magic eye doctor

Chapter 3072 Lethality Leverage

Chapter 3072 Lethality Leverage

Little Lolita had no objection to venting her anger on herself, Yan Shaoxuan was relieved, and happily discussed with the beasts when to act.

Xuan Shao still has a few pots of spiritual meals that may not be cooked until midnight, and he is reluctant to waste the ingredients.

After negotiation, the friends set the action time at dawn.

When the handsome guy and the beasts set a time for action, Le Yun stood up lightly: "The main courtyard and main gate of the Nao family are in the northwest of your current courtyard.

After you make a noise, I will respond outside the main gate. It is about the beginning of the end of the revolution, and it is still early before dawn. I will go back to catch up on sleep. "

"?" The two were shocked. They both said that a long absence is better than a newlywed. They had been separated for decades, and they just met. They still want to talk to the little fairy/little loli by candlelight night!

They were looking forward to the stars and the moon along the way, hoping that the little loli/fairy would catch up, and they were waiting to meet at the appointed point like wearing autumn water.

They were looking forward to the flowers all thanking, and finally they were looking forward to the person, but before they said three words, the little loli/little fairy was about to leave.

They have been trapped for more than ten years, and they thought that the little loli/little fairy would sympathize with them and stay with them to share the joys and sorrows, spend the night together, and experience what it is like to be a prisoner.

The handsome guys and the beasts had silly and cute expressions, Le Yun couldn't bear to look directly at them, put on the veiled hat, and quietly left the spirit boat with the teleportation technique, and then returned to the guest room of the inn.

In Guiji city at night, everything is quiet.

Going back to the guest room she booked, Le Yun meditates and rests her mind.

Xuan Shaoyan sent off little Lolita, and after a while, he finally digested the news of little Lolita's arrival, put aside distracting thoughts, and planned action steps with his beast friends.

The beasts were so excited that they couldn't sit down, eager to roll up their sleeves and do a big job, but they didn't want to waste their brains and let the two brothers make the decision, they just charged forward.

Yan Shaoxuan discussed for a while, assigned tasks, and reassigned all kinds of magic weapons.

After making a plan, while timing, sit and wait for the spiritual meal to come out.

Xuan Shao appropriately increased the firepower, and the cooking time of the spiritual meal was also brought forward, and the slowest spiritual meal was also released at the end of the ugly time.

After tidying up the kitchen utensils, Young Master Xuan sat down to meditate for an hour, then swallowed a few handfuls of pills, and released his spirit boat.

Yan Shao and the beasts moved into Xuan Shao's spirit boat, and he put away his own spirit boat.

The long-eared bear quietly drilled into the ground under the spirit boat with the earth escape technique, and he buried spiritual energy beads and a large number of talismans and talisman treasures in the strata that did not touch the barrier of the array.

After hiding the things, the long-eared bear quietly returned to the spirit boat.

Xuan Shao activated the defense and psychedelic magic circle of the spirit boat, and added a large number of diamond talismans, golden shield talismans, thunder talismans to the spirit boat and the enchantment, and soul-killing talismans that specialize in counterattacking divine sense attacks, acceleration talismans that increase speed, Fengfu and so on.

The two handsome guys and the beasts took some kind of antidote from pills in advance, and added additional equipment to themselves, making themselves indestructible.

Everything is ready, everyone is gearing up, eager to prepare for a big fight.

A group of partners silently estimated the time, and waited until it was about two cups of tea later than the time they estimated that the dawn would break, and excitedly kicked off the prelude to the action.

Yan Xing ran out of the spirit boat, sent a talisman into the air near the top of the golden bell magic weapon, slipped back to the spirit boat, and then triggered the violent talisman.

A combination of one hundred aura talismans and fifty thunder flame talismans bound together, the energy generated when detonated at the same time swayed in all directions.

The Admiralty Treasure was attacked, and the wall cracked like glass. At the same time, the entire Admiralty Treasure was lifted up forcefully, soaring into the sky with a bang.

The golden bell, which shot up into the sky like a rocket, slammed into the barrier of the array.

When the magic weapon collided with the barrier, the formation barrier shook violently, and amidst the buzzing sound, countless fine cracks appeared on the surface of the barrier.

The golden bell magic weapon itself had countless cracks, and when it collided with the barrier again, it suffered a second injury, and it exploded into pieces with a "bang".

The enchantment that had been knocked out of countless slits, and then impacted by the blasting force of the golden bell magic weapon, burst like a needle pricked by a needle full of air, and burst with a "bang".

The aura turned into a strong wind, raging wildly in the air like a tornado.

Yan Shao threw the talisman, and Xuan Shao was ready to go. They originally planned to use the talisman to lift the golden bell. He rushed up in the spirit boat to break the barrier of the formation and then destroy the formation of the magic circle.

I never thought that the talisman was too powerful. Not only did it blow up the golden bell magic weapon, but it also caused the magic weapon and the formation barrier to "kill each other". They could reap the benefits without doing anything.

"Wow, this talisman is amazing!"

The four humanoid beasts screamed excitedly.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were both pleasantly surprised and distressed. In order to catch people by surprise, they used thirty talismans drawn by little Lolita, and the extra talismans were drawn by themselves.

Regardless, the result was better than expected.

The array barrier is shattered, if you don't go out now, when will you wait?Xuan Shao flew towards the sky in the spirit boat: "Little friends, let's go!"

"The glory of victory is right in front of you, go for it!"

"Big move, big move, quick move!"

The four humanoid beasts screamed excitedly.

"Immediately." Yan Xing pursed his lips, using his spiritual consciousness to detonate the "ultimate move" hidden in the earth.

