magic eye doctor

Chapter 306 I Was Bullied

Chapter 306 I Was Bullied
Le Xiaoxiao threw away Handsome Yan, took the bus to the subway station, and then changed to the subway to reach the city center near the hotel where Handsome Milo stayed, and walked around by himself.

Walk around the commercial center, study certain routes, and enter a sports store specializing in domestic brands. The professional sports store has a swimsuit section. There are many styles of swimsuits, sexy and hot revealing clothes, conservative slim ladies' clothes, children's clothes, Men's and women's clothing.

Knowing that her figure is a bit hot, Le Xiao did not care about sexy clothes, but only wanted conservative ladies' clothes. The clerks were very enthusiastic and helped to recommend styles and colors.

The kindness is difficult, but Le Yun did not let the shopping guides lose face, and chose the recommended colors for each of the recommended styles to the fitting room.

Every time she puts on one and looks in the mirror, um, she silently rolls her eyes to the sky, God damn it, can we change the height of the chest to the height instead of the chest?

Even trying a few pieces had the same effect. She walked out wearing one of the sets, and asked the shopping guide with a stern face: "Miss Beauty, is there something more conservative? It's impossible to meet people in this way."

In winter, the swimsuit is off-season, and the salespersons are relatively idle, so they have time to wait and see. When they see the little girl wearing a light blue one-piece swimsuit, the salespersons almost fell over.

The little guest is too hot!
The one-piece swimsuit has a clear curve on the body, and the girl's S-shaped figure is particularly beautiful. If you go to a clothes advertisement or a runway show, the men present may have nosebleeds.

Several shopping guides laughed so hard that they could not close their mouths, and each went to help find the most conservative clothes.

Le Yun took the clothes into the fitting room and tried them on again. Although the one-piece boxer skirt was not much different than the one-piece lady's dress, its neckline was a small V shape, which was more protective.

After trying a few pieces, she was finally satisfied. She picked six pieces of her favorite colors in one go. There were large and loose ones, and some that fit well. The pre-purchased one was one size larger. If she grows taller next year, she can also wear it.

I bought a swimsuit, and bought peripheral products, bath towels, swimming glasses, swimming caps, indoor slippers, nose clips, and all the supplies needed for swimming. It cost nearly 3000 yuan.

After checking out, Le Yun went straight to the swimming pool with her new loot.

There are many swimming pools in the capital where you can do professional training and cool off, both open-air and indoor. The hotel where handsome Inmiro stays is in Chaoyang, which is the closest to the Forbidden City in the center of the capital. Le Xiaoxiao chooses it on the spot, but it is not very far from the big hotel. an indoor swimming pool.

There are not as many people swimming in winter as there are in summer, and because there are fewer people in winter, there is more space for activities in the swimming pool, which attracts the elderly and children to enjoy free water in the swimming pool.

It was Sunday, and there were a lot of people playing in the swimming pool.

Swimming pool opening hours are stipulated, usually from 10-17:30 on weekends, not open in winter evenings, and open for a few hours in summer evenings.

Le Yun went to buy tickets first, then went to the swimming pool. After checking the tickets, she entered the pool. The waiter directed her to the place where valuables were stored to store her backpack. She only took one bag to the changing room to change clothes.

After changing into her swimsuit, she stored her clothes in the locker in the locker outside the locker room. She only brought the bath towel to the pool area. She didn't wear a nose clip or swimming cap and goggles.

The indoor swimming pool is standard. There are two large pools and a small children's paddling pool. The water is deep blue and dark blue. There are about 30 people playing in the water. They are accompanied by staff outside the venue to avoid safety accidents.

Le Yun saw the faint green pool, her muscles tensed involuntarily, she asked the staff for a lifebuoy, hugged the rubber band, walked to the shallow water area of ​​the pool and sat down.

To tell the truth, she dare not go into the water.

The last time she fell into an ancient tomb and encountered a puddle when she left, she was afraid of water, so she had to ask handsome Yan to carry her back. At that moment, she made up her mind to learn to swim by herself.

