magic eye doctor

Chapter 3082

Chapter 3082
Eat well and feel good.

The four humanoid beasts had a full meal, not only their stomachs were full, but their mouths seemed to be stuffed, and finally they stopped talking so much.

Thus, Xuan Shao and Yan Shao, who had become passers-by, finally had a chance to speak.

The two young masters asked with concern whether the little Lolita was happy teaching a few cubs in Zhuzhou, and whether something major happened in Zhuzhou that delayed the trip.

Little Lolita didn't hide anything, and she briefly talked about the process of taking the cubs to Songshengling to find a place to retreat for teaching, picking up another cub in Tianhu City, and taking them to the mountains for penance.

"Little beauty, what was your cultivation level when you left?" Xuan Shao went straight to the point, but he repeatedly comforted the beasts, saying that it might be because of the poor talent of the little girl that he missed the little beauty's schedule, I hope This is true.

"Yuan Ying." Le Yun looked at Xuan Shao with an inscrutable smile on his face.

"Yuan... Ying?!" Xuan Shao was stunned.

Young Master Yan was also shocked. They had always thought that it was the little ones' poor understanding that slowed down the little Lolita's schedule, causing her to fail to join them within the deadline.

As a result, the little loli said that the little boy is already a Nascent Soul cultivator!
When they parted ways with Xiao Loli, the cubs picked up by Xiao Loli were only seven or eight years old. Now that 63 years have passed, those children are only about 70 years old.

It would take four or five years for little loli to come to Binzhou from Zhuzhou, so it only took about [-] years for Xiao Zai'er to go from introducing Qi into the body to being promoted to Nascent Soul.

It can be seen from this that the little boy is a peerless genius!
Recalling that when they first came to Yunlan, their cultivation was promoted to the first level in three or four years, and the little loli once praised them for their good aptitude. Now compared with those little cubs, they are compared to dust.

Xuan Shaoyan received a heavy blow and didn't want to speak anymore.

"The cubs are so young, if their cultivation base is too low, I don't feel at ease to let them enter the world by themselves. They have become Nascent Soul cultivators, and they barely have the power to protect themselves, so I can leave with peace of mind."

"Oh." Xuan Shaoyan, who was deeply shocked, felt that the happiness brought by food was not so wonderful.

The beasts didn't react much, since the little fairy is their little fairy anyway, no matter what cultivation level the little cub in Zhuzhou is, or how smart the little cub is, it has nothing to do with them.

The two young masters already knew the reason why the little Lolita delayed the meeting, she looked like a leaf that had been beaten by frost, wilting.

Some things always ebb and flow, the buddies are not energetic, and the little beasts are energetic again, happily asking where to go next.

"Little fairy, shall we still go to Ningcheng?"

"Little Fairy, I heard people say that Ningcheng is very prosperous. It is the most famous grain-producing area in Binzhou. Every household can accumulate grain for three or four years."

The little beasts remembered the rumors they heard along the way. It is said that Ningcheng is rich in treasures and has countless delicacies. They are looking forward to going shopping in Ningcheng with the little fairy to taste the delicacies.

The little beast opened its mouth, and Le Yun almost guessed their thoughts, and gave them a reassurance: "Ningcheng is definitely going, but before going to Ningcheng, let's take a detour to the Yinjiaposhanlong tribe."

"Okay, okay, let's go to Po Shanlong's house first!"

The eyes of the beasts lit up. Of course, the little fairy went to the Poshanlong tribe to seek justice for them. It is commonly known as "after the fall", and the little fairy loves them the most!

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were also in high spirits, they thought that little loli had exposed it after slaughtering a group of big monsters in Po Shanlong. After all, Po Shanlong was helping the fist, not the mastermind.

"The Poshanlong family doesn't seem to be the mastermind." Yan Xing thought for a while, and then said what he wanted to say.

"The Poshanlong tribe is not the mastermind, but the alliance of the Nao family. It makes no sense for me to kill the human tribe who is the mastermind but let the other monster tribe go. Such an unfair practice will only encourage the arrogance of the orc tribe .”

"Little Lolita is right, people and beasts must be treated equally!" Xuan Shao agreed, Po Shanlong and the Nao family are allies, and they should have the same blessings and share the same difficulties.

The eyes of the four humanoid beasts were shining brightly: "Little fairy, the Poshanlong tribe should have a place to hatch eggs. Let's catch some cubs and come back. The meat of the little Poshanlong is delicious!"

"Eggs are delicious too."

"Yes, Poshanlong's eggs are also delicious, most nourishing."

The three Mahayana beasts made no comment, but had already swallowed dry.

Le Yunmo, apart from the gourd baby among these beasts, the others can tell from a glance that they have done some wicked things in the past to go to other clan's territory to steal eggs.

"You steal other people's eggs, and you are not afraid of being caught and beaten to death."

"We don't want to move them all, we just need to move ten or eight."

"Who told them to bully us."

The beasts expressed their aggrievedness.

"Okay, you've been wronged, I'll take you to the mountain dragon's lair, how many eggs you can get back, and how many ingredients you can get back depends on your own abilities."


The four humanoid beasts were so happy that they almost jumped up, and then they calculated the various ways to eat the broken mountain eggs.

The little beasts were discussing N ways to eat eggs, and the three Mahayana beasts were salivating.

A group of foodies had already arranged the ingredients that hadn't arrived in the bowl clearly before they went out, and Le Yun couldn't bear to pour cold water on them.

She didn't bother the little beasts' enthusiasm, and shared a meal with the two handsome guys.

