magic eye doctor

Chapter 3039 Verification

Chapter 3039 Verification
The Triceratops lizard in the core area of ​​the territory is a pure-blooded lizard of the monitor lizard family. Its skin is also blue, but the color is very dark, close to black.

As the leader of the ruling monitor lizard tribe, the pure-blooded triceratops in the core area is naturally the most powerful one. The leader of the monitor lizard has received a report from the lizard monster that escaped from the border area, knowing that there are intruders.

The leader of the lizard demon assembled a team of 50 monitor lizards, waiting for the team of humanoid two-legged beasts to come to their door, and then harvested the heads of the two-legged beasts to promote the reputation of the monitor lizard tribe.

When the Human Twoleg team arrived, the Varanasi clan roared into the air.

The monitor lizards are already huge in size, and a team of 30 monitor lizards is distributed in the air, forming a long line, stretching for more than a thousand miles, and the depth is also more than a thousand miles.

The huge bodies of the blue-black monitor lizards blocked the sunlight like black clouds, so that the square beneath their ranks was like night.

Le Yun, who was intercepted, put a large troop of puppets on standby, and only brought two thousand puppets into the air as observers. After observing the opponent's team, they charged at full speed in the spirit boat.

The spirit boat charged forward in a straight line, and when it approached the giant lizard team, its size exploded to its maximum size, and it slammed into it with lightning speed.

The huge spirit boat with the strongest defensive formation activated was several times larger than the largest monitor lizard, and it crashed into the lizard group under the disbelieving eyes of the monitor lizards.

The few mortal monitor lizards at the front of the team were the first to be hit by gravity, and were sent flying. Although they didn't die, they were seriously injured.

Those behind Fanxian were all twelve or eleventh-order monsters, who had no time to dodge. Under the powerful impact of the spirit boat, they were either flattened or crushed, or were knocked into the air and then scattered by the wind, leaving their bodies in different places. Or cut it in half.

The spirit boat is like entering an uninhabited land, invincible.

The monitor lizard team was disrupted, and it was in chaos in an instant.

The leader of the monitor lizard has entered the rank of Earth Immortal, the first level of Earth Immortal. He originally thought that the humanoid two-legged beast is not even a mortal, so there is no need to show too much shame. He watched the battle on the top of a mountain and wanted to witness the feat of the lizard tribe defeating the Two-legged beast.

As a result, the Humanoid Twolegs team didn't move. At first sight, the Humanoid Twolegs rushed into the lizard group with a magic weapon, and immediately went to intercept them.

"Form formation!"

The lizard leader roared as he rushed to intercept the humanoid feet.

The main commander of the Lizard Squad was also in the group of Lizards who were seriously injured. The team lost its commander and suffered a sudden attack. It was still in a mess, even if the leader ordered to form a formation at this time, the situation could not be stabilized for a while.

Le Yun drove the spirit boat at full speed, and when she rushed to the middle of the team, she threw out a large number of talismans, and then continued to move forward, abruptly killing the monitor lizard team.

After crossing the monitor lizard team, he activated the talisman without hesitation, and then ran to the safe area in the spirit boat as if escaping.

The large handful of talisman papers flew into the air, forming a large circle. After being activated, the talisman balls burst into dazzling golden and purple light.

The huge aperture is as dazzling as a small sun.

When the light bloomed, there was a sound of thunder in the originally clear sky.

Just as there was a huge explosion of thunder, countless golden thunders fell from the sky.

Dense golden sky thunders, as thick as pillars, enveloped the sky for thousands of miles, and the team of monitor lizards were all in the attack area of ​​the sky thunders.

The leader of the monitor lizard rushed to the sky, but failed to stop the humanoid Twolegs, and passed by the Twolegs' magic weapon. When he tried to capture the Twolegs again, he heard thunder in the sky, subconsciously stopped, and looked up.

Monster beasts are naturally afraid of thunder.

Seeing the golden thunder thundering down, the leader of the monitor lizard didn't bother to catch the two-legged human, and fled towards the ground in panic.

He ran away by himself, and did not forget to yell: "Heavenly thunder is coming, run quickly! Run away from the earth!"

The monitor lizard team, which hadn't had time to regroup, was so frightened that they couldn't care less about fighting, so they ran away on their own. They started running because of their low cultivation base and slow reaction, so they seemed to be shouting at the leader. .

Monitor lizards know that drilling deep into the ground is the best way to avoid thunder, so they almost all run down, some run diagonally, and some run straight down.

The originally mighty and imposing team also showed its disadvantages at this time: due to the large number, they couldn't disperse for a while, and it was inevitable that the front would block the rear.

The monitor lizard's speed is also affected.

Bright thunderbolts fell like raindrops.

The slow-moving monitor lizards were hit by lightning. After being hit by the lightning, lightning flashed across their bodies. The monitor lizards trembled all over, and screamed fiercely one after another.

