magic eye doctor

Chapter 3071 Reunion

Revisiting the secret place of Guanxing Pavilion in Jinzhuling, there is no stop on Leyun Road, and the spirit boat sails in a straight line above the sea of ​​clouds.

Apart from the changing sea of ​​clouds and the sun, moon and stars above the sea of ​​clouds, there is no other scenery.

Long-distance travel is boring, let alone a long-distance flight in the air.

However, little loli had no time to be bored. After confirming the sailing direction, she took out glutinous rice and corn dumplings soaked and mixed with seasonings to make dumplings, and made dumplings and steamed buns with the reconciled dough.

Use up the rice and noodles prepared in advance, and then make all kinds of snacks, and squeeze all kinds of fruits to make jelly and vermicelli.

All the materials prepared in advance and left to pass the time on the road have been made into semi-finished products. Two and a half years have passed, and the goal is still far away.

When Le Xiaole has spare time, he draws talismans and makes talisman treasures with peace of mind. He is really bored spinning, weaving, and sewing clothes, and his life is still enjoyable.

The spirit boat flew in the sea of ​​clouds for three years and four months, crossed three continents, and finally arrived at the destination she agreed with the handsome guys at the end of the spring of one year - Binzhou Ningcheng.

Binzhou is adjacent to the Great Wilderness and Eighteen Continents, with convenient water and land transportation, fertile land and rich products.

Ningcheng is just one of the countless cities in Binzhou. It is not a free city, but the seat of a county under the jurisdiction of a certain empire.

Ningcheng is adjacent to the famous Hengduan Mountains in the eastern part of the Eastern Continent. Its geographical location is very important. No matter how many times the empire has changed, no matter who its location belongs to, it is still an important city.

Ningcheng is rich and prosperous, and it is the seat of the county government, so there are naturally many Xiuxian families.

In spring, the earth puts on new clothes. Both the city and the wilderness are covered with green mountains, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant everywhere, and what is coming is full of vitality.

Le Yun rushed to Ningcheng, looked in the distance, but couldn't find the light of luck that belonged to the handsome Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts.

After deducing the number of days, I couldn't help but roll my eyes, those unlucky ones are in jail!

Figuring out where the two handsome men and the beasts are, Le Yun turned the spirit boat silently, flew to the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds, and flew towards the northwest.

The spirit boat flew for less than two hours, and a city was in the distance.

Overlooking a certain city from a high altitude, the city is as small as a finger.

While in the sky, Le Yun caught the light of luck that belonged to Handsome Yan and Young Master Xuan, put on the ankle-length veil, stowed the spirit boat, and landed on the aircraft.

The aircraft landed in the mountains more than fifty miles away from the city, and then flew towards the city at a low altitude.

When he got closer, he also saw the words on the city gate - Guiji City.

Guiji City was built on the outskirts of a large mountain range, and it was a monk city.

There are guards at the gate of the city, and non-residents of the city must pay spirit stones when entering the city.

After paying the city entry tax, Le Yun entered the city, following the directions of the handsome guys' luck light, and found their exact location without any effort.

Strolling around, I also knew that the unlucky two handsome guys and the little beasts were trapped in the monk family named Nao in Guijicheng.

Le Xiao was not in a hurry to come to find someone, and found an inn on the street closest to the Nao family, and waited until nightfall to visit the monk family.

The courtyards in the core area of ​​the Nao family are protected by magic circles, and there are more than a dozen courtyards with high-level magic circles.

Little Lolita used the teleportation technique to walk around the Nao's family like a horse on a horse, knowing its layout, and then walked into the heavily guarded courtyard.

Moved into the courtyard surrounded by several magic circles, moved again and entered the spirit boat covered by the golden bell magic weapon.

Inside the spirit boat, Young Master Xuan was conscientiously making spiritual food, Young Master Yan was practicing, and the four humanoid beasts were bored, so they scattered a handful of beans on the ground and picked them up with their spiritual sense to play.

Silently, there was one more person in the spirit boat.

The gourd baby among the beans suddenly raised his head and looked to the side. Seeing the person who suddenly appeared and was lifting the gauze hat to reveal his face, he jumped up and screamed earth-shatteringly: "Little fairy!"

When the gourd baby screamed, the three Mahayana beasts staying in the Ruyi house also found an uninvited guest in the spirit boat and rushed out of the house.

The beast was in the air, and when he heard the scream of the gourd baby, his brain froze at that time, and he forgot what he was going to do, and fell to the deck with a bang.

Yan Xing who was practicing also sprang up like a monkey jumping into the sky.

Xuan Shao was originally sitting, but kicked the chair down when he jumped up.

Shui Dun, Bai Yin and Ying Sheng were only slightly slower than Cucurbit Baby's reaction, and the three humanoid beasts also jumped up, rushing towards the little fairy who suddenly appeared.

The three Mahayanas stumbled, got up and ran towards the little fairy.

Yan Xing jumped a foot high, stabilized himself, and rushed over when he landed.

"Little Fairy Little Fairy!"

"Little loli/little beauty!"

Amidst the shouts of surprise, the man and the beast rushed forward and surrounded the girl who had taken off her veiled cap to reveal her lavender dress.

The handsome guys and Beasts were first full of surprises when they saw the little loli/fairy who finally found them, but then felt grievances in their hearts.

Surrounded by Le Yun, her little hands fluttered up and down, touching the heads of the beasts that were approaching a few times, and comforted the beasts that showed aggrieved expressions.

Yan Xing and Xuan Shao grabbed Little Lolita's head.

