magic eye doctor

Chapter 3022 Reward

The fairy said that the master left the natal sword to the successor, and Zhumi was so moved that his blood surged in his heart, and an indescribable emotion lingered in his heart, which lasted for a long time.

He obeyed the fairy, and the fairy asked himself to retreat in the master's place of pure cultivation, obeyed the arrangement without any objection, and nodded all the time to let the fairy feel at ease.

It was the first time for Xiao Zai'er to be alone, Le Yun was worried that he was not used to it, so she carefully asked him how many daily necessities he had on hand to see what he lacked.

Cubs can't completely indica, so living supplies are also consumed during retreat.

The little guy has a lot of meals on hand, and the spiritual plants and various plant fruits collected by him and his friends are also in their hands, and there is no shortage of daily necessities.

Le Yun replenished the spirit spring water for Xiao Zai'er, and told him to contact her with the messenger jade amulet if he wanted to go out, confessed to her, and moved away lightly.

After the fairy left, Zhumi took out a tuanpu and placed it in an open space about three feet away from the square bed. When he was about to meditate and practice, he thought for a while and went back to the side of the square bed.

He quietly looked up at the master's remains and the ordinary sword next to the master's golden remains, and an unprecedented emotion surged in his chest.

He himself didn't know how to describe that emotion.

There is excitement and joy, but also inexplicable intimacy, and... a trace of inexplicable loneliness and sadness.

Why are there so many strange emotions?

Zhumi thought about it and couldn't figure it out. He could only guess that it was probably because he had learned the master's cultivation method, so when he saw the master's remains, there was an invisible emotional bond between the master and the disciple.

This emotional bond is very reassuring.

After looking up at the master's remains for a long time, Zhumi had another strange thought in his heart, he always felt that the sword was also very kind.

After standing for a while, he moved two steps closer to the square bed, and reached out to touch the long sword with a thin layer of rust. Immediately, the intimacy became stronger.

Zhumi thought for a while, cut the palm of his hand, and then pressed the palm against the blade.

When the hand was pressed against the sword, the rusty sword greedily absorbed the blood like a long-thirsty person meeting sweet rain.

Blood poured into the sword continuously, but the sword did not respond.

Zhumi wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that the sword was firmly attached to his palm, even if he wanted to raise his hand, he couldn't lift it, let alone let go of the sword.

The sword sucked his own blood, and held onto his palm to keep him from leaving, which also meant that the sword recognized the new owner, probably because the sword was too damaged and needed strength to repair, so it absorbed his blood.

She couldn't sense the sword's repulsion or malice either, so Zhumi felt at ease, allowing the sword to absorb blood.

When he suspected that the blood was about to run dry, the sword body trembled slightly, and then the thin rust on the sword body began to peel off from the sword tip.

Without the cover of thin rust, the silver sword body appeared inch by inch, except for the gap, the sword body was as smooth as water, and the silver was as bright as snow.

Also at this moment, Zhumi sensed the contract bond established with the sword, and felt an unprecedented joy.

That joyful mood was not his, but the emotion conveyed to him by the sword.

Zhumi was startled for a while, but was also affected by the joy of the sword, and his mood was extremely joyful.

The thin rust was peeling off inch by inch. After dozens of breaths, there was no rust on the sword. The sword body was shining silver, and the dark red hilt was engraved with several patterns. ——silver light.

Knowing the sword's real name, Zhumi called softly: "Silver light, silver light, silver light!"

The silver lightsaber trembled slightly.

Zhumi called again and again, but the silver light sword didn't respond, and he didn't force it anymore. He cast a small spell to stop the bleeding, and then grabbed the hilt of the sword to try whether he could hold it or not.

He thought that he might not be able to hold the sword, but unexpectedly he picked it up effortlessly, and even felt that the sword was neither light nor heavy, the weight was just right, and it was especially convenient in his hand.

Holding the silver lightsaber in his hand, Zhumi's chest was filled with unprecedented joy, and he couldn't help but danced a few times.

He originally wanted to try his hand, but he couldn't control it once he started. He practiced the sword skills taught by the fairy over and over again, and the more he practiced, the smoother he became.

Practicing and practicing, he once again entered the realm of the unity of nature and man completely forgetting himself, completely immersed in the artistic conception of practicing swords.

Zhumi didn't know how many times he had practiced the sword, but when he suddenly came back to his senses, he felt refreshed. After practicing the sword technique once, he took the move, sent the silver light sword to the dantian for nourishment, and went to the tuanpu to sit down and practice. .

Arranging Zhumi Xiaozi to retreat in the cave, Le Yun did not go back to the small plain halfway up the mountain, but instead went to see the "money bag" of Zhumi Xiaozi when he was Qianyan Jinxian in his previous life.

The money bag of Qianyan Jinxian is located in the depths of a mountain next to the main peak. The main line of the Lingshi vein is currently about 45 miles long, with three branches exceeding 20 miles in length and five branches exceeding [-] miles in length. .

Not only are the branches relatively long, but even the shortest of the small branches on the branch line of the ore vein exceeds five thousand miles.

According to the length of the main vein and branch veins of the spirit stone vein line, that spirit stone vein has existed for a long time, definitely longer than the spirit stone vein in Master Huoyun's Master Dongfu territory.

Knowing where the "money bag" is, Le Yun rushed to the destination, researched and observed along the vein line, picked the most suitable spot, set up an enclosure, and dug a tunnel.

When a tunnel was dug, little Loli couldn't help but want to curse.

