Chapter 303

As the saying goes, "Long time sees people's hearts", Yan Xing and Little Loli have been together for some days, and they have been in contact with each other more and more deeply. "Difficult".

The so-called toughness means that you don't eat hard and soft, you don't eat oil and salt, you can laugh and curse casually, you can pretend to be stupid, you can play dumb, and there are no dead ends in 360 degrees. No matter where you attack, soldiers will block you, and water will cover you. She can block you back, when you are so angry that you jump up and vomit blood and want to fuck and tear up, she herself laughs and is still calm and unmoved.

Little Loli is such an extremely difficult character. On the surface, she is easy to talk. That is because some things do not involve her principles and standpoints, so she laughs and laughs at will. She just lives in her own way. Her principles, or she decides something, others want to change her mind, even if you cry, make trouble and hang yourself, it will not shake her persistence.

Such a difficult bear child, this time, it is so easy to talk, so magnanimous, so easy to accept his explanation, believe what he said, it is unbelievable.

Just look at the last time that little sixteen, that bear child installed a camera, little loli was furious, she walked away without violating her principles, and kept him and Xiangyang out of her heart. So far, he has not dared to ask Xiaoliang. Did Loli calm down, and she didn't dare to mention the trouble again, so as not to destroy the little foundation of friendship that she had finally built up.

This time, Little Loli noticed something wrong from the three kidnapping idiots, and suspected that they had bad intentions. He thought that Little Loli would definitely re-list him and Xiang Yang on the list of dangerous persons, and secretly conducted an assessment and observation on them again. See if they are good people, and then decide whether to let them eat occasionally, or just kick them out, and come to the old and die.

Unexpectedly, his heart strings were about to break a few times, and he got an unexpected result. Little Loli actually believed that he and Xiang Yang had no bad intentions, and that they were not stalking her.

He had some suspicions that Little Loli was joking, and asked tentatively, "Little Loli, you won't regret the operation, right?"

"I didn't say I regretted it," Le Yun said unhappily, "Although I knew when the kidnapper asked about Shennongshan, the purpose of you and Liu Shuai always coming to me is not simple, but at least you are soldiers of your own country. , I can't turn my arms out and put you on the list of bad guys. The one who needs surgery is also a soldier who has silently contributed to the country. I promise and I won't go back, unless I am powerless."

"Thank you!" In Yan Xing's heart, a hard heart wall collapsed. If all the people of the country are like little Lolita, they will unswervingly support the national sovereignty of the country, and I believe that the revival of the Great Celestial Dynasty is just around the corner.

"No thanks." If it wasn't for the fact that he turned a blind eye to her digging for medicine as a bodyguard, and poured water on her back to help her hunt, she would not have softened her heart.

Little Loli was really not angry, Yan Xing wanted to imitate her ancestors for a second and thank God for thanking the gods again. It would be a big deal if she angered Little Loli.

Little Loli didn't chase anyone, so he shamelessly asked some stupid hijacker's cell phone password again, wrote it down, turned off the Apple phone and stuffed it into his backpack.

After doing the right thing, you can only care about the little monkey. The little monkey should live a very happy life. It has grown up a little, and the hair that has been cut has grown a lot longer, clean, cute and clever.

The little monkey squatted on Little Loli's phone, grabbed the peanuts from the small plate containing peanuts, chewed one after another, and rolled her eyes, constantly looking at Little Lolita at him.

Yan Xing's heart softened, and he stretched out his fingers and handed it to the little black monkey. Little Huihui glanced at it, jumped onto the palm of the human man, and sat and continued to eat peanuts.

The little monkey is not afraid of himself, Yan Xing touched its head, weighed its little fur, poked its neck, made it play, and made the little ink monkey happily scratch his fingers and roll.

When he was done playing, he put the little monkey on the writing table, stuffed it with a peanut from the boss, washed his hands by himself, and then sat opposite the little loli, gulping saliva at the fragrant dumplings.

Little Loli ignored herself, and Yan Xing, unwilling to be lonely, offered herself: "Little Loli, I can make dumplings too, or can I help you?"

