magic eye doctor

Chapter 3040

Real knowledge comes from practice, and experiments are used to verify that the laws of ancient secret realms do not restrict themselves.

The aura in the ancient secret realm is rich, and it can supply the aura consumption when refining a large space. There is no need to use spirit stones to set up a spirit gathering array, which is equivalent to saving a large amount of spirit stones.

Considering the unprecedented abundance of resources in the ancient secret realm, Le Yun decided to ignore trivial matters such as the New Year's Day and concentrate on refining the space device in order not to be cramped temporarily.

Niwanzi and others still retain their understanding of the seasons in the seasonal changes of Zhuzhou and Nuxiong Mountains, thinking that the newly entered ancient secrets are the same as the previous secrets, and it starts to snow at the end of October or late October every year.

Using this as a reference, they silently calculated how long it would take until the New Year's Eve.

The four little ones were rushing between mining and refining, pinching their fingers in secret to get by, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost the time of the New Year's Eve, but they still didn't see the fairy returning to the camp.

The little friends looked and looked every day, waiting eagerly, but they never waited for the fairy to appear.

Four people and one dog waited until the total number of days should be the New Year's Eve, and I haven't seen the fairy come back, so I set a table for myself and ate it, it's the New Year's Eve.

And in the first month of the new year when they thought it should have just entered, one day they climbed out of the mine and found that the snow had started to melt!

The boys were stunned.

They naturally didn't know that the first snowfall in the secret realm was at the beginning of December, not the end of October, and the ice and snow showed signs of melting in the second ten days of the first month.

Snow melts very fast.

In winter, it snows from time to time, with rice snow and goose feather snow alternately, and sometimes snow plus snow, and the snow is only three or four feet thick.

When the temperature rises, within half a month, the snow below the snow line melts into water, gurgling and rushing.

In the plains, there are only a few snowdrifts in the narrow canyons and valleys where the sun is not seen all year round and the snow is extremely thick.

The plants began to recover after the ice and snow melted, and it was not yet the best collection season, but Le Yun was still unremittingly refining large-scale space devices.

At the beginning of late March, Le Yun once again challenged the size of the space device - refining 150 million storage space.

It is done.

It's just very exhausting.

Refining a space device absorbs all the spiritual energy within a three-mile radius.

What's more, she can only refine two pieces at the same time when refining that kind of ultra-wide space.

The little loli who likes challenges throws a lot of marrow and spirit crystals, arranges a super spirit gathering array, and once again challenges a new height - refining a space device with a width of 500 million feet.

This is also the maximum width of the spacer that her current consciousness can control, but this size is not the limit width of the spacer.

Due to the size and level of the world in the spirit world, the width of the space device is limited. If it is in the god world, as long as the craftsman's consciousness and ability can support his ambition, he can refine as wide a space device as he wants.

If you have the ability, you can refine a super-large storage container that can hold a small world.

With everything ready, Le Yun started to reshape the space vessel, and then recreated the magical prohibition of the talisman array.

This moment was engraved for a full five days and five nights.

When the finished product came out, Le Yun looked at a purple egg-shaped bead that was only the size of a finger, and then at the large spirit-gathering array that had been consumed to the point where only a few pieces of spiritual marrow remained, and lay back with her head emptied of consciousness, Fall to the ground and play dead.

The bear kid's father cheated on his mother, and the space machine... cheated people!
The cost of making a space device with a width of 500 million feet is enough to make a spirit boat with a speed of 5000 million miles.

I am very distressed.

Her own owner lay down. As the best partner of the owner and the most caring little helper, Fen Yue silently turned off the fire, and then quietly returned to the owner's dantian to sleep on the head of the owner's little Nascent Soul.

Where is the strength of sleep?

The answer is - on the head of the master's small Nascent Soul.

The little fairy's baby body is also cute, cute and sweet, lying on her baby body is like returning to her mother's arms, warm and peaceful.

Fen Yue didn't want to go anywhere because of the benefit of discovering the little Nascent Soul of the sticky master, and ran back to her favorite place to lie down, shrunk into a big ball, and fell asleep happily.

After holding the corpse for more than two minutes, after recovering, Le Yun admitted that she was dead, got up by herself, packed up her tools, and took a bunch of freshly baked space devices, and went to the mine to inspect the work.

Met with the little fox, warmed up a meal of spiritual food to reward the little fox and Xiao Huihui, exchanged a bunch of empty storage containers for the storage containers full of spirit stones in the hands of the little fox, and then climbed out of the mine, Go see the cubs.

The four little golden pills and a black dog who turned into mine rats were so excited that they almost burst into tears when they saw the fairy whom they had not seen for several months.