In order to save storage space, Xuan Shao and Yan Shao put a large amount of public ingredients in the hands of little loli, and the two of them and the four humanoid beasts each gave her a personal portion of ingredients for storage.

Le Xiaoluoli has worked as a spirit meal for decades in the secret realm of the ancient dragon ruins, and also used the public ingredients, and also made the private ingredients of the handsome guy and the four little beasts into a spirit meal.

The four humanoid beasts didn't discuss the food when they heard that they were going to share the ingredients, and they waited eagerly for the food.

Le Yun first took out the private portions of the handsome guy and the four little beasts and handed them over for their own safekeeping. Before sharing the common ingredients, he explained in advance: "When making the spiritual meal, there were not enough condiments, so I used the Lingzhi doll. A large number of plants and crops are planted, and the little creatures also help to process the ingredients, so they can’t always suffer. I decided to take out a box of each of the spiritual meals made and distribute them to the little creatures.

If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, I will take out the spiritual meal and share it evenly, and you will make up the condiments according to the order. "

"No opinion, no opinion, we have no opinion."

"Speaking of it, the Lingzhi dolls are at a disadvantage, and they should be given two boxes of each."

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts and beasts also know the ratio of meat ingredients to spiritual plants in the public ingredients. In terms of resources, the resources of spiritual plants are far from enough to match the main ingredients.

The handsome guy and the beasts have no objection to the spiritual meal distributed to the little creatures, Le Yun gave the storage container containing the spiritual meal to the two young masters and the beasts, both humans and beasts have a share.

The four humanoid beasts took the storage container and looked it over impatiently, and suddenly found a whole three thousand boxes of spiritual meals!

Of the [-] boxes of Spirit Food, [-] boxes are ordinary fresh-keeping boxes, and another [-] boxes are magic-treasure-shaped boxes. The capacity of a magic-treasure-shaped box is equivalent to ten times that of ordinary crisper boxes.

This is equivalent to twelve thousand boxes of spiritual meals!
"Oh, a lot of spiritual meals!"

The four humanoid beasts howled with excitement.

The three Mahayana beasts clutched their storage containers, their mouths twitching in excitement. There were so many types of spiritual food prepared by the little fairy, and it was the first time they had seen a variety of spiritual food styles and cooking methods.

Xuan Shao quickly inspected some spiritual meals, and saw a new type of spiritual meal, with a shocked face: "Little beauty, you even made sausages!?"

"Is there any sausage?" Young Master Yan hurriedly checked the spiritual meal, and saw ten boxes with the label "sausage" on it.

He was stunned, and almost jumped up with excitement: "Little Lolita, can anyone eat this kind of sausage?"

"Look at the label of the box. The five boxes with green strips are herbal sausages that ordinary people can eat." Le Yun had already guessed that Handsome Yan would have an idea when he saw the sausages. Sausages are the most suitable for dry food for marching.

Yan Xing's eyebrows brightened, and he turned his head to discuss with Xuan Shao and the beasts. He wanted to exchange his spiritual meal and his friends for the herbal sausage in their hands.

Xuan Shao was not willing to change, after all, he has a family, and taking the herbal sausage home just honors the elders of the family.

The beasts were very face-saving, each left a box of herbal sausages, and exchanged four boxes for Brother Yan.

Once exchanged, both parties are happy.

In exchange for more than 20 boxes of medicated sausages, Yan Xing was so excited that he struck while the iron was hot, and made a special trip to discuss with the little loli, hoping to collect the ingredients in the future, and asked the little loli to help him make medicated sausages for his personal portion.

Le Yun did not refuse Handsome Yan's request. Handsome Yan always remembered the hardships of the brothers in the military camp, and hoped to save some dry food as much as possible for emergencies. His love for robes is precious and must be supported.

After sharing the spiritual meal and resting enough, we set off.

Classmate Le Xiao drove the spirit boat, retrieved the Nine Brothers of Yinxing, and then went straight to the Yinjiaposhanlong tribe.

The Yinjialuoshanlong Tribe is located in the Hengduan Mountains.

One end is close to the Hengduan Mountains in the north of the Great Wilderness. There are hundreds of main veins. Seen from the sky, it looks like a group of fish fighting for water, so it has a nice name called Baiyu Mountains

The Baiyu Mountains start from the southeast of the Eighteen Continents of the Great Wilderness in the south, span several continents, and extend northward to the northwest of the Baiyao Mountains. Looking down under the sea of ​​clouds, the Hengduan Mountains are like a link connecting the Eighteen Continents and the Baiyao Mountains. connected together.

The Hengduan Mountains are majestic, with thousands of mountains competing for beauty, and thousands of valleys competing for flow. The scenery is beautiful.

There are many spiritual lands in the mountains, and the beautiful lands on the periphery or in the middle have always been the foundations of the fairy sects or monster tribes.

However, most of the area around the mountain range is perennially smoky and cloudy, turbulent and treacherous, and extremely dangerous, so it is also a land without an owner.

The Silver Armored Mountain Breaking Dragon Tribe is one of the many orc tribes in the Baiyu Mountain Range. They have established a territory in the mountain range called "Pingze".

If Pingze is connected with Guiji City and Ningcheng, a triangle can be formed. It is about 3000 million miles away from Guiji City and more than 5000 million miles away from Ningcheng.

Little Lolita's spirit boat traveled hundreds of millions of miles, even if it flew slowly, it arrived at the territory of the Silver Armored Mountain Dragon Clan before sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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