Little Zhumi's previous life was so... cautious. In order to prevent the aura of the Lingshi mine from leaking out, he quietly strengthened the upper ground of the Lingshi mine.

In the strengthened formation, the rock is harder than pure spirit gold, and the original soil layer is also as hard as steel.

With such strength, how can people dig it?
Le Yun was so angry that she blew her beard and stared, and almost wanted to scold Zhumi Xiaozai's past life, but finally swallowed her dissatisfaction. Forget it, because Zhumi Xiaozai is so cute, I won't scold him for his previous life. !

Mainly, because of understanding, if it were her, she would definitely hold back.

It's not easy to scold people, so I have to suffer a little bit by myself, work hard and continue digging.

Fortunately, I have puppet beasts, puppet people and the all-purpose helper little fox who are good at mining, otherwise, Le Yun would not know how to mine until the year of the monkey.

The little fox is worthy of being a god fox who has proved the way. No matter how hard the ground is, if the little claws go down, they will definitely grab a hole.

Le Yun, who resigned to her fate, didn't stay idle. She took out the second artifact, the mountain-opening machete, as a digging tool, and led a group of helpers to work hard.

One person, one fox, and a puppet army, with the spirit of Yugong Yishan, dug day and night for fifty days, and finally dug the tunnel to the protective layer of the spirit stone vein.

After digging through the protective layer, they successfully dug out low-grade spirit stones, and then expanded the battle line, only digging down from the top of the ceiling of the vein.

Facts also proved that Little Lolita's decision was extremely correct.

When you dig through the spirit marrow layer, you will find an old mine, where spiritual liquid is accumulated, and the surface of the spiritual liquid is only four centimeters away from the ceiling of the mine.

Also because the spiritual liquid was too close to the ceiling of the cave, one of the spiritual marrow stones pierced through the ceiling fell and fell into the spiritual liquid pool, without causing a splash at 01:30.

But the spiritual energy on the surface of the spiritual liquid was also exceptionally strong, and the spiritual energy spewed out majesticly, rushing towards the tunnel like a gust of wind, and the little fox who hid in the cave dug in advance was almost taken away by the wind.

Fortunately, Le Yun was well prepared, recalled the puppet early, and cut out the last piece of spiritual marrow by herself. She was clever, and hid in the cave to avoid risks and cut off the spiritual marrow for the last time.

The majestic spiritual energy swept past like a tornado, and the people nestled in the Anfeng shelter, with their beautiful almond eyes, studied the wind speed and concentration of the spiritual energy.

There is a seal at the entrance of the tunnel, and the aura cannot get out, and the tunnel will be filled soon.

The little fox didn't say anything, and sucked in the spiritual energy.

After the spiritual hurricane calmed down, Le Yun chiseled out a few pieces of spiritual marrow again, dug out a skylight about twenty feet wide, and collected the spiritual liquid.

The body of Zhumi Cub's previous life, the Golden Immortal, fell shortly after the Heavenly Fire Calamity, tens of thousands of years earlier than the time when the Huoyun Golden Immortal left Yunlan.

Before his fall, he did not mine spirit stones, and therefore, the spirit fluid accumulated in the spirit stone veins in his territory was richer than the spirit fluid in the money bag in Huoyun Jinxian cave area.

Le Yun used the empty spirit marrow and jade barrels to hold the spiritual liquid, and the magic weapon for holding water and the fresh-keeping jade boxes for storing ingredients also came in handy.

In order to store as much clean and drinkable psychic liquid as possible, wooden barrels and bamboo barrels were filled with [-] barrels of psychic liquid, and a demon king-level sky-swallowing snail was evenly filled to contain a sea snail liquid.

After storing enough clean psychic liquid, he used an eleventh-order sky-swallowing snail to absorb the psychic liquid.

The sky-swallowing snail is like a black hole, devouring the spiritual liquid greedily, and the level of the spiritual liquid drops at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Le Yun flew into the mine, then released the spirit boat, and put the swallowing snail on the spirit boat to let it absorb the spiritual liquid.

The spirit liquid descended from one mile to two to three miles... When it descended to a depth of 95 miles, sparkling spirit crystals appeared.

The spiritual crystals in the spiritual liquid are like a pool of pearls, full and transparent.

Little Lolita was delighted to see Jing, and lined up the newly dug spirit marrow barrel and some bamboo barrels on the spirit boat, and then sucked up the spirit liquid and spirit crystal with spiritual power and threw them into the barrel.

Hundreds of spiritual marrow barrels and bamboo barrels will be full in a short while.

When the barrel is full, close the lid and seal it, and then take out a batch of wooden barrels filled with thousands of barrels of spirit crystal liquid, and put them into the natural gourd magic weapon for storing spirit crystal liquid.

Le Yun collected another batch of spirit crystals separately, and then asked Tun Tianluo to absorb the spirit crystals and spiritual liquid into the conch's stomach for storage.

The belly capacity of the swallowing snail is large enough, because of the psychic liquid, the swallowing snail can not only be used as a water magic weapon, but also the best natural space magic weapon.

The little loli is happy to collect the spirit liquid and spirit crystal.

As the spiritual liquid of the spirit crystal was removed, the thickness became thinner and thinner, and the thickness of the spirit crystal layer was quickly measured - the thickness of the spirit crystal layer was 22 miles!
The height of the spirit crystal layer in the Lingshi Mine cave exceeds the thickness of the soil layer that Bixiao Loli filled for the conifer tree spirit planting space for the first time.

After calculating the thickness of the spirit crystal layer, Le Yun was a little excited, alas, this reward is not in vain, and it is not in vain for her to teach the cubs with all her heart!

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