magic eye doctor

Chapter 305 4, what do you think

Chapter 305 Fourteen, what do you think

The little girl turned her head and pointed at herself, Huang Jicheng's eyes jumped, he was here to make soy sauce, why did he pull him into the water?
36 It is best to plan and walk away, and he immediately strode away: "Little girl, Red Boy will thank you for your hard work. Boys, you entertain guests. I have business, so I will come back when I am done."

A group of handsome wolf soldiers: "!" As the leader of a brigade, you are always running away from battle, is this really good?
"Huang Lv, it's wrong to avoid diseases and avoid doctors." Yan Xing grabbed the boss's arm with quick eyes, and "friendly and considerate" led the boss to the infirmary.

All the young people applauded secretly, the captain is mighty!In addition to the official orders in the whole brigade, if anyone can suppress the yellow brigade, it is none other than Captain Yan.

"Boy Yan, I'm not sick, so don't worry about that. You can accompany the little girl to check on Hongsi." Huang Jicheng's uncontrolled hand clamped to Young Master Yan's hand to save his own.

"Chief, a migraine is not a serious illness. It can kill you when it hurts." When Le Yun saw Handsome Yan grabbing Huang Lv, she blinked meaningfully, raised her head, and walked to the infirmary. Handsome Yan is really awesome!

Yan Xing grabbed Huang Lv and didn't let go. He quickly responded, and in the blink of an eye, he split seven or eight hands. He gave the superior face, and grabbed the other hand of Huang Lv, and smiled gently: "Boss. , Little Loli is right, a headache is not a disease, it can kill you when it hurts, you should follow the doctor's advice."

The hidden meaning is: you will follow!Not from, and must from!
Huang Jicheng felt like he was shooting himself in the foot. You said, he didn't look good, why did he run on a whim to see who Yan Xiaozi found to help people see a doctor?

I didn't see this play, but was ripped into the water, which is really not worth it.

The Yan family boy is the number one in martial arts in the entire army. In terms of martial arts, fists, feet and hand strength, he really can't help each other, and the young chief of staff is unwilling to let him go. Huang Jicheng has a bitter face and can only be "led" by anyone. .

The medical building has a pharmacy and a consultation room, which are fully equipped. There is also a ward on the second floor, which can accommodate up to ten people for observation at a time.

Chi Shishi walked into a pre-arranged consultation room. The consultation room was about ten square meters wide, with two consultation beds and some equipment. There were doctors sitting on the table and chairs near the door.

There are bed curtains on the bed for consultation, which can be pulled up to block the sight of others.

Chi Shishi was very obedient, walked to a clinic bed, took off his shoes and climbed up, standing upright.

Yan Xing dragged Huang Brigade and pressed him to another hospital bed. The soldiers were also very clever, and helped Huang Brigade boss take off his military cap, take off his shoes, and guard in front of the bed to prevent him from slipping away.

To tell the truth, they are happy to see the little loli's needle for the boss of Huang Lv, or should be said to be very excited. Who is Huang Lv's daily schedule, it is rare to find someone, but they were caught early this morning. All kinds of ridicule, they were the audience for half the morning, this time it was finally Huang Lv's turn to be caught by the little loli, and the boss of Huang Lv was stunned, can they not cooperate?

A few young wolves were secretly excited, and on the surface they were serious, waiting for the little loli to give Huang Lv a needle. Even if the boss of Huang Lv was made into a hedgehog, they would support them with both hands and feet. no?

Carrying her backpack, Le Yun went to the hospital bed where Huang Lv was lying, and sat on a bench sent by a soldier brother, looking for a silver needle, her eyes squinted like a rabbit's eyes, her pink lips opened and closed, and she spat out. Soft words: "Brother soldiers, help the General take off his shirt."

"Do you want to take off your clothes?" Huang Jicheng felt bad, quite bad!
"Can you not take it off?" Yan Xing also felt bad, he didn't like little loli looking at the handsome guy's abs, even if Huang Lv was an old handsome guy, he was still a man.