The hard-hearted little loli, smiled and listened to the little cubs who were aggrieved and told about the different seasons in the secret land and the seasons in the Angry Bear Mountain Range.

The four little friends complained about the bitterness, and then revived with full blood, and ate quickly.

After watching the output of the duplicity boys, the little loli checked the mining results of the boys and took them to another mountain so that they could dig another mine when they were not collecting.

Four little ones: "..."

Can it only be collected, they don't want to be miners.

It's a pity that the four of them were embarrassed to protest the fairy's arrangement, so they responded bitterly, watched the fairy leave, and immediately went to collect resources such as spiritual plants and fruit, and then dig the mine after the best collection period. Pick it up when it's harvesting time.

Le Xiaoluoli visited the cubs, and led an expedition of [-] puppets who were not arranged to be miners to the west of the monitor lizard territory, until the team returned to camp in early December in winter.

Returning to the place where the large army was mining, I was not willing to waste even a day. I opened the furnace, repaired the severely damaged puppets, and then remelted the materials that had been pinched into scrap iron.

The puppet that was photographed as a lump of iron had only a few core chips that were only deformed, and the core chips of the other puppets were also turned into iron.

Le Yun first refined a bunch of parts, assembled a batch according to the appearance of the puppets before they were scrapped, and handed them over to their former captain to lead them.

He refined the parts again and assembled them with some of the previously refined parts. From this, five thousand blue-armored puppets were born, all of which were Mahayana-level force values.

When the blue-armored puppets are fully dressed, the season has entered the end of April of the new year.

Little Lolita moved the boundary mountain of Baixing Town once, transferred the cubs to a new mining collection area, and deployed [-] miners to dig other kinds of spirit gold mines, and then brought The puppet group went on another expedition.

This time, she went further, a billion miles to the west of monitor lizard territory, and didn't return until early February of the following year.

The little fox and the miners have dug up all the mines that can be dug on the main and branch veins of the spirit stone vein, and also dug two kinds of spirit gold mines.

The cubs have also dug a lot of spirit gold level mines.

Little Lolita recalled the miners and set off north again with the cubs.

After crossing the monitor lizard's territory, they crossed a small piece of unclaimed land, stopped in a place full of aura, and turned on the collection mode again.

Since then, the little Lolita has led the puppet army and the cubs to embark on a journey of learning scriptures in the west, going over mountains and over mountains, not building bridges when encountering water, picking spiritual plants when encountering spirit plants, and catching beasts when encountering monsters.

The itinerary is also very regular, every year from the middle of spring to the beginning of winter is the collection season, and it is not suitable to collect in the middle of winter, so it is mainly on the road, and the digging is only stopped when rare spiritual gold or rare spiritual plants are found.

Just stop and go, stop and go, all the way to the north, and finally found the first small target at the end of February in the No. 17 year of entering the ancient secret realm.

Le Xiaoluoli is looking for the target, hiding in a bay of a huge sea trace lake.

Haiji Lake used to be a sea basin or trench. The ancient Dragon Palace Secret Realm broke away from the original world. When it was drifting in the universe, it was affected by the power of the universe. The former ocean evolved into a continent, and the former sea basin or trench became the current Haiji Lake.

According to visual inspection, Haiji Lake is the "ocean" in the ancient secret continent, and a large number of rivers in the secret land have finally fallen into its embrace.

Little Loli arrived from the southeast corner of the lake. The south bank of Haiji Lake is mostly steep mountains, and the side facing the lake is mostly cliffs. Those places are the habitats of birds and monsters such as murres, geese and ducks.

Probably because the aura is too strong, there are no wild animals in the ancient secret territory. Even the most common insects such as butterflies, moths, and bean bugs in the outside world are actually the lowest level of little monsters.

The four cubs used to have preconceived ideas, thinking that the bugs in the secret territory were ordinary bugs just like the outside world, but as a result, all of them were "educated" by the insects.

Classmate Le Xiao followed the guidance of certain lights to search, and the location where he arrived at Haiji Lake was naturally the destination, which was the bay where the treasure was hidden.

The bay is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on the other. It looks like the world-famous Gulf of Mexico in the American cactus country on earth, but its area is beyond the reach of the Gulf of Mexico. The width of the bay's curved mouth exceeds 18 miles.

The inland depth of the bay reaches more than 30 miles, and several large rivers flow into Haiji Lake from the bay area.

Because sea trace lakes and rivers brought a large amount of mud and sand to the lake bay, after years of accumulation, a large amount of silt deposits were deposited in the lake bay, and after countless years of changes, the area that used to belong to the supratidal zone finally evolved into fertile land.

