magic eye doctor

Chapter 3051

The Dragon Turtle Clan was also busy flying.

The ancestor of the dragon tortoise returned to the habitat at the bottom of the lake with the storage, and arranged for the big tortoises of the dragon tortoise clan to go out. A team rushed in all directions.

The Dragon Turtle Patriarch was not idle either. He also went out to collect resources himself, and went to some small and medium-sized islands far away to collect resources.

Little Loli led the team along the south bank of the island, and every ten years went to the mining group and the puppet team of shellfish digging on the north bank to get back their accumulated harvest, and exchanged a batch of empty storage containers for them to store resources.

Four years later after the third time the resources were retrieved, Le Yun replaced a batch of storage containers for the South Bank shellfish digging team in advance, and took the four cubs to go forward with the collection team.

After traveling for two months, they also arrived near a barrier protected by immortal treasures.

The place with the fairy treasure enchantment presents some kind of strange power and aura, and it is not suitable for the cubs to get close to it. Le Yun found a good place for the cubs to enclose, so that the little ones can collect freely.

At the same time, the collection route was planned for the puppet collection team, so that they also avoided a certain area, and after the arrangements were made, they went alone to explore the secret place in the fairy treasure enchantment.

It's easy to enter the enchantment, but the dizziness is unbearable.

After experiencing the dizziness and dizziness that must be felt when entering the barrier, Le Yun shook her head as if she had a slight concussion, and watched the situation inside the barrier intently.

Judging from certain lights, the enclosure protecting the territory is a heavenly artifact, enclosing a territory of about 30 miles.

Before the Heavenly Artifact was ruled by land, the giant island should still be an ocean, so the inside of the enchantment was flat, with only huge groups of beautiful stones forming mountains and hills.

The ruins of the Yulong Temple of the Shenlong Clan have undergone changes in the earth's crust. The seabed has become the land it is today. The ground inside the Heavenly Artifact Barrier has not changed, but it has also changed from the seabed continent to waterless land. Some sea basins and small trenches It has become the current lakes and big rivers.

The former aquatic plants could not adapt to the environment and became extinct, and the plants adapted to the new environment evolved into terrestrial plants, and some even evolved into tall trees.

Looking around, Le Yun saw beautiful stones and a forest, and there was a strange aura exuding from a certain direction, silently released the spirit boat, flew into the air, and flew slowly.

There are boulders all over the Tianshen Artifact Barrier, trees are clustered, and there are patches of meadows in some places, ignoring certain breaths, the scenery is extremely beautiful.

After a while, it flew to a place exuding a strange atmosphere.

In the middle of the secret place, there is a large man-made pool about a hundred miles wide. There are three floors inside and outside the pool. The innermost layer is Lingjing Stone, the outer layer is Longxie Stone, and the outermost layer is A coral rock on the seabed.

The big pond is about a thousand feet deep. It should have been the place where the Rebel Dragon used to cultivate the Nine-color God Lotus. The pond is a pit for throwing flesh and blood.

Probably because the little thunder dragon once communicated with the Dragon Clan Supreme Treasure and issued a curse, the rebellious dragon and other big monsters could no longer enter the Heavenly Artifact, and naturally they could not destroy the evidence of the crime, so the secret place protected by the Heavenly Artifact was also preserved.

Over time, silt also fell into the pond, and the rotten flesh mixed with the silt, turning it into ocher-red mud.

The surface of the ocher red soil is about a foot away from the base of the pool platform, and plant seeds have also fallen into some places, and spiritual plants and spiritual trees have grown.

The stems of Lingzhi Lingmu are also ocher red.

In addition to the spiritual tree, there is also a strange lotus flower in the pool - it has only one flower, no stem, half of the flower is black and the other is white, black and white are distinct!

The petals of the black and white lotus flower have nine layers, which bloom layer by layer, revealing the lotus pod in the middle.

The lotus pods are also black and white.

The black and white lotus is very large, and the outermost petals are about nine feet nine inches wide by visual inspection.

It has no fragrance, just like a fake flower.

Le Yun, who was standing in the air, saw the black and white lotus, took a breath, and blurted out: "Yin Yang reincarnation lotus?"

After losing his composure and calling out the name of Black and White Lotus, he quickly took out an umbrella and opened it, then grabbed the little fox out.

The little fox with its big tail lost all temper, swayed by itself, sat on the little girl's wrist, and asked slowly: "Little girl, what treasure did you find again?"

"Look down." Le Yun signaled the little fox to look down.

"Is there something good that deserves your fuss?" The little fox casually pulled his big tail back from the little girl's hand, turned around, and then slowly looked down at the ground.

What are you asking him to watch?Look at the stone, look at the spiritual plant?

Stones and plants are nothing unusual.

The little fox's eyes turned around until he saw the black and white lotus, his pupils dilated round and round, and his voice became unsteady: "Yin...Yin Yang reincarnated lotus?"

"Yeah, Yin Yang Reincarnated Lotus!" Le Yun was also in a very complicated mood.

