magic eye doctor

Chapter 3023 Money Makes People Happy

Chapter 3023 Money Makes People Happy

Because Xiao Le had suffered a blow not long ago, knowing that he was about to receive a large sum of spirit crystal income, he finally felt better.

Nothing makes people happier than money, money can be willful, money makes people happy.

If you are not happy when you see money, it must be because you don't have enough money.

Seeing Le Yun with Qian's eyes wide open, her mood was like floating on the clouds. With this harvest, her wallet bulged a little more, and the wealth gap between her and Jinxian narrowed a bit.

More importantly, the money can be taken with peace of mind.

Jinxian was reincarnated, and the current secret land would belong to Zhumi Xiaozi, but this spiritual vein was her labor fee for raising and teaching Zhumi Xiaozi.

Be a teacher, preach and solve doubts.

Not only did she travel thousands of miles to Kuzhuling to save people from the fire and water, but she also taught her hard-earned cultivation techniques, and also taught some valuable skills and knowledge that only masters and disciples can impart in the world of immortality. .

The knowledge and skills she imparted to the cubs are priceless, far more precious than a vein of spirit stones.

Therefore, the Lingshi vein is the tuition fee paid by Xiao Zaier, and this sum of master's money can be collected with peace of mind.

Le Yun, who was in a happy mood, carried the swallowing snail and happily collected the spiritual liquid, regardless of which is the starting point and the end point of the mine, just walk along.

At the end of the mine, I saw the growth and aura of the Lingshi vein, and visually judged that the end was the growth direction of the vein, that is, the tail end.

The center of the tailings is also a psirite mine.

The pillars supporting the ceiling in the mine cave are also particularly thick, and they are all pillars with a diameter of [-] meters.

The age of Zhu Tianzhu is older than the big pillars in the mine veins in the secret ground in the Angry Bear Mountain Range, and some of the big pillars have different talisman scripts.

After collecting the spirit crystal liquid veins on the ground, Le Yun sent a puppet to dig the spirit crystal and spirit marrow mines, turned back by himself, and then went to the starting point of the mine, continued to sweep the spirit crystal liquid, and also looked for special The big pillar of Fu Zhuanwen.

The original mining area of ​​the mine is the original starting point, with a diameter of more than 300 miles.

The Lingshi mine is in a linear direction. The length of the vein is measured from the mining point at the time of initial mining. The Lingshi vein line at one end accounts for about two-thirds of the total length, and the other end accounts for about one-third of the total length. .

At the mining site of the original vein, there are several huge pillars with a diameter of 2000 meters, which are arranged in a radial pattern of sunlight, and each pillar has a special seal character.

The thickness of the spirit crystal layer at the starting point is only one and a half meters away, reaching a depth of forty miles.

The little loli, who was carrying the big conch, happily took away the spirit crystal liquid, then went to sweep up the spirit crystal liquid in the cave at the other end of the mine line, and then sent a team of puppets to mine.

Qianyan Jinxian's "money bag" vein has only been mined for the main vein, and none of the branch veins have been mined. Therefore, those branch veins have grown to a length of 10,000+ miles.

Little Loli arranged for the puppets to dig mines, and also set the mining rules - only the spirit crystals, the floor, and the spirit marrow on the two side walls were dug, no top-grade or high-grade spirit stones were dug, and even the spirit marrow mines on the ceiling were not moved.

She sent the miners out, and she also put out her belongings, and started the refining work again.

The aura in the mine is rich, and there is no need to set up a spirit-gathering array to refine large-scale space storage devices.

Fen Yue happily worked as a pyrotechnician again, helping the owner to melt the materials.

The professional little helper who helps melt materials is Tiandi Linghuo, which greatly saves the time for melting materials. Le Yun doesn't have to worry about throwing materials into the furnace, and concentrates on refining space utensils.

Burning the moon to help melt the materials ensures the supply of materials.

One person, one fire cooperate seamlessly, and a large number of large space devices are born every day.

The little fox ate a painful meal of spiritual energy, slept soundly after eating, and then ran to find the little girl. Seeing her refining the weapon, he took the mechanical puppet to dig out the spiritual marrow on the side wall of the cave.

Xiao Huihui is still in the star core space. She has other tasks and has not started work for the time being.

Le Yun worked hard day and night for two months, refined a large number of large space storage devices, and gave a share to the little fox to take charge.

She went to transfer the spirit crystal and essence mine in the hands of the puppet, and left the mine gracefully, leaving the supervisor task to the little fox.

Climbing out of the mine, Le Yun first went to the small plain on the mountainside of the main peak, collected the spiritual spring water once, and then placed a few arrays to protect the small plain.

She had a meal with the three cubs and the black dog who stayed behind, arranged the homework for the cubs, and left Qianyan Jinxian's territory alone.

Little Lolita went out from the west edge of the secret place, and first visited the secret place next to Qianyan Jinxian's territory.

