magic eye doctor

Chapter 304 Fees, surgery fees must be charged

Chapter 304 Fees, surgery fees must be charged

Wang Ziyan's mood was extremely gloomy, and President Chao didn't want her to disturb his sister. She could understand why Professor Wan Cheng didn't agree with her contacting classmate Le?

Professor Wan Cheng is a professor in the Faculty of Medicine. The teacher focuses on educating and cultivating talents. She is open to learning and wants to make progress together with her classmates. Why not support her?

Professor Wan Cheng refused her request to get acquainted with classmate Le, and Young Master Yan refused to take her with her. One, two, three or four, everyone avoided her like a poisonous snake. Why?
It is also a freshman, how could Dashao Yan and Dashao Liu only see the excellence of classmate Le, where is she not excellent, where is she not doing well, and why is she unable to let others discover her potential and advantages?
Wang Ziyan, who was full of depression, took the bus around the school back to the dormitory area. She went to the restaurant for dinner with no heart, and returned to the dormitory with depression. She couldn't feel at ease.

After thinking about it all night, I stayed in bed on Saturday morning, got up to eat breakfast after dawn, went to the living street of the campus in the cold wind, bought a lot of things and brought them back to the dormitory, including a large cutting board, flour, meat and green onions.

The girls' dormitory has a small electric rice cooker with a steamer. They don't want to order takeout or eat in the cafeteria on weekdays or on weekends. They also cook eggs, noodles, etc. to add meals to themselves. Therefore, there is a set of household items including kitchen knives and small cutting boards. , do not need to purchase separately.

After getting things back, I found a lot of quick information on making dumplings and pancakes on the Internet. Wang Ziyan learned to make fillings, knead noodles, and make dumplings according to the recipes.

Classmate Le understands pharmacology. She is a pharmacy student, and she can also make medicated meals.Isn't Classmate Le making dumplings to honor Professor Wan Cheng?She will too.

Even if she doesn't know it now, she'll be able to learn it once she learns it. When she learns to make dumplings and pancakes, and then adds herbs to make medicated food products, she will give the professors what they like. I don't believe the professors can't see her goodness.

Wang Ziyan had never learned to make dumplings or buns before, she could only make the simplest noodles or cook rice, and stir-fry the vegetables. It was the first time to learn the stuffing. I was stumped, either too soft or too hard.

After tossing for a long time, I forcibly tried to knead the dough and wrap it in stuffing. The dumplings were too ugly to look at. I threw them into the pot and tried cooking and steaming. After half of the dumplings were scattered, I tasted the dough and the filling was too salty. , too salty to swallow.

Generally speaking, she has to eat her own results even if she sheds tears. Wang Ziyan is an exception. She only tasted one mouthful and vomited up before she swallowed it.

Fortunately, the other students in the dormitory were not there, so they were not seen embarrassingly, nor were they embarrassed in front of others.

First try, failed.

Failed products, deal with directly.

Wang Xiehua threw away the failed product, made another one, and then failed again, and then just got on with herself and tossed hard.

When classmate Wang was tossing, classmate Chao was a good baby at home, enjoying the love of the elders in the family. He came home last night and presented the dumplings he had packed. Paging the eldest son and the second son to come back for a weekend gathering.

Chao Yi and Chao Er received a summons from his mother, and on Saturday morning, they rushed back to the compound where their parents lived with their wife and daughter.

Uncle Chao and Mrs. Chao sent their whole family out. Second Master Chao brought his wife and daughter, and the five returned to the small building where the Chao family lived in the courtyard. The Chao family was very lively.

Chao Yi and Chao Er went back to their parents with an empty stomach before they set off. They shared a late breakfast with their parents and brothers, and enjoyed the love dumplings from the youngest princess of the Chao family who had not yet come to the Chao family to recognize her relatives. Refreshing, the heart is moved.

Therefore, the elders were very enthusiastic about the brother who picked up a little princess for the Chao family. They caught people and asked questions. Investigate it clearly.

Miss Chao was so excited that she gave her beautiful young brother a good meal, touched her head and pinched her face, and ravaged her openly and aboveboard.

