magic eye doctor

Chapter 3074 The Second Big Move

Chapter 3074 The Second Big Move
The monks who gathered in the sky outside the gate of the Nao clan were all terrified and fled back when they heard the nun ordered her guards to break the barrier of the Nao clan's protection.

This time, they were sure that the female cultivator was definitely here to find trouble!

She just didn't know what grievances Nvxiu had with the Nao family, so she challenged the Nao family in the most brutal way.

The gate was destroyed, even if it wasn't for face, it was for gaining a foothold in Guiji City in the future, and it was impossible for the Nao clan to shake hands with the female cultivator.

The female cultivator destroyed the gate of the Nao family, so she should not be prepared to live in peace with the Nao family.

A group of monks suddenly moved away from the main entrance of the nuns in the lotus-shaped magic weapon and the Nao family, so as not to get involved in other people's grievance disputes for no reason, and suffer unreasonable disasters.

The puppet never betrayed the master's will, Jiuxing took the order without hesitation, drew out his saber, and slashed towards the golden barrier.

The cold silver long sword slashed on the barrier silently, and the golden barrier was cracked with thin cracks where the sword hit.

The barrier of the protective formation of the Nao family is close to the inner wall, and the gate tower is not within the protective formation but connected to the protective formation.

The gate tower was attacked and collapsed, and the guards were shaken violently.

The Mahayana monks of the Nao family, who were guarding the formation, found that someone was attacking the formation, and immediately injected spiritual power into the formation, and at the same time notified the patriarch.

Patriarch Nao, who besieged the spirit boat with his family monks, reported that the clan guardian formation had been attacked. He was shocked and jumped out of the battle circle to check. When he found that the barrier was being attacked, he was shocked and immediately sent a sound transmission to the Mahayana and robbery monks : "There is a strong enemy coming, you follow me to meet the enemy!"

When the patriarch was making a sound transmission, people also ran towards the main gate.

The Naoshi Mahayana and Jiebian monks who were besieging the spirit boat heard that a powerful enemy was coming, they were all shocked, they all gave up attacking the spirit boat, and chased after the patriarch.

The cultivators of Hedao Huashen Lianxu Yuanying didn't know, so they still attacked the spirit boat because the patriarch didn't order it.

The leader of the silver-armored beast cultivators also received a voice transmission from the Nao patriarch, knowing that someone was coming to the Nao clan to make trouble, and the Nao patriarch gave them the main task of capturing the spirit boat.

The monks such as Hedao and Huashen can only play a limited role, and the pressure on a beast repair team has increased sharply.

Yan Shaoxuan rarely saw Nao's Mahayana and Jiebian monks running away in a hurry. He guessed that it must be what Little Lolita did.

A group of monks have left, and whether they can kill enough of them will depend on their own abilities.

"Little Fairy should make a move, our chance has come!"

"Guys, prepare for the second move!"

The two young masters stared excitedly at the silver-armored human-shaped beast outside. If they were able to overthrow a group of fellows who were abettors, they would be seeking justice for themselves.


Four human-shaped beasts and three beast-shaped monsters responded with cheers.

Xuan Shao once again blessed the spirit boat with a talisman, and drove the spirit boat into the beast cultivator team again.

Yan Shao cast thunder and lightning, this time he didn't pick the target, the thunder and lightning flew randomly, whoever got the lightning was considered unlucky.

The beasts first threw a wave of talismans, and then resorted to the second big trick - sprinkling powder.

The product produced by the little fairy must be a high-quality product. The pills are aimed at both monsters and human monks. The little friend crushed the medicine into powder and waited for the opportunity to sell it.

The second big move has not been used before, because the monks of the Nao family have too many magic weapons, and the various attacks are too violent. If you sprinkle powder, you will be wiped out by various forces, and the chances of being attacked by humans and beasts are very few.

Now that Naoshi's high-level monks have withdrawn and their attacks have weakened, the chances of people and beasts being attacked by spreading the medicine powder will greatly increase.

The spirit boat slammed left and right, bumping wildly in the beast cultivator team. The beasts scattered a handful of medicinal powder here and there, and scattered the medicinal powder like dust.

Feeling that the amount of the medicine powder was enough, Xuan Shao drove the spirit boat to torment the monks of the Nao family again.

The silver-armored beast cultivator's team and the Nao's monk's team were blown to pieces. They also dispersed and reunited, trying their best to intercept the spirit boat, trying not to capture it, but to trap it and prevent it from running away. Lose.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and his little beast friends were playing hide-and-seek. Outside the main gate of the Nao family, Jiu Xing slashed his sword towards the barrier, and unhurriedly withdrew his saber, and then slashed a second time.

The position where the second sword fell coincided with the position where the first sword fell, and they were exactly the same.

The enchantment made a "chacha" sound again, and there were more cracks.

When Jiuxing's sword was raised again, Patriarch Nao led a team and hurriedly flew near the main gate of the Nao family.

Nao Wushuang was looking for the hidden danger of sneaking into the Nao clan, and found his father and a group of family monks rushing towards him, thinking that the family monks had also discovered the clue, he hurriedly stepped into the air to meet his father.

The father and the clansmen hadn't approached yet, but they were still angry, so Nao Wushuang rushed forward and asked, "Father, why are you and the elders here?"

"Crack", before the patriarch asked his daughter why he didn't sense any foreign enemies coming, he heard another slight cracking sound of porcelain.