There are too many accidents in life, and no one can guarantee that someone will walk with you every time. Just imagine, one day, you are the only one who falls into a strange place and encounters a deep pool or puddle with water. What should she do?
When a person encounters a place with deep water, he has no water, and no one walks with him, it will be very miserable if the sky and the ground are not working, and the ground and the ground are not working well. There is water in front, and there are chasing soldiers behind. If you don’t move forward, you may die. If you advance, you may die in the diving. Thinking about it makes people tremble.

In order not to suffer a crisis one day, Le Yun persuaded herself to find a place to swim, bought a swimsuit, and went to the swimming pool.

A person who has been afraid of deep water for many years, in a closed room, it is really difficult for her to overcome the fear of water in a short time.

Le Yun was not immune, even though she was mentally prepared, she persuaded herself to come to learn swimming, and she gave herself 1 reasons that she must learn to swim, but when she saw the pool, she was still timid.

Everyone has inner demons, and her inner demons are deep water!

She is not afraid to look at the deep water from a distance in the wild beside the big river and the river, because the field of vision is wide, and the field of vision is blocked in places like indoors. Relatively speaking, the pool becomes a subjective scene, which gives people a stronger intuition.

In the wild, she dared to take a bath in the waist-deep river, but indoors, the water more than one meter deep is already blue-green blue-green, which is terrible.

Sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water, Le Yun's muscles were so tense that she felt her nerves were about to break. Reason told her that she had to overcome the psychological barrier, but her nervous system and body reaction were very resistant to water.

go down, don't go down...

There were countless recitations in her heart, and Le Yun felt a layer of fine sweat dripping out of her forehead. Her hand almost burst the lifebuoy. Slowly enter the pool.

The edge of the place is very shallow, the water depth is about one meter, she is relatively short, and the water level also appears to be very deep when people are immersed in the water.

The water was warm, and the skin received warm water, and there was no adverse reaction. However, Le Yun was born with a fear of deep water, and her legs and feet did not cramp, but her limbs were as stiff as frozen stones. Anyone who poked something would collapse.

She stood in the water, struggling to move.

Standing stiffly for a while, I vaguely heard someone talking about her, saying whether she couldn't swim, etc. When she heard those words, her hair was blown up, and even others could see that she couldn't swim anymore, and she had to learn swimming. .

Thinking is always easier than reality. Le Yun wants to overcome her mental illness, but she can't move her legs. She has tried a few times before she can take the first step. The second step, although the second step is difficult, it is still a step forward.

There is a second step, and the third step and the fourth step are also completed by the way.

She took very small steps, and moved to the ramp of the deep water. When the water was waist-deep, she couldn't help but look at the bank of the pool. Seeing the attention of the staff from time to time, her restless heart became calmer, um, um, Don't be afraid, there are lifeguards nearby. If she drowns, they will come to save her life in time.

For the sake of safety, she told the staff in advance that she could not swim when she took the lifebuoy. Please pay more attention to whether she is drowning. The staff will definitely pay attention to her movements secretly to avoid safety accidents.

With psychological support, Le Yun stood in the pool of water over her waist, put a leather loop around her waist, took a few deep breaths, gritted her teeth, and threw herself into the water.

She kept countless tips, tricks, and explanations for getting started swimming in her mind. When she was actually soaking in water, all those things were useless, and her natural reaction was to wave her arms to plan the water.

Dog-planing paddling, although the posture is ugly, it is very practical.

Le Yun, who threw herself into the water and was in close contact with the water, even though there was a lifebuoy on her waist, was facing down and almost didn't choke on the water. But it was pale and pale.

The staff members who were secretly watching on the shore looked embarrassed. That little girl really doesn't know how to swim!Although they wanted to teach on the spot, they thought it over and over again, but they still respected the little girl's intentions, let her learn first by herself, and taught her swimming skills only when they needed to be called.