The devastated Chao Yubo, unable to escape the second sister's magic hand, can only be a little bun and let others knead it. As for the overwhelming questions of the elders, if there are things that cannot be answered or need to be avoided, take a roundabout way, smile, smile, Smile……

Le Yun didn't know that because of her kindness, the beautiful young brother was "loved". She rested for a night. On Saturday, she re-mixed the ingredients and made several kinds of dumplings with different tastes. After a busy morning, she was done and packed it with a vacuum machine. , pick it up at noon and send it to the courier store.

In the afternoon, the boys from the 16th grade Chinese and Western medicine class were invited to the dormitory of classmate Le. Eight boys received the invitation last night, and they were excited for half a day.

Le Xiao is grateful to the boys in her class. She doesn't go to class, and the eight boys share the work of the deputy monitor and the study committee. She doesn't have to worry about anything. Occupy the pit without shitting."

Invited boys from the same class, nine people in a class exchanged their learning experiences and thoughts. They drank tea when they were thirsty, and had dumplings when they were hungry. The boys were screaming happily. Fortunately, classmate Le was a girl. If she was a boy, needless to say, classmate Dai and others It is certain that everyone will stay on the ground, and everyone will stay overnight even if they sleep on the floor.

Because classmate Le is a girl, the boys can't rely on her dormitory. In the evening, they eat dumplings as a meal with four evergreen vegetables, and take a few packs of dumplings to go home.

Some of the packagers included their own, and some were given to other boys in the military training class. The dumplings were cooked. Even if there was no electric dumpling pot in the dormitory, just boil the pot of water and scald the dumplings in the water to eat them.

After they returned to the dormitory, they sent messages in the military training class group, but all the boys who were not working in the military training class flocked to the dormitory of classmates such as Dai Guan, Li Luozhou, etc., and they were jealous of the boys in the traditional Chinese medicine class. Then I took the members back to the dormitory.

They didn't want to eat them at the time, so they kept the dumplings until Sunday morning, and then all the staff went out to open the underwater dumplings. The dumplings made by classmates Jie Yinle were so delicious that for a long time, the boys were very concerned about the canteen and their relationship with them. The dumplings in the breakfast restaurants are loveless.

Yan Xing didn't go to Little Loli for a day. He never admitted that he was bought by Little Loli's dumplings, so he endured not to brush his presence on Saturday.

On Sunday morning, he originally wanted to go to eat, but in the end he convinced himself that he didn't bother Little Loli, had a meal in the cafeteria by himself, drove to the downstairs of Little Loli's dormitory and waited. At seven o'clock, Little Lolita went downstairs.

Yan Xing's eyes lit up when she saw the little loli. The little loli was wearing a lavender mid-length coat like a newly opened bauhinia. The length of the coat reached her knees. refined.

The little loli he had seen was mostly low-key, and the colors were dim, except for the way she wore a red dress at the New Year's Eve. At first glance, she was wearing brightly colored clothes, which was really eye-catching. Don't be impressed by one day.

Little Lolita carried only the small backpack in front of her, and jumped downstairs. Yan Xing hurriedly pushed open the passenger car door, and untied the safety buckle, waiting for Little Lolita to get in the car.

Le Yun, who ran downstairs, was not polite. She climbed into the car, buckled her seat belt, and hung her backpack on her arm. When handsome Yan started the car and the speed stabilized, she took out a thick book and held it in her hand. Eat inside.

Little Loli was racing against time to read in the car, Yan Xing didn't bother to disturb her, and drove the car smoothly out of Qingda, turned over the avenue, and then turned into the city ring highway.

While handsome Yan was driving, Le Yun didn't ask him where he was taking her. She read her book diligently, and occasionally glanced at a slow stop or when passing a toll booth. After several times, she was quite puzzled that handsome Yan was going to West of the city!

The west mountain of the city is high, and there is a branch of the Taihang Mountains - the Xishan Mountains, and the upper mountain is a branch of the Xishan Mountains.

Young Master Yan went to the western part of the city, and without delay, he went straight to the garrison area - the garrison camp of a certain army group stationed in the housing district of Kyoto next to Xishan.