"No. Come to a few mighty soldiers and help Huang Lv to undress. If no one does it, then it's your turn to have a taste of the needle."

"There's nothing wrong with us, we don't need needles." Several wolf-like soldiers roared in unison, and immediately rushed forward to help the boss of the Yellow Brigade unbutton his uniform. In order not to get needles, he could only feel wronged. head.

The crowd was so powerful that they quickly unbuttoned the yellow brigade's winter uniform, and then took off his sweater, tie, and shirt.

The men of the youth army cut out two by three and five, and helped the head of Huang Lv to unbutton all the clothes to reveal the tiger's body. Huang Lv was exposed to the sun and wind all year round. Of course, it was the accumulation of military exploits, and he inevitably left many scars on his body.

Being tossed by a group of wolves like soldiers, Huang Jicheng admitted it, with his chest out, exposed to the cold air, he did not kill a group of troublemakers, and calmly accepted the treatment of being slaughtered by others.

Finding the silver needle, Le Yun tucked her backpack into Handsome Yan standing beside her, put the silver needle cover on her elbow, walked to the hospital bed and sat down, leaned over slightly, took a silver needle, and slowly plunged it in The Baihui acupoint on the top of Huang Lv's head is pierced, and then pierced behind the ears, shoulders, and down the chest, all the way to Tianshu acupoint, and then back to pierce the facial acupoints.

Huang Lv was pierced with about [-] needles, and the length of the needles left on the outside of the skin was long or short. The young soldiers looked at it with trepidation. Appeared right in front of the little loli.

Their hearts were trembling, and Huang Jicheng felt very much - cool!

It was uncomfortable at first, the little girl got the first needle, and his whole head seemed to explode, and it was so painful. When he received two needles on his shoulder, the pain was relieved, and the pain became more and more needles. lighter.

When a few needles are pierced near the belly button, I feel a warm current flowing from the belly button to the top of the head, and then down, repeating the cycle, the feeling is just one word: cool!

Enjoying the refreshment brought by acupuncture, Huang Jicheng was no longer discouraged by the treatment of being forced to suffer, and felt that his decision to leave official business to join in the fun today couldn't be more correct.

Le Yun helped Huang Lv with some needles, left him to blow cold air, and turned to another hospital bed.

After the corpse of the fourteenth red, because Little Lolita took care of their leader first, he secretly got up to take a peek, and saw that the needle in Huang Lv's body trembled and trembled, his whole person was a little bad, It looks so scary!
He was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and wanted to run, so he didn't dare to watch the whole process.

He was not afraid of reciting a few hundred times in silence, and almost forced himself to fall asleep. The slight fear was still there, and he could only smile bitterly. He was good at hypnotizing, but he couldn't urge himself, and his heart was stuck!

Congested, I waited for the little loli to come and stab herself. When the little loli moved over Shi Shiran, the red fourteen stiffened into a salted fish, lying upright in a line.

Le Yun, who shifted the target, looked at the soldier who turned into a zombie and felt helpless. She was not cruel at all. In order not to frighten the soldiers, she didn't use a flying needle. She was so gentle and considerate.

So gentle and considerate, so understanding, no one found her good, sad.

Feeling a little stuffed, Le Yun took off her shoes and sat on the hospital bed.

A group of bystanders trembled.

Yan Xing roughly guessed what Little Lolita was going to do, so he couldn't help feeling his heart, why did he feel a little stuffy, is the air not very good?

Le Yun sat on the hospital bed, moved to the back of Brother Bing's head and sat on his knees, put his head on his lap, and massaged the acupuncture points for him, focusing on the area near his right eye.

When Little Loli sat behind her head, the stiffness of Chi Shishi's muscles escalated again, stretched into stones, and when her head rested on Little Loli's knees, in addition to smelling Little Loli's body fragrance, other than that, because of her stiffness It's so powerful, I don't feel it.

