magic eye doctor

Chapter 3104 Breaking the Righteousness

Chapter 3104 Breaking the Righteousness
Le Yun was quite speechless when Master Xuan left the work of refining weapons to him, not to mention that he also acted like a gangster. Master Xuan's ability to learn by imitating others was very strong!

I want to ask who is the gourd that Mr. Xuan learns from?
Of course it's her.

In the past, she was the gourd who made clear arrangements between Young Master Xuan and Handsome Yan. She happily cracked melon seeds and watched, but now Young Master Xuan has also learned the trick of letting go of the shopkeeper.

She wasn't bothered either. Refining medicine required 24 hours a day to control the fire and add spiritual plants on time. It looked easy, but it was actually the most energy-consuming. Mr. Xuan guarded the medicine furnace for several days in a row. He needed time to recuperate his consciousness.

The alchemy bottle is a trivial matter, and she alone is enough.

The little Loli calmly turned a pot of molten liquid into elixir bottles, then refined a bottle cap that matched the elixir bottle, and then moved on to another pot of molten liquid.

After refining the elixir bottle, refining the elixir box.

The elixir bottle is a small-capacity elixir tool, while the elixir box is a small warehouse for storing elixirs.

Based on Ningjun's needs, Le Yun refined [-] elixir bottles and [-] elixir boxes. The other molten stone was used to refine storage containers, totaling [-] [-]-[-] ft. of small storage.

The last batch of molten ore has been used up, and time is almost up.

The little loli clapped her little hands, waved her sleeves and left without even taking away the scent.

Looking at the empty place, Mr.

Having such a powerful friend is so stressful.

Feeling very stressed, Mr. Xuan took out a small bag of golden fruits and melons. He was frightened and needed something good to eat to calm down his shock.

In fact, the people who really need to be calmed down are Lord Shang and the monks.

A group of monks abandoned all distracting thoughts and practiced quietly all night. When they woke up in the morning, they were shocked to find that clouds of red clouds had covered the courtyard in front of the third hall. The clouds seemed to be growing.

The high-ranking true monarchs of the monk family couldn't sit still. With their hearts pounding, the heads of each family went to Lord Shang to have morning tea and have a "friendly chat".

The heads of each family came to inquire what kind of elixir the alchemist had made, and Lord Shang was also confused: "Don't ask, I don't know what kind of elixir the alchemist made even if I asked you.

At that time, my Lord sent the collected spiritual plants and ores to the fairy for inspection. On the day when the alchemist came to the county governor's mansion, no one in the mansion had any respect for the alchemist.

The fairy said that the alchemist's elixir making depends on the type of spiritual plant. It is naturally up to the alchemist to decide which elixir to make. Dear Lords, if you want to know what elixir the alchemist has made, please be patient and wait for the results. "

The prince said that, and the family heads had no choice but to wait patiently. At the same time, they also frequently contacted the family's purchasing personnel, wishing they could buy tens of billions of kilograms of rice every day.

The head of the Luo family, the head of the Yu family, frequently stared at the family members who accompanied the younger generation to purchase fairies and spirit beasts, asking them to go to the cities and markets with the most abundant grain production as soon as possible, and strive to buy as much rice as possible.

The monks from various families who were stationed at Ningcheng's home took turns to go to the county governor's house in batches. During each shift, they also found that the red cloud over the third courtyard became thicker.

On the 13th day when Mr.

In the middle of the morning on Day No. 14, Le Yun quietly entered the alchemy ground protected by the magic circle