magic eye doctor

Chapter 3031

The cubs of the human race boarded the aircraft, and the ancient tree spirit of Zhubai guarded outside the aircraft. When they saw the Zhihua, the lotus root, the jade, and a flower soul, they were so shocked that they became woodcarvings.

When did the Lingzhi dolls go around so much that one human cub could find four or five?
If you say that there are so many Lingzhi dolls, why didn't he see one or two in his vast territory?

If you say that Lingzhi dolls are rare, why are there five human cubs?

The emotion in Gu Shu's heart is so hard to describe, he listened to the chattering of the little dolls for a while, and then watched the six little creatures running to sit down, holding the stone bowl, wooden bowl, and jade bowl, still a little Can't react.

The little creatures were in place, and Le Yun sorted out the spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, and flowers, and handed them to the Lingzhi dolls and Yu dolls respectively, asking them to help mash, extract juice or plant mud.

The little creatures fiddled with each other in an orderly manner.

After a long while, Gu Shu calmed down, and his tone could not hide his sourness: "Little friend, you actually found five Lingzhi dolls and one jade doll!"

The body of Xiaohuajing is also Lingzhi, and it also belongs to Lingzhi doll.

"It's all picked up." Le Yun sighed: "I'm very poor, and I never thought about raising Lingzhi dolls. During my travels, I picked up a seriously injured Chi doll. Small jade essence and small flower essence in the monk's hands.

If these little creatures fell into the hands of some monks, they would not escape being blood slaves or being eaten, so they couldn't bear it, and wanted to send them to a safe ancient secret realm, but no one would want to leave.

I have a little friend from the Mu clan who is Xianzhi. He picked up a seriously injured Fu doll in a secret realm of the Xianzong sect of the human race. "

When the little creatures heard what the little fairy said, their gazes swooped towards the ancient tree, and their six faces were alert: "Tree fairy, we belong to the little fairy, so don't get on with us! Even if you are a tree fairy, we won't go with you!" .”

"..." Zhucypress Ancient Tree Immortal was so choked that he wanted to give a group of dolls a meal, a group of poor children!What kind of eyes are they!Does he seem to be able to snatch the tree that Lingzhi dolls use?
Gu Shu was so angry that he couldn't beat the little creatures raised by the cubs of the human race, so he looked at a few little creatures quietly, and didn't care about them for now.

He didn't forget the business, first handed the Chaoshi Duckweed, Phoenix Feather Grass and Phoenix Weeping Teagrass to the human cubs to make medicine.

Three large wooden boxes about three feet long flew into the air and stopped in front of the human cubs.

The box dug out of spirit wood has exquisite and delicate natural texture, exuding an elegant fragrance.

Guessing what was in the box, Le Yun took another set of three spiritual marrow boxes, put them into the natural gourd magic weapon space, and opened it to check.

Phoenix weeping grass and Phoenix feather grass, the seedlings of the plants are shaped like the tail feathers of a phoenix, with slender, opposite leaves, and the young leaves of the flower heads of Phoenix weeping blood are blood red, clustered together like a blood-colored bead .

The inflorescence heads of Pteris chinensis are in the shape of eye circles, the stems and leaves of the grass are green, and the eye circles of the flower heads are of various colors.

Duckweed in Chaotic Times belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family. Like the unifoliate lotus, each plant has only one leaf. The back of the leaf is as black as pure lacquer, and the leaf surface is as green as jasper.

The difference from the unifoliate lotus is that its stem is not in the center of the leaf. The top of the stem is a flower head, and the leaves grow at the bottom of the inflorescence, which is equivalent to a calyx.

The leaves of duckweed grow close to the water surface in troubled times, and the flowers bloom once every thousand years. The inflorescences before the flowering period are only as big as rice grains, and the inflorescences grow rapidly in the flowering period, and the flowers are pure white without variegation.

Duckweed in troubled times is born in the muddy pond where there is no light all the year round.

The duckweed found in the old tree has flowers and leaves. The flowers are in bud, and the leaves are [-] cm wide. The leaves are green and shiny, and the backs of the leaves are black and shiny.

The rhizome of duckweed is only a lump the size of a bowl, resembling a wild potato tuber, with fine roots all over the surface.

The sludge where it grows is about a little deep, and the stem is two feet three feet long.

"There is such a complete duckweed in the troubled times, it is not a problem to make a hundred pills." After seeing Ling Zhi, Le Yun smiled happily. The duckweed in the troubled times, which has been hard to find for thousands of years, appeared in this way!
Gu Shu's hanging heart fell to the ground, and he asked eagerly, "Little friend, how long does it take for the pill to heal?"

"The earliest would be near noon the day after tomorrow."

The duty time is almost just after noon in the day, and it takes 24 hours to boil the medicine.

The ancient tree knew it well, said "Thank you", and clattered away its branches to protect its own child, and disappeared from the woods without a sound.

Keeping an eye on the six little creatures of the ancient tree, they found that he had suddenly disappeared. They opened their eyes wide and tried to find and sense the ancient tree demon, but suddenly found that there was no clue at all.

