magic eye doctor

Chapter 3030

For the sake of the spiritual land, Le Yun also worked hard, bringing the puppet puppet, as well as array discs and augers who are good at mining and digging soil, running around day and night.

The footsteps of the seasons keep moving forward, passing through winter and ushering in spring.

The snow in the ancient secret land only melted at the beginning of May, and the vegetation quickly recovered.

After running around the Lingzhi Garden for several months, Le Yun collected a large amount of spiritual field soil, and swept through the plant resources of the ancient city like a storm, before setting off in mid-May.

Zhumi Dazai Ni Wanzi Youbai Ningjing worked hard for several months, and the refined space device did not exceed 120 feet, but he was experienced and handy in refining the space device.

The four of them have accumulated a large amount of storage, enough for their own use.

Le Yun had her own goals, and was not moved by the resources in the ancient secret territory. She flew north and took more than 40 days to reach the edge of the ancient secret territory.

She still walked out of the enchantment on foot, and then proceeded on the spirit boat.

The spirit boat flew day and night for 54 days and finally arrived at its destination.

Little Lolita's ultimate destination is also a mysterious secret place, its enchantment is integrated with the natural world, no matter how you look at it, it is the most natural void air.

However, in Le Yun's eyes, the enchantment is colorful and brilliant.

Looking down from the air, the boundary of the enchantment cannot be seen.

Within a billion miles around the enchantment are unclaimed lands, and the outer periphery is the dense secret realm of fairy caves.

Countless secret realms are densely intertwined, forming a psychedelic formation, and also becoming a protective barrier for a certain enchantment, preventing a large number of creatures from approaching.

The aura and light of luck in several secret realms are similar to the ancient secret realm with an ancient city. The aura is rich, and the light of luck is bright and strong, which also shows that the descendants of the original owner of the secret realm must be the Wang family.

As for a certain special enchantment, Le Yun fell silent as she watched its luck light.

There are many colors of luck. Purple, red, gold, blue, and green represent rich vitality and a cloud of energy, while black, gray, white, and blue represent exhaustion of vitality and decline of luck.

The light of luck in the enchantment is green with purple, black with red, gray with gold, and pale with blue. To sum it up, it is prosperity with decline, prosperity with failure, and vitality with death. Angry, very contradictory.

What is even more puzzling is that the world inside the enchantment not only gathers the power of countless blessings, but also has the power of a deep curse.

The ancient secret realm in the enchantment is the extreme embodiment of life and death, prosperity and decline, light and darkness, auspiciousness and bad luck.

Such a situation is rare in Henggu.

Even the well-informed Le Yun was at a loss at this time, unable to understand how the barriers and secret realms had such complicated and contradictory luck colors.

For safety reasons, he did not venture into the secret realm to explore, and landed the spirit boat on the top of a tree far away from the barrier, and decided to observe it first.

Le Yun took out the real dragon's life bone and put it on the spirit boat, allowing the ancient dragon power to escape. After half a cup of tea, she put away the real dragon's life bone.

The big monsters in the mountains sensed the coercion of the blood, and they all trembled. Even if the coercion disappeared, the monsters would not dare to stand up, let alone approach the direction of the coercion.

The cubs studied hard in Ruyi House, Le Yun sensed it, and made sure that the monsters would not dare to approach, then shrunk the spirit boat and put it on his shoulders, and went into the forest to search for various spirit plants, bacteria, and spirit wood.

The trees in the virgin forest are all ancient trees, which have lived for tens of thousands of years or 10,000+ years. Many dead ancient trees are covered with spirit plants or bacteria.

The largest ancient tree, with a waist diameter of 97 and a half feet, stands like a hill in the forest.

At this moment, Le Yun stood in front of the ancient tree, too shocked to speak.

The ancient tree is a tree named "Pearl Cypress" by Yunlan, and "Arborvitae" on Earth. It is 83 years old, with bark as hard as iron and leaves as steel needles.

Moreover, there was no Zhucypress tree in the forest, it was Le Yun who entered the forest, and then it suddenly appeared, and it was so flat in front of her.

The ancient tree that appeared silently, with clusters of amber and tar on its dark brown scales, exuded a faint fragrance.

Gu Shu didn't have any malicious intentions, Le Yun was a little confused, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Tree King, why are you stopping me?"

The leaves of the ancient tree shook and made a rattling sound, and then, the densely gathered bud-shaped crown bloomed like a lotus flower.

As the branches bloomed layer by layer, the top core of the tree crown and a little doll less than eight inches high appeared. The little doll was wearing a dark brown soft armored battle robe with red dark lines. The nails and toes are blue and purple.

What is even more peculiar is his hair, each hair is one section of green, one section of white section, one section of red section, one section of black section, section of purple section, section section of yellow, section section of green section, section section of blue section and section section of golden hair.

The little doll with colored hair was as stiff as an ice sculpture, with more air than air, and it was already dying.

The original shape of the little baby is also a cypress tree. He is a tree doll, and he can also be called a tree elf. The more detailed name is a cypress doll or a cypress elf.

"Your child has been poisoned. Judging by the color of his hair, he has been poisoned by a poison called 'Nine-colored Shenmu Huaxin' which is said to be unique to the Protoss." Le Yun saw the crux of the cypress doll's problem at a glance.

The leaves of the ancient tree rattled again, and then an old voice sounded from among the branches and leaves: "Little Daoist friend of the human race, you recognize this poison, please save my child, I am willing to give my wooden body and Tree Heart for you."

"?" Le Yun's eyes widened, giving her a tree heart?

