magic eye doctor

Chapter 3038 Monitor Lizard

Chapter 3038 Monitor Lizard
The witty and clever little Lolita cut off one of the monitor lizard's claws with a single knife and did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. She threw a few handfuls of colorless and odorless medicinal powder backhand, and then attacked another monitor lizard of the mortal rank.

The monitor lizard tribe dispatched three monsters of the mortal level, the largest one was the late stage mortal, and the other two were the third tier mortal and the fifth tier mortal.

The monitor lizard at the fifth level of the mortal immortal was startled when he heard the painful roar of the senior, and looked at the senior without paying attention to the creature that looked like a two-legged beast of the human race.

He saw that the leg of the senior who had lost a limb was bleeding profusely, and the skin of the whole lizard was taut, and he was on guard with all his attention, for fear that a certain human's feet would suddenly appear beside him and make a sneak attack.

Who knows what to be afraid of.

When it sensed the thick murderous intent, the monitor lizard crossed to hide.

He was prepared, and dodged quickly, avoiding the ferocious killing move, but the saber light still landed on his abdomen, cutting a blood groove as deep as three inches.

Flesh and flesh rolled up where the blade was cut, and blood was sprayed.

The scratched monitor lizard also followed in the footsteps of its predecessors, screamed in pain, and couldn't help flicking its tail.

Well, it swung its big long tail once, and several lizard monsters from the monitor lizard tribe suffered bloody misfortune. Although they didn't die, they were shot and flew out with serious injuries.

Amidst the howling of the lizard monster, Le Yun once again used the teleportation technique to rush to the uninjured third-level monitor lizard, and slashed wildly with a knife as usual.

Wherever the human Twolegs went, monitor lizards were injured, and the three-level mortal monitor lizards were always on guard against Twolegs. When they realized that she was by their side, they didn't care about the other little lizards, so they ran away quickly.

He had been prepared and escaped quickly, but the knife missed him and landed on the monitor lizards of the 12th and [-]th ranks. Two of them were seriously injured, and one was decapitated unfortunately. He went to see the lizard ancestor lizard sect on the spot.

The two-legged beasts of the human race are too ferocious, and there must be casualties among the lizards wherever they pass. The monsters of the monitor lizards were terrified and retreated.

But because of the presence of high-level lizards, they dared not escape first, and formed a group first.

The puppet team split into several small groups by the monitor lizard acted according to circumstances, and quickly assembled.

The puppet team has assembled, and the teamwork is highly effective. Le Yun doesn't have to worry about them being maimed by the giant lizard for the time being.

As soon as the humanoid two-legged beast made a move, it injured the two mortal monsters of the monitor lizard clan. Seeing that it suddenly appeared beside the ancestor of the mortal lizard again, the monitor lizard clan screamed in panic.

The monitor lizard in Fanxian's late stage had already stopped the bleeding from the wound. When the Twolegs reappeared, the enemy was extremely jealous and rushed up angrily, spurting blood from his mouth and waving his claws to attack.

The venom sprayed by the monitor lizard condenses into bunches of water arrows, and there is a thin thread behind it. If a hit is missed, the monitor lizard will manipulate the venom arrows to change direction and continue chasing the target.

The poisonous water arrows shot over like raindrops, and Le Yun immediately dodged. The monitor lizard in Fanxian's later stage should have devoured some special poisonous monsters and absorbed many mutant poisons. Venom can not only corrode flesh and blood, but also corrode the soul.

Immortal robes can prevent magic attacks, but if it is stained with poison that corrodes the soul, it will be troublesome, and it is easy to be soaked in the poison and then hurt her soul.

If it was the venom of a 12th or [-]th rank monitor lizard, Le Yun would not be afraid, but the venom of a late Fanxian monitor lizard was so powerful that she would not risk herself, slashing and slashing while dodging the venom.

The human blade collided with the attack from the monitor lizard in the air, and the blade light melted or crushed some venomous water arrows, or the blade beam and the light blade swung by the monitor lizard’s claw head-to-head, crackling and crackling The voice is endless.

The monitor lizard is also afraid of the weapons in the hands of the Two-legged beasts, and dare not directly block the weapons with its body, spray poison or swing its claws to attack the Two-legged beasts with spiritual light blades at a distance.

Le Yun also avoids the monitor lizard's venomous water arrows, and for the time being, no one can help her.

After the other two monitor lizards of the mortal rank panicked, seeing the oldest ancestor of the Lizard Clan confronting the Twolegs, they hesitated a bit and surrounded them, three against one.

The monitor lizard doesn't talk about martial arts, and bullies the few with the more.

A good man is hard to beat with four hands, but a monitor lizard has four claws, three monitor lizards have twelve claws, and he has only two hands. Le Yun is at a disadvantage and immediately falls into a disadvantage.

We are outnumbered.

In this situation, as long as he is not a single-minded person, he will not fight the giant lizard. Naturally, Le Yun will not bite the bullet and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the lizard monster, changing tactics.