Excellent people naturally like to be with excellent people, and so do the golden immortals. The caves around the Qianyan Golden Immortal territory are basically territories with a length and width of more than [-] million miles, which can be described as a gathering of heroes.

The secret land to the west of Qianyan Jinxian's territory is a little wider than his territory, with a width of 5000 million miles. Generally speaking, the terrain is slightly flatter.

Whether it is Qianyan Jinxian's cave or the neighbor's territory, there are naturally more than one spirit stone veins, but Le Yun's goal remains the same, going to the cave owner's pocket.

How can other spirit stone veins compare with the owner's money bag?
With cheating eyes, looking for a money bag is naturally one-on-one.

The area where the money bag is located is the territory of monsters. In order not to waste time, Le Yun did not carry it head-on with the monsters. Instead, he dug a tunnel at the end far away from the habitat of monsters, in the direction where the tailings grow.

Away from areas that may be old mines, the ore dug through the center of the ore layer is the Essence.

Digging through the spirit marrow layer, Le Yun digs mine by himself. For safety reasons, he excavates from the low-grade spirit stone layer close to the ceiling, all the way to the starting point of the mine source.

A tunnel about [-] miles long was dug out, and the old mine was finally dug.

The spiritual liquid accumulated in the old mine was already at the same level as the ceiling. When the tunnel was opened, spiritual energy poured into the tunnel like a tornado.

Le Yun avoided the impact of spiritual energy in the safe haven dug in advance, and then drilled into the old mine area from the tunnel after the tunnel was also filled with spiritual energy.

Visually, the owner of the territory had mined a vein of mine before leaving, and the spiritual liquid was [-] meters away from the ceiling.

The width of the mine is only 120 miles, and the pillars supporting the ceiling are more than [-] meters in diameter, and the pillars are red and gold.

Little Loli roughly observed the width of the mine, and carried the swallowing snail to collect the psychic liquid.

The surface of the spirit liquid is less than sixty miles deep, and there is only a layer of spirit crystal less than one meter thick.

Le Yun didn't dislike the small amount of spiritual crystals and spiritual liquids, so he swept away all the spiritual crystals in the old mine, and then took away all the spiritual liquids in the branches.

Several large branches of the vein have also been mined. The original owner probably only left a small amount of tailings to let it grow. Only a few small branches may be new branches that grew out later, and there is no trace of excavation.

After surveying the length of the spirit stone veins and the kindness of the spirit marrow layer, Le Yun left [-] puppets and [-] puppets to mine, and she ran away again.

When she emerged from the underground mine, the ice and snow on the plains of the plateau mountains had melted, and the snow line had moved to the halfway up the mountain, which was a hundred thousand feet high.

The earth springs back, and all things recover.

After careful consideration, Le Yun resolutely gave up the plan to mop up the spiritual plant medicinal materials, and went straight to the western border of the secret land without staying for a moment.

She left from the western edge of the secret place, crossed an unowned land next to the secret place of the cave mansion, and entered another secret place that was once left by Da Neng.

That secret land is surrounded by unclaimed lands, and it can be seen that the unowned land belonged to the same territory as the existing secret land a long time ago, and that territory is extremely wide, with a length and width of more than [-] million miles.

The only remaining secret place today may be one of the core areas of a large territory, with a length and width of more than 6000 million miles, protected by immortal treasures that have integrated with nature to form a large natural formation.

It was not yet the season for the snow to melt, and everywhere was covered with silver, so naturally there were no traces of man-made construction sites. I don't know whether the small secret place was the former Xianshi Dongfu area or some special significance area.

When Le Yun drove the spirit boat around in the air, she knew what was special about it——the little secret place was once a closed place of a certain territory.

Below the bottom of the small secret ground, below the mountains is a vein of spirit stones. This is the main dragon vein, which stimulates the mountains, rivers and land, and the earth and water spirits are also particularly strong.

The earth has aura, and the plants are naturally extraordinarily lush, and it is also a place where wood aura is flourishing.

There is another fire vein passing through the depths of the bottom layer, which also has fire aura.

There is a mountain range covering an area of ​​1000 million miles that mainly produces several kinds of rare spirit gold mines, with a strong aura of gold and stone.

The mountains where the aura of gold, earth, fire, water, and wood are gathered are truly a spiritual land of the five elements. The owner of the former territory also adapted to local conditions and opened many small caves on the peaks with the most aura, setting them as places for retreat and practice.

After a long period of time, the talisman seals carved in many caves became invalid, and the stone walls of those caves were like wounds on a person's body. Under natural conditions, they slowly repaired themselves, and some of them had regrown.

Some caves have not fully healed, forming large and small caves;

The talisman seals in some caves may have been carved by Da Neng, or another spirit treasure was set up to protect them, and the caves are also intact.

Those caves without defensive formations have become the habitat of monsters.

Le Yun scouted the environment and found an interesting phenomenon—the monsters are all ordinary monsters with impure blood, and the number of each race is not particularly large, far less prosperous than the monsters next door.