"You don't want to help make dumplings, you want to help eat dumplings, right? Wash your claws and go to get the tableware. You can only eat [-] at most, and you can't eat more. You have to honestly talk about the taste experience." Le Yun is also very speechless, foodie, her eyes are glued to the dumplings and can't be torn off, what else are you wearing?

"No problem!" Yan Xing's ears were hot, but his eyes were bright. He quickly walked around the house, ran to Little Lolita's kitchen to wash his hands, picked up the tableware, and went to the small living room as required. There are five kinds of dumplings, the same taste.

Eat the same, talk about the taste, after eating, and then compare, eating twenty, in fact, not enough to fill the stomach, he held the bowl, reluctant to part.

"I have something to express in the afternoon. If you help me pick it up, you will be allowed to eat it at noon." When encountering a foodie officer, Le Yun wanted to bang but couldn't bear it. Thinking that he was kind to herself, she helped her cover. , to help her as a bodyguard, to be blind for her occasionally, and also to act as a liar for her, so she can't be too unkind.

"Okay. I'll help you pick up the courier." Yan Xing's happy young brother put the bowl on the table, opened his backpack, and took out the bag, a large bag of fruits and a bag of vegetables.

Le Yun wants to kick someone, what does that guy mean by bringing a bag of lotus roots?Feeling a little unhappy inside, I ignored him, finished making a batch of dumplings, and remixed the fillings.

Little Loli gave herself a few cold eyes, and Yan Xing was puzzled, where did he provoke Little Loli?The girl's mind is too hard to guess.

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, I adhere to the principle of speaking more and more mistakes, and speaking less and less mistakes.

Because he hid a few days ago, it was a little far from the hiding place to Qingda. When he arrived at Little Loli's dormitory, it was more than eleven o'clock, and he was drooling for a long time. At twelve o'clock, Little Loli temporarily stopped work and burned. Two green vegetables, take dumplings as meals.

Young Master Yan was very happy, opened his belly, ate, ate, and had a good time. His eyes were bright like diamonds, and he was attentive as a hard-working little bee helping a small worker.

At [-]:[-] pm, the courier arrived.

Yan Shao helped go downstairs to pick up the courier. When he received the large box from the courier brother, he took the mobile phone and checked the tracking number twice, confirmed that it was correct, and carried the box upstairs with his signature.

He carried the big box back to Little Lolita's dormitory, and he helped unpack it. There was a vacuum multi-function packaging machine inside.

There are also four rolls of bag film in the box, as well as removable thermal chip strips, fully equipped.

The vacuum packer, the dumplings on the table, Yanxing seems to understand something, is Little Loli going to sell food?Or do you want to experiment with packaged food as dry food and where to take medicine?

Adhering to the principle of doing more and talking less, he helped to test the machine, put on the bag film to test the packaging and packaging, and each function matched the manual.

Le Yun is always happy. After wrapping the fillings, the remaining dough is decided to be used for spreading cakes at night. I packed up the tools and started to pack them with a vacuum packer. I packed some of each filling and put them in the small kitchen and bedroom. As long as the experiment If it proves that it can be kept for more than 20 days, then, in the future, she can help people make medicinal meals remotely, that is, she can make delicious food for Aunt Feng and Dad, and sell it outside, which will be another source of increased income.

Some dumplings were packed with a vacuum packer, and some were packed in bags. In the end, only two large bowls of dumplings were left unpacked.

Yan Xingte wanted to carry a few bags to hide for himself, but he had no guts, so he could only watch the little loli happily pack the dumplings and mark the bag, and then he had to pretend to be happy as a child. Worker, help her carry things downstairs and take her to find someone.

In the evening in the capital, it got darker and earlier, and before five o'clock the whole city was dark and full of lights.

Professor Wan Cheng finished the last class on Friday afternoon for the third-grade Chinese and Western clinical class. He bundled the collected homework into bundles, holding the lesson plan in one hand and the homework book in the other. building.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator lobby and wanted to go to the parking shed, he was caught up by a beautiful girl who was eager to learn. , asked kindly: "This classmate, is there anything you don't understand and need my help to answer?"

