magic eye doctor

Chapter 3083 The Egg Thief

Chapter 3083 The Egg Thief

Pangolins on Earth like hot and humid environments, mainly inhabiting subtropical forest areas, and are also distributed in Africa.

The mountain-breaking dragons in the Yunlan Realm, no matter wild beasts or monsters, are widely distributed in all parts of the mainland, even on the top of the north or the pole of the south, as well as islands in the sea.

The silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon inhabiting Pingze in the Baiyu Mountain Range can only be regarded as a small tribe by the standards of the monster tribe. Compared with human monks, it is equivalent to a small and medium-sized monk city. The city is about the same size.

Gain's silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon itself is a small tribe of monsters, and their combat power is also limited, occupying a territory about 300 million miles wide.

The Baiyu Mountain Range stretches across several continents, and because it is located in different continents, it is divided into different territories. Pingze is a small place name, similar to Fengtou Mountain in Kuzhuling.

Generally speaking, if it is not close to a certain place, it is difficult for outsiders to find the land accurately.

Pingze is located in the middle of a section of the Baiyu Mountain Range, and the entire area covers an area of ​​about 4000 million miles.

Although it was the first time for Xiao Le to enter the Baiyu Mountain Range, she had a good habit of collecting all kinds of books, and she also went to sweep some books when she entered Guiji City.

There are books on geography and terrain on every continent, and there is no shortage of books on maps, geography and travel notes in the city of monks.

She had read the geographical and topographic map of Baiyu Mountain Range, even if Pingze was a small place name, it would not be too much trouble to find it, not to mention, because there are many lakes and swamps in Pingze area, it is a major feature, so it is easier to find it.

The spirit boat flies under the sea of ​​clouds, overlooking from a high altitude, the peaks rising from the ground soar into the clouds, and the valleys and plains can be seen everywhere, large and small lakes.

The four humanoid beasts looked at the mountains and rivers below, excitedly asking: "Little fairy, where is the nest where the ankylosaurus hid its eggs?"

"I just entered Pingze, and I haven't reached the rear of the Ankylosaurus yet." Le Yun was quite helpless, and the little beasts didn't know who influenced them, and they all became impatient.

"Oh oh oh." After a series of oh oh, the humanoid beast urged to run away.

Anxious to eat hot tofu, Le Yun was not in a hurry to run away, so she let out her spiritual sense and observed in mid-air. After wandering her spiritual sense for a while, she suddenly discovered that there were scattered high-level demons hidden in the mountains.

Pulling the divine sense far away for reconnaissance, he also figured out the rules of the distribution of the big monsters.

The divine consciousness wandered around and returned, and shared the information with the handsome guy and the beasts: "Something may have happened to the Ankylosaurus clan, or they have received news from Guiji City that they are under martial law."

"Did the mountain-breaking dragons in the Nao Clan send back news?"

"Could it be possible that the Poshan Dragon Clan knew that we were coming to settle accounts with them?"

Yan Shaoxuan was stunned, the Poshanlong family had received the news in advance, and with preparations, wouldn't their plan to copy their rear be in vain?
"I used the world-locking magic weapon to destroy the clan-protecting formation of the Nao family, and even if I wanted to send a message to the mountain-breaking dragon of the Nao family, it couldn't get through.

If the silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon knew about the change of the Nao family in Guiji City, it must be the news passed on to them by others, or the mountain-breaking dragon family still had hidden stakes in Guiji city. "

There is a guess in Le Yun's mind. Perhaps in Guiji City, not only the Nao's family and the Poshanlong family are allies, but the city lord's family and the Poshanlong family may also have private transactions. Otherwise, the city lord's mansion would not be able to indulge the Nao's family.

She added another sentence: "If no one has sent news to the Poshanlong family, it is also possible that after the death of the Ankylosaurus of the Nao family, the Poshanlong family guessed that something big might happen due to blood induction and imposed martial law."

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao also deeply felt that Little Lolita's analysis was reasonable, and they even believed that the Poshanlong family felt a sense of crisis because of the blood induction and discovered the death of the big monsters who had gone out, so they imposed martial law.

If it was an outsider reporting the letter, unless it was a half-demon with the blood of the Poshanlong or there was a Poshanlong in Guiji City, they did not go to the Naoshi, and immediately reported the letter to the family after the Naoshi incident happened.

As for the monks returning to Jicheng, even if there are monks from other families who have private contacts with the Poshanlong family, after knowing the identity of the little loli, they should not have the guts to commit crimes and report to the Poshanlong family.

Xuan Shao didn't want to make a detour, and asked directly: "Shall we go to copy the Ankylosaurus' lair?"

"Of course. The martial law of the Ankylosaurus is their business. We happened to catch him by surprise." Le Yun let the spirit boat continue to run without saying a word.

The beasts originally thought that they would not be able to go to the Ankylosaurus' lair, and it was strange, but they didn't expect the little fairy "knowing that there are tigers in the mountain to go to the tiger mountain", all of them were eager to fight.

The spirit boat flying under the sea of ​​clouds swaggered past the edge of the Poshanlong's territory and went around the back of the Ankylosaurus' territory.

When they reached the edge of the Ankylosaurus territory, Le Yun stopped the spirit boat, shrunk the spirit boat and tucked it into her sleeves, then put on the veiled hat, and moved it from the air to the mountains on the ground with the teleportation technique.

It was much easier to go into the forest, and he directly used the teleportation technique to move among the mountains, and quietly sneaked into the core area where the mountain-breaking dragon hatched its cubs.

The place where the Bromosaurus family hatches and raises their cubs is one of the areas with the strongest aura and the steepest peaks in the territory of the Ankylosaurus, covering more than a dozen small and medium-sized mountains and valleys.

