magic eye doctor

Chapter 3050 Trading

Chapter 3050 Trading
The Dragon Turtle Patriarch released the Xielong Stone and landed on the stone. Hearing that the human friends praised the Xielong Stone, he threw a few smaller stones and placed them on the open space.

"Little friend likes it, I will give you a few yuan."

The Dragon Turtle Clan doesn't have dragon scales and keels, so there is no shortage of dragon stones.

There are four Xielong stones in total, two are cyan, one is off-white, and the other is blue. The smallest blue Xielong stone is also a hundred feet wide.

The birthplace of the Yunlan Shenlong clan, it is impossible to lack Xielongshi without anything. Le Yun was not polite, put away a few stones, flew to the huge Xielongshi and sat down.

Dragon tortoises often inhabit the giant Xielong stone. The surface of the stone is smooth and clean. If you observe carefully, you can faintly see strange magic patterns inside the stone.

The cold air exuded by Xielong stone is cool but not cold, refreshing and pleasant.

The ancestor of Dragon Turtle negotiated the deal sincerely, set out a spirit wooden board, spread some green leaves as a plate, and took out many spirit fruits to entertain the little friends of the human race.

The spiritual fruits collected by the Dragon Turtle Clan are not only from land, but also from a large number of aquatic plants.

Some aquatic spirit fruits are unique species in the secret realm of the dragon ruins, and they are the remnants of ancient plants, which cannot be found in the outside world.

Le Yun, who loves plants the most, is interested in the fruits of plants she doesn't know. She tastes every kind of spiritual fruit, and puts away the cores in front of Long Gui.

The human race likes spiritual fruits, and the Dragon Turtle Patriarch was very happy. He took the initiative to introduce some rare spiritual fruits. Most of them have no names, and the orcs only know that they are edible and delicious.

While talking about the spirit fruit, we also talked about the general topography of the secret land and the topography of the islands, where there are many bays and pearl shells, and which special plants are found on the nearby islands.

I also talked about the monsters in various regions, which monster clans have high combat power, unity and harmony.

After eating some fruit, a lot of information was transmitted to him like this, Le Yun himself was a little bit at a loss, the news came too easily, and it felt like it didn't take much effort to get it.

Long Gui was willing to share information, so she naturally wouldn't refuse, and accepted it all.

After chatting for more than half an hour, let's get down to business and formally discuss the transaction.

The ancestor of the Dragon Turtle hoped that the human race would help bring as many children out as possible, so that the children of the Dragon Turtle could go to other places to multiply and pass on the bloodline.

Le Yun didn't say anything else, and asked a question first: "Do you know where this small world you live in is?"

"This small world landed on the land called Yunlan Spiritual Realm. Some seniors of our Dragon Turtle Clan tore apart the space and left, and some Feixian went out. They tried to send back some news, although there was not much news. The basic situation is still known."

"That should have been news a long, long time ago."

"Yeah, it's been a long, long time. It was all before the fire disaster. Before the fire disaster, our Dragon Turtle had a tortoise that tore through the space and had a place in Yunlan. After the fire disaster, our family moved to other realms.

Since then, our clan has no contact with the outside world. Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and countless tortoises of the dragon tortoise clan have lived and died. I originally thought that our bloodline would end here. The future brings a new turning point. "

"Actually, the aura here is stronger than that of the outside world, so it may not be as good as the outside world. Yunlan's aura has become thinner and thinner after the Heavenly Fire Calamity, which is equivalent to about one-fiftieth of the aura of this world.

Because of the thinness of the aura, the creatures in the Yunlan Realm quickly left their roots and found another way out in order not to miss the immortal journey after being promoted to the Immortal Immortal. "

"This small world is only so big. If you go out, you can at least see a wider world. Even if you have to leave Yunlan, it will be another chance to explore.

Leaving here means having infinite possibilities.

And if you stay here, even if you become a celestial being, you can only be trapped in this small world until you die, ending a life of peace and no ups and downs. "

The Dragon Turtle looked forward, and Le Yun turned around and cut to the point: "Then, when you say take the children of your Dragon Turtle Clan out, do you mean putting them in a safe place in Yunlan, or sending them to a different world?" ?”

The Dragon Turtle Patriarch suddenly raised his head: "My little friend, can you still take the Dragon Turtle's child to a different world?"

"It's not impossible to take ten or eight dragon tortoise eggs to other worlds, but, it's different from putting them in the Yunlan world. What price are you dragon tortoises willing to pay?
I have to ask you again, are you willing to make a contract between the Dragon Turtle Clan and the Human Race? Of course, if the contract I witness must be an equal contract.

I can guarantee to take the dragon turtle eggs out and place them in a safe place. When they are born, they will definitely leave the nest. If they are found by the human race and make other contracts, this is none of my business. "

"My family understands these things, and will not make excessive demands. My little friend takes the dragon turtle eggs out, just find a suitable place to put them in, and the future life and death depends entirely on their luck.

Whether the children of the dragon turtle form a bond with the human race depends entirely on their own chances. If the little friend has a suitable recommendation, our family does not mind the cubs signing an equal contract with the human race. "

The voice of the ancestor of the Dragon Turtle was excited: "Little friend, what do you need to send your child to a different world? Feel free to mention any conditions you have, but if the Dragon Turtle Clan can do it, our clan will definitely do our best to do it."

