magic eye doctor

Chapter 3075 surrender

Chapter 3075 surrender
Jiuxing broke through the barrier, and sheathed the long sword expressionlessly.

He was about to return to his master to wait for orders, but he received a secret order from his master unexpectedly, and immediately walked calmly, his figure was like a ray of light passing through the light blade of the aura, and he floated in front of the only nun who was the only one in the group of monks.

Before the female cultivator could react, Jiuxing grabbed it out with a hand as fast as lightning, and that hand turned into a giant empty palm to cover the female cultivator's protective magic weapon barrier.

The female cultivator's magic barrier for body protection was crushed like a piece of dough in his giant palm, and then accompanied by the sound of "crack, crack", the barrier for body protection shattered layer by layer.

Nao Wushuang only saw a flicker of light, but didn't see what was in front of him at all. Instead, he turned to defend the body barrier propped up by the magic weapon, breaking like porcelain, and the fear of death came suddenly.

She was imprisoned by an invisible force, and she couldn't escape, let alone use attack methods. Because of fear, her body couldn't help shaking.

The rhinoceros monkey saw the trajectory of the lifeless puppet, but he couldn't escape, and he didn't even dare to make a sound.

Jiuxing crushed the nunxiu's body-protecting spirit barrier, and his giant palm turned into reality, grabbed the nunxiu's shoulder that was not occupied by the monkey, and turned away with the person floating.

The guardian formation of the Nao family was broken, and Le Yun raised his hand to sacrifice to Jieshan in Baixing Town when Jiuxing captured Nao's daughter and returned.

The Magic Treasure Mountain turned into a golden light and flew above the Nao Clan's clan ground, turning into a ball of golden light shining on the ground. The golden light also covered the walls of the Nao Clan's Clan, covering a wider area than the Nao Clan's Clan Protection Formation. little bit.

Holding a captive, Jiuxing avoided the chaotic spiritual energy blade as lightly as if there was nothing, passed through the almost imperceptible golden light barrier of Magic Treasure Mountain, and flew back to the lotus-shaped magic weapon.

He walked up to the master, knocked the female cultivator to the ground, and let the female cultivator kneel in front of the master, and he returned to his original position, imprisoning the female cultivator with only his spiritual power.

The head of the Nao clan and all the monks in the clan didn't realize it until the male cultivator with the star and moon pattern on his forehead grabbed Nao Wushuang out of the Nao clan, and they all chased after him in panic: "Wushuang Wushuang-"

They saw the male cultivator entering the lotus-shaped magic vessel, and kneeling Nao Wushuang in front of the female nun wearing a veiled hat sitting inside the magic vessel, and finally saw the magic weapon standing beside the veiled female nun Several monks also had star patterns on their foreheads.

The chasing footsteps of the monks of the Nao family stopped abruptly, and they were all shocked.

A single male cultivator broke the Nao clan's clan protection formation, and even snatched Nao Wushuang from under their noses. If those monks with star patterns on their foreheads attacked Nao clan together, would Nao clan withstand it?
Patriarch Nao stopped abruptly, did not step out of the range of the family clan, and looked at the veiled female cultivator sitting inside the lotus magic weapon in horror.

He forcibly suppressed his sense of panic and lowered his posture: "Your Excellency, my little girl is young. If you have offended Your Excellency, please point it out. Naoshi will urge her to apologize to you and give you an explanation."

The patriarch of the Nao Clan changed his face faster than a magic trick, and Le Yun said calmly: "You are very fast at changing your face, you threatened to kill me less than a quarter of an hour ago, Forgot so soon?"

All the monks of the Nao family suddenly changed their colors and took three or two steps back in horror.

" are the owner of the little wooden demon...?!"

Patriarch Nao was horrified, his eyes panicked, the owner of the little wooden demon was... so strong!

"It's not too late for you to react now." Le Yun was still unflappable: "I have something to delay in the bitter bamboo collar of Zhuzhou, so I let the little spirit beast and friends go south first, and they will return to Jicheng by way. Your Nao family sees this fairy Xiaoshou and his friends hold a huge amount of money and have a spirit boat. Seeing the money, they intercept and kill them halfway.

This fairy's little spirit beast and friends have a magic weapon to protect themselves. Your Nao clan failed to kill and seize the treasure. Relying on the fact that there are many local snakes, you forcibly brought my little spirit beast and friends back to the family captivity together with the magic weapon 13 For a long time, how do you say this account should be settled? "

The female cultivator came to support the little wooden demon and the little Nascent Soul, and the patriarch Nao thought of the ferocity of the guards around the female cultivator breaking the clan's formation with swords, his face was as pale as paper, it was over, and the family had offended such a powerful cultivator!

The monks of the Nao family also thought of the power of it and panicked.

The Mahayana monks in Guiji City, who witnessed the collapse of the Naoshi family's guardian formation, recovered from their horror, and also saw a group of monks besieging a group of golden light in the Naoshi family's clan grounds.

They didn't understand the reason at first, but after listening to the female cultivator's words, they suddenly realized that the spiritual beast and friends of the female cultivator should be in that ball of golden light, and that ball of light was actually the spirit boat that opened the defensive formation.

No one who can afford a spirit boat is simple.

The Nao family kicked the iron plate this time, and they will be in great trouble.

Nao Wushuang was pinned to the ground, suppressed by an invisible force, unable to make a sound or move, and his heart was terrified to the extreme.

She was trembling all over, and suddenly realized that the female cultivator wearing a veiled hat in front of her was the "little fairy" in the mouth of the little wooden demon and the little Yuanying brought back by herself and the Mahayanas of her family, her eyes almost popped out of her sockets in horror.

Fear broke through everything, and Nao Wushuang broke down emotionally, screaming: "Impossible—ah, absolutely impossible—the little monkey said there are no hidden dangers!"

