magic eye doctor

Chapter 3084

Chapter 3084
Monster beasts can be transformed into human form when they are promoted to Nascent Soul. In fact, most monsters, especially those who have reached a high level, prefer to maintain their animal form most of the time.

The animal shape is the original appearance of the monster, and the animal form makes the monster more comfortable.

Beast monks generally behave like beasts in their own territory, and they only show their animal form when they need to communicate with humans or other races, or when they don't want other races to see their blood at a glance.

The silver-armored mountain-breaking dragons patrolling the hatching center are all in animal form, and the lord and all the armored dragons who rushed to follow are also in animal form.

The armored dragons have shrunk their bodies, and the largest size is less than one foot.

The silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon that inhabits Pingze is the purer lineage of the silver-scaled mountain-breaking dragon in the mountain-breaking dragon clan. They are a branch of the large-scale mountain-breaking dragon tribe that is still in the Baiyao Mountains. branch.

In other words, even though the Silver Armored Mountain Breaking Dragon family that took root in the Baiyu Mountain Range is not large, they still have a very strong backing.

Because of the profound origin of the Silver Armored Mountain Breaking Dragons, they depended on the strength and prestige of their main branch to maintain long-term stability in the Baiyu Mountain Range. Let it grow.

In fact, the Silver Armor Breaking Mountain Dragon Clan established its territory in Pingze less than 300 million years ago.

Also because it is not the monster beast clan in the original Baiyu Mountain Range, the Silver Armored Mountain Breaker Dragon is not as tyrannical as other beast clans, and the territory it occupies is also in line with the power of the family.

Ankylosaurus is growing steadily in Pingze, and there are more than [-] years of stability and stability in front of it. Now that some guards in the family incubation center suddenly disappeared during the time of martial law, it is impossible not to attract attention.

The blood of the leader of the silver-armored mountain-breaking dragon is very pure, only the pupils of the eyes are light brown, and the whole body is covered with silver scales. The scales in the shape of fish scales are round, clean and bright, shining silver.

Being questioned by the lord, all the beasts on duty lowered their eyes with a little shame, and the chief inspector replied in an orderly manner: "Go back to the lord, I didn't find anything, the guards in that area seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace .”

The Mahayana armored dragons who rushed over were full of surprises. What kind of method could make dozens of high-level monsters disappear without a sound?Can it not alarm the other monsters nearby?

The silver-armored beast looked at the family's incubation center, turned its eyes from near to far, and then turned to the magic circle: "Has there been any changes in the magic circle here?"

"None." The guards replied in unison. Even if they didn't keep an eye on the magic circle, the magic weapon of the magic circle was the contract magic weapon of some beasts among them. Once there was any change in the magic circle, the owner of the magic weapon would naturally know it immediately.

"The guards are missing, and there is no change in the magic circle..." The leader beast and all the Mahayana beasts were a little confused. This was very confusing to the beasts.

A Mahayana armored dragon suggested: "Lord, why don't we go into the magic circle?"

All the beasts also agreed, it didn't take much spiritual power or time to go in and check it out. If everything inside the magic circle was safe and sound, it would be like visiting hatching cubs or young cubs.

The lord agreed to the proposal of the beasts, summoned the Mahayana armored dragons who were in charge of the magic circle or the magic circle, and asked them to open the magic circle.

The armored dragons who mastered the magic circle or the magic weapon came out, but there was a beast missing, and that beast controlled the magic weapon of a foot of a magic circle.

Fortunately, the Ankylosaurus controlling the eye of the magic circle was not absent.

The armored dragon controlling the formation opened the magic gates layer by layer. Except for the patrolling beast, the other armored dragons followed the leading beast into the magic circle to patrol.

Passing through many magic circles, a group of armored dragons entered the core of the family's cultivation of descendants protected by the magic circle. Seeing that the mountains, rivers and rivers were no different, the hanging heart was relieved.

Then, that heart was still there, and it suddenly smelled the breath of a monster that didn't belong to the Ankylosaurus!
"There are aliens sneaking in!"

"There are infiltrators!"

The Ankylosaurus turned pale with fright, jumped up almost at the same time, and rushed to the sky to check.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but at a glance, I can see that the egg nests at the foot of the mountain and other places have all been stripped off and sealed, leaving only holes one by one.

The hatching eggs of the Ankylosaurus disappeared!

"There are egg thieves!"

The leader beast and the Mahayana armored dragons sensed it for a while, but they couldn't sense the breath of many eggs, and a burst of anger rushed straight to the sky.

The eggs being hatched in the hatching area are the newly born eggs of the Ankylosaurus tribe in the past 5000 years. If this batch of eggs is lost, then the future Ankylosaurus tribe will be in a certain period of time, and may also cause a precipitous decline in strength.

Who dares to sneak into the hatching area of ​​Ankylosaurus to steal eggs? !

The shrunken bodies of the enraged ankylosaurus instantly enlarged and turned into giant beasts.

"Hoo hoo—"

The giant beast roared and rushed in all directions, looking for the nasty egg thief.

The roar of the monster rolled across the sky, and spread to the distance like thunder, and it also shook the valley to echo.

Yan Shaoxuan, who was arresting the little broken mountain dragon in the cub activity area, was stunned when he heard the roar of the beast.

"Aren't there only little monsters here?"

"Could it be that there are still big monsters hiding deep underground or in the mountainside?"

The two young men looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Brother Yan, it may be that the Ankylosaurus discovered it and is about to retreat!"

"Brother Xuan, the Ankylosaurus is here, release the spirit boat quickly!"