After a trot, Wang Ziyan finally managed to cut off Professor Wan Cheng's hustle, Wang Ziyan ran out of breath, exhaled a white breath, and showed the most gentle smile: "Professor Wan Cheng, this time I don't have any difficult questions about Chinese herbal medicine to ask you for advice, I really want to take a class with you. Le Xiao, a classmate of the 16th grade Chinese and Western medicine class, communicated and studied a lot. I heard from the talented senior of the medical department that Le Xiao did not accept unfamiliar phone calls. Could you ask the professor to do me a favor and make an appointment in advance? I want to visit her in Le Xiao’s dormitory tomorrow. ."

"Female classmates want to find Xiaole?" Professor Wan Cheng's eyes flashed a shimmer, and he politely declined: "I can't agree to this request from classmates, Xiaole has the right to make friends freely, and I can't recommend friends to Xiaole without permission. So as not to indirectly affect her own judgment and choice. The classmates really want to communicate and learn with Xiaolele, so you might as well get in touch with her when Xiaole comes to class or to a meeting. "

"Professor, I, I don't want to ask the professor to recommend it. I just want to ask the professor to tell Le Xiao in advance, so that I won't be too presumptuous and rude when I visit." Wang Ziyan lowered her eyes in frustration, her heart angrily I'm not angry, why is Professor Wan Cheng not willing to let her get in touch with classmate Le?

"Classmate, I'm Xiaole's tutor. I'll make an appointment for you in advance. In the eyes of others, isn't that just recommending you? Classmate, I don't have any major problems, so I'll go first." Professor Wan Cheng smiled and turned slightly to the side He took a step, avoided the girl, and walked his own way. Just after taking a step, he saw someone running towards him in the hall. He laughed heartily: "Oh, Xiao Lele, are you looking for me?"

Professor Wan Cheng's explanation also revealed the truth in one sentence, Wang Ziyan was extremely embarrassed, but fortunately she had make-up and couldn't see her face, so even if her face was blue, no one could recognize it.

There was resentment in her heart, she bit her lip angrily, and walked with Professor Wan Cheng in a different position, trying to explain to save her image, when she heard the professor's laughter unexpectedly, she was stunned at the time.

She asked Professor Wan Cheng for some questions about traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. She could feel that the old professor appreciated her diligence and questioning, but even so, she had never heard a professor speak to her in such a loving tone. .

Professor Wan Cheng called out "Xiao Lele" in a tone that did not conceal his good mood, as well as his preference and indulgence for students.

Wang Ziyan suddenly looked up and saw two people walking in front of them, a young man in a dark trench coat and a short-haired girl in a light gray half-length coat.

The young man was tall and handsome, with a face like a crown jade, sword eyebrows and dragon eyes, a smile on his face, elegant and handsome, and outstanding demeanor.

The short, short-haired girl with white skin and red lips, a sweet smile, trotted with a smile, jumped like a small butterfly, and rushed towards Professor Wan Cheng.

Wang Ziyan's hand holding the backpack with the textbooks was slightly hard, and she also quickened her pace, followed Professor Wan Cheng to the little girl and Yan Dashao.

"Professor!" Le Yun found the professor, ran to the old professor in a hurry, grabbed the workbook mentioned by the professor, and shoved it to Handsome Yan for help, hugging the professor's arm, smiling until his eyes Bend.

Yanxing drove Little Loli to the designated location in the teaching building, and found Professor Wan Cheng's car. He parked the car and waited. After class, he didn't see Professor Wan Cheng, and Little Loli got out of the car and ran to the teaching building to find someone. , he also sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman.

In the hall downstairs, Little Loli saw the professor with sharp eyes, left him and ran away, he chased after him, but, uh, Little Loli really knew how to use resources and used him as a handyman.

Holding the professor's students' homework, Yan Xing couldn't help laughing and crying, and when he met the bear child who was catching a horse and using it as a mule, his mental endurance was a little bit frightened.

"Xiao Lele is naughty, how can you let others help you carry things?" Professor Wan Cheng was amused and kindly rebuked the little guy's practice of catching people as helpers.

"Professor, don't mind, I'm a man, I should help girls carry things." Yan Xing's eyes widened with a smile, and he was full of splendor.

"That's right, Professor, handsome Yan is a gentleman." Le Yun hugged the old professor's arm and showed a bright smile at handsome Yan.