She thought of her rhinoceros monkey, with a ferocious face: "Little monkey, little monkey, there is no hidden danger, right? Tell me, tell me!"

The rhinoceros monkey shrank into a ball in horror, not daring to breathe, not daring to utter a sound.

Le Yun lowered her head, leaned forward slightly, stretched out her hand from under the hood, and grabbed the little monkey squatting on Nuo's shoulder: "You have a pair of fiery eyes, but you chose such a master, in vain! I have a pair of spiritual pupils, it is better not to have spiritual pupils."

The spirit rhinoceros monkey whose neck was strangled was trembling, but it dared not answer, and confessed tremblingly: "My lord... my lord, this is not the contractor chosen by the little demon himself, but the master who killed the little demon himself. The little demon can't help himself."

The consonant monkey revealed the inside story, Nao Wushuang stared in horror as if struck by lightning, and could no longer make a sound.

It turned out that the female nun of the Nao family had robbed someone else's spirit monkey. Le Yun's empty hands made a mudra and hit the spirit monkey's forehead, and then pointed at the monkey's eyebrow palace.

Her consciousness forcibly invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the rhinoceros monkey, and pulled out a thin ball of light that seemed to be the size of a grain of rice.

The small ball of light is a strange character formed by the intertwining of two strands of spirit and soul, and it is also the contract mark between man and spirit monkey.

The rhinoceros monkey saw the glimmer of light caught by the great power of the human race, and its excitement overcame all fear, its limbs trembled, and it struggled to rush over to destroy the mark of the contract.

"You're so weak, you can't destroy the contract seal." Le Yun guessed what the little monkey was thinking, and threw a bunch of contract seals in the air, and then threw a talisman over.

The talisman paper burst into bright purple light, and the seal of the fellowship contract was swallowed by the talisman light in less than three breaths.

When the seal of the contract was incinerated by the talisman, Nao Wushuang's spiritual god felt a sharp pain, and her contract with the rhinoceros monkey was forcibly cut off, and she was unwilling and powerless to resist.

The female cultivator effortlessly revealed the contract between the man and the monster, and even lightly destroyed the mark of the contract. The monks of the Nao family also fell to the bottom of their hearts.

The female cultivator is too strong, and Naoshi is powerless to compete with her.

What can they do to resolve the crisis that may endanger the whole family?
The patriarch Nao searched his guts to find a reason to justify his family.

Le Yun erased the contract imprint of the rhinoceros monkey, put a little demon on the armrest of the throne seat, and took out his hand to wipe his hands: "For the sake of you being forced to be a slave, this fairy will release it for you." I signed the contract, and I will give you a chance to live, and if you dare to commit crimes, you will have no way out."

The contract that restrained his soul was gone, and the rhinoceros monkey that was free jumped to the ground, and thanked him on his knees in a five-body throwing posture, with tears in his big smart eyes: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir! Although the little monster has meager strength, it can Do what you can, and if the adults have a job, the little demon will die!"

"Get up and stay here," Le Yun accepted the rhinoceros monkey's surrender, and asked the truth in public: "I ask you, who was the idea of ​​Naoshi's interception?"

The rhinoceros monkey propped up its small body, squatted and knelt and replied: "My lord, the action of intercepting and killing the little wooden demon and the two Nascent Souls, the high-ranking monks of the Nao Clan are all involved, and the first to pick the little wooden demon and the two Nascent Souls. The one with the resources is Miss Naoshi."

"Did the Silver Armored Mountain Breaker participate in it himself, or was it invited by the Nao family?"

"The Silver Armored Mountain Breaking Dragon Clan and the Nao Clan have always been an alliance, and they have a team that has come to Guiji City, and they are planning to form a team with the Nao Clan to explore the secret land in Neighborhood.

Transformed wood-type monsters are rare, and the Yin-armored Mountain-Breaking Dragon family is also greedy for the blood of wood-type monsters. They have reached an agreement with the Nao's family. All resources belong to Naoshi.

The little wooden demon and the two Yuanying Zhenjun had a spirit boat, and the Nao family and the Poshanlong clan couldn't break through the defense of the spirit boat, and they were worried that a strong attack would destroy the spirit boat, so they brought the spirit boat back to be imprisoned.

They wanted to wait for the Yuanying Zhenjun's resources to be exhausted before catching them. Unexpectedly, the two Yuanying Zhenjun's family backgrounds were deep, and there was no sign of insufficient spiritual stone resources for several years.

The Nao family waited for several years but failed to fulfill their wish, and then contacted the Poshanlong family, who sent a team of more than 100 people composed of Jiebian and Mahayana for reinforcements. The team has just arrived in Wuhetian, and the two families are negotiating The plan to kill the little wooden demon and Yuanying Zhenjun within a few days. "

The rhinoceros monkey poured out all it knew, like beans in a bamboo tube.

The patriarch Nao is still looking for a suitable reason to confuse the family's failure to detain the little wooden demon and the little Yuanying in advance, and then reluctantly use a sum of resources to compensate the other party, reducing the big incident to a small one.

He hasn't found a reason to justify it, but who knows that the little monster monkey turned his back on the Lord and begged for glory, exposing the family's old background?
Patriarch Nao was furious, and hurriedly explained: "Your Excellency, the words of the little monster monkey are not trustworthy. He is greedy for life and afraid of death, and betrayed the Lord and begged for glory to go to the little girl. Now seeing that Your Excellency is strong, he betrayed the Lord again and slandered the old man with nonsense. Lord, this treacherous little monster has no integrity at all."

The patriarch of the Nao clan wanted to turn black and white to confuse the public, Le Yun asked back: "Can you swear to God that you haven't said a single lie?"

"..." Patriarch Nao was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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