Hearing the screams of the same race, those giant lizards that were not hit by the thunder, only regretted that they had lost a pair of wings or lost a few legs.

The big demon fled desperately, plunged into the jungle and then burrowed into the ground, fleeing into the distance.

Those monitor lizards that ran out of the minefields recovered their lives, while some lizards in the sky minefields just fell into the jungle and drilled into the soil layer, and the sky thunders followed closely, but they still failed to escape the catastrophe.

The sky thunders were densely packed, connecting the sky and the earth.

The jungle was hit by thunder and it was also ablaze.

The sky and the earth are filled with a piece of gold and red, the color is warm and daunting to living beings.

The leader of the monitor lizard fled tens of thousands of miles away, looking at the thunder and gold pillar behind him, and then at the magic weapon of the humanoid two-legged beast in the air, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

The humanoid two-legged beast can control lightning, it's too scary!

Fearing that the humanoid two-legged beast would come after them again, the leader of the monitor lizard let out a few roars, turned around and walked towards the distance.

Those monitor lizards that were still running for their lives, heard the leader's order, and did not bother to check the situation on the ground, and ran away desperately.

Le Yun, who ran to a safe place, turned the spirit boat and stopped to watch.

Looking at the dense sky thunder, the beauty's almond eyes widened.

Tianlei...something is wrong!
The surface of the thunder that was summoned this time looks like a golden thunder, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a trace of black in the center of each thunder.

The pure black sky thunder is the world-destroying thunder.

There is black thunder power in the golden sky thunder, implying that the monitor lizard race is included in the race condemned by heaven.

It can be recorded in the little black book of Tiandao, which shows that his family must have made a big mistake.

Le Yun's mind was running fast, and she came up with a bold guess: the Triceratops tribe is also the descendant of those demon tribes who participated in the Shui tribe and the rebel dragon's killing of the pure-blooded dragon tribe and thus suffered curses, or they have their blood.

Guess turned around in my mind, and then I threw it to the back of my mind. No matter why the Triceratops was blacklisted by Tiandao, it has nothing to do with me anyway.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

Le Yun didn't want the cat in her heart to be killed, so she stopped guessing wildly and silently counted how many monitor lizards Tianlei had killed.

The sky thunder split off all the monitor lizards within ten thousand miles, and finally returned to the sky.

When Tianlei returned, an invisible force swept across the earth, and the raging fire on the ground was extinguished like a lamp being blown out.

The heaven and earth have returned to their original splendor.

There is only a piece of scorched land and the scorching air waves that have not dissipated, proving that a rare battle accident happened just now.

There was not a single living thing within the ten thousand miles that had been bombarded by the sky thunder, and there was not a single living plant on the ground except in the river between the mountains, and the original green mountains and green fields became barren land.

孽 孽!
Seeing the original green land turned into scorched earth, Le Yun felt very guilty. It was all due to the monitor lizards, so why not justify it?It is necessary to pull hundreds of thousands of monsters out to declare war!
If the monitor lizards don't use more to bully the less, she will naturally not use talismans to attract thunder.

If you don't attract thunder, naturally it won't become like this.

Everything that goes wrong is the monitor lizard's fault.

Anyway, Le Yun didn't think she was wrong, and ordered the puppet team to move, search for the monitor lizard's body, and sweep up the dust.

The puppet team marched aggressively into the scorched earth area, moving in batches, some to collect corpses, some to sweep up ashes, ashes, and mud.

Le Yun arranged for the mining array discs, cone drills, and hurricane sweeps to start work, and she also collected the spirit boat to find the corpse of the monitor lizard of the mortal rank.

Nearly two-thirds of the triangular monitor lizard tribe died in the thunder disaster.

Those who died were basically middle-level fighters. The big monsters of the tenth, tenth and twelfth ranks were fast and escaped a lot.

The monitor lizard tribe assembled an army of 30, but the human tribe lost more than half of them without a single soldier, and the strength of the group was greatly reduced.

It is believed that from now on, the status of the Triceratops in the vicinity will be in jeopardy. Even if they can still occupy part of the territory, their area will be greatly reduced.

Le Yun wandered around the scorched earth area and recovered five mortal lizard corpses.

The monitor lizard of the Immortal rank was seriously injured, but the injury was not fatal. However, after falling to the ground, it was bombarded by the sky thunder before leaving the occupied area, and died so aggrieved.

The monitor lizard's body was bombed by sky thunder, and almost none of it was intact, and it was picked up and treated as a material for feeding golden cicadas.

The body of the monitor lizard of the mortal rank is tougher, and there is still about half of the good flesh.

After finding the corpse of the monitor lizard of the Immortal Rank, Le Yun went to a big river, cleaned up the broken limbs of the monster beast that he had picked up, and then dug out the inner alchemy and divided them.

After tidying up the remaining limbs of the monsters, they will deal with the monitor lizards collected after the first battle. First, the big monsters of the mortal rank will be bloodletted and poisoned.