"Okay, it's up to you," Professor Wan Cheng looked at the smug primary school students, and smiled: "You stay in the dormitory every day and get moldy, and you're willing to come out to breathe today? Also, why are you wearing so little? It's so cold, Don't wear a scarf, don't wear gloves, you will suffer from frostbite."

Being scolded by the professor, Le Yun was taught with a smile on her face, and she couldn't hold back the smiles on her face: "Professor, I don't feel cold, your primary school student dormitory is about to grow moldy, come out and get some air, don't talk about others when you are old. I heard from Brother Chao that professors usually go home after class on Fridays, and your students came to you despite the severe cold and heat, am I very good?”

"Only cold, not hot."

"Professor, don't spoil the scenery, your students have something to do with you."

"Tell me, what's the big deal for you? If you tell me you want to go out to study plants, don't talk about it! If you want to talk about getting a passport, you don't need to talk about it. I won't sign it. Hmph, don't think I don't know you want to run away. Australia's idea of ​​studying poisonous snakes, a pea-sized kid wants to go to the world's poisonous snake nest, I am stupid to agree."

The old professor was so arrogant that Yan Xing almost didn't laugh out loud. How much trouble did Little Loli cause Professor Wan Cheng to make the old professor complain so badly and refuse to give her the green light to apply for a passport?

"It's freezing cold and the snow is blowing, so I can't study plants, and I'm not talking about getting a passport. I just want to say, you said last time that you have a wattle in your house, can you pull up the tree when you come to class next week? For your elementary school students? I have researched a new recipe, use wasong, fresh, not sun-dried."

There is a mentor who occasionally bears, and Le Yun is also drunk. When she said about going to Australia to see snakes, she said it once and was severely criticized by the professor. She forgot it, but the professor remembered it.

"This is easy to say, if you want a wasong, not to mention one, there are ten, you wait, I will bring it to you next week, oh, wait, this Friday, you and your wife and I will go back and pull it out by yourself. Wouldn't it be better?"

"Professor, I have something to do tomorrow. I will visit the professor's house at another time later."

"There are no tigers in my house, so they won't eat you."

"Professor, your students are going to do a preliminary test of the recipe that requires Vassson tomorrow."

"Okay, you study slowly, what else do you need?" The elementary school student hugged his arm and acted like a spoiled child. Professor Wan Cheng couldn't resist it, so he immediately stopped forcing it.

"If there is none, fresh wasson is needed."

While talking, he walked out of the hall leading to the elevator of the teaching building, and went to the parking place in front of the building. Handsome Yan took a step ahead, went to his car, took two large bags from the car, and walked quickly to the old professor's car. Hand the bag to the little loli.

Le Yun took the bag and sent the professor to the car. After the teacher put away the students' homework and lesson plans, she gave the bag to him: "Professor, this is a kind of medicated meal that your student and I have made, which style would you and my wife try? it's my taste."

"Xiao Lele, what's a good thing?" I heard that it was a medicated meal. Professor Wan Cheng's eyes lit up. Xiao Lele's whole medicated meal tasted very good.

He happily opened it and saw a few packets of dumplings in the red plastic bag. The professor said happily, "Xiao Lele, what good herbs did you add this time?"

"I went to study plants and accidentally found a medicinal material that has a good effect on osteoporosis and calcium deficiency in middle-aged and elderly people. I mixed it with other medicines and made it in flour. Personally, I thought the taste was unsatisfactory. You Try it with your mistress and see what needs to be corrected."

"Xiao Lele has a heart, your wife still doesn't know what it will be like, alright, I'm going to pick up your wife, it's cold, don't stand in the wind, quickly let Yan boy take you back, remember to wear more clothes Clothes, don't catch a cold."

Professor Wan Cheng was very happy. He hid a big bag of dumplings as a precious thing, and was reluctant to say anything else, so as not to let the pupils stand in the cold wind and drink the northwest wind. On, therefore, he hurriedly left.

"Little Loli, get in the car quickly, don't make your brother Chao wait for a long time." Yan Xing waited for Professor Wan Cheng's car to slip out, and he walked back to the car parked not far away.

Le Yun trotted: "Brother Yan, I found that you are very competent."