Those big monsters who betrayed the dragon clan killed countless pure-blooded dragons with the purpose of cultivating the Nine-Colored God Lotus. They were finally cursed by the pure-blooded dragon, and ended up "the mechanism was too clever to calculate, but it missed Qingqing's life."

However, who would have thought that those traitors tried their best to fail to get their wish, but a yin and yin reincarnation lotus would grow in the abandoned pool of flesh and blood after hundreds of billions of years.

This is probably the intention to plant flowers and flowers, but unintentionally plant willows and willows to make shade.

The yin and yang reincarnation lotus is as magical as the nine-color lotus.

The nine-color lotus is a magic weapon that can revive its owner.

The yin and yang reincarnation lotus can directly reincarnate the dead.

That is to say, there is a place where yin and yang reincarnate in the lotus. After death, the soul will not enter the underworld, and will be reincarnated directly there without being judged by a judge for good or evil, and without going through the six rounds of reincarnation.

Before there was no yin and yang reincarnation lotus in the secret realm of the ancient dragon ruins, the creatures would naturally return to the underworld of the Yunlan spirit world after death.

After the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Lotus was born, the creatures in the Ancient Secret Territory would forget their souls and not go to the underworld after death, but directly entered the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Lotus, and reincarnated in the Secret Territory again.

Like this, reincarnation after death, reincarnation and living a lifetime before death is equivalent to having the opportunity of infinite reincarnation, and it is another kind of eternal life, which is not allowed by the way of heaven.

Seeing the black and white lotus, Le Yun also thoroughly understood why Yunlan Tiandao recorded the monsters in the secret territory of the Dragon Clan Ruins in Xiao Hei's book, because the creatures in the ancient secret territory have not gone through the six reincarnations, which is equivalent to "fugitives outside the law".

The little fox took a deep breath: "The Yin-Yang Reincarnation Lotus is as mysterious as the Nine-Color Divine Lotus. I never thought that such a divine creature would grow in the secret realm. Sooner or later, the creatures here will be punished by the Autumn Empress above."

"I've been in the little black book for a long time, and because I came here, He also took the opportunity to liquidate a small part." Le Yun sighed, and she became Yunlan Tiandao's toolman unintentionally.

She had a premonition, because entering the secret realm took away the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Lotus, and with Yunlan Tiandao's stingy nature, it might not do her any more good.

It is too difficult for her to be a tool person without getting paid!
"..." The little fox opened his mouth, wanted to express some opinions and then closed his mouth. If he said too much, he would lose his mouth. It is better for him to keep silent, after all, he is not the son of the mother god who created the world.

"Little girl, you should hurry up and collect the lotus flowers, and don't forget to sweep back all the dragon bone flowers and the like."

"Don't worry." If you forget anything, you can't forget Ling Zhi, this is her favorite!
Lian also appreciated it, and it was time to get down to business. Le Yun sent the little fox back to the star core space, first took out some spirit wood, and assembled them into a large wooden box.

Another spiritual marrow box was embedded in the spiritual wood box, but the spirit boat was put away, and it flew down beside the black and white lotus, and took out a shovel made of shells to dig the soil.

Put the excavated soil into the prepared box.

A circular groove was dug around the Yin Yang Reincarnation Lotus, and then the soil was cleaned layer by layer around the lotus. After digging for more than an hour, the soil was finally cleaned up.

There is no rhizome or calyx at the bottom of the Yin Yang reincarnation lotus. Its pedicle is just a lotus seed, and the lotus petals grow out of the lotus seed and grow into a giant flower.

After cleaning up the soil, Le Yun moved the whole flower out of the mud pool and put it in the big box with the soil where it grew.

The Yin Yang reincarnation lotus has no smell, and there is no need to seal it again. It is directly packed in a storage container with the box and flowers, and then put the storage container into the natural magic treasure gourd.

This is a big treasure and must be kept carefully.

The Yin Yang reincarnation lotus is a divine object raised by nature. Naturally, it cannot only have the ability to reincarnate the dead, it has other uses.

For example, the Good Fortune Resurrection Pill made from it can not only bring immortals back to life, but also resurrect the existence of Fengshen.

It is also a magic weapon for accumulating soul power. Sitting next to it to practice often can make the soul power increase rapidly. It is a treasure that ghost cultivators dream of.

This natural magic weapon has now become his own pocket.

After getting a big baby, Le Yun is in a good mood. When she returns to the earth, she will make some special charms with the soul-accumulating wood, and put her aunt's remnant soul next to the Yin Yang reincarnation lotus for cultivation, trying to complete her soul as soon as possible.

Because there are yin and yang reincarnation lotuses in the pond, it is impossible to have spiritual objects like the dragon bone spiritual treasure tree, and there is no need to bother digging three feet to find them, and directly collect the spiritual plant spiritual wood.

Spiritual plants and spiritual trees absorb dragon blood and dragon meat, and they are all rare spiritual plants such as dragon blood grass, dragon soul grass, keel flower, and spiritual woods such as dragon blood wood, gentian wood, dragon pattern wood, and dragon soul tree.