Le Xiaoxue, who also works as a masseuse, helped his brother to massage his eyes and head again and again, including various acupuncture points on the back of his head, nine times, with needles, no less than [-] needles in a row, with the focus of the needles surrounding his right eye.

After the needle was inserted, Le Yun left the person behind and waited for about ten minutes before removing the needles from Huang Lv's body one by one and putting them in a glass vial.

The little girl took back the silver needle, Huang Jicheng rolled over and got up, quickly buttoning his shirt.

A group of young people rushed up, smiling and helping the boss tie a tie, put on a sweater, and wear a military jacket.

Huang Jicheng glanced at a group of restless mischievous youths, with a half-smile but not a smile: "It feels pretty good, you might as well ask the little girl to help you get some needles."

"No, we are very healthy."

"It takes too much effort to get acupuncture, and we will feel guilty if we tire out the little classmates."

The young people laughed, they didn't want to be hedgehogs.

Huang Jicheng sorted out his clothes, invited the little girl with a gentle smile, and waited to help Hongsi get the needles and stayed to visit the barracks. He had a meal at noon to experience the life of the barracks. Haosheng entertained the little girl and left the infirmary calmly.

When he walked out of the infirmary, avoided the sight of a group of boys, and ran to the toilet in a hurry, he would never tell anyone, and after being stabbed, he was actually anxious!

Immediately tidy up, walk out of the toilet pretending to be calm, and leave calmly to take care of his own business. As for the little girl, um, if there are young people, it is better to be entertained by those boys. Don't be embarrassed.

The group of young sergeants who sent off the Yellow Brigade did not know that the brigade commander had even been to the toilet. Everyone chatted excitedly and tried their best to introduce to the little loli how interesting and interesting the military camp was, and even exposed little secrets. There is a small stream with fish. When they are not training, they secretly catch fish for a picnic. The fish tastes good.

Classmate Le Xiao listened silently and said in one sentence: No interest!

She is currently not interested in things in the military camp, because after the first snow, most of the medicinal materials on the mountain are old and useless, and half of the perennial ones are not suitable for harvesting due to the season, and there are too few suitable for digging. There is a free opportunity to dig medicine, so I am not going to run to play. It is more cost-effective to save the opportunity to dig medicine on the mountain where the military camp is stationed for tomorrow, spring, summer and autumn.

Therefore, even if her brothers tried their best, she was indifferent, and waited for about half an hour to help the handsome guy dial the silver needle.

To tell the truth, she herself is more interested in red handsome guys with eye injuries. As far as she knows, the red surname in China is as rare as her le (le) surname, and little known.

The word le is a surname, and the pronunciation (yue) is still known. The number of surnames reading le is very small, only in the gathering places of ethnic minorities, and the number of surnames is also small, the source is also ancient, and the red surname is also very ancient A surname, because there are no famous people in modern times, if you don't go to the place where people with the surname red are scattered, the first reaction of ordinary people when they hear the surname red, they think it is "Hong".

When Le Yun learned about Major Hong from her brothers, she was very interested in his surname and himself. The information in her mind contained the source of the Chinese surname and the secrets of the surname. The surname Hong was a hidden secret. surname.

The red surname, which once represented the color of red, also represented the flame. The ancestor of the red surname was a fiery bird, the ride of Emperor Yan. He was good at using fire. The younger generation gave him the surname Hong, and he was named General Chiwei.

The ancestors of the red surname once controlled the use of fire. There was a glorious period in the age of mythology. Later, due to various reasons, the glorious deeds of the red surname family were wiped out.

Le Xiao wanted to know if he had inherited the fire talent from his ancestors with the surname Hong. He studied people from head to toe many times. He didn't have the element of fire in him. His left eye was double pupil, that is, the two side by side were ∞ Pupils, there is a little red in the depths of both pupils.

That spot of redness was not a seed of flame, it was just a little bit of blood qi light, just like when she meditated and meditated and finally saw the silver radiance, it was a kind of qi that she cultivated.