The puppet team responsible for searching for the animal carcasses searched all around, cleaned the found animal carcasses from the dust, and then handed them over to the owner for them to collect.

The team responsible for collecting the ashes and soil spent two days and one night scraping the area scorched by the thunder and digging directly into the hard soil layer.

When the excavation team was digging, Le Xiaoluoli also divided and packed several mortal-level monitor lizards into packing boxes. The puppets scraped off the land, and then led the large team to the monitor lizard's lair while picking.

The monitor lizard recovered its life from the battlefield, fled back to its lair, swept away some of the most precious rare spiritual plants, and fled overnight with all the monitor lizard eggs.

Little Loli rushed to the monitor lizard's lair with the puppet army, but the lizard's lair was already empty.

The lizard monster left in a hurry. Although it picked the rarest spiritual plant, it didn't have time to pick other spiritual plants. There are a large number of high-level and medium-level spiritual plants within tens of thousands of miles around the monitor lizard's lair.

Le Yun sent the puppet people to collect, and led the puppet beast army to dig a tunnel deep into the ground at the foot of a mountain, preparing to mine the spirit stone mine deep in the ground.

Although the spiritual energy in the ancient secret territory of the ancient dragon ruins is far richer than that of the outside world, in fact, such a thick spiritual energy still cannot supply the consumption of the dragon treasure, and the dragon treasure is still absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world to fill the gap.

The treasure of the dragon clan needs to consume a huge amount of aura every year, and the aura in the world can only maintain normal consumption, and naturally it is impossible to grow large-scale spirit stone veins.

Therefore, there are very few large-scale spirit stone veins in the ancient secret realm, and most of them are medium and small-scale mine veins.

The territory of the Silverback giant tortoise family has an excellent geographical location. There is a large spirit stone vein in the territory, and there are several medium and small spirit stone veins.

There are only medium-sized and small-sized spirit stone veins in the Territory of the Triceratops, and there is a medium-sized spirit stone vein nearly 500 million miles away in the lair of the Lizard.

The Lingshi veins are buried too deep, and the season has come to the end of November before the ore layer has been dug.

Little Loli asked the puppet beasts to dig a tunnel, and she went to recall the puppet people, let them recuperate first, and prepare for the battle in the rivers and lakes next spring.

Then go to pick up the little Huihui and Liliu, and transfer the four cubs to the monitor lizard's nest area, and pick a mine for the cubs to mine by themselves.

She is a responsible and good mentor, she led the cubs to dig a tunnel, dug the mine, and supervised the cubs to dig the mine for a day before going to work on her own.

Dazai Zhumi Niwanzi Youbai Ningjing and Heigou dig mines seriously. Whenever they are too tired, they climb out to rest for a few days, spend a few days refining weapons, and then go to mine.

The footsteps of time walked quietly, and it entered the middle of December in a blink of an eye, and the ancient secret realm finally ushered in snow.

The snow on the Angry Bear Mountain Range came early and very hard, but the snow in the ancient secret territory not only came late, but was also gentler. It took a day and a night for the snow like salt grains to accumulate a thin layer on the ground.

On the third day of snowfall, Little Lolita and the puppet beast finally dug into the Lingshi Mine.

After digging out the spirit stone, a large number of puppet beasts started digging.

The aura in the ancient secret realm is much richer than the aura in those secret areas outside the barrier. There are no low-grade or middle-grade spirit stones in the spirit stone veins, and the outermost mines are also high-grade spirit stones.

After surveying the diameter of the Lingshi Mine, Little Loli pulled out all the puppets to work, and sent [-] puppets to join the mining project.

The little fox is responsible for working as a supervisor in the mine, collecting the spirit stones collected by the puppet army. He does not mine the mine himself, but becomes a professional barrel digger.

Xiao Huihui is responsible for picking some spiritual plants in the star core space to feed Jin Chan.

Le Yun also arranged work for herself, clearing out a space on the ground, setting up arrays, refining space devices in the open air, and testing whether the ancient secret realm has rules and restrictions on herself.

After observation, she found that the rules of the ancient secret realm restricted the four cubs invisibly. After they entered the ancient secret realm, they obviously inhaled a lot of spiritual power during their cultivation, and the spiritual power slowly passed through the meridians after a few laps. Less than one percent of the spiritual power stored in the dantian was finally introduced into the muscles and pores.

The cubs themselves didn't know anything, they never suspected anything, and even they themselves subconsciously ignored the problems of cultivation.

I have a sensitive perception, but the power of the law is too amazing. Maybe I am also bound by the law and I don’t know it. Le Yun feels that I am not suppressed by the rules, but I don’t dare to gamble, and I need to do experiments to verify.

It took three days and three nights to melt more than a dozen furnaces of ore before formally refining the space device.

When the first space device with an internal radius of 100 million feet was born, Le Yun also got the answer she wanted: the law of the ancient secret realm was tolerant to her.

(End of this chapter)

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