The heart of the tree is the demon pill condensed by the wood clan. The ancient tree sent the heart of the tree out. Although he himself will not lose his soul, the decline in his cultivation is inevitable, and he may even be returned by the tree elves without spiritual wisdom. tree.

"I don't want your tree heart and wood soul." Le Yun shook her head: "I'm not lying to you, I recognize this poison, but I can't cure it at the moment. Fruit, and the poison, flowers and fruits of more than [-] kinds of poisonous spirit trees, together with countless fairy plants and spirit grass and animal blood.

The steps of making poison are very complicated, there are thousands of procedures, and there are thousands of ways to make poison. Only the poison maker knows the steps of his own poison making.

It is rumored that the antidote also needs to collect plant and animal blood that can counteract the poison, and then refine it in reverse order.

It is said that any creature that belongs to the five-element spirit root and fairy root, even if it is a Daluo Jinxian, will not escape the poison if it encounters this poison. "

"Is my child really hopeless?" Gu Shu voiced in grief, and dozens of blood-colored fat droplets instantly condensed from the tree body.

"It's not that there is no cure, some treasures of heaven, material and earth can suppress the poison of the nine-colored god tree." Le Yun couldn't bear the ancient tree and white flowers to send black hair, and after thinking about it, she made a suggestion: "If you have a dragon bone spirit treasure in your hand The fruit and flowers of the tree, I can help you refine the elixir that suppresses poison."

Gu Shu's spirit lifted, and his tone was eager: "I don't have the fruit and flowers of the Dragon Bone Spirit Treasure Tree, but I have Phoenix Feather Flower and Phoenix Weeping Tears Grass. Is this okay?"

Le Yun's face was shocked: "You actually have the Phoenix Weeping Grass? It's a pity that although this grass is a fairy plant spirit grass, it is not the right way.

The Jiucai Shenmu Huaxin poison has the fruit core of the dragon bone treasure tree, so the fruit of the dragon bone spirit treasure tree is needed for detoxification.

Although there is also peacock gall in the poison, what is needed to detoxify is Suzaku blood or sparrow fruit, not Phoenix Weeping Grass. "

Phoenix Feather Flower and Phoenix Weeping Grass are spiritual grasses that can only be found in the place where the Phoenix Clan lives.

"Are there other spirit herbs that can suppress toxicity?" The flame of hope that had just been ignited by the ancient tree was extinguished by a pot of cold water, and the mood became even more sad.

"Yes, but you probably don't have any in your hands. For example, the moon fruit, the nine-color lotus, the unicorn horn, and the spirit flower.

There are no fairy treasures, but five elements spirit tree, yin and yang grass, green dragon lucidum, dragon blood lotus, dragon blood red heart grass, and duckweed in the turbulent age can also effectively suppress toxicity. "

The little human cub reported a bunch of spiritual grasses and spiritual fruits, and the heart of the ancient tree sank little by little. Then, when he heard a name, he became excited again: "I have duckweed in the chaotic world!"

"Do you have duckweed in troubled times?" Le Yun was surprised again: "If you have this, give me the phoenix weeping blood grass or phoenix feather flower in your hand, and exchange some rare and rare medicines in my hand. It can temporarily suppress the poison on the tree doll.

However, you have to be mentally prepared, the maximum time limit for suppressing toxicity is only 1 years, and during this period, you have to take a pill every [-] years.

If the Nine-Colored Shenmu Huaxin Poison is activated by some severe poison, there is no other way to protect his life except for the detoxification pill of the Nine-colored Shenmu Huaxin Poison without the gods of heaven and earth to protect his soul. "

The ancient Zhucypress tree didn't hesitate: "Young fellow daoist, please save my child!"

If he no longer finds a way to suppress the toxicity, his child will not live, and there will be a 1-year delay period, and there may be a way to find a life-saving spiritual object.

The ancient trees were decisively killed, and Le Yun didn't make things difficult for him. He released the spirit boat, stepped on the bow of the spirit boat, took out a few pill furnaces, threw them into a pile of spirit plants, and used the spirit wood as fuel to make a fire to cook the medicine.

Then set up a series of pounding bowls, and then move the six little creatures out of the space of the conifer tree spirit plant, and let them be helpers to deal with the spirit plant.

When the six little creatures saw the little fairy, they squeezed into the little fairy's side regardless of the three sevens and 21, and hugged the little fairy intimately, and then looked at the ancient tree outside the spirit boat.

"Little fairy, little fairy, big tree demon, big tree demon!"

"There's also a little tree doll!"

The Lingzhi dolls had keen senses, and when they saw the ancient tree, they felt that he was a wise monster, and hid behind the little fairy with a huff, only sticking out their small heads to look out.

Instead, he yelled again: "Hey, the little tree doll loses its vitality so quickly."

"Little fairy, the little tree doll is dying!"

"Little Fairy, can you save Little Tree Doll, he is so pitiful!"

The little creatures all hid behind her to seek protection, Le Yun couldn't laugh or cry: "Be polite, don't forget your manners, the ancient Zhucypress tree is a senior of the Mu clan, and has been promoted to a mortal immortal, you should respectfully call him a tree immortal."

Xiaosheng's five senses are very strong, but it's just too simple, and they are called tree demons in person, and they are not afraid of being caught by the ancient tree for snacks.

The little creatures are kind by nature, and Le Yun pulled out a few of them backhandedly: "Bai Wawa has been poisoned, and his life is hanging by a thread. This fairy will prepare a pill for him, and you help deal with Lingzhi."


The six little creatures didn't talk nonsense anymore, they ran to sit down next to the tools prepared by the little fairy, and each hugged a pounding bowl, waiting to work.

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