"The dragon tortoise eggs brought to other realms are limited to eighteen, and the dragon tortoise eggs brought out from here are limited to one hundred. I don't embarrass the dragon tortoise clan. You put each dragon tortoise egg in Yunlan. The resources of the five-thousand-foot-wide storage device are brought to the dragon turtle eggs from other realms, and one egg is filled with the resources of the ten-thousand-foot-wide space device.

I designate some resources, and the other ones can be collected by the Dragon Turtle Clan. Both aquatic plants and terrestrial plants are fine. Of course, if the resources collected by the Dragon Turtle Clan contain indiscriminate items, I will remove them. "

"No problem!" The Dragon Turtle Patriarch was so excited that he almost rushed to the sky. The human race's request was very pragmatic, and there was no pressure on the Dragon Turtle Clan.

The Longdian clan did not bargain, and Le Yun was quite satisfied, so she asked the earth fairy Longgui to take out the aquatic spiritual plants he had, and she named which spiritual plants she wanted, and how much of which one she wanted.

She pointed out the types of aquatic plants, and then took out land plants, and pointed out which ones she liked, and also took out some ores or shells, corals, water spirit jade and other items caught in the lake, and let the dragon turtle see theirs. Is there any in the territory, which kind is there to help collect which kind.

They also designated several types of spirit fish, shrimp, spirit crab, and several types of monsters for the Dragon Turtle Clan to help catch some.

The flesh of several aquatic monsters is poisonous, but its blood is the feed for cultivating mutant golden cicadas, so it is necessary to collect a copy.

The Dragon Turtle Ancestor wrote down the items designated by the human race, and took one of them as a sample.

Le Yun calculated how many storage devices the Dragon Turtle Clan should pay for, and then sorted out the space devices, counting out a lot of storage devices and handing them over to the Earth Immortal Dragon Turtle.

The dimensions of space devices range from one hundred feet wide to one thousand feet wide, five thousand feet wide, and ten thousand feet wide.

The Dragon Turtle Patriarch checked all the spacers, checked the quantity, and put them away first. A deal is considered half done.

When he was about to go back to the lake to summon the Dragon Turtle, he asked a question: "How did you find me? Did you have spatial supernatural powers, or comprehend the laws of space?"

"Secret." Le Yun showed a meaningful smile.

She hasn't comprehended the laws of space yet, but when the dragon tortoise came nearby, she felt like being followed. Then, when the dragon tortoise tore the space, there was a subtle change in the space structure, and her eyes noticed that subtle change, so she could clearly see Captured the course of action of the Dragon Turtle.

"Little friend, how do we get in touch?" The human race didn't want to say how they found themselves hiding in the space, and the Dragon Turtle Patriarch didn't search for the answer any more.

Le Yun took out a message jade slip and gave it to Long Gui, telling him how to send a message, and agreed on an approximate time to meet her, as well as her itinerary, so that he would have a general direction when looking for her.

The Dragon Turtle Patriarch put away the messenger jade slip, tore apart the space and left, appeared on the shore after a few breaths, and then entered the lake, the water escaped back to the lake bottom habitat of the Dragon Turtle Clan.

The old turtle walked too fast, and left in a hurry without even confiscating the bench. Le Yun put away the cyan Xielongshi first, and sent a team of [-] blue-armored puppets and [-] golden-armored puppets to the giant island. On the north bank, arrange for them to dig and collect pearl oysters along the coast.

Dragon Turtle is very generous. He said that the Dragon Turtle family only collects water resources around the island, and does not land on the big island, which is equivalent to giving her the resources of the entire island to arrange freely.

The Dragon Turtle Clan is near the giant island, and other big monsters of the Aqua Clan dare not come to the islands in the territory of the Dragon Turtle Clan with great fanfare, so it is very safe to collect on the island, and the puppets can work independently.

The resources of the giant island are temporarily owned by him, Le Yun is not in a hurry, and sweeps up the resources while walking, finds the puppet teams along the way, and leads the team towards the south.

It was already March of the following year when she gathered the remaining puppet teams together and found the large team of puppet people digging from east to south.

The giant island is located in Haiji Lake, and the climate is relatively complex. Some areas have monsoon climate and oceanic climate. The inland part of giant island is divided into temperate continental climate, temperate monsoon climate, and oceanic climate.

The diversity of climate makes the four seasons of each area of ​​the giant island different. When some places enter winter, some places are like spring and summer.

The different climates in different regions also lead to the ripening of melons and fruits in every season, rich in natural resources, and it is a paradise for vegetarian animals.

The giant island is one of the habitats of dragon turtles. There are no other large monsters in the territory of dragon turtles, only small amphibians and birds.

But the giant island is still a dangerous place for Dazai and the others.

Le Yun picked up the four cubs and brought them with her, joined the puppet troop marching southward, and then sent the cubs hundreds of millions of miles away in the direction the team was marching to delineate a safe collection area for them.

The remaining puppet team also divided into two groups. One team dug and collected shellfish along the coast, and the other team headed for the hinterland from the area far away from the island shore. It was a professional collection team.

As the master at the helm, Le Yun does everything, sometimes digging shellfish, sometimes netting fish and shrimp, sometimes collecting, and is so busy.

(End of this chapter)

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