Knowing the music rhyme of the traces of the ancient tree, looking quietly into the distance, the ancient tree is indeed a tree that has become a mortal tree, coming and going without a trace, it is most suitable to be an assassin!
The ancient tree ran away for some reason, and she wanted to make medicine, so she didn't pay attention to the ancient tree anymore, and took the little creatures to deal with the spiritual plant.

There were six little helpers, busy until the morning of the next day, and finally got rid of Ling Zhi who needed to be dealt with in advance.

The six little creatures were concerned about the crops they planted, and Le Yun rewarded each little creature with a bag of shellfish, and sent the little ones back to the conifer tree spirit planting space to shine and heat.

She continued to process the rare spiritual plants that had to be handled by herself, and matched them with other materials in proportion, and waited for the right time to put down the alchemy furnace.

The last thing to do is to deal with duckweed in troubled times.

The purpose of making alchemy for the little Zhubai doll is to suppress the toxicity. Le Yun cut off the flower with a jade knife and applied medicine to the wound.

I took the flowers, cut some roots, mashed them into juice, and divided them into two parts.

The spirit plants for dispensing medicine are all ready, Le Yun is guarding the furnace, watching the fire while making small clothes, and adding the crushed spirit plant juice from time to time.

In the early morning of the third day, the duckweed in the troubled times was put into the furnace, and then the lid of the furnace was sealed, and the fire in the furnace was turned to a low fire, allowing the ointment in the furnace to slowly solidify.

At the end of the time, the missing ancient tree reappeared outside the spirit boat without a sound. The towering tree, with dense branches, covered the sky.

A branch and leaf lay across the spirit boat, blocking the light.

"King Tree, please close this arm of yours so as not to block the light." Le Yun reminded politely.

The branches of the ancient tree were retracted, and his voice sounded: "Little friend, can I absorb the medicinal fragrance?"

A few clouds with a strong fragrance condensed above the human aircraft, and the fragrance of the medicine spread thousands of miles away with the wind.

"Yes. But you must control your strength, and you can't let the wind get close to the pill furnace."

"Thank you very much." The ancient tree turned into a net with spiritual power to cover the position ten feet above the human aircraft, and the whole tree got into the clouds.

The thick cotton-like clouds turned into mist within a short while, and after a dozen or so breaths, the white mist turned into a thin layer of smoke.

The ancient tree had almost absorbed the medicinal fragrance and aura, and landed quietly again.

Witnessing the siphon ability of the ancient tree with his own eyes, Le Yun is silent, with such a powerful absorption ability, how much aura and earth energy does he have to absorb in a year?
Feeling emotional in his heart, naturally he can't say it out, or let Gu Shu know that she thinks he can eat aura too much, he will definitely jump up in anger.

Le Yun lowered her head to sew small clothes, finished a small set of clothes, and finally remembered something, and asked the ancient tree: "Tree King, Yun Lan should not have a god race, how could your child be poisoned by the Nine Colors Shenmu?"

"Twenty thousand years ago, a corner of a secret realm merged with the mainland, and it was stabilized more than a thousand years ago. I took my children to explore the newly emerged secret realm.

The little baby found a three-color tree heart in an ancient cave in a secret place, and he couldn't wait to fuse the tree heart. He never thought that there was a strange poison sealed in the tree heart. He fused the tree heart and also fused the strange poison. "

Gu Shuxian was heartbroken, children were ignorant and afraid of being robbed of their tree hearts, so when they found the three-color tree hearts, they fused together on the spot, and suffered a crime.

"Oh, this poison is not wronged." Le Yun understood, presumably when the tree king went to explore the new secret realm, he brought not only the little tree doll, but also the big monsters of the same clan and other clans, otherwise the tree doll would also Don't be afraid of being robbed of the tree's heart.

"..." The ancient tree was angry, did anyone speak like that?
Le Yun added another knife: "Nine-colored Shenmu Huaxin poison is poisonous, but if it is just poisoned, the poison can be forced out.

Even if you didn't know at the time that it was the Nine-Colored Shenmu that transformed the heart poison, given the natural talents of the Wood Clan, you should know that you should force the poison if you are poisoned. How can you turn a blind eye to the poisoning of the little tree doll? "

Gu Shu said silently that he didn't want to answer that question.

"Oh, I think I probably guessed the reason. It must be because of the current interests. Even if a big monster finds out that the little tree doll is poisoned, they are busy grabbing resources, and no one helps him force the poison." Unceremonious stabbing.

The human cub's stab was precise and ruthless, and Gu Shu's heart was pierced with a big hole. He was heartbroken, but he didn't help to cover it up. Even if he wanted to cover it up, it was meaningless.

Le Yun, who felt the truth about herself, rolled her eyes towards the sky, not letting go of the poisoning of the little tree doll, and changed the subject: "The elixir is one hour away from becoming a elixir, you give me the tarball on your body, the fruit Give me some too, and a drop of blood."

"Okay." The human cub asked for cypress, and the ancient tree nodded without hesitation. With a shake of its body, countless fat lumps condensed on the tree peeled off one after another, and flew towards the aircraft.