The four human-shaped beasts and the three Mahayana beasts also guessed a bit when they heard the roar of the beasts, and continued to capture the little Poshanlong, and rushed back to the two brothers like lightning.

Yan Shao immediately released the spirit boat.

Xuan Shao and Beast were not polite, they got into the spirit boat one after another.

Young Master Yan was not stupid, he activated all the defenses of the spirit boat, and drove the spirit boat to find little loli.

In the night, the spirit boat wrapped in the golden magic circle was as dazzling as a golden sun.

Some of the Ankylosaurus followed the egg thief's scent and found it. When they saw the golden light in the night sky, they roared angrily: "Where are the thieves going?"

"The egg thief is over there, catch him!"

"The egg thief is here!"

An Ankylosaurus discovered the flying spirit boat and chased it while notifying its fellow racers.

The scattered Silver Armored Mountain Breaker Dragons flew towards the source of the sound after hearing the roar.

Yan Xing, who was running away in a spirit boat: "..." What is an egg thief?They were obviously moving the eggs openly, okay?

The four-human-shaped beast who was busy calling for the little fairy was also a little unhappy when they heard the roar. They are obviously porters, how can they be called thieves?
Xuan Shao and his friends turned their heads to look at the flashing silver dots in the sky, they were not anxious, they had already seen Little Lolita's spirit boat galloping from a distance.

Le Yun knew about it when the armored dragons opened the magic circle, seized the time and captured dozens of little monsters before going to the handsome guy and the beasts.

The spirit boat passed through several mountains. When she crossed the ridge, she saw groups of silver beast bodies in the air and Handsome Yan's spirit boat. She was not in a hurry at all.

The spirit boat, traveling at a speed of hundreds of millions of miles, crossed the mountains in the breath, and unexpectedly encountered the spirit boats of handsome men and beasts.

Le Yun opened the defense formation of the spirit boat, let Handsome Yan's spirit boat enter her own spirit boat, and then parked the spirit boat in the air generously, waiting for a group of silver-armored mountain-breaking dragons.

Yan Xing drove the spirit boat into Little Lolita's big spirit boat, and slipped to the bow of the big spirit boat with four humanoid beast friends to sit around the table.

The big and small apes and the long-eared bear didn't show up, and they ran quietly and stayed in the spirit animal bag again.

The armored dragon chasing the light group, just saw that the flying golden light was a spirit boat, and saw another one flying from a distance, so angry that its nose was crooked. The family sneaked in, and there were more than one group of sneakers!
If all the tribes knew that the important place of the Poshanlong family had been infiltrated by a foreign tribe and their eggs had been stolen, how could their Poshanlong clan have a foothold in the Baiyu Mountains!

The furious Ankylosaurus rushed to the sky like a gust of wind, forming an array in front of the spirit boat.

The armored dragons were furious, but they forcibly suppressed their anger and did not act immediately when they knew that the infiltrator who had sneaked into the important place where the dragons raised their offspring actually had the magic weapon of the spirit boat.

Those who can own a spirit boat are either large immortal sects or certain large orc clans, or powerful immortal cultivating families or large casual cultivators and tribes. Their heritage and strength cannot be underestimated.

Those who dared to sneak into the Poshanlong family to steal eggs must have their origins. Perhaps the forces behind them were far superior to the Poshanlong family, so they dared to be so unscrupulous.

Moreover, the infiltrator still quietly sneaked into the important place protected by layers of magic circles, indicating that the infiltrator must have a special talent.

The armored dragons also knew the severity, even if the anger was raging in their hearts, they restrained it.

The armored dragon leader and a small team landed in front of the armored dragon group from the sky like lightning, and glared at the spirit boat: "Which clan do you come from, little thief? You are so mad that you steal our clan's eggs and cubs?!"

"How can I compare to you when it comes to being insane and insane?" Le Yun stood on the bow of the boat, looking at a group of monster beasts that were obviously furious but had some scruples through the veil of the curtain hat and the spirit boat. She was in a good mood.

The Silver Armored Mountain Breaking Dragons immediately smelled an unusual aura, feeling that the infiltrators had enmity with their family?

The creatures in the spirit boat include both human race and beast race, and the master is a monk wearing a veiled hat. I don't know which race it is. The armored dragons stared at the spirit boat, hoping to get more information to analyze its origin.

The leader beast also smelled the danger, and negotiated under pressure: "Which cultivator are you, and what enmity do you have with our clan? You might as well say it openly, maybe there is some misunderstanding."

"If you want to ask what kind of enmity is there, you have to ask the Poshan Dragon Clan. You recently sent more than 100 high-level monsters to the Nao Clan in Guiji City. What are they doing?"

The unsalty words came to the ears, and the group of armored dragons panicked for a moment. A bad guess flashed in the leader's mind, and he pretended to explain casually: "There is a secret realm in Neighborhood that will be opened in 200 years. The big demon team went to Guiji City, and was going to team up with the monks of the Nao family to explore the secret land in neighboring continents.

How did you know that the big monster of your clan went to Guiji City? "

"The fairy just came from Guiji City, and the Nao family was wiped out." Le Yun threw out a sentence lightly.

"..." The auras of the armored dragon monsters became chilling.

There is a certain answer that almost pops out, and the beast leader still has a chance: "Who killed the Nao family?"

"Of course it's this fairy." Le Yun admired the panicked but calm eyes of the armored dragons: "This morning, this fairy wiped out the Naoshi Manchu."

The big monsters of Poshanlong suddenly changed their colors: "You killed the big monsters who died in my family?!"

(End of this chapter)

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