magic eye doctor

Chapter 3076 Suppression

The rhinoceros monkey was slandered by Renxiu, and grinned angrily, but he didn't know how to prove his innocence, so he scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, but he didn't expect the adult to solve it with a word.

The little monkey bowed twice more gratefully, then moved to the foot of the seat and squatted obediently.

No more interruptions, Le Yun looked at the eldest lady of the Nao family through the gauze hat, with dangerous eyes: "I heard that your family not only asked my fairy friends to keep all the storage items, forced them to break the contract with the contracted beast, but also said to see him Let them live for the sake of their barely passable looks, and ask them to be your male pets who serve tea and wash your feet?"

The female cultivator was wearing a gauze hat. Although she couldn't see the face and expression of the person, Nao Wushuang instinctively sensed the murderous intent from the female cultivator's tone, and couldn't help but shudder.

She shook her head crazily: "No, no, I've never had a male favorite, it's the little guard of the family talking nonsense!"

"You don't have a male pet. Are the thirteen, fifteen or sixteen-year-old beautiful boys in your yard ghosts? You have tossed the 130 or eight beautiful boys to death with your own hands and then threw them to feed the monsters. Have you forgotten all of them?"

The voice of the nun in the veiled hat was not in a hurry, but his words were like thunder in the ears of the senior monks of the Nao family. They were all anxious and angry. How could the nun know the secret that the eldest lady of the Nao family did not know?

The Mahayana in the air, who had been watching the Nao clan members besiege the spirit boat from a distance, suddenly turned to the Nao clan cultivators, and confirmed the authenticity of the female cultivators' words from Nao clan's eyes.

The eyes of the Mahayanas have also changed. During the past 200 years in Guiji City, handsome and clever boys or teenagers have disappeared every once in a while, and even some small monk families have lost their children, but no one has been found. result.

Who would have thought that those missing boys and teenagers were secretly kidnapped by the Nao's family, even if the City Lord's Mansion finds any clues, they will definitely choose to destroy the evidence, turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye to make it an unsolved case.

After all, it is really not worth fighting a big family of cultivators for the children of ordinary people or the children of some ant-like low-level monks.

The hidden secret was punctured by the veiled female cultivator, and Nao Wushuang was torn apart, desperately denying it: "No... I didn't... It wasn't me, it wasn't me..."

Le Yun, who has been focusing on dismantling the stage for 100 years, broke the secret and stopped breaking the news. She stretched out her slender hand and pressed it on the top of Nao Wushuang's head, and her spiritual consciousness poured down.

"No—" The alien consciousness invaded, and Nao Wushuang also knew the purpose of the veiled female cultivator, and also knew the consequences of being soul-searched, so she struggled violently, trying to get rid of the hand on top of her head.

Her struggles were in vain.

Le Yun's consciousness is very strong, she broke through the resistance of Nuo's nun, invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of Nao's nun, opened some of her memories, and then sealed her consciousness and dantian.

With his consciousness and spiritual power sealed off, Nao Wushuang looks like an ordinary person.

In order to reduce trouble, Le Yun also sealed the acupoints of Nuo's female cultivator, and then threw it aside, and finally had the leisure to wait and see the situation of the two handsome guys.

The siege battle between Yan Shaoxuan Shao and Nao's monk and Yinjia beast cultivator is coming to an end.

A large amount of medicinal powder scattered by a group of friends played its role silently. The members of the Nao family and the silver-armored beast cultivators were unconsciously hit by the trick. Their spiritual power was rapidly drained, and they were obviously powerless.

The monks of the Nao family and the silver-armored beast cultivators thought they were fatigued because they attacked too frequently and consumed too much energy.

Seeing this, Xuan Shao, Yan Shao, and his little friends were delighted, wandering around among the crowd of beast cultivators, throwing a few talismans from time to time, and throwing a few talismans to throw a net from time to time.

More than a dozen silver-armored beast cultivators disappeared without knowing it, and seven or eight human cultivators also disappeared.

The beast cultivator and the monks of the Nao family were busy avoiding the collision of the spirit boat, avoiding close combat with the spirit boat, advancing and retreating, getting together and scattered, all on alert, and didn't notice the changes around them for a while.

The Mahayanas who were watching the battle outside the Nao Clan, the bystanders could clearly see the problem, but none of them reminded the monks of the Nao Clan.

The Patriarch Nao and the high-ranking Mahayanas were afraid that the female cultivators would attack the Nao family, so all their attention was on the gate, and they were not distracted by other things.

It wasn't until they found out that the female cultivator didn't seem to be attacking the Nao clan, the patriarch Nao and all the senior monks finally came to their senses, thinking of the little wooden demon and the little Nascent Soul who were still in the family.

They looked over and saw the family's low-level monks and silver-armored humanoid beasts struggling with the spirit boat, and their brains finally came to their senses.

Patriarch Nao saw that his side was completely defeated, and immediately proposed peace talks: "Your Excellency, we admit that it is our family's fault for holding the little wooden demon and the two Nascent Souls hostage. The last apology."

"Now you, Mr. Nao, can't stop fighting if you want to. My little spirit beast and friends have suffered such a great grievance. It is impossible to just expose it and keep fighting regardless of the outcome."

Le Yun refused without hesitation: "Furthermore, you don't need to return the little spirit beasts and friends of this fairy, they have the ability to break out of the encirclement by themselves, and your Nao's family can't stop them.