"How can I be a soldier if I'm incompetent?" Yan Xing was proud, it's rare for a little loli to praise others.

"Classmate Le, Classmate Le—" Wang Ziyan called out.

Wang Xiehua really wanted to vomit blood, so she followed Professor Wan Cheng, afraid that the old professor would think she was ignorant of current affairs and would not see her directly, so she was two steps behind, not conspicuous and stealing the limelight, but also made it obvious that she was He Wan As soon as the old professor left.

She is also funny, and she didn't interrupt when Professor Wan Cheng was talking to Classmate Le. What made her vomit blood was that a living person her age was less than three steps away from Professor Wan Cheng, and Classmate Le didn't seem to see her. Even though Professor Zhai knew she was here, he didn't say a word, and he thought she was an invisible person.

I thought that when Professor Wan Cheng left, the two of them should have seen her, but the fact made people vomit blood even more, and the two still turned a blind eye to her. At this moment, when they saw Classmate Le and Young Master Yan Turning around, Wang Ziyan finally couldn't bear to call Classmate Le first.

Hearing the delicate female voice with the soft accent of Wu Yu, Le Yun turned sideways and faced the beautiful queen in red, who had been following Professor Wan Cheng not far.

Wang Xihua's long hair is loose, and she wears a pink medium-length trench coat. It looks like a pink plum blossom blooming in the cold wind.

She put on makeup, and she couldn't see her real face after applying powder and blush. The color of the blush made her face look like a pear flower, even in the cold wind.

The long-haired beauty stood in the wind, and the wind swayed her black hair, dancing and flying.

It has to be said that such a beauty is lovable, if you change to a man, you will definitely feel distressed. Of course, there is only one man at the scene. Young Master Yan is an old fritter who has read all the noble girls in the capital, but he is not a soft-hearted master. Indifferent, the beauty can only blow the cold wind.

The cold wind was blowing, the night was long, and the weather was too cold. There were not many students left, men and women. Even the students who were behind because of things came and went in a hurry.

There were only three people in such a big place, and it seemed even colder at night.

"Sister, what do you call me?" Le Yun looked at the beauty a few times, her face innocent and innocent.

She doesn't know Wang Xiehua, but the senior said last time that the spice containing the two lovers came from Wang Xiehua. When she saw the beautiful woman who was not far from Professor Wan Cheng, she smelled the two The fragrance of Xianghuan's fragrance can put people into their seats in a second.

Seeing is believing, Le Xiaoxiao has seen with her own eyes and ears Professor Wan Cheng's attitude towards Wang Xiehua, and she knows that Wang Xiehua should be taking advantage of Professor Wan Cheng's favor, but Professor Wan Cheng doesn't seem to buy it. She feels that she is very lucky Yes, Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs Wang were kind and kind to her.

"Student Le, I'm in the same grade as you. I'm also a freshman. I'm from the Pharmacy Department of the Medical Department. My surname is Wang and Wang Ziyan. You probably don't know me. I've heard of you. The professors are full of praise for your medical talent. I have long wanted to meet you, be a friend, and exchange learning experiences together."

Wang Ziyan stepped on knee-high light orange boots that were eight centimeters high, and walked towards a man and a woman gracefully, with a dignified smile: "I wanted to ask President Chao for your phone number, and I wanted to know you on WeChat, but Senior Chao said you don't use WeChat. I don’t like to use mobile phones either. I’m embarrassed to go to the dormitory to disturb you. I haven’t seen each other until now. I’m really shocked. I didn’t expect to meet here today. How's the meal?"

"Oh, it turned out to be Sister Wang," Le Yun said with her eyes curled. "I'm sorry, Sister Wang, I'm in a hurry to find Brother Chao. I can't have dinner with you. I'll go first."

"Hey, classmate Le, wait a minute," the little girl said with a bright smile, but she said she was going to leave. Wang Ziyan was busy walking again, and ran two steps to the girl who was standing and looked over, and asked gently: " Classmate Le, can I take a ride?"

"This, uh, I can't be the master. Sister Wang, you can ask handsome Yan. The car belongs to handsome Yan. I can't overtake the cook." Le Yun kicked the ball directly to Yanren, she vaguely knew why Brother Chao and Senior Cai had to shy away from Wang Xiehua when they met Wang Xiehua. They were too familiar with each other. They were on a par with Handsome Yan and Handsome Liu.

