooligans and searched her.

After searching her body, she took advantage of her, but in the end, she still did not dispel her suspicions. When she got to Qingda, she tried to get close to her. He and Liu Shuai came together. Why should other messy people doubt her?

She finally understood that the matter of the instructor was not an accident, and the matter of replacing the national defense students was not a coincidence. As for some people who followed to Taihang Mountain, some people followed to go to F province for assassination, and they were also hijacked when they took the subway. The reason was that she had appeared in Shennong Mountain. related.

In other words, didn't she just go to Shennong Mountain to collect medicinal seeds and seedlings, one did not raid people, two did not dig people's ancestral graves, and two did not kill people and set fires, why are they all staring at her?
She is just a child, what earth-shattering things can she do?

The people staring at her are all stupid plus three!

Those who doubted her either got water in their brains or got kicked by a donkey.

People who thought she was a spy grew up eating shit.

Inexplicably attracted a lot of hatred, Le Yun was so angry that her liver exploded several times, even if she mentioned it now, she was still angry.

Little Loli was so angry that Yan Xing was speechless for a few seconds. She had to admit that Little Lolita was justified. So many people had appeared in Shennong Mountain, but they all stared at her and kept messing with her. Small animals also seriously threatened her life safety. Little Lolita would be merciful if she didn't use her strange power and medical skills to kill her.

"Little Loli, believe it or not, I still have to explain, Xiangyang and I did not come to Qingda because of you, we have other tasks to do, you are at Qingda, and we also come to Qingda, this is really a coincidence; many People are staring at you just because the date you went to Shennong Mountain to collect specimens is really unfortunate, and you have been to several sensitive places.

After you arrived in the capital, you were followed and suspected because someone was manipulating you. Even Xiang Yang and I came to Qingda University by coincidence and knew you. We were also used by behind-the-scenes personnel to attract many spies and agents from other countries. By the time we found out, the eyes of all parties had gathered on our capital, and we could only do our best to track down the culprits behind the scenes and the secret pillars arranged by other countries in our capital.

I didn't tell you the truth, because I didn't want you to be really involved in this kind of secret battle between spies and be afraid. You are still a minor child, and you shouldn't take risks at such an age to take on the worries of your country and nation. 's task.

The duty of Chinese soldiers is to protect the country, defend the territory, maintain national sovereignty and national unity, so that ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment, and let children who are underage like you grow up safely. Many suspicious people have left the capital one after another, and it is no surprise that other people's suspicions of you will gradually disappear over time. "

Yan Xing confessed in a serious tone so as to avoid further misunderstandings.

Le Yun looked at Handsome Yan seriously. Judging from the reactions of seeing handsome Yan and Handsome Liu for the first time in Qingda University, it was a coincidence that he and Handsome Liu would come to Qingda University. Confidentiality, he told her that coming to Qingda for another mission would be a leak. If it wasn't a coincidence, he wouldn't risk telling her the purpose of coming to Qingda at the risk of revealing his true purpose.

"Okay, I accept your explanation, and I won't put you and Liu Shuai on the list of households that refuse to communicate with each other." Anyway, Yan Shuai's various performances show that he is indeed very competent. Secretly dealing with the national defense student substitution incident, without exposing her, the intention to protect her is obvious.

Yan Xing was stunned, Little Loli is so good at talking?
(End of this chapter)

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