Grease clusters rained down from the sky.

Le Yun threw out several drying plates to catch the amber and tarballs.

The ancient tree has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the amber and fat mass formed by the fat filled a storage container with a radius of 10 feet.

After the cypress cluster is the cypress cone, because it is a spirit tree, the cone is bigger than a human fist, and the mature fruit is purple-brown or dark brown.

When the dense cones hit, Le Yun also threw them out on the drying tray and took them all back, filling a storage bag with a radius of fifty feet wide.

Finally, he took out a pill bottle and received a drop of blood from the ancient tree.

The blood of the ancient tree is emerald green, as thick as fat.

After getting the fruit and blood of the ancient tree, I put away the clothes and cloth, picked out a few ripe cones and unripe fruits, and pounded them into mud with a pounding bowl.

Another small alchemy furnace was born, poured three bowls of ointment, and added the ancient tree fruit.

The ointment in the small alchemy furnace was boiled, and soon became fragrant, and the dan cloud condensed on the top.

Half an hour later, a thick cloud of pills condensed again above the Great Pill Stove, and the clouds overlapped, directly reaching the sky.

After another half an hour, the ointment in the alchemy furnace condensed into a pill, and when the pill was formed, eight long rainbows flew from all directions, and the first rainbows gathered on the alchemy furnace, which did not fall for a long time.

After a few breaths, a long rainbow descended from the sky.

Nine rainbows gathered together, the lid of the alchemy furnace rose automatically, the first rainbow entered the alchemy furnace, and a stream of alchemy escaped, spreading ninety thousand miles in an instant.

Nine rainbows gather together, and the fragrance of Dan dyes the sky.

"Jiuhong Pindan, the divine pill was born!?" The ancient tree was so shocked that it floated into the air.

"?" A question mark slowly appeared in Le Yun's mind, and the result was quite sudden!

She had the experience of making a sub-sacred elixir casually, so she felt at ease.

It is not impossible for monsters to grab pills or something. The ancient trees are mortal-level dryads. With ancient trees, it is pure wishful thinking for monsters to grab pills.

Especially this pill is Zhubai Shuwa's life extension pill, it is even more impossible for the ancient tree to let other monsters grab the pill, whoever grabs the pill will be the life and death enemy of the ancient tree.

With Gushu Zhenchang, Le Yun wouldn't panic at all, even if there was no Gushu Zhenchang, he wouldn't panic, without the ability to protect pills, who would foolishly refine elixir and god pills.

The ancient tree floated in the air, staring vigilantly at the surroundings, and drifting to wherever there was movement and movement, blocking all the big monsters who moved after smelling the fragrance ten thousand miles away.

Jiuhong stayed for a full hour and a half before turning into starlight and dissipating.

Thick Danxiang, lingering for a long time.

When Jiuhong dispersed, the lid of the alchemy furnace closed again.

Le Yun flew to the outside of the pill furnace, pulled open the furnace cover and looked inward, there were half a furnace of pills lying in the pill stove, the grains were round, and the pills showed exquisite textures, the red light was purple and golden, and the red light was ninety-nine Nine inches.

There are no more pills, no less, a total of [-] pills.

Knowing the number of pills, Le Yun took out a jade box and a jade bottle to hold the pills, divided the pills given to the ancient tree, packed them into ten bottles, and filled a box with fifty pills for each of her own.

Put away the pills, take out the embers from the pill furnace and throw them in the composting spiritual planting space, then mix soil and fertilizer, and then compost.

After dealing with the ashes, he sent the alchemy furnace into the star core space to cool down, and Le Yun sat down again, continuing to guard the medicine in the small alchemy furnace.

The ancient tree didn't ask anything, and was still watching from the air, not letting other monsters approach.

The alchemy in the small alchemy furnace condenses when the sky is dark, and when the alchemy is complete, it attracts five rainbows to drink the alchemy.

Five rainbows gather together, immortal pills.

There are only fifty pills in one furnace, and the pills are green with lavender light.

Le Yun put away the pills in an orderly manner, disposed of the ashes, put away the pill furnace, called Gu Shu, and put ten bottles of divine pills and one bottle of fairy pills in a wooden box for him.

"The elixir in the cyan jade bottle is a god-grade elixir, and you can take it for a hundred years. The elixir in the blue jade bottle is a combination of the seeds and blood essence of your Zhucypress tree. It is the last life-saving pill for the little tree doll. The doll's poison can't be suppressed, if you give him a pill in a blue bottle, it will buy him ten years.

There are only ten pills in the blue bottle, which is also the limit of taking pills, I hope this bottle of pills will never come in handy.

Although the elixir can suppress the poison, it is not a long-term solution. It is recommended that you take the little tree doll to other spirit worlds as soon as possible. Even if you can't find the detoxification elixir, at least you can get the golden fairy to help him pull out the poison. "

The old tree fell into the woods, stretched out a branch to catch the wooden box and put it away, the whole tree was bent into a bow: "Thank you, little friend! I will remember this."

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