Little Lolita pits him again!

Yan Xing was slightly speechless, and the little Loli kicked the ball to herself. If he made the right choice, he would not make the little Loli unhappy or make the wrong guess. Where does he want to accompany the little Loli in the future, she is extremely May refuse on the grounds that they do not have a tacit understanding.

To load, not to load, need to be carefully considered.

In a flash of thought, Yan Xing looked at the fashionable beauty wearing only silk stockings and thick makeup, the elegant and handsome smile was indifferent, and the tone was cool: "I don't like the smell of women's perfume in my car, I'm afraid it will stun people, I don't want to carry this person. Little Loli, hurry up, if you wait for your brother Chao to stand in the wind and drink the northwest wind, you will feel distressed when you see it."

"..." Wang Ziyan was so popular that she almost fainted. She used spice to wipe her body, but was that exaggerated?It's fine if you don't carry her, the tone is so bad, damn it!

President Chao refused to take the ride, and his euphemisms could make people step down. Young Master Yan didn't even bother to use euphemisms. He was so direct. If other classmates were around, wouldn't she be a joke?
Wang Ziyan was so angry that she trembled in her heart, but fortunately she had powder on her face, no matter how embarrassed her face was, no one would know that her beauty was pale.

"Sister Wang, I'm sorry, handsome Yan is in a bad mood today, don't take it to heart, sorry." Le Yun resisted the urge to twitch the corners of her eyes, smiled apologetically to Sister Wang, and trotted two steps to the side of the car. Handsome Yan opened the car door and got into the passenger seat.

Yan Xingcai didn't mind that Little Loli said that he was in a bad mood. He closed the door, walked around the front of the car, got into the driver's seat, started neatly, and drove away.

Wang Ziyan, who was alone in the cold wind, felt embarrassed in her heart, bit her red lips fiercely, looked coldly, and walked towards the school bus circuit step by step.

Professor Wan Cheng drove his car from the medical department to the art department, and went to the downstairs where his beloved wife was in class to receive his wife. When the wife was seated, he quickly apologized: "Miss, I am a little late, and you have been wronged. , this time it's not that I'm not good enough, it's a girl with the same surname as you who is also from Jiangnan who stopped me from talking about something and delayed a bit of time."

Mrs. Wang took off her gloves and asked warmly, "The surname you said is Wang, is the girl from Jiangnan very beautiful, with long hair fluttering, is the new flower of your medical department?"

"That's right, the lady is very discerning, but it's not that girl. She asked me to recommend her to your favorite Xiaolele, and wants to make friends with Xiaolele."

"You won't foolishly agree, right?" Mrs. Wang raised her voice a bit: "I tell you, if you dare to recommend someone to Xiao Lele, I'll peel you off when you go back."

"Ma'am, why are you so angry?" He quietly put some eye drops on someone in front of his old wife. Professor Wan Cheng pretended not to understand why his wife was unhappy and asked knowingly.

At first, when classmate Wang asked him about Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine, he really did not notice the intentions of the female classmates.

Not long ago, a female classmate wanted to ask him to make an appointment for Xiaolele. No matter how stupid he was, he could figure out the reason. Emotion Wang's interest in traditional Chinese medicine was because the drunkard's intention was not in the wine but in Xiaolele. He has a relationship with Xiaoleletao.

Xiao Lele is from the rural area of ​​E North and has no background. Classmate Wang wants to make friends with Xiao Letao, most likely to be a network of Xiao Chao and Chao's family.

Some people want to take advantage of the primary school students he likes, Professor Wan Cheng said, hehe, he is not in politics or business, and he is not good at intrigue, but he is not stupid. Ask him if he agrees to be used.

He's not happy to be used as a gunman, so, um, he will also get eye drops, don't bully him as a scholar who doesn't know anything other than professional knowledge.

"Can I not be angry?" Wang Shimu's apricot eyes stared: "Your surname Wang, Xihua, looks like a white peony, and the city is very deep. On the surface, it is dignified and generous, gentle and uncontested, but secretly she has been sharpening her head to think. Drilled into me, said inside and out that he couldn't write two kings in one stroke, and even signed up for the amateur dance class I taught, always trying to get my attention.