Le Yun waved her arms a few times, her muscles were stiff like fiberboard, she stabilized her body, supported her weight on a lifebuoy, half-floated, her chin was soaked in water, she pursed her lips to prevent water from choking into her mouth, she didn't want to drink others of urine.

The furthest distance in the world is the distance from the swimming pool to the toilet. People who play in the water are too lazy to walk and often pee in the swimming pool. This phenomenon is common all over the world, not unique to a certain country.

The water content in the swimming pool in winter is less than in summer, but there is no denying that it has urine!

The pool water with urine is uncomfortable, but the swimming pool is a public place and not privately owned. Therefore, even if you know the pool water is also urine, you have no choice if you want to learn to swim.

Because she will be looking for medicine all over the world at any time, and she is afraid that she will be in danger when she encounters deep water. Otherwise, Le Yun will never choose to run to the swimming pool to soak in other people's urine. In order to get out of the water containing urine as soon as possible, she Diligently insist on soaking in the water to adapt, so as to avoid the limbs twitching due to inappropriate changes after falling into the water, people cramping in the water, and the mortality rate is higher.

The people at the pool first paid attention to the little girl because they saw her holding a lifebuoy and didn't go into the water. Later, when they saw her playing in the big water, they didn't pay much attention, and they went into the water one after another. There are also people who go ashore to rest.

At first, there were not too many people in the swimming pool, but soon several new groups were added, including men and women, young and old, and adults brought children to teach swimming. Several children were still elementary school students.

After twelve o'clock, a large wave of teenagers poured into the swimming pool. There were about 50 or [-] of them. There was a hearty ball game with others, and the men's team also won the opponent, while the women's team was a little silent.

A group of young male and female students went to the locker room to change into their swimsuits or swimming trunks. The clothes were stored in lockers, and they poured into the swimming area with only essentials such as towels and balls.

The swimming pool covers an extremely wide area, and there are not many people. If there are dozens of people, it may cause crowding in the swimming pool. A group of young people file in, some go to the shallow pool with spray, some love the deep pool, and reach the pool, like Like dumplings, he threw himself into the pool.

Some young people jumped into the water and took a corner to play ball in the water, while others were swimming happily.

Several boys swam for a while in the large competitive swimming pool, climbed ashore, watched the girls play ball, watched for a while, a young man pushed his companions around, his voice could not contain his excitement: "Liu Shao, Chen Shao, Wang Second Young Master, Yuan Young Master, look at that big-breasted beauty over there, and visually measure the D cup!"

"I see." The young people who were named nodded with strange expressions.

Many of them are natives of Kyoto, or the kind of family backgrounds that are not bad. They are all high school students in the same middle school, and they are between 15 and 17 years old.

Liu Shao, Liu Bojie, the third year of high school, with a good body; Chen Shao, Chen Huaiyu, the third year of high school, slightly fat, round face, with a good face;

Wang Ershao, Wang Ruichen, the second year of high school, with a well-balanced body and handsome eyebrows; Yuan Shao, Yuan Weijie, the second year of high school, slender and tall, he is the tallest among the crowd, about three centimeters taller than his companions.

The young man who was talking to the Fourth Young Master was Feng Shao, Feng Jinlin, a third year in high school, with a strong physique, a pair of peach blossom eyes, and a white face with a kind of gentle air.

The five were in the same middle school and were all members of the basketball team.

Liu Shao glanced at the girl in the swimming pool, and then at a girl in a blue swimsuit who was playing in the water not far away, with a wretched smile on his face: "Feng Shao, how do you know it's D? It's your old acquaintance, have you measured it?"

"Hey, who is this young man? I read countless women, and I can tell by visual inspection." Feng Shao squinted his eyes proudly: "That little girl is very punctual, are you interested in hooking up together?"

"It's not your old acquaintance, I thought it was a young model you dated. If you hook up, if it's risky, it won't be so wonderful." Yuan Shao's eyes flashed with crystals, a very charming girl, separated by a little bit. The hot body can be vaguely glimpsed from the distance, and the scenery must be infinitely beautiful.