Le Yun dug some spiritual plants and spiritual trees, and was so tired that she was sweating profusely. She realized that while she was panting, she patted her head hard: "Oh, I'm so confused!"

I didn’t use my brain for too long, and I hesitated to respond. Why do you want to dig the same thing?

Just dig out the pond and move it back to the star core space or the conifer tree spirit planting space?
Thinking about it again, oh my god, wouldn't it be good to dig some big pool and move the entire heavenly artifact back?
Her mind turned around, Le Yun threw the small shovel back into the storage container, jumped into the air by herself, released the spirit boat, and scouted whether her plan was feasible.

After studying the secret place, after some calculations, he felt that his plan was feasible, and then transformed into Tu Xingsun and fled towards the place where the heavenly artifact was placed.

Diving deep into the strata, Le Yun found the Celestial Artifact.

It is a bowl-shaped utensil with a diameter of three feet and sixty-six. The Tianshen utensil contains a secret place, as if it contains a bowl of rice.

After finding its hiding place, Le Yun made a thousand and eight handprints on the center of the bowl, and finally the magic weapon finally revealed a small piece of its real body.

Then he cut his finger and pressed it on the magic weapon, and his spiritual consciousness also followed, two-pronged approach.

The Heavenly Artifact absorbed about half a bowl of blood before finally establishing the contract.

After contracting the heavenly artifact, Le Yun made his handprint again, covering the exposed part of the artifact, and then escaped from the ground, drilled out of the ground, did not stop for a moment, and hurried out of the enchantment.

Once outside, summon the Celestial Artifact.

The heavenly artifact slowly left the soil, and the barrier became smaller and smaller. When a bowl-shaped magic weapon got out of the ground, the barrier became a ball the size of a bowl.

Originally, the enchantment of the Celestial Artifact was invisible and colorless, but when the Artifact was unearthed that day, it turned into a colorful ball of light.

And the place where the Celestial Artifact was placed turned into a bare wasteland, as if it had experienced thousands of years of drought, and the soil was as dry and hard as rock.

The Celestial Artifact was used by rebellious dragons to cultivate the Nine-Color Divine Lotus. Countless dragons were killed in the secret ground. The Celestial Artifact was also attached with a lot of bad luck. Power.

The heavenly artifact reappeared in the sky, Le Yun took out a large number of talismans, moved the magic weapon over, and opened the talisman to turn it into a magic weapon with obscurity and exorcism.

Fu Guang turned into a small sun, shining on the bowl-shaped magic weapon, and strands of black and blood-red gas continuously escaped from the surface of the magic weapon.

As the gloomy atmosphere slowly dissipated, the bowl-shaped magic weapon became brighter and brighter, and finally revealed its true body—it was a jade-colored bowl.

After the last trace of bad luck on the magic weapon disappeared, Le Yun took the bowl-shaped magic weapon into the star core world, chose a place in Lingtian District to dig a big pit, put in the spiritual essence stone, and then enlarged the bowl-shaped magic weapon a few times The circle is placed above the Essence Stone.

After putting away the magic weapon, go and catch the little gray fox, and send it to the secret place of the heavenly artifact, and the two little ones first collect the fruits and flowers of plants such as dragon's blood flowers.

Seeing Man Lingzhi's huge pit, the little fox jumped three feet high in shock: "You... you actually brought this big pond back?"

"That's right, not only did I bring back the big pool, I even moved the entire secret place back. Now this secret place belongs to me."

Le Yun was a little embarrassed: "I originally wanted to put this in the coniferous tree spirit planting space, maybe the artifact level of this secret place is higher than my spiritual planting space, and the area is far larger than the coniferous tree spiritual planting space. If you don’t go in, put it here temporarily, and move it later.”

The little fox looked shocked: "What level is the artifact that carries this secret place?"

"Heavenly Artifact."

"?" A question mark slowly popped up in the little fox's mind, and after a few seconds, he tentatively suggested: "Can you remove the secret place from the magic weapon? Then the magic weapon can be used for self-defense."

"I can't dismantle it at the moment, because I don't have enough spiritual sense. I will be able to separate the whole land from the Heavenly Artifact after I have cultivated to the Immortal Stage. Now that I am forcibly dismantling it, it may cause an earthquake in the entire secret land, making it completely unrecognizable."

"Then don't take it apart." Wouldn't it be nice to keep it a secret?There is no place to cry when it is broken.

"I'm going out, I'll leave it to you two cuties here."

Le Yun grabbed the two little ones, and gave one a sweet kiss with one sip on the left and one on the right, and put down the two little cuties who were fainted by the kiss with a smile, and fled away numbly.

The two cubs who had been kissed so star-eyed smiled silly and waved their paws, jumped into the spirit tree excitedly, climbed up the dragon's blood tree to pick the dragon's blood tree fruit to eat.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui ate a few dracaena fruits, feeling that their bodies were filled with infinite power, they climbed up the branches and plucked the fruits quickly.

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