It’s true that my ancestors with the surname Wang are from Jiangnan, and it has something to do with her Wang family. It's like that sentence where you can't write two characters for Wang in one stroke, and it's all about having the same surname of Wang. I can cultivate one or two, but she has a bad mood and is too snobby. I even suspect that she was cultivated by the family. Out of deliberately sending people to Qingda to show my favor.

Such and such people, do you think it is possible not to guard against them?I don't dare to recognize relatives with unknown origin and purpose like that.

Moreover, in addition to leaning in front of me, Wang Xiehua often ran to Xiao Chao every three days to brush her face, and used all the chasing and interception commonly used by little devils. If it's not enough, Wang Xiehua will run in front of you again and have a sense of existence. It's really a multi-pronged approach.

She asked you for a recommendation, either to borrow Xiaolele to get close to Xiaohuang or to borrow Xiaolele to lean on me, a girl with so many thoughts, but not a good person, you dare to recommend that kind of person to me Xiao Lele, aren't you harming your students?You really recommended her to meet Xiao Lele, so simple Xiao Lele should not be used to death. "

"Well, women's hearts are too scary," Professor Wan Cheng said with a sigh, and hurriedly comforted his old wife: "don't worry, I don't agree. I'm not a fool, so how can I recommend someone to Xiao Lele at will, I only follow The female classmate said two or three words, and later, because Xiaolele came to me, I had a little talk with Xiaolele, so it took a little more time."

"Oh, that's fine. It's better to be Xiao Lele. She doesn't have so many messed up thoughts. Every day she knows to stay home and read books, or she's looking for medicinal herbs all over the world, and she can't even wear high heels. She is simple and kind, like this. The good boy on earth is almost extinct. By the way, was Wang Xianhua there when you were talking to Lele? Did you take Lele away from classmate Wang?"

After listening to his wife's long series of derogatory explanations to Classmate Wang, and then to Xiao Lele's evaluation, Professor Wan Cheng only had one sentence: the child is his own!
Xiaolele is her own and must be the best!Of course, Xiaolele is also really good. Look, she met Brother Chao a few years ago, and she used ancestral secret recipes to condition Brother Chao's body. People who don't understand think that Xiaolele can do it. She was recognized by Xiao Chao as her younger sister because she climbed up the Chao family. In fact, Xiao Lele's existence today is all because of Xiao Lele. It is not an exaggeration to say that Xiao Lele is Xiao Chao's savior.

Xiaolele successfully solved Xiaochao's chronic illness. She and her family never took credit, nor did they cling to the Chao family, or even refused the assistance of the Chao family, and supported themselves.Lejia would rather be poor than rely on merit to receive money from others, which shows how noble his character is, and the innate quality of the children raised by such people is reassuring.

Also because of the simple quality of the Le family, even the poor family will not be a dwarf in front of the Chao family who have always produced high-end intellectuals or military and political officials. The Le family and the Chao family are equal, and Xiao Lele and Xiao Chao are brothers and sisters. are also equal.

Great wisdom is like ignorance. Although the seniors of Lejia have an ordinary life, they have great wisdom. What they leave to the younger generation is not wealth, fame and fortune, but spiritual wealth. People of that quality, no matter what era they are in, will be able to pass on.

The inheritance of spirit and morality is the greatest wealth of a surname. The ancestors of Lejia were undoubtedly smart and passed on good morals to the younger generation.

With a lot of emotion in his heart, Professor Wan Cheng smiled and replied to his wife: "No, I didn't take Xiaolele away, because the grandson of the He family's son Yan's family accompanied Xiaolele and acted as a driver for Xiaolele. It's useless for classmate Wang to have any fuss when the kid is here."

"So, Xiaolele has something important to do with you?" When Mrs. Wang heard that the grandson Yan of the He family was here, she was relieved. That boy in the Yan family was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and any monsters and monsters could not escape his eyes. When he is a driver, Wang Xihua wants to play tricks on Xiao Lele, and Yan Xiaozi will inevitably make a stumbling block, and will not let Wang Xihua succeed.