He raised his head and looked towards the direction of the gate. From a distance, he could see countless tiny cracks in the protective barrier on the gate tower, and the light of the barrier was also dimmed a lot.

Achnatherum splendens is in danger.

Patriarch Nao was furious, rushing towards the main gate like a raging lion: "He Fang Xiao Shao dares to offend our clan!"

The patriarch yelled loudly, shaking the air, and the sound spread out, not to mention the entire Nao clan heard it, at least the monks could hear it clearly.

The monks of the Nao family who were working together to attack the spirit boat were shocked. The family was attacked by a hostile monk?
They were so distracted that some of them were overturned by the spirit boat, others were struck by lightning, and some were bombarded by talismans indiscriminately.

Nao Wushuang's heart beat wildly when he heard his father's words, is there really a strong enemy coming?

She didn't care about how dangerous the rhinoceros monkey's strong enemy was, and ran after the family Mahayanas who followed her father.

Patriarch Nao rushed to the front of the barrier at the main gate of the family like a raging lion, and saw a male cultivator outside wearing a light brown armor with star-colored star patterns on his forehead, slashing at the barrier of protection with his sword .

"Thief, if you dare to destroy the formation and provoke the Nao's family, our family will definitely cut you under the sword!" The head of the Nao clan rushed to the bullfight, and immediately sacrificed a burst of magic weapons to attack the male cultivators outside the barrier. Spiritual power repairs the cracks.

A golden light flew out from the barrier, turned into a huge gray iron-colored shield about three feet high, and smashed towards Jiuxing.

Jiuxing, who had just raised his hand after the third sword strike, did not move at all, and the hand holding the sword did not change its posture. The other hand grabbed the gray iron-colored giant shield flying towards it.

That ordinary hand passed through the magic weapon light of the giant shield, and grabbed a corner of the giant shield.

The giant shield, which was more than three feet high and nearly two feet wide, was like a big bird being strangled by the neck of fate, just like that.

Then, without seeing what the hand did, the magic weapon light of the giant shield dimmed, and the shield cracked like porcelain, and then shattered into countless ore fragments.

When his magic weapon was grabbed by one hand, the patriarch Nao desperately urged it to attack, but the shield bumped into a mountain, making it difficult to get any further, and then his magic weapon shattered into pieces right under his nose.

The shield-shaped magic weapon is a celestial artifact, and it has reached the top-grade level!
Such a magic weapon was crushed by someone with bare hands. What kind of monster is that person?

Patriarch Nao was horrified, he no longer spoke harshly as before, and said in a gentle tone, "Why did you attack my Nao Clan's clan protection formation? If my disciples of the Nao Clan were disrespectful and offended, please calm down and let me go." After checking the facts, I will definitely give you an explanation."

The monks of Guiji City, who were waiting in the air, could not see the monks of the Nao family coming to the main gate, but they could not help admiring when they heard someone calling the monk of Saber a "thief" and hearing his tone completely different from before. Get five body casts.

Nao's people can change their face faster than flipping a book, so thick-skinned, how could they not be invincible, and it's no wonder that Nao's became the second largest cultivating family in Guiji City.

"You will know soon." Jiu Xing casually threw away a metal fragment between his fingers, and raised his sword to slash at the barrier for the fourth time.

His first three sword moves were slow and flat, and the fourth sword was fast and swift. The word "I got it" just popped out of his mouth, and the sword also hit the barrier.

When the sword went down, it landed on the same place again, and the crack on the enchantment quickly burst like an electric current, and the crack widened at a speed as fast as lightning.

The spiritual power injected by the patriarch Nao into the barrier couldn't stop the expansion of the crack at all, and the clan protection formation of the Nao clan collapsed with a "bang", and the barrier was instantly shattered like porcelain.

The Mahayana and Jiebian of the Nao clan rushed to the patriarch's side and lined up. They saw with their own eyes how the male cultivator in light brown armor outside the barrier grabbed the giant shield with one hand and crushed the patriarch's magic weapon.

Nao Wushuang's strength was lower, and he tried his best not to catch up with the monk Jiebian, and because he was rushing desperately, he didn't see the scene where the male monk outside the barrier grabbed her father's magic weapon and crushed it.

She managed to get to the family cultivator, and before she could find anything else, she saw the male cultivator raised his sword and slashed at the clan protection formation. She saw the cracks in the formation, and her face paled in horror.

Before the patriarch and monks could understand the meaning of the male cultivator's words, the male cultivator's sword hit the barrier, and the crack spread like a bamboo.

In their suddenly widened eyes, the clan guardian array cracked and collapsed inch by inch.

Patriarch Nao and the monks of the family were struck by lightning, for a moment they forgot the aura blade to prevent the barrier from collapsing, and just watched in a daze as the aura turned into light and scattered in all directions.

The Nao family's protective formation was breached, and the monks who were watching were stunned.

The clan protection formation of a clan is the biggest and last support of a cultivating family. If two families are at war, it often takes the power of the clan to break through the opponent's clan protection formation.

But what did they see today?
The barrier of the Nao family was replaced by the No. [-] family in Jicheng, excluding other external factors, and it would take at least half a day to attack day and night before it could be captured.

As a result, the female cultivator's male guard broke through the Nao Clan's protective formation by himself.

In the eyes of other families or monks, the guardian array of the Xiuxian family is a hard nut to crack, but it is vulnerable to the guards of female cultivators.

How strong are the female cultivators and her guards?
The Mahayana monks who returned to Jicheng felt as if they were in a cold cellar, breathing cold air all over their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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