The garrison is heavily guarded, and there is no cover within 100 meters of the garrison. The high walls covered with barbed wire and electric grids block the peeping of the outside world. There are different numbers of watchtowers in each direction of the garrison, all of which are sentinels with live ammunition. Watch the garrison 24 hours a day In addition, to protect the security of the garrison.

It is a major national defense area. Access is refused. There are radars that interfere with signals in the camp. Mobile phones cannot be used at the station.

When handsome Yan's car drove to the base where the "XX" group was stationed, and looked at the tall and solemn gatehouse, Le Yun's forehead was dripping with black sweat, she was very honest, and took the initiative to turn off her phone , also took out the documents, ready to accept registration records and cross-examination.

Little Lolita obeyed the law all the time, Yan Xing twitched the corner of his mouth, silently drove the car to the gate of the station, and accepted the electronic eye scan.

The electronic eye scans it again, and the cameras from all angles give the car a background, and do not ask people to get out of the car, the electronic door opens by itself and let go.

Le Yun is very strange, why didn't she interrogate her as an outsider?

Little Loli looked over with her big eyes, she looked cute and cute, and Yan Xing's bones were about to be seen, and she took the initiative to explain: "My car has a military license plate, and it is registered in the internal system of the army. Work sites affiliated to the military do not need to be registered separately."

He pouted, Le Yun hummed, and he was a privileged member again!
As a privileged member, Young Master Yan's car went through the main gate, then to the second security gate, then through the third gate, and after three consecutive gates, before entering the station.

The resident camp is divided into the camp area, the family area and the military living area. The family living area occupies a small corner and is isolated from the camp area. Even the family members of the soldiers cannot enter or leave the camp area at will.

Yan Shao's cheetah drove to the camp, passed the isolation zone between the districts, and entered the camp for training and office. There were still electronic scanning eyes outside the gate, and sentries were on duty.

Entering the camp within the high wall, you could vaguely hear the slogans of the sergeants during their drills. Le Yun didn't see anyone, only some infrastructure.

Yan Xing drove slowly, passing through many training grounds and building areas, and arrived at the office area of ​​a certain brigade headquarters. The building is the highest two-story building, the walls are painted with gray paint, the roof has hidden objects, and trees are planted around it. Cover up an entire area.

Passing through the door of the office area, Yan Xing parked his car in front of an unguarded two-story building. The first floor of the building was painted with a red cross representing a doctor and hung with a sign of the infirmary.

Young Master Yan's car hadn't reached the medical building yet. The sound of the car rattled the people inside, and several people emerged from the three or two rooms on the first floor. There were sergeants in white coats acting as doctors, and school captains in military uniforms. and rank officers.

A dozen or so people poured out of the medical building and saw Young Master Yan's car, a young general in his [-]s wearing an army officer uniform and a major general's epaulet standing out from the crowd, with a serious smile on his face.

Yan Xing, who was still in the car, saw that his immediate boss also came to join in the fun, and silently slandered N times.

He didn't help Little Loli to make an introduction first. He drove the car to park in front of the medical building, pushed the door and got out of the car by himself. With a handsome and cold face, he walked up to his boss and saluted: "Hello, Chief!"

"Hehe, Comrade Yan has worked hard." Huang Jicheng smiled and patted the chief of staff Yan Da Shao, who was not wearing a military uniform, and the eagle eyes were interested in the car: "You are not kind, how can you leave the guests? "

In terms of military qualifications in the Huaxia Kingdom, the brigade commander is usually a colonel or a colonel, while Huang Jicheng is a major general, and a major general is usually an adjutant at the level of a deputy military region or an army commander.

However, in reality, it is not the case. He is the brigade commander of the independent brigade. The independent brigade is the Zhili brigade of the group army. He is at the same level as the division. Huang Jicheng is the brigade commander of the independent brigade of special nature. The grades are naturally different.

The brigade commander of the independent brigade is special, and the chief of staff who is only second to the brigade commander is naturally special. Therefore, the chief of staff is also at the level of the colonel, and the chief of staff of the independent brigade is at the deputy division level. The senior positions are the same.

The chief of staff of the independent brigade under Huang Jicheng's command is not a deputy division level, but a full division level, only a half-rank lower than the deputy military level of a major general.