If you find that faint red, you can probably guess the use. It should be used for hypnosis. Because his right eye is blind, he needs to transplant the eye with the same double pupil to facilitate the reconstruction of hypnotism.

Because it was inconvenient to dig out other people's secrets clearly, I just watched it for a while and then gave up. Le Yun took back the silver needles, put them in glass vials for sterilization, put the silver needle sleeves back into the backpack, carried the bag back and hung it on her shoulders, and clapped her hands calmly. , leave.

A group of military men wanted to keep the little girl to exchange their feelings, but unfortunately, they did not wash their faces with foot basins.

"Little Loli, if you are free today, go for a walk and eat here at noon." Yan Xing also wanted to abduct Little Loli for a walk, but did not want to send her away.

"I'm not free when you're free. If you don't send me off, go out by yourself." Le Yun originally wanted to go to handsome Yan's cheetah, but handsome Yan was reluctant, so she walked by herself.

All the young people wipe their sweat and go out on their own?The barracks is so wide, Little Lolita has to walk on her feet, and it takes at least an hour to walk to the gate from here.

Yan Xing couldn't resist Little Lolita's stubbornness, so she ran to open the car door by herself: "Little Lolita, walking is too tiring, I'll take you back to school."

Le Yun didn't really want to walk on her own feet, so she immediately slipped to the side of the car and climbed into the car. She came to help people check, not to visit. Prank not to take a car.

Yan Xing, who was led by the nose, could not play tricks no matter how reluctant she was in her heart. She drove Little Loli away. When there was a bus on the avenue far away from the garrison, Little Loli asked to get off the bus.

Yan Xing pulled the car over and asked in a muffled voice, "Little Loli, where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"Just go back to the place where you're going to have the surgery. I'll go and play with handsome Milo. When I've had enough, I'll go back to school by myself."

"Little Loli, that, I'll accompany you..."

Young Master Yan wanted to be a follower, but was immediately stunned by the little Loli who got out of the car: "You dare to play tracking, I don't mind sending you to the hospital to lie down."

After being warned, Yan Xing silently wiped out the idea of ​​stalking, but he did not give up: "Little Loli, let me accompany you, what if you are stalked and hijacked on the way?"

"Yanren!" Le Yun shouted gloomily, gritted her teeth: "How dare you try to curse me again? If you are really cursed by your crow's mouth and the operation is cancelled, I will make an appointment with you in minutes. fail."

Dare to curse her for being kidnapped?
Yanren is timid and fat, she doesn't show her power, do you really think she is a bad person with no temper?
Angrily, Le Yun slammed the car door with her backhand, causing it to slam shut. The force was so extraordinary that the hearts of the people in the car trembled.

Little Loli angrily slammed out the door, Yan Xing pouted in annoyance, what is the meaning of disaster coming out of your mouth, isn't that what it is?Why didn't he keep his mouth shut?

He was embarrassed to go to explain his unintentional act, sitting in the car, watching the little loli walk to the bus stop without looking back, quickly boarded a bus, and waited for the bus. Walking away, he turned around and returned to the station.

Young Master Yan's Cheetah returned to the garrison base and went all the way to the medical building. Chi Shishi and others were still in the infirmary when they realized that the captain had gone and returned, all of them stunned.

"Captain, you won't sell Little Loli midway, will you?"

"Captain, where's Little Loli? Where's the cute little Loli?"

A few young men surrounded the captain and asked the big-breasted little loli in a row. In other words, the little loli is really not easy to coax. They tried so hard and did not persuade her, which shows how strong willpower is.

"Captain, shouldn't you be... dumped by Little Lolita?" Chi Shishi opened his left eye and looked at the captain with a gloomy face, with a particularly beautiful smile.

"What... what? The captain was dumped?"

The men were so shocked that they almost bit their tongues. Their captain was so handsome and handsome. As long as he was willing and waved, there would be a wave of beauties rushing up one after another, but now someone told them that they were handsome and extraordinary. The captain of her was disliked by a little loli, which was almost like a fantasy.