Le Yun was busy comforting the little beasts, and realized that her head was about to be used as a washboard by the two handsome guys, screaming and jumping out of the tight encirclement, staring angrily: "You two always bully me because I am low in altitude, and then touch my head again!" , Chop the claws."

"Oh, it's all because your head is too cute, little beauty, and you can't control your hands for a while. Your hair has grown long. We don't worry about anything along the way, but we worry that you will get stuck in your hair one day when you are unhappy. .”

Having had enough of his hand addiction, Xuan Shao put aside the grievances in his heart and smiled contentedly.

Le Yun rolled her eyes angrily: "You don't care about anything, so you let yourself be invited into someone else's house. If I knew that you guys had such a good life, I should have stayed in Zhuzhou for another ten or eight years."

"Ah, it's not our fault. It's obvious that Naoshi used his power to bully others and forced us here. We are poor victims."

The little fairy quarreled with Brother Xuan again, and the four humanoid beasts quickly took out the tables and chairs and put a chair behind the little fairy.

The little beasts were so caring, Le Yun sat down, ready to hear anecdotes about the handsome guy and the beasts on their way south.

The two handsome guys also rushed to the table and chairs, but they were not as smart as the four humanoid beasts, and the seats next to the little loli were taken, so they had to sit opposite each other.

Xuan Shao stared at his little friends distressedly: "Little friends, shall we change seats?"

"Not good!" The four beasts sitting on the left and right sides of the little fairy sternly rejected the proposal to switch positions, and turned to the complaint mode.

The little beasts didn't take a breath, and talked about the process of Naoshi besieging their spirit boat and forcibly dragging them back to be imprisoned.

Some beast friends exposed Naoshi's crimes, and looking at the black and pretty face of little loli, Xuan Shaoyan felt that Naoshi would be in trouble if he didn't need to add more fuel.

After listening to Xiaoshoushou's description of Nao's face, Le Yun's face was dark and dark: "The Nao's family is very good, not to mention the small foot basin, even the ordinary bathtub is too small, at least a big pond with a width of thirty or forty feet. Only then can they let go of their big faces."

"Yeah, yeah, that's it."

"Dare to be like little fairy beasts, dare to ask buddies to be their ugly women as male pets, Yunlan can't bear their faces, they should go to heaven."

The beasts share the same hatred and despise Naoshi's group of garbage people.

Le Yun turned to the two handsome men who disliked Nao's people, "You guys are pretty smart, you know you're not as good as others, so you might as well keep your strength, you've done a good job."

"That's right, we're not stupid."

"At that time, they not only had twenty Mahayanas present, but also had no fewer than fifty twelfth-rank monsters of the orc clan ambushing on the ground. They were outnumbered, even if we managed to break out of the siege, we would definitely be hunted down by them.

We thought about it, and chose to be a coward, not to mention, it is quite safe in the Nao family, as long as we hide here and do not go out, they can only stare. "

The two young men proudly held their heads high.

"You guys have a pretty good idea, do you think that people will continue to waste time with you like this?" To give some color, the two handsome guys opened a dyeing workshop, and Le Yun wanted to send them dead fish eyes.

"Are they ready to attack?"

"Visual inspection is coming soon." Le Yun told the handsome guys about her investigation: "Before I came in, I went to the Nao family for a walk, and found that there were more than 200 big monsters of 12th and [-]th rank hidden in a yard.

If there is no accident, it is the foreign aid they invited to deal with you. It is estimated that they have not yet discussed how to divide up the benefits. Once there is a result, they will kill you soon. "

"It's a good thing you're here, little beauty! We thought they might be able to endure for another ten or eight years." After Xuan Shao was shocked, he felt lucky.

"I've endured it for 13 years, it's long enough." Le Yun looked at the two handsome guys quietly, and the two handsome guys would sometimes pretend to be stupid.

One of the reasons why the Nao family didn't kill them was that they were afraid of the master behind the gourd doll, so they detained the people and beasts and waited for their master's attitude.

The second reason may be that the Nao family was worried that the people and beasts they detained had cards. They were worried that they would not be able to suppress them and needed time to ask for help, so they delayed for so many years.

"Hey." Xuan Shao pretended to be silly and smiled.

Le Yun didn't want to talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point: "Are you going out by yourself, or should I pick you up at the door in person?"

"Let's go out by ourselves!" The two young masters and the beasts said in unison.

They haven't seen the sun for more than ten years, but they are suffocated to death.

Dare to rob them, don't make a scene, it's hard to get rid of the anger.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, even if you turn Naoshi upside down, I will take care of it." Le Yun simply let the handsome guys and beasts vent their anger on their own, bringing out ordinary magic weapons, talismans, pills and robes.

The beasts were not too polite, and each took a set of fairy robes and put them on, discussing with the two brothers how to divide up the talismans and magic treasures.

"There are two magic circles here, and there is also a circle. One of the circles is located at the cave rock rockery 97 feet away to the east. If you bomb it, you can break the circle.

The fairy waist knives of the beast friends are not decorations. Seven people hack the same place at the same time, and about three or four attacks can break through the array magic weapon.

The golden bell magic weapon covered on the outside is a magic weapon of heaven grade, and it needs about [-] spirit violence talismans and [-] thunder flame talismans to blow it up.

I'm sitting outside, it's up to you how much trouble you want to make. "

Le Yun gave the little friends something to protect themselves, and pointed out how to break out of the formation, and when the handsome guy and the beast acted, she didn't ask.

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