The valleys and peaks are always covered with clouds and fog, making it difficult to see the true appearance.

A city was also built in the territory of the Ankylosaurus as a fortress for the tribe to communicate with the outside world. The city not only contained the Ankylosaurus, but also accommodated the mixed descendants of humans and other beasts.

In order to keep their descendants animalistic, the place where the Ankylosaurus cubs were hatched was far away from populated cities, and the cubs hatched and grew up in the mountains far away from the city, at least until the foundation was established before they could leave.

Pangolins on Earth are mammals, that is, viviparous animals, while Yunlan's Pogolin can be viviparous or oviparous.

If the mother animal feels unsafe or unwilling to breastfeed, she can choose to let the cubs be born as eggs.

If the female animal is willing to feed the child by herself, she can choose to give birth to the baby.

If you choose to lay eggs, the cubs will need to stay in the womb of the mother for two to three years.

Yunlan's mountain-breaking dragon basically hatches its offspring by laying eggs. In order to ensure the growth of its offspring, Pingze's silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon has set up a large formation for the hatching place, and there are big monsters guarding it.

Dive close to the hatching area where the Ankylosaurus raised its offspring, Le Yun found that the guards in the hatching area were very strict, and the big monsters of the ninth, tenth, and twelfth ranks were on duty in layers. Pass.

The guards are too dense, and there is a high possibility of directly sneaking into the magic circle and being exposed.
Le Yun hidden in the forest thought for a while, then moved quietly, wandering around the magic circle protecting the hatching area, sprinkling a handful of powder at intervals.

Surrounding the magic circle, the arc is about [-] miles long, hiding in the jungle and waiting for the result.

After about a stick of incense, the monsters in the area covered by the smell of medicine all fell into sleep one after another. At that time, the sky also darkened, and there was still a faint light in the sky, but the forest was dark.

The divine consciousness slipped around, and Le Yun quickly jumped out of the jungle, running here and there in the air, and whenever there were monsters sleeping soundly hiding, they went down to pick them up.

After wandering around for a while, I found five Mahayanas, ten Jiebians, twenty Hedaos and fifteen Desperate Armored Dragons.

After killing all the armor-piercing dragons in a small area, Le Yun entered the magic circle by moving.

The Armored Dragon set up fifteen magic circles for the hatching area, and also deployed guards outside. They probably thought they were safe, so they didn't arrange guards inside.

The hatching area is divided into the egg hatching area and the cubs' activity area, covering a total area of ​​more than 40 miles.

Le Yun entered the area where the Ankylosaurus hatched its eggs. There are nine canyons with two large and seven small canyons. There are nests scattered around the foot of the mountain and the foothills of each valley.

Most of the nest openings are blocked by mud or stones, and a small number of nest openings are open.

Some of the lairs were empty with their holes open, others contained small ankylosaurs.

Le Yun, who entered the hatching area, hid in the forest on the mountainside of a mountain. She released her spiritual sense for a while, took out the spirit boat stuffed in her sleeve, and moved the beasts and the two handsome men into the air.

"This is the egg-raising lair of the Ankylosaurus. It's up to you how many eggs you can find."


The man and the beast changed places from the spirit boat, and they couldn't wait to look around.

The four humanoid beasts sensed the breath of many little monsters, and they didn't even have time to greet them, so they turned around and ran towards the foot of the mountain.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the three Mahayana beasts gathered their minds, detected the faint aura of the little monster, and ran away.

Le Yun had to remind: "Be careful yourself, there should be a teleportation array left by the armored dragons nearby. If the armored dragons are alarmed, they will arrive soon."

"Understood." The seven beasts and the two young masters responded in a low voice, and rushed to the foot of the mountain without looking back, and then dispersed. When they saw the nest, they broke through the mud and rocks and went in to move the eggs.

Ankylosaurus's nests range from large to small, and the inside of a small nest is three to four feet wide. Generally, there are seven or eight eggs stored there. The minimum is three or four eggs, and the maximum is twenty or thirty.

There were Mahayana beasts beside the two handsome guys, Le Yun didn't stare at them, and moved to another valley by himself, summoned the Nine Star Brothers and five hundred blue-armored puppets, and divided them into several small steps, scattered in three canyons to dig holes Find eggs and catch young animals.

She herself is not idle, and is also happily being an egg thief.

The three people and the seven beasts, a group of puppet people, took advantage of the cover of night and shuttled through the valley. The places they passed seemed like locusts passing through, leaving only holes one by one.

Two hours later, during a routine inspection of the guards guarding the hatching area, the chief patrol beast finally found that the guards in a small area could not be contacted, and rushed to check.

When the chief inspector arrived, he found that all the guardian beasts in a small area were missing, but the neighboring guards didn't know anything about it, and Dang Lang turned pale in shock.

He didn't dare to hide it, and immediately reported it to the lords and elders of the family tribe.

The lord and elder of the Silver Armored Mountain Breaker were sitting in Jialong City. Hearing that something happened to the family's hatching area, he was also shocked. He immediately ordered a team to rush to the hatching area through the teleportation array.

The teleportation circle connected to the hatching area was hidden inside a mountain outside the hatching area. The armored dragon lord and the elders of the orc clan brought a teleportation to the destination and hurried out of the cave.

A team is all Mahayana beasts, and they are extremely fast. When rushing to the area where the guards are missing, they meet the chief patrol guarding the hatching area on the way.

Lord Jialong saw the Mahayana guarding the important place of the family, and asked anxiously: "Have you found the missing clan guard? Have you found anything else?"

(End of this chapter)

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