"Humph!" Yan Xing snorted softly after being told the truth, "You guys are busy today?"

"Ah, don't be idle!"

"Captain, we didn't need to train this morning because of special circumstances."

"Captain, you don't have to go to school today, right? Let's have dinner together?"

"Captain, we haven't eaten together for a long time."

Several young people were startled by the captain's snort, and immediately turned the wind, surrounded the captain like a dog's legs, diverting the problem, so as not to be caught by the captain for inhumane training.

"Sure enough, I was dumped." Chi Shi Shi touched her white chin, her delicate eyebrows fluttered, and she continued to pour cold water without fear of death: "Captain, you can't do it all the time, especially to the pretty little loli. The face is definitely not good. Although the captain is so handsome, girls don't like boys with old stinky faces and arrogant faces. Little Loli is so small and tender, of course she can't stand to be scared. You have to be gentle and understand. don't know?"

All the young people took a few steps back in unison, almost wanting to cry, Fourteen, it doesn't matter if you want to die, can you stop pulling others?

Yan Xing's face was a little stinky at first, but he was scolded by Chi Shishi. That handsome face stinks like a stone in a ditch.

Did he make a bad face to the little loli?

of course not.

It's useless to show the gentlest smile to a little loli. If you show a bad face, you will be disgusted to death in minutes. He dares to show a bad face to the superiors, and he will never pretend to be cruel to the little loli. face.

He was dumped without showing his stinky face, and he was laughed at by his brothers when he came back. Yan Xing's heart was stuffed, and his blood was blocked: "Chi Shishi, it seems that you are very happy today."

The young people covered their faces, and the captain's subconscious meaning was that Chi Shishi was overwhelmed.

"Well, after being blind for many years, I'm really happy when my right eye can see the sun again. I can't wait for the day to come and my blood boils. "Chi Shishi didn't seem to know that he had annoyed the captain, and he seriously expressed his feelings.

Yan Xing wanted to clean up Chi Shishi's meal, but when he heard the words from the bottom of his heart, he felt touched and pressed Chi Shi Shi's shoulder: "All the waiting is worth it, we will be able to fight side by side again soon! "

"Captain, I understand." Chi Shishi held the captain's hand, he understood, so he was willing to stay behind his brothers and wait for the opportunity to fight side by side with them again.

A few young people walked over, put their hands on Chi Shishi's shoulders, and folded their hands into Arhats, swearing the oath of knowing each other and staying together. Even if the pages written in blood and flesh will never be known to the people, and their names never appear in the annals of heroes, they have no regrets.

The brothers looked at each other and smiled, all the love and meaning were in silence.

The captain didn't make a bad face, and the youth became active again, digging out the gossip history of the captain and the little loli.

"Fourteen, what do you think about Little Loli?" Yan Xing let a few brothers play tricks and turned to ask Chi Fourteen's thoughts.

"Little Lolita has a special magnetic field around her, which automatically eliminates external spiritual intrusion. My abilities are useless to Little Lolita. I can't see through her, and I can't influence her." Chi Shishi honestly expressed his opinion, in When he and Little Loli looked at each other and lay on the corpse for the first time, he released his mental power to test Little Loli's reaction, but before his spiritual power reached Little Loli, it was like a sea of ​​bullshit. none.

At the end, he added another sentence: "Little Lolita is very mysterious, and it is not suitable to be an enemy. If it is an enemy, it will definitely be a big worry. It is the best policy to obliterate it at any cost."

Yan Xing was slightly relieved: "Fortunately, Little Loli is from China, and she is also a person who has deep feelings for her country and will not do anything to hurt the country."

Everyone agreed that Little Loli was willing to accept the invitation to the surgery, which showed that she had a country in her heart, so she was willing to pick the eyes of a spy and perform a living transplant operation to help the soldiers regain their light.

Because the captain has been away from the base for a long time recently, Chi Shishi and others chatted for a while, caught the captain, dragged him away, and went to enhance their relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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