The "secret weapon" bound together by spiritual energy beads, talismans, and talisman treasures was detonated at the same time, like a nuclear bomb explosion, and the terrifying power generated instantly swallowed the ground and the buildings on the ground within a radius of two miles.

The magic circle set up by the Nao family disappeared instantly.

The violent energy that destroyed a place soared into the sky, like a ten thousand-foot volcano erupting and collapsing, and the air waves wrapped in gunpowder smoke and flames rushed straight into the sky.

The huge energy generated during the explosion made the ground in Guiji City tremble, making the entire city residents think that the ground was shaking, and panicked.

The Nao family was located in the center of the explosion, and the ground in the family land was torn apart by force, with hundreds of large and small cracks, the largest crack being more than ten feet wide.

Cracks burst open, shaking buildings down.

The low-level monks and ordinary people of the Nao family fled in all directions, creating a mess.

When the talisman and the treasure talisman exploded, the loud noise, like the sky falling apart, spread for hundreds of miles.

The monks and the Xiuxian family in Guiji City were also facing a big enemy. The Xianxiu family opened the clan protection formation, and the Mahayana-level monks hurried to find out the reason.

Guiji City also opened a large formation to protect the city.

And the culprit who caused the trouble also suffered.

Although Young Master Xuan tried his best to let the spirit boat run out, the speed of the spirit boat was fast enough, but the secret weapon they left behind was too powerful when it exploded, and the aftermath of the energy sent the spirit boat flying far away.

The spirit boat, which was armed and airtight, was thrown into the air, like a leaf in a raging wind, it kept rolling and falling in one direction.

The spirit boat turned over like a whirlwind, and the people and beasts in the boat were also taken somersaulting. The world was spinning, and everyone's eyes were full of stars, and they couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts are protected by the shell of the spirit boat, even if they are thrown into a coma, they are not in danger of their lives, Nao's Mahayana is not so lucky.

The Naoshi Mahayana, who had contracted the Jinzhong magic weapon, realized that the detainees intended to rebel when the magic weapon was attacked, and immediately notified the Mahayanas guarding the spirit boat, as well as the patriarch.

The Naoshi Mahayana who guarded the spirit boat was secretly cultivating in the courtyards outside the magic circle, one after another took to the air to stare at the movement in the magic circle, and then the golden bell and magic weapon broke, and the barrier of the circle was also broken, and they were detained The spirit boat that had been waiting for more than ten years soared into the sky.

In a panic, the Nao's Mahayanas threw magic treasures to strengthen the magic circle. They thought that the magic circle could always trap the spirit boat, but with a loud noise, a terrifying energy instantly destroyed the magic circle.

Most of the magic weapons sacrificed by the Naoshi Mahayanas were swallowed by the terrifying energy, and a few of them were blown away, and people were thrown out before they could figure out what was going on.

Seven or eight Mahayanas had no time to open their magic robes and magic weapon defenses, and they were torn to pieces by the aura wind that escaped from the terrifying energy group.

Those Mahayanas who reacted faster opened up their magic robes, defensive magic weapon protection, and spiritual barriers. Although the defense layer was also torn apart and suffered heavy injuries to varying degrees, they escaped from the berserk ability center because they bought time. Saved a life.

Patriarch Nao received a voice transmission from the Mahayana spiritual sense of the family monitoring Lingzhou and the prisoner saying that the people over there wanted to overthrow the table, and immediately notified the family Mahayana, Jiebian and the allied team to suppress it, and planned to take the opportunity to solve the prisoner in one fell swoop.

He was still informing the elders of the family to send monks from the Daoist Stage and the Transformation Stage to participate in the battle to gain experience. When he heard a muffled sound coming from the direction of the captives, he flew up to the sky above the main courtyard to watch, and when he looked over, he happened to see A huge cloud of gunpowder smoke went straight into the cloud debris.

Patriarch Nao turned pale with fright, and immediately opened the clan protection formation, and some monks of the clan rushed towards the direction where the captives were held like crazy.

The Mahayana and Jiebian of the Nao family who had received the sound transmission heard the loud noise and rushed to the courtyard where the spirit boat was held. Those high-ranking monks who had not received the sound transmission reinforcement also moved after hearing the sound.

The monks of the Nao family were still on the road, and they all saw the huge cloud of smoke and dust that was blazing in the southwest, and their hearts were beating wildly.

A group of orc monks hiding in the Nao Clan received a voice transmission from the Nao Patriarch asking them to do something, and they finally stopped hiding and gathered in the air.

A group of orc monks are all in silver armor, with silver-gray hair and light silver pupils.

The beast cultivators in the assembly knew the situation was different when they heard the earth-shattering noise and the light smoke and flames emanating from the prisoner's yard, so they rushed to reinforce them regardless of formation.

Nao Wushuang was practicing in the secret cultivation of the back mountain, and was interrupted by the ground shaking. He stepped out of the secret room to wait and see, and saw a thick smoke and flickering flames in the southwest, he was shocked. Is there a strong enemy coming?

She looked at the rhinoceros monkey squatting on her shoulders, and saw the rhinoceros monkey huddled into a ball, its hair blown up, obviously terrified to the extreme.

The rhinoceros monkey was so frightened that Nao Wushuang became inexplicably panicked, and asked anxiously, "Little monkey, is there a foreign enemy sneaking in and endangering the family?"

The rhinoceros monkey was trembling, and couldn't even speak smoothly: "It's... the direction of the main entrance..."

"You mean the visitor is at the main entrance?" Nao Wushuang expressed his understanding.

The consonant monkey shook its head.

Nao Wushuang didn't think too much, and immediately rushed to the main gate, ready to find out the guy who sneaked in.

(End of this chapter)

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