magic eye doctor

Chapter 3035 Giant Transformation

Chapter 3035 Giant Transformation
The human two-legged beast moved to the sky, and the giant silver-backed tortoise couldn't help chasing it up, and suddenly saw a starry hill falling, realized that the situation was not good, and ran away immediately.

The five silver-backed giant tortoises of the Immortal Rank were scattered and fled, but they still couldn't escape the blockade of the Magic Treasure Mountain, and were covered by the Boundary Mountain of Baixing Town.

The old turtle at the sixth level of the Earth Immortal was fast, and his huge body flew across the void like a meteor, and escaped from the coverage of the mountain before it fell down in Baixing Town.

The old tortoise at the first level of the Earth Immortal was a little slower. Its huge body avoided the suppression of Fabaoshan, but its tail did not dodge.

The tail was suppressed, and the blood power of the giant silver-backed tortoise was also imprisoned by invisible forces. The huge body of the giant silver-backed tortoise was also brought to the ground with a "boom", and a huge pit was smashed into the ground, and the soil flew up.

After sacrificing Jieshan in Baixing Town, Le Yun stared closely at the giant silver-backed tortoises. It was a pity to see the old tortoise on the sixth floor escape.

There is a sky moat between the Mahayana and the mortals, and there is a sky moat between her and the old turtle at the sixth level of the earth fairy, and there are two great realms apart, which is huge.

No matter how high some of her talents are, the disadvantage in speed cannot be made up for.

The speed of the giant silver-backed tortoise at the sixth level of the Earth Immortal saved him once, allowing him to escape the fate of being suppressed by the Magic Treasure Mountain.

An old tortoise with the highest cultivation and the most delicious meat escaped, and Le Yun didn't chase after it. Seeing another ground fairy tortoise with its tail pinned down, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Oh open!

do not run!
Le Yun moved to the ground fairy tortoise that fell into the big pit at an incomparable speed. A big net bag went over to catch the big tortoise, and then slightly lifted the magic treasure mountain to drag the whole tortoise out.

The giant silver-backed tortoise with its tail stuck was lying on the high place where it was smashed when it landed, and its sight was covered by the diffuse sand. He tried his best to overturn the heavy object pressing on his tail and pull out his tail, but to no avail. .

He was about to abandon his own tail, to escape by disconnecting it, when he suddenly escaped into a net, and then found that his spiritual sense was suddenly useless.

The silver-backed giant tortoise let out an angry cry like an eagle being provoked.

As soon as the cry sounded, he lost consciousness.

Caught a ground fairy turtle without any effort, Le Yun was overjoyed with the new ingredients, so in order to avoid long nights and dreams, he threw it into the storage container that could only hold dead objects with lightning speed.

A giant silver-backed tortoise that had gone through countless years of painstaking efforts to reach the Earth Immortal rank died silently because it provoked its opponent by mistake.

Having dealt with a ground fairy tortoise, Le Yun didn't delay for a moment, and immediately recalled the boundary mountain in Baixing Town, and quickly returned to the star core space with the hill that had shrunk to a height of one foot.

As soon as he returned to the star core space, he killed the five mortal-level silver-backed turtles locked inside the Magic Treasure Mountain without hesitation.

The special skill of the giant silver-backed tortoise is gigantic transformation. If they activate their blood vessels, their combat power will increase tenfold in an instant. This is undoubtedly a very terrifying power.

The Boundary Mountain of Baixing Town is very powerful, but, there are five mortal-level silver-backed giant tortoises imprisoned inside. If they arouse the power of the blood and rage themselves at the same time, the Magic Treasure Mountain will inevitably suffer.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, and Le Yun is not stupid, so she would not take chances knowing the danger of the silver-backed giant tortoise.

Besides, the giant silver-backed tortoises were not kind to her. If she lost, she would only end up as food and be dismembered for food in the hands of the giant silver-backed tortoise. There was no way she would survive.

Le Yun showed no mercy, people did not enter the Magic Treasure Mountain, but spiritual consciousness entered the Magic Treasure Mountain, and activated the killing mode of the Magic Treasure Mountain to kill the mortal silver-backed giant tortoise.

When the divine consciousness activated the killing function of the Magic Treasure Mountain, it also saw that five mortal-level silver-backed giant elephants were also stimulating their blood power, and their bodies had already swelled a circle.

If she was merciful, and later, the five mortal-level silver-backed giant tortoises inspired the blood power to attack Fabaoshan, even if Fabaoshan would not be scrapped, it would be damaged.

Luckily for her timely response, Le Yun decisively activated the strangling function on the boundary mountain of Baixing Town, obliterating the souls of five mortal-level silver-backed giant tortoises.

The soul of the silver-backed giant tortoise was obliterated, the power of the bloodline was interrupted, and its swollen body shrank.

Le Yun moved the body of the giant silver-backed tortoise out of the Magic Treasure Mountain, and put it in a separate container to prevent the loss of aura and energy.

Then store the spirit crystal essence in the magic treasure mountain.

Magic Treasure Mountain has a powerful function, it is a super-waste spirit stone, and the spirit crystal marrow consumed by opening the killing function is equivalent to a thousand spirit crystals.

This time, Le Yun didn't feel sorry for the spirit stone, and exchanged a thousand spirit crystals for one Earth Immortal rank and five Mortal rank silver-backed giant tortoises. This business made a lot of money.

The back shell and claws of the silverback giant tortoise are good materials for refining weapons, and the meat is also super delicious.

If she wants to advance to the mortal rank, she can ascend to a celestial being in place by eating a mortal silver-backed giant tortoise.