This should be attributed to the fact that the secret land used to be a forbidden area for cultivation in a certain territory. In order to protect the safety and aura of the forbidden area, the owners of the territory cannot allow all kinds of monsters to thrive in the forbidden area. Those who can stay in the forbidden area must be Not a dangerous little monster.

Le Yun didn't go to grab the territory of the monsters, but went straight to the Lingshi mine, only drove away the monsters in the area she chose as the starting point of mining, and raced to dig the tunnel.

She chose the section of the Lingshi vein line with the strongest aura and the widest area as the entry point, and it took more than 30 days and nights to dig out the Lingshi mine layer.

Because of the pair of external eyes with vicious eyes, the tunnel dug directly cut into the location of the Lingshi vein area, which happened to be the mine area that was once mined.

The spiritual liquid accumulated in the cave of the old mine has filled the cave and is at the same level as the ceiling.

When the spiritual marrow layer on the ceiling is opened a skylight, what is seen is a high concentration of spiritual liquid.

How thick is the liquid?

The spiritual fluid is thick and sticky, like frozen peach gum!
If the spiritual liquid continues to solidify, it will become solid and become the spiritual marrow.

The spiritual liquid is like ointment, exuding a fragrance like jade milk.

From the open skylight, a psychic fluid shaped like gelatin was opened. Le Yun silently took out the Ruyi House, summoned Sihuo brothers and sisters and Yinyue brothers and sisters, and sent a golden armored puppet to chisel out the spirit marrow with the spirit marrow and jade. Jade bucket.

The puppets each do a process. One puppet is dedicated to digging the body of the barrel, one is responsible for digging the bottom of the barrel, and a small team is responsible for digging the lid.

She herself is responsible for splicing the barrel body and the bottom of the barrel, and then applying anti-leakage green pollution-free environmental protection glue on the cracks of the splicing.

After half a month of hard work, [-] spirit jade barrels were excavated.

Classmate Le Xiao filled [-] barrels of cream-like spirit liquid, closed the lids and sealed them, and then filled [-] barrels with bamboo barrels, and filled [-] barrels with barrels dug from spiritual wood trees, and then started to suck the sky-swallowing snails. ectoplasm.

The spiritual liquid layer dropped to a depth of about ninety miles, revealing the spiritual crystal.

The psi layer is 31 miles thick.

Le Yun collected the spiritual crystals and spiritual liquid, and also surveyed the area of ​​the cave, which is about 120 miles deep, 99 miles wide, and [-] miles long.

The vein line is more than 900 million miles long.

It can be seen from this that the original owner of the territory mined the veins for the purpose of setting up the spirit gathering array to condense the spirit crystals.

The color of the Tianzhu in the cave is also consistent with the corresponding colors of the five elements, which are gold, blue, black, red and yellow-brown, distributed in the direction of the five elements array.

Knowing the area of ​​the old mine, Le Yun arranged for the remaining puppets to dig out the spirit stones. The puppets only kept [-], and the rest were also arranged for mining.

The puppet army was divided into hundreds of small teams, some mining the main vein, some digging the branch veins, some were responsible for mining the marrow and spirit stones on the side walls, and some were responsible for digging the floor or ceiling.

Xiao Huihui also went to work, responsible for receiving the spirit stones dug by the puppets.

After the arrangements were made, Le Yun climbed out of the ground by herself and took ten thousand puppets to collect them.

Her purpose is to sweep away the spiritual plants, spiritual fruits and medicinal plants in the secret place, and collect spiritual soil and fertile rotting soil. As long as the monsters don't cause trouble, she and the puppet people will not hunt the monsters.

Most of the monsters felt some kind of coercion, and automatically avoided or hid. Some monsters had a bad temper and were not afraid of death. They ran to trouble the human race, and basically never returned.

Little Loli took the puppets to help clean up spiritual plants, flowers and fruits, dig soil and fallen leaves, and collect water. She was so busy. If it wasn't for the monsters fighting fiercely, she wouldn't bother to care about them. Naturally, they don't dislike meat when they come to your door Fishy, ​​adding bricks and tiles to the ingredient library.

There are also tens of millions of miles in the small secret land. After running here and there for several months, the snow has fallen mercilessly on the ground, and people have to stop collecting.

Le Yun sent the puppets to an area rich in spirit gold mines, picked rare spirit gold and two kinds of spirit jade mines, and arranged for the puppets to mine.

She returned to her neighbors in Qianyan Jinxian's territory to see the progress of the mining work.

Xiao Huihui and the puppet puppet beasts worked day and night, digging out the spirit crystal layer, and digging out the spirit essence mines on the tailing line extending to both ends of the main vein line and the spirit essence mines on the side walls, At present, the focus is on digging out the spiritual marrow of the ceiling, floor surface, and branch lines.

Exchanged a bunch of empty storage containers from Xiaohuihuixiaocute for a large pile of space containers filled with spirit stones, Le Yun hurried back to Qianyan Jinxian's territory to visit the cubs without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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