"What risk can there be?" Feng Shao sneered: "Do you think a daughter with a powerful backstage would come to this kind of public place? Except for the prince-child level in Beijing, who can't move around, other women, Ben Shao is willing to look at her more. A few glances were her blessing."

"Hehe, Feng Shao, don't talk too much, your eldest young master is not in this kind of public place yet." Chen Shao poured a basin of cold water on his handsome face.

"I'm here because of the school's team activities. If it were me, I wouldn't be here." Feng Shao waved his hand carelessly: "If you don't go, you won't go, this young man will go."

"Together." Liu Shao and Yuan Shao, who were on the verge of moving in the dark, jumped up excitedly and leaped into the pool.

"Damn it, you guys actually grab my top spot, absolutely not!" Feng Shao quit, jumped into the pool, and swam quickly.

"Aren't you going?" There were only two people left. Chen Shao patted his fat legs and asked Wang Er Shao, who had been silent, with a smile.

Wang Ershao put on Zhang Xiuqi's face and said calmly, "You didn't go either."

"I'm thief but not brave, I'm afraid my old man will kick his ass."

"I don't dare to flirt with girls, or my grandma will break my legs."

"..." The two young people curled their lips. Children with strict parents at home can't afford to hurt!Children who can't afford to hurt can only feast their eyes and watch how others flirt.

Yuan Shao and Liu Shao jumped into the pool water, waving their arms and paddling, and swam to the target quickly, hoping to get ahead, but Feng Shao, who was one step behind, did not want to give his prey to others, and strived to be the first.

San Shao chased after me for a while, almost tied, and when he swam about two meters away from the big-breasted girl who was standing alone, San Shao dived into the water very tacitly.

Relying on their ability to swim before, they dived into the water, pinched their noses, and opened their eyes to look at the big-breasted girl. The pool water was clear and the appearance of the big-breasted girl was clear at a glance. The girl was curvy and uneven, with a red rubber band around her waist. The man is half submerged in the water.

She is learning how to kick a frog, with her white and tender legs kicking and kicking, and her two arms stroking and stroking, and her posture is enchanting.

The underwater scenery is unique.

The girl's skin was white and tender, and the three young men in the diving felt itchy for a while, and almost forgot to breathe.

The swaying sound also made Le Yun, who was lying on the lifebuoy, stop shoveling the water. She looked around and saw three young men who got out of the water, their brows knitted imperceptibly, and they hugged silently. Live in the lifebuoy, change direction, walk slowly, and stay away from unknown persons.

Feng Shao, Liu Shao, Yuan Shao three climbed out of the water, while breathing, while wiping their faces, just after wiping the water that affected their vision, they saw the girl with big breasts turn and move to the other side, even if it was just a glance, They also saw her face, which was also pink and tender, her skin as white and tender as a boiled egg that was just boiled and peeled.

Looking at the face, the girl is not very old.

Big breasted beauties.

The three of them looked at each other, grinned, dived into the water excitedly, and scrambled to chase after the big-breasted little beauty.

They know water, they are as fast as fish in the water, they chase wildly for a while, and they approach without breaking a sweat. Small breasted beauty.

Le Yun is inherently clumsy in the water, and naturally doesn't like to be too close to people, especially not to be too close to men she doesn't know. Hearing that the people who were fighting for the territory again swam towards her, she felt very upset. She gave up space. Those people are still not satisfied?
Unhappy and unhappy, she didn't want to contact people, so she simply gave way to let others swim over, and just stopped, there was a hand in the water to make a salty pig's hand.

Is someone playing a hooligan? !

Being bullied, Le Yun didn't want to suffer from being dumb, so she turned around abruptly with the rubber band in her arms, causing the water to "splash", and she turned 180 degrees, facing three strange young people behind her, her brows were erect, and she asked in a cold voice: "Do you dare to play hooligans?"

(End of this chapter)

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