magic eye doctor

Chapter 3034 Misunderstanding

Chapter 3034 Misunderstanding
If she hadn't known her own actions, Le Yun might have suspected that she had experienced an unprecedented life-and-death battle, and even walked before the gate of hell.

You should know that the sequelae of her time travel through the gate of time and space are not so serious, are they not so miserable?

After thinking about it for a while, my head burst into pain again.

The pain made the muscles in her face tremble.

This reaction is a symptom of a severe concussion.

Knowing that her condition was not very good, Le Yun forced herself to support her painful body that would tear apart when she moved her muscles, and slowly sat up, using her remaining spiritual consciousness, took the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill and Nine-Turn Huanpo Pill to her mouth stuffed a handful.

After taking the elixir, he meditated on the spot and adjusted his breath.

After practicing for a day and a night, Le Yun stopped her breath adjustment. After some repairs, her physical body regained its vitality, but its spiritual power only recovered about one-fifth.

A large number of Nine-turn Resurrection Pills only restored less than one-tenth of the spiritual consciousness.

Looking inside Dantian and Consciousness Sea, Le Yun was silent, how did her consciousness disappear?
It is not difficult to understand that the spiritual power in the dantian is gone. The reason is that the enchantment of the ancient secret realm is too special, and the immortal robe consumes too much. If it cannot absorb the external spiritual energy supply, it can only extract the true essence in her dantian to maintain the immortal product. The defense array of the robe.

But where did the consciousness go?

Her massive spiritual consciousness disappeared before she knew the reason, who would believe it?

After thinking about it, the only reason Le Yun could think of was related to the enchantment of the ancient secret realm, and her consciousness should be forcibly sucked dry by the enchantment of the ancient secret realm.

As long as her spiritual power and consciousness are not exhausted, and she is conscious and has a certain ability to protect herself, she will not end up being kicked like a ball after being teleported into the ancient secret realm.

Thinking of the scene of being kicked by the ball, Le Yun frowned. Why are those turtle-shaped creatures so similar to the giant silver-backed turtle that the little fox said?
It doesn't matter what kind of turtle the turtle-shaped creature is, what matters is how it landed in the monster's lair.

Didn't want to know whether he landed in the monster's lair, or where he was found by the monster and picked up the monster's lair, Le Yun didn't waste any energy, got up and moved his limbs.

After a little exercise, let the body stretch the joints as much as possible, feeling that I have good strength, I turned around and ran towards the vigorously growing medicinal plants, and seized the time to harvest them.

Due to excessive consumption, her spiritual consciousness recovered slowly, and her current spiritual consciousness was not enough to fight against the silver-backed giant tortoise, so she needed to rest for a while.

Little Lolita has been busy for most of the day, and she still hasn't seen the little fox, Xiao Huihui, return to the central area of ​​the Divine Tree after finishing work in the evening. She also didn't find the two cuties to practice by herself.

Working at sunrise and resting at sunset, after half a month, the two cuties did not return to the central area of ​​the sacred tree, and after half a month of recuperation, Le Yun's spiritual consciousness has also returned to the level before entering the ancient secret realm .

As her spiritual consciousness recovered day by day, her perception of the outside world gradually increased, and she clearly perceived that there were actually two fairy-level fairy turtles in the turtle clan outside.

After Yunlan's Heavenly Fire Calamity, the Dao of Heaven will suppress the immortals of all races who are promoted to mortals. Therefore, monks of all races who are promoted to mortals will soon leave Yunlan to seek the way.

It is intriguing that there is an old turtle at the level of an earth fairy in the ancient secret realm.

Le Yun recuperated for another five days, making sure that her spiritual consciousness was stable and her dantian had enough spiritual power, so she stored the equipment items that she expected to use in the two rings respectively.

He also stored up enough spiritual power for a few robes, got ready, rested for another night, and chose to step out of the star core space in the morning of one day.

The consciousness of several ancestors of the tortoises was always monitoring the surroundings. When the two-legged beast of the human race appeared, the ancestors of the tortoises noticed it.

Five mortals and two Earth Immortal-level tortoise ancestors surrounded from all sides, surrounded the Human Two-legged Beast, which was still protected by a layer of golden light.

Le Yun, who walked out of the star core space and appeared in the void of the ancient secret realm, only had time to glance at the surrounding environment, and was surrounded by turtle monsters before he could carefully analyze how many turtles there were in the great lake.

The turtle monsters are huge in size, the largest ones are the two turtles of the Earth Immortal level, their back shells are silver and golden, and an old turtle of the sixth level of the Earth Immortal is about 190 feet long from the head to the tip of the tail.

A slightly smaller tortoise, the first level of the earth fairy, is about 180 feet long.

The other five mortal-level old turtles are about 160 feet long.

A turtle monster is a small hill.

The eight tortoise monsters occupy all sides and block the roads in the four directions and the upper and lower directions. The old tortoises of the earth immortal rank seem to intend to train the turtle demons of the mortal rank, and stay far away.

This situation is like besieged on all sides, Le Yun looked at the earth fairy-level turtle monster who seemed to be in charge of the overall situation, and was about to have a friendly negotiation with him, but who knew he felt the murderous intent.

She moved away in an instant, changed her position, and looked at the back of where she was originally standing. There, the claws of a second-level mortal-level turtle demon that was originally behind her caught the air.

With a catch, the giant silverback turtle's claws were fixed in the air, and its neck moved a bit. Seeing that the human Twolegs escaped from their encirclement, its eyes were a little dull.