This fairy is sitting here, anyone who dares to help in the battle will kill anyone.The opponent of your high-level monks of the Nao clan is this fairy. If you dare to bully the young with your big ones, this fairy will wash Nao clan with blood. "

"You... don't deceive people too much!" The monks of the Nao family were furious, and the words of several Mahayana nuns who were nuns fell on deaf ears, and rushed to the southwest.

"Qi Xing, go and teach those people how to behave, regardless of life or death." Le Yun didn't move, and ordered the third of the nine Yin Xing brothers to fight.

"Of order." Qixing came out in response, lifted his feet and flew out of the lotus magic weapon, and entered the territory of the Nao family covered by a faint golden light in a flash of light.

It is equivalent to the seven stars in the late stage of Fanxian, and the speed is not comparable to that of the Naoshi Mahayana. He appeared behind a person who cultivated, and his sword was out of its sheath.

The cold silver long sword exploded with seven-color awns tens of feet long, and with the master's light swing, the giant sword flashed to the back of Naoshi Mahayana.

The sword light cut across obliquely, cutting into the protective barrier of Naoshi Mahayana like a knife cutting tofu, and cut the Mahayana monk into two sections with one sword.

Naoshi Mahayana first heard the slight sound of bones being cut off and the sound of blood spurting, and then he felt the fear of danger and felt severe pain.

Then, he saw his body below the navel separated, and blood spewed out from the chest cavity, like a jet of water spurting from the ground.

I... was killed!
That was his last thought as a human being.

The monks of the Nao family watched in horror at the female nun guard who suddenly appeared behind the family monks, and the picture of the lightsaber cutting the family monks was printed in their pupils.

The Mahayana monks in Guiji City watched Nao's Mahayana being cut, and their eyes were full of horror.

Qi Xing slashed a target with one sword, the momentum of the sword did not change, the huge sword swung diagonally forward to catch up with another Naoshi Mahayana again, and cut the person in half.

Killing two people with one sword, the people also turned around, and the long sword slashed at another target.

The huge sword in his hand was as fast as lightning, and he swung it three times in a row, beheading the other five people under the sword.

After beheading the target, Qixing turned around and pointed his sword at a group of monks: "Who else dares to disobey my lord's will and draw his sword to fight!"

Facing the glowing long sword, Patriarch Nao and the patriarchs only felt that the long sword was on their necks, and the breath of death lingered on the tip of their noses.

No one dared to respond.

The corpses of the beheaded Naoshi Mahayanas fell from the sky, some hit buildings, some fell on trees, and some fell to the ground. The splashed blood painted bright red flowers .

After restraining a group of monks, Qixing put his sword back into its sheath, walked slowly through the air, picked up all the corpses of those who died under the sword, and then returned to his master like a leisurely stroll.

The Mahayana monks watching followed the nun's guards as they came out of the Nao's family. When their eyes slipped past the nine guards of the nun, they became sober, and they all fell silent.

They didn't dare to look at the female cultivator and her guards. They glanced at the monks of the Nao family, ignoring their pale faces, and looked at the people and beast cultivators who were fighting with the spirit boat.

The victory over there has been decided.

The monks of the Nao family and the silver-armored beast cultivators exhausted their spiritual energy one after another, unable to fight anymore, they all retreated to the side to meditate or quickly inhale spirit stones to replenish their true energy.

Many silver-armored beast cultivators were still persevering when their true energy was almost exhausted, and when the last bit of spiritual energy was exhausted, they fell down powerlessly.

The silver-armored beast cultivator planted on the ground revealed a beast-a mountain-breaking dragon with silver scales.

The silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon who lost his spiritual power and fell to the ground finally realized something was wrong, and angrily cursed: "Despicable human beings, how dare you use poison!"

Xuan Shao was in a happy mood: "You besieged and killed us, isn't it normal for us to fight back, erysipelas is also a kind of attack method, you can use it too."

The mountain-breaking dragon whose spiritual power has not been exhausted, sees something bad, and immediately flees. Some use the ground to escape, some use the wind to escape, and some run with flying machines.

The monks of the Nao family heard that the people in the spirit boat had been infected with erysipelas, and they all fled before the battle, and scattered like birds and beasts.

The chance of revenge finally came, Yan Shao, three Mahayana beasts and four humanoid beasts rushed out of the spirit boat, each went to chase and kill Poshanlong.

Young Master Yan also released his spirit boat, drove the spirit boat to catch up with a silver-armored beast cultivator, caught him back, and then went after other beasts.

The three Mahayana beasts and the four humanoid beasts also "crossed the sea with eight immortals - each showing their supernatural powers". They either ran by themselves, or drove an aircraft, carrying a fishing net to chase and kill the Poshanlong.

Xuan Shao first went to pick up the Broken Mountain Dragon that fell to the ground and showed its original shape, and then went to pick up the corpses. The beast corpses were picked up no matter whether they were complete or with severed limbs and arms, while Renxiu's corpses were only picked up. Equipped part of the limb.

The little friends who chased and killed the mountain-breaking dragon caught several beasts and returned one after another. Those beasts that escaped from the soil or got into the lake and ditches were nowhere to be found.

A group of friends walked around the battlefield a few times, collected all the corpses with weapons attached, and got into Xuan Shao's spirit boat.

Xuan Shao ran to the east with the spirit boat, observing while running, saw little Lolita from a distance, and ran towards the direction of little Lolita.

The four humanoid beasts shouted excitedly: "Little fairy, little fairy..."

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