Huang Jicheng patted Young Master Yan on the shoulder cordially, speaking in a serious manner, but his eyes betrayed his mentality. He accompanied everyone in silence. Master Huang Lv came to join in the fun early in the morning, what else could they do?Give your life to accompany the gentleman.

The corners of Yan Xing's mouth drooped: "Boss, haven't you been busy all the time? Why do you have time to inspect the work today?"

"I'm here to see the doctor, not to see you, boy Yan, if you don't pick up the doctor again, I'll go by myself." Huang Jicheng ignored Young Master Yan's resentment.

Huang Lv sometimes didn't play cards according to the rules, Yan Xing was also drunk, he didn't answer, he blinked at his brothers, turned around and walked to his car, went around the front of the car, and helped open the passenger's door. Loli got out of the car with her feet high.

After Handsome Yan had spoken to his leader, Le Yun got out of the car, followed by Handsome Yan with the backpack on his shoulders half-armed.

A cute little girl flashed out, and everyone's eyes lit up. The barracks were all men. There were very few women in the main office. Even the few doctors in the medical building were men. As soon as they saw a little girl, the men were shocked, and their mental outlook changed dramatically.

Huang Jicheng stared at the little girl with a smile in his eyes, what a lovely girl!A round face and a short stature can arouse people's desire for protection in seconds.

If people can be abducted into the brigade to serve as military doctors, he will bet that the enthusiasm for training the soldiers in the brigade will definitely increase, and the quality and physical fitness of the soldiers will definitely improve.

Taking another look, Huang Jicheng's tiger eyes were full of surprise, the little girl was so tender, and she looked so attractive. No wonder the ruthless and ruthless character of the Yan family turned into a warm man in the face of the little girl.

"Little girl, welcome to the barracks as a guest!" After taking a second glance, the mighty Major General smiled, completely unassuming, and without the pretence of a high-ranking official, he greeted the special little guest.

Seeing the boss walking forward, Yan Xing's brows jumped, and Huang Lv wanted to do something again!However, he was not worried, nor did he remind Mr. Huang Lv that the boat capsized in the gutter.

When Le Yun sat in the passenger seat, she had already seen all the people outside. Although handsome Yan deliberately pointed the driver's seat towards the building, she sat facing forward instead, because she could see things from the inside and out of the car window. The glass of the cab observes the outside, and people can see clearly.

At this moment, he was not frightened by the big step forward of the general-level officer. He took two steps forward calmly and shook hands with the general who extended his hand to welcome him: "Excuse me, I hope my presence will not affect the most lovely soldiers. normal work.”

"It doesn't affect it, it doesn't affect it." The young sergeants behind the station chief shouted in unison.

Huang Jicheng held the little girl's hand, used his wrist strength secretly, and smiled affectionately: "You are welcome, my surname is Huang, I am trusted by the superior leadership, and serve as the brigade commander. On behalf of all comrades in the brigade, I welcome the arrival of the little doctor. Girl, take care of the health of all the brothers in the brigade!"

A strong force came, Le Yun frowned slightly, is this a wrench?
In terms of strength, she is not afraid.

With a smile in his heart, he calmly focused his strength on his right hand, counterattacked, and his smile deepened: "Hey Chief, I'm still a student, and I can't bear your heavy trust. For the important task of caring for the health of the whole brigade, please find someone else. Thank you very much for your hospitality. I am here to see the patient as agreed, and I will leave after that, not daring to break military regulations."

"The little girl is humble." Huang Jicheng has secretly prepared for it. When a sudden and powerful shock came back and made his mouth go numb, he knew that the little girl had deep inner strength and it was not appropriate to try again. Release your hand.

When the boss of Huang Lv took the initiative to shake hands with the little loli, Yan Xing calmly watched the big one and the other hold hands. When Huang Lv let go, he clearly saw Huang Lv's temple bulging, and couldn't help but feel bored. Laugh, deserve it!I want to try whether Little Loli is a trainee, so I'm going to suffer now.

The successful counterattack made a certain major general comrade have to withdraw. Le Yun pretended not to notice the good intentions of the boss, smiled brightly, looked at the person behind Huang Lv, and opened the X-ray scan of her eyes.