Moved out of the battle circle with the teleportation technique, quickly released the spirit boat and jumped in, threw the machete, took out the Zhuxian Baojian, and activated it.

The treasure mirror of Zhu Xian was activated, and the golden light aimed at the three mortal monitor lizards that were chasing after them.

Among the three mortal monitor lizards, the late mortal lizard is the key target of Zhu Xian Baojian. The whole lizard is surrounded by golden light, and the lizard monster of the third level of mortal is close, and it is also among them.

Only the monitor lizard of the [-]th level of the mortal immortal was a little far away, and when it saw the golden light, it ran away. Most of its body avoided the golden light, and only a part of its body including its two hind legs and tail was illuminated by the golden light.

When the three mortal monitor lizards were illuminated by the golden light, they sensed the danger of death, and struggled desperately, trying to escape the golden light's suction.

No matter how struggling the monitor lizards of Fanxian's late stage and Fanxian's third stage were, it didn't help. The strong suction in the golden light pulled them towards the two-legged beast.

The monitor lizard of the fifth level of the mortal immortal struggled with all its might, and pulled its hind legs out of the golden light range. It was extremely courageous, and made a decisive decision to abandon its tail.

He slashed down with one paw, about three feet behind the hind legs, cut off the tail covered by the mask, and fled without wanting to fight anymore.

The big monsters of the Triceratops had three ancestors of the mortal rank to deal with the two-legged beasts, so they got in the way by themselves and did not participate in the encirclement and suppression battle. They only waited for the ancestors to kill the two-legged beasts, and then they went to hunt and kill the group of undead beasts. A life-breathing two-legged beast.

Who would have thought that the battle would turn around suddenly, two patriarchs seemed to be bound by some treasure of Twolegs, and one patriarch left them and ran for his life.

The monster lizards didn't have any fighting spirit, but they didn't dare to run away, they just panicked.

The two mortal monitor lizards that were attracted by the golden light struggled and writhed, roaring and screaming.

The roar of the mortal monitor lizard made the lizard group even more terrified. One of them couldn't bear the suffering, screamed and jumped up and ran away.

Once it started, the unsteady fighting spirit of the lizard group collapsed, and the lizard monsters scrambled to escape, and went their separate ways.

The master didn't give an order, and the puppet didn't go after the lizard.

In order to prevent the fat from flying off her mouth, Le Yun didn't care about the small fish and shrimps of the monitor lizard tribe for a while, and manipulated Zhu Xian Baojian to catch two mortal monitor lizards.

The Zhuxian Treasure Mirror is a powerful weapon, very useful, but, if you want to capture two or more mortal monsters at the same time like this, you also need to rely on the spiritual sense of the magic weapon owner.

If you don't inject spiritual consciousness into Baojian, Baojian's binding force will not be enough, and it is possible for the big demon to break free from the fast binding and escape midway.

The two big monsters struggled fiercely, but no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get rid of the suction, and were finally dragged into the inner space of Baojian by Jin Guang.

Imprisoning monsters also consumes the power of Baojian, not to mention imprisoning monsters of the mortal rank.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Le Yun killed the two monitor lizards in the treasure book, transferred the body of the lizard monster into the storage device, and then drove the spirit boat to hunt down the escaped mortal monitor lizard.

The puppet team stayed in place, retrieved their team's battle-damaged or "dead" companions, and then went to collect the killed monitor lizards.

The monitor lizard at the fifth level of the mortal immortal has traveled tens of thousands of miles. In order to hide his whereabouts, he sneaked into the earth and fled to the distance in the way of earth escape.

Le Yun chased after a certain special light belonging to the five-level monitor lizard with the help of the qi-watching technique, and found Ju Xi's walking track without much effort.

Monitor lizards are very clever. After diving into the depths of the earth, they run along the extension of the veins below the mountains, so that they are very far away from the surface.

The mortal-level lizard monster is also fast, and it does not show its head, so it is really difficult to catch.

But Le Yun was not in a hurry, and ran along patiently.

The monitor lizard who escaped from the earth ran for 10,000+ miles. Probably due to the previous battle, his spiritual power was consumed too much.

Feeling that the spiritual power was consumed too much, the giant lizard escaped to a large river, moved from the depths of the earth to the river channel, and then walked along the river.

Le Yun, who was chasing the monitor lizard, found that the monitor lizard had entered the big river, and quietly put away the spirit boat, and tracked it with teleportation. After chasing for less than [-] miles, the monitor lizard floated from the bottom of the river to the surface of the water.

The big monster finally shows up!

Le Yun, who had been waiting for a long time, moved to the back of the giant lizard, and threw out the opened array.

The monitor lizard, which had just got its head out of the water, sensed something was wrong and dived into the water. Unfortunately, a shiny thing followed closely behind, dragging it forcefully into a gray space.

The array plate completed the task, drilled out of the water, and rushed back to the master.