At present, there is no time to clean up the body of the giant silver-backed tortoise. Le Yun stuffed 10 spirit crystals and [-] yuan of spiritual marrow into the magic treasure mountain as backup energy, and then left the star core space to find another earth fairy tortoise.

She wanted to find another earth fairy tortoise, and the ancestor of the silver-backed giant tortoise at the sixth level of the earth fairy also came back to find her.

The ancestor of the silver-backed giant tortoise escaped the magic weapon thrown by the two-legged beast of the human race. When he fled to a safe place, he thought that the few turtles of the giant tortoise clan were all old tortoises at the level of mortal or earth immortals, and it was impossible to catch them easily.

Even if he heard the roar of the old tortoise from the first level of the earth immortal, he thought that the old tortoise would get a little injury by accident at most. Given the strength of the silver-backed giant tortoise, getting a little injury is not a big deal.

It wasn't until he escaped into the distance that he suddenly found that the blood sensor that was originally connected by blood suddenly failed, and he couldn't sense the blood breath of the old turtles.

It is definitely not a good thing that the blood cannot sense the other old turtles. It is possible that the old turtle was killed by the human Twolegs, or thrown into the space created by her.

Turtle Patriarch was furious, turned around to look for the Human Two-legged Beast, and at the same time stimulated the power of the blood, his body skyrocketed round and round at an incomparable speed.

He himself was a colossal monster, inspired by the blood power of the giant silver-backed tortoise, his body doubled, making him even more terrifying.

The powerful body of the giant silver-backed tortoise competed for space with the air. It forcibly squeezed the air, and the air was split into streams of wind.

The body of the giant silver-backed tortoise multiplied in size and was stirred by the split wind.

As the gang wind roared, the giant tortoise's body straddled the void, its forelimbs and head constantly approaching the place where he and the old tortoises were scattered.

Ancestor Turtle, whose body was still in the distance, stared at the void, looking for the hidden location of the human Two-legged beast. About three miles away, he saw the Two-legged beast that appeared out of thin air.

The giant tortoise's front paws grew violently, and the golden color condensed by the five spiritual qi turned into light and slashed at the two-legged beast.

Le Yun stepped out of the space of the star core, saw the golden light blade shot at the speed of light and the huge objects that were constantly increasing in the distance, and his back was tense.

Relying on natural conditioned reflexes, he shot hundreds of feet into the sky, turned around, changed positions with the teleportation technique, and continued to gallop towards the mountains.

There is a double gap between her and the earth fairy tortoise, knowing that her speed cannot be compared with that of the earth fairy, so she can only run away with the teleportation technique.

The giant silver-backed tortoise smashed through the air with one blow, and then swung the aura blade again and again. After a few moves, it also chased after the human Twolegs, and at the same time used the air banning technique.

The Turtle Patriarch, who had aroused the power of the bloodline to become giant, was more than ten miles long, and was horizontally flat in the sky to cover the light, so that the ground could not see the sun for more than ten miles.

His whole body was filled with mighty strength that could tear the sky apart, and the ferocious aura made the air feel stagnant. The air of killing filled the sky, and all kinds of creatures in the area shrouded in murderous aura trembled.

Feeling the ferocious murderous intent, Le Yun's scalp exploded, and for a moment she felt as weak as an ant.

Fortunately, she has a strong psychological quality, and she only withstood the murderous attack for a moment, and quickly escaped from the area covered by the giant tortoise's breath.

The air banning technique can't trap Le Yun, but it will still affect her moving speed.

In order not to be affected, he did not walk in a straight line, and turned up and down, left and right, so that the giant tortoise could not confirm the target, and occasionally moved to the surrounding of the giant tortoise to shoot cold arrows.

The Two-legged beast is slippery and full of tricks, and the silver-backed giant tortoise is even more irritable when it sees the Two-legged beast slip away again and again when it is clearly close at hand.

After turning east and west for a while, crossing a layer of mountains, and crossing a canyon, Le Yun moved several times and moved to a mountain with few trees and many rocks. She stopped running and only approached the mountain.

The light blades swung by the giant tortoise bounced several times onto the rocky mountain, immediately like gold and iron colliding, arousing countless sparks and gunpowder smoke.

Avoiding the giant tortoise's attack, Le Yun finally came into close contact with the rocky mountain, standing next to the rocky mountain, throwing the magic treasure mountain in his hand, and looked at the giant tortoise with a smile.

Not only that, but he also took the initiative to send out an invitation: "The giant bloodline of the silver-backed giant tortoise really lives up to its reputation! The giant body is scary, but I don't know if the power is really scary.

Haven't you been using your full strength? Now that you are far away from the big lake where you live, you can show your strength to your heart's content. Come on, let me see how powerful your full blow is. "

The weak human race questioned the ability of the giant tortoise. The ancestor of the tortoise was enraged, roaring violently and swiping a claw. That claw condensed the power of the blood, and the spiritual power cluster was like a golden sun with a bloody halo , containing a violent aura that can destroy the world.

Le Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes analyzed the power of the giant tortoise. A series of data was transmitted to the cerebral cortex, and then transferred to the memory sea for storage.

The value estimated by the eyes is frightening. If the claws of the giant tortoise hit the huge rocky mountain behind it, which covers an area of ​​nearly ten thousand miles, it can destroy one-third of the mountain.

The reason why only one-third of the mountain can be destroyed is because the mountain has been reinforced by various forces and is very hard.

After estimating the damage value of the giant tortoise's claw, when seeing the force coming, Le Yun was not foolishly trying to force it, and quickly dodged.

The person was able to leave, and the golden sun with blood-colored circles swung by the giant tortoise also hit, and the huge force hit the rocky giant mountain at the speed of a star falling.

(End of this chapter)

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