"Yes," Professor Wan Cheng happily pointed to the bag placed in the back seat: "Xiao Lele made medicated dumplings and sent them to pay tribute to us, saying that medicated food materials are used for osteoporosis and calcium deficiency in middle-aged and elderly people. There is a A primary school student who understands pharmacology and can make medicated meals is really happy, lady, don't you think?"

"Well, so I want a daughter or a granddaughter. Girls are parents' sweet little padded jackets." Mrs. Wang nodded happily, her eyebrows raised tenderly, girls are parents' sweet little padded jackets, and Xiaolele is thicker. The intimate little padded jacket, which warms my heart.

"Miss, didn't you find a little padded jacket? We don't envy others for having daughters. You prefer Xiaolele, and I won't be jealous."

"It's no use being jealous."

"That's right, who doesn't know that the lady at home has the final say. In other words, lady, do you want to buy, buy, buy this weekend..."

Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang drove home happily, and Young Master Yan was not idle, and was flying directly to the dormitory with Little Loli.

When the car drove a distance, Yan Xing looked at the little loli who was smiling brightly at him, and felt a little helpless: "Little loli, what are you staring at me for?"

"You're handsome," Le Yun laughed, her eyes full of curiosity: "Brother Yan, why don't you want to take that beautiful classmate for a ride?"

"You don't like her."

"Huh?" Le Yun widened the beauty's almond eyes: "Handsome guy, what do you say?"

"It's very simple, you asked me," Yan Xing hooked her lips in a funny way: "If you like her, you won't go first, even if there is something, you will make an appointment to talk about it next time, but you didn't talk to her much, if you really I like her, she wants to hitch a ride, you will pull someone on the bus, you won't ask me if I would like to take another person, or, even if you ask me, it must be something like 'Handsome Yan, you don't mind sending her off One ride right?' In this case;
You don't like her, so let her ask me, of course I don't carry it, I also hate the perfume on her body, it's too strong.

Little Lolita, be careful of that girl, don't get too close, that girl's eyes are full of shrewdness, gentle and dignified, with a smile and a frown, and her graceful gestures are too deliberate, getting along with such a person is easy to be regarded as a footstep stone. "

Little Loli has always acted neatly, she likes whoever she likes, her eyes are sparkling, she is lively and active, and she is willing to have physical contact with people;
He didn't like anyone, with a smile on his face, but his eyes didn't have that dazzling starlight.

Little Lolita's eyes can talk, and she is full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy. Observe her expression, and focus on the changes in her eyes. Once her eyes have a magnificent luster, it means she is happy. usually.

Yan Xing didn't know the reason why Little Loli didn't like the girl with long hair and shawl, but she supported her not to have too much friendship with that girl. He also applied some eye drops without a trace, reminding Little Loli to stay away from a certain beauty.

"You guessed it right this time, I really don't like that senior, mainly because I don't like the scent on her body." When handsome Yan guessed her intentions, Le Yun gave the handsome boy a thumbs up, as expected of a soldier , thoughtful.

Yan Xing was so overwhelmed by the praise, he drove fast, and when he returned to the Zhuangyuan Building, he saw Xiao Chao's car and drove over.

Chao Yubo took the textbook back to the dormitory after class, went downstairs to sit in the car and waited until Major Yan sent Lele back and got off the car.

Le Yun climbed out of the car, took out a large bag of dumplings from the back seat and sent them to Brother Chao's car, not forgetting to instruct: "Brother Chao, don't be greedy when you eat dumplings, one person can eat up to twenty at a time, if you eat too much, your health will be bad. absorb all the nutrients.”

"I understand." Chao Yubo looked at the boss' dumpling, his heart trembled, how long would it take to wrap it?

Guessing that Brother Chao's family was waiting for him to go home for dinner, Le Yun pushed the beautiful boy into the cab, waited to send Brother Chao away, gave the reserved dumplings to Handsome Yan, and went upstairs by herself.

Yan Xing was still thinking about how to rely on Xiaoluoli's dormitory for meals at night. When he got an exclusive member, he was so happy that he found a treasure and drove to the dormitory. Now no one wants to look for him, he has to go back for dinner!

(End of this chapter)

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