The lake bay area has a tropical rainforest climate. The land fertile soil area of ​​the lake shore is full of subtropical or tropical plants, and there are also patches of water-loving woods or wetland plants growing in the tidal swamp area.

A bivalve mussel lives in the intertidal zone of the lake bay and the shallow water area of ​​the lake. Its size is only as big as a quail egg on the earth.

In addition to round shells, there are also elephant crabs and sea crabs.

The treasure that Le Yun is looking for is under a forest in the lake bay and a sandy beach in the intertidal zone. It is speculated that the treasure is buried very deep.

At this moment, her eyes were fixed on the round shells with only empty shells on the lake beach and a few round shells in the shallow water.

If I'm not mistaken, she may have found another great thing!

After observing for a long time, Le Yun quietly moved to the top of the rocky shallow water area of ​​the lake, took out a bamboo bucket and filled it with spiritual spring water, found purple bamboo from the collection, and threw it into an inch-long piece of bamboo.

Prepared according to what he knew, he made a sudden move, and with his spiritual sense, he rolled back a dozen shellfish together with mud and sand in the shallow water area and threw them into the bamboo bucket.

After catching a few round shells, he quickly returned to the spirit boat, and took the bamboo bucket into the star core space to find the little fox.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui were busy collecting tree sap and fruits of certain plants. When they saw the little girl came back, they guessed that she would go to the Eight Treasure Hall for everything, and ran over with the little monkey.

A jump jumped onto the little girl's shoulder, the little fox put down the little monkey, held the beard in one hand, and was about to ask the little girl what's the matter, when he looked down and saw the shells in the little girl's bamboo bucket.

His pair of golden pupils suddenly enlarged, and after a few glances, he still couldn't believe it, stretched out his paws and rubbed his eyes, and looked again, yes, the eyes were not blurry!
After taking a closer look, I still couldn't restrain my astonishment: "Little girl, this... this seems to be an ancient jewel?!"

"At present, it is 99% out of [-]." Le Yun put down the bamboo bucket, grabbed a small bamboo pole and poked the small round shells in the bucket.

A round shell with tightly closed double shells is like a perfectly round pearl. It is hard to tell with the naked eye which is the hinge of the shell and which is the opening of the shell.

"Obviously it's true." The little fox stared at his big eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"This kind of creature obviously looks like a shell, not a pearl." Xiao Huihui squinted her head and glanced at it, confused. Dark lines, the texture is no doubt shells.

"The ancient bead does not refer to a bead, but a species from the ancient period to describe something, which means it is very precious." The little fox made a science book for the little monkey: "This kind of small shell is most like a bead because of its round shape. Pearl oyster, or soul-eating oyster, or soul-eating oyster.

It is said that pearl oysters existed in ancient times, and its size has not changed since ancient times, even if it has been cultivated to the Jindan Yuanying level or even higher, its size has never changed.

Pearl shells are the treasure of eyesight. It is said that the eyes of gods are blind. When other medicines in the world are ineffective, eating pearl shells can make the eyes see again.

Pearl oyster shells are also the best natural material for casting eyes when immortals cast golden bodies. It can be refined and absorbed directly, and there is no need to add other divine materials.

This little thing is small, but it's not easy to bully.

The shell of pearl oysters is super hard, not to mention that it itself is poisonous, and it is also a poison that corrodes spiritual power and soul. If you eat pearl oysters that have not been cleaned of toxins, the poison will go to the place where there is aura in the body of the living being and the sea of ​​consciousness. Wherever the aura is corroded, where the sea of ​​consciousness is, it can drill there.

When grabbing it, unless you don't let them sense the aura and soul power, otherwise, they will devour the spiritual power and consciousness that are close to them, and launch a sound attack.

The sound attack of a single pearl shell is nothing, but the most feared is the group sound attack. Once they launch a sound attack in a group, it is said that Da Luo Jinxian can't bear it.

Because this gadget is so amazing, it is called the ancient jewel. "

Xiao Huihui suddenly felt that his knowledge had increased again, and his eyes widened: "How can I catch this?"

"This fox has never caught it." The little fox's answer in a low voice also revealed infinite vicissitudes. He has never seen the ancient pearl before, so lost the fox!
Fortunately, he and the little girl are in the same group. If he was in a different camp from the little girl, he would have died of anger hundreds of times.

"You haven't caught it, how do you know it's a rare ancient relic?"

"It's very simple. Among all worlds, only pearl oysters are as round as pearls."

"Oh, it seems that I don't study much." Xiao Hui said insincerely, but she didn't have the slightest intention of trying to be a top student.

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