The eyes of the other four mortal tortoise ancestors also froze for a moment.

The old tortoise at the sixth level of the Earth Immortal was not the least bit surprised. Before the few mortal tortoises could react, he made a move and used the air ban technique.

The sky with a radius of thousands of miles is isolated from the surrounding aura, forming a spiritless land.

Once again banned in the Immortal Art of Forbidden Space, Le Yun sensed that the Earth Immortal Turtle's Forbidden Space Art was more powerful than that of Kan's Mortal Immortal.

Kan's Mortal Immortal's air-forbidden technique can only solidify the air, a small area is isolated from the larger environment, and the spatial structure is not stable. Mahayana monks with special talents can tear open his air-forbidden space.

The Earth Immortal Turtle's technique of banning space makes the air harder than a copper wall and iron wall, and it also compresses the air image several times. The space structure is tight and solid. Only immortals higher than him can tear open the space.

After getting the information she wanted to know, Le Yun left silently.

The human two-legged beast broke free from the air-confinement technique silently, and the ancestor of the silver-backed turtle was startled: "You actually comprehended the law of space?"

The human Twolegs has realized the talent of space. In the void, she can tear open a small space to hide at will, but he used the air banning technique, and it takes a little time for the Twolegs to tear the space.

If he wants to leave his restricted air zone without any effort, only a fairy who has mastered the law of space and can use the law of space at will can do it.

Before that, he had only met one opponent who understood the law of space.

It was also because of the existence of that opponent that he had no choice but to restrain his ambition of expanding the territory and expedition to the ocean, and stick to the territory of the silver-backed turtle.

Unexpectedly, after a lapse of 10 years, an opponent who understood the law of space appeared again, and this opponent was still a human two-legged beast!

Ancestor Gui, who was at the level of a fairy, heard the words of the oldest ancestor, and knew that the ancestor had also missed once. He couldn't help but tremble, and looked at the human race in amazement.

"You say yes." Le Yun replied casually, everyone wants to catch her, so of course she doesn't have to give a good face.

"..." The ancestor of the silver-backed turtle was jealous and hated. Why did the human race appear one after another, despite being the weakest race?

The two-legged beast in front of me not only has the space talent, but also comprehends the law of space. Why does God love the human two-legged beast so much!
If he had comprehended the laws of space, he would have torn apart the space in this area long ago, and soared into a wider world.

The technique of air-forbidden technique could not trap the human two-legged beast. One of the giant claws of the ancestor of the turtle waved in the space, and suddenly a giant claw appeared on the top, bottom and four sides. Formed into a group, besieging the two-legged beasts of the human race in the claws.

His scattered consciousness turned into a giant net, which densely wrapped the intertwined six claws in several layers.

The ancestor of the giant silver-backed tortoise grasped the palm of the human race, and the claws slowly closed towards the center.

The Earth Immortal tortoise's claws covered the palms, and the world was dark. When its claws closed, it would never see the sun again. Le Yun didn't panic, and watched the claws close calmly, feeling the power of the Earth Immortal.

The power of the earth fairy tortoise is very strong.

Her intuition told her that it only took about three times for the earth fairy turtle's claws to crush her fairy-grade magic robe defense, and her sub-divine grade machete couldn't cut through the earth fairy turtle's back shell and claws.

The weapons of the sub-divine grade are useless, so they simply don't do useless work, feel the powerful lethality of the earth fairy turtle, and run away immediately.

If you are really caught by the turtle demon, it will be difficult to escape.

The moment the Human Twolegs disappeared from his claws, the ancestor of the Silverback Turtle naturally knew about it, he couldn't help being shocked, and immediately put himself on alert.

In an instant, the two feet of the human race, which had disappeared from his claws, appeared outside his spiritual consciousness network, and the golden light was dazzling and blazing, as if mocking his self-control.

Patriarch Gui once again felt a strong sense of powerlessness, just like the one he met 10 years ago, no matter how hard he tried, there was nothing he could do.

The desperation and powerlessness of sweeping everything but finally being defeated by an ant-like opponent is enough to crush the ambition of a monk.

Patriarch Turtle let go of his claws dejectedly, but was extremely unwilling, and rushed towards the Human Twolegs ferociously. The toes on the palms of the claws grew violently, and grabbed the Human Twolegs' protective mask.

Seeing the Earth Fairy Turtle rushing, Le Yun moved away again.

She was fast, but the speed of the earth fairy tortoise was even faster. She had just changed positions, and when the earth fairy tortoise turned suddenly, it swung its claws fiercely in her direction.

Le Yun moved again.

Just as her figure disappeared, the tortoise claw also grabbed it, and the force of the claw wiped out the air and the afterimage she left behind into nothingness.

A small vacuum forms there, which is then filled with other air.

When the earth fairy tortoise attacked the place where the human two-legged beast appeared again, another earth fairy-level tortoise ancestor also joined the battle.

The two earth fairy tortoises attack together, Le Yun can only move and change positions, and often moves away as soon as the person appears, and it seems that there is only an afterimage.

Five mortal-level old tortoises also guarded the periphery, ready to go, and immediately swung their claws to attack when they saw the human two-legged beast appearing.

After moving left and right for several times, Le Yun moved to the sky again, and unceremoniously sacrificed to Jieshan in Baixing Town.

The Magic Treasure Mountain suddenly enlarged and fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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