Holding the formation plate, Le Yun wiped out the imprisoned monitor lizard, and then took out the body to study. The monitor lizard of the fifth level of the mortal immortal was also poisoned. Because the amount of medicine inhaled was too small, it ran for hundreds of thousands of miles There was a slight reaction of traditional Chinese medicine.

If it doesn't run away, hides in the soil or absorbs the air of the earth, with the strength of the lizard monster's body, it only takes about half an hour to digest that little medicine.

After collecting the clinical reactions of the traditional Chinese medicine of the mortal-level monitor lizard, Le Yun threw the lizard body back into the storage container for the triceratops monitor lizard, and hurried back in the spirit boat.

In a short while, the spirit boat rushed back to the battlefield between the puppet people and the monitor lizard.

The puppet team has cleared the battlefield.

Le Yun hurried back, first put away the "killed" puppets or puppets that had been crushed into scrap iron, and then checked the parts of the damaged puppets.

Slightly damaged puppets can still continue to serve as the main force with a little repair, and those with severely damaged parts will also withdraw from the battlefield and be repaired later.

In this battle alone, more than a dozen puppets have been turned into lumps of iron, and more than forty puppets have been seriously damaged, and more than 30 have been lightly damaged, with a total of more than 100 injuries.

This made Le Yun very angry. The puppet team was her little helper, and the plant resources in the ancient secret realm were so rich. When the puppet was working hard, the monitor lizard clan unexpectedly beat and disabled so many helpers.

Breaking a puppet is tantamount to cutting off her money.

This is unbearable!

Le Yun, who was in a bad mood, reorganized a puppet team and arranged for them to look for those traditional Chinese medicine monitor lizards.

The puppet team regrouped, and the team set off in an orderly manner. While collecting, they marched towards the location designated by the owner to find prey.

Le Yun herself also drove the spirit boat to find the lizard monster of traditional Chinese medicine.

Some of the monitor lizards on the battlefield were far away and did not have traditional Chinese medicine. Some of the monitor lizards that were closer to the mortal rank were unknowingly attacked.

The lizard monsters, who were hit by the trick and didn't realize it at all, lost their spiritual power in the process of running away. Some realized that their spiritual power was insufficient and fell to the ground by themselves, while others ran for their lives in a hurry and flew desperately.

Most of the lizard monsters who were desperately trying to escape fell from the air, and a few lizard monsters of the seventh and eighth rank died unfortunately, and some of them were lightly or uninjured and immediately dug holes or escaped into the river.

The puppet team searched around and recovered nearly a hundred lizard monsters. Some lizard monsters were still dead, and when they found them, they sent them back to the west.

Le Yun went to a remote area to search, and also recovered more than 12 dead lizard monsters of the [-]th rank.

Triceratops lizards are full of poison. If their meat is used as food, the toxin must be cleaned first. The cost is relatively high, and the gain outweighs the gain.

Although the cost of ingredients is high, they are good ingredients for cultivating mutant golden cicadas.

The mutated golden cicadas themselves also carry poison, they can digest the toxin in the flesh and blood of monitor lizards below mortal immortals.

There is no shortage of ingredients in hand, Le Yun doesn't like lizard meat, and decided to use them to cultivate a batch of high-level golden cicadas. There are many kinds of monsters in the secret realm of the ancient dragon palace ruins, and he will be able to collect a large amount of monster meat, which should be enough to Batch Jin Chan was cultivated to the ninth level.

The ninth-level mutated golden cicadas are not only delicious, but their wings are a good material for making invisible magic weapons.

After picking up the lizard monster of traditional Chinese medicine, Le Yun asked the puppet team to collect it nearby, and then drove the spirit boat to find several other puppet teams.

She ran around, gathered all the puppet teams, and then led the team to the territory of the triceratops, attacking the core area of ​​the lizard territory.

A puppet team of nearly 10 people is marching forward in a mighty manner, collecting and marching, and when encountering monsters that are not afraid of death, they will swarm up and kill them without hesitation to add to the master's food stockpile.

Encirclement and suppression of monsters is also a great benefit, that is, the meat of monsters can be collected, and various resources in their habitat can be swept away.

The territory of the Triceratops is more than 2 million miles wide, and the core area is not in the central area of ​​the territory, but in the southeast area.

Little Lolita was heading north from the southeast, and she was also on the way.

In the territory of the monitor lizard, in addition to the monitor lizard, there are also various monsters living there. Those monsters are equivalent to the monitor lizard's food reserves.

There are also many branches of monitor lizards, which are scattered in the areas with the strongest aura.

One person and tens of thousands of puppet teams walked and stopped, fighting and killing, so that wherever the team passed, there was a scene of chaos.

Several small monitor lizard lords with their own territory fled after hearing the news, and the small monitor lizard families that did not escape were all beaten to pieces, and only a few big monsters escaped.

After the team walked for two and a half months, Le Yun turned around and moved the little fox, Xiao Huihui, and the cubs to attack the occupied monitor lizard territory, and then continued to lead the team.

After a long journey, the large army entered the core area of ​​the monitor lizard's territory around the beginning of November.

(End of this chapter)

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