It is not convenient to observe with X-rays because of the glass in the car. Now there is no foreign object in front of you, and you can see who has physical problems and who is healthy and worry-free.

Glancing at a glance, her gaze fell on a person. It was a more delicate brother soldier, with a face that was a bit like a girl, with a slightly pointed chin, fairer skin, tall and gentle.

Such a delicate young man is blind in the right eye, and the eyeball is still there. For some unknown reason, the entire eyeball is white, and there is no black eye. In order not to be scary, he put on fake black pupils, which can almost match the fake to the real. .

After finding the target, Le Yun moved to the side, avoiding the mighty major general in military uniform, and walked straight towards the target.

Huang Jicheng and Young Master Yan saw the little girl walking towards a group of sergeants, and they kept silent. The young people standing saw the little loli with her tender face coming, and subconsciously gave way to both sides.

Then let go, let the handsome and gentle young soldier brother.

Everyone got out of the way, and Le Yun could see clearly the epaulettes of Bing's brother, two bars and one star, major rank.

The young man in military uniform stood upright, like a small pine tree. He was about 1.8 meters long and was at a high altitude. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the little girl who was coming, calmly and calmly.

Walking seven or eight steps, about five steps away from the young soldier, Le Yun looked at the person again and couldn't help complaining: "It has been nearly four years since the injury to the right eye, and the time is too long, and several nerves and blood vessels have been damaged. The operation is a bit troublesome, handsome Yan, this soldier is in a special situation and must pay for the operation and medical expenses."

When Huang Jicheng and the soldiers saw the little girl and saw which one was the patient, they were surprised, but they were confused by the little girl's words: "..." What is this?Sitting on the ground?

Chi Shishi, who was stared at by Little Loli: "!"

"!" Yan Xing twitched the corner of his mouth, walked quickly to Little Loli, and asked in a warm voice, "How much is the surgery and medical expenses?"

"This operation hurts the eyes the most. After the operation, I have to rest for at least two days to take care of my eyes, so I have to charge 20 for the operation; the eyes are the window to the soul, which is extraordinary, and I have to give him the best medicine before and after the operation. , charge 15 yuan for medicine, this is my minimum bottom line, if he is not a soldier, the minimum charge is [-] yuan, [-] yuan for surgery, [-] yuan for medicine, one penny less, and the cotton store is closed-no discussion.”

"Fifty thousand?" A group of soldiers wiped their sweat, what's the matter, they still thought that the little loli would shout a hundred thousand, but it turned out to be [-]?

"Okay, the money will be transferred to you soon. You make a list of what preparations and things you need, and I'll have someone prepare. When will the surgery be done?" Yan Xing knew little Loli well and guessed that even if the surgery was accepted. Fei wasn't too ruthless either, and he didn't have any surprises about the numbers she mentioned, and accepted them calmly.

"I need to prepare some additional medicines, which can be scheduled for the operation on next Thursday or Friday. You can prepare the surgical equipment and the like, and also prepare the most basic medicines required for the operation. The medicine I prepared is for this soldier. My brother will use the eyes before and after the operation, take out the pupils, and transplant them. These tasks are my job. The other donated eye will be taken over by someone else, so I won't have time to worry about his life or death."

"No problem!" Yan Xing responded quickly.

"Take someone to the infirmary, and I'll give him a needle first to activate some atrophied and weakened nerves."

"Fourteen, go back to the bed and lie down." Yan Xing smiled at Chi Fourteen: "Don't worry, Little Loli is very gentle, and needles don't hurt."

All the soldiers looked at Chi Shishi with their eyes, with one meaning: Lying on the corpse, lying on the corpse, laying on the corpse!

Chi Fourteen: "!" Captain, can you be a little humane!
The brothers stood on the same line as the captain. He obeyed the majority and turned around to the infirmary. The captain said to lie down. Wouldn't it be okay for him to go back and lie down?
The young soldier walked to the infirmary, and Le Yun also followed with her short legs, took two steps, and showed her good white teeth to the crowd: "There is another soldier who also wants to have a needle, the mighty and majestic soldiers, I will take you all. The brigade commander took it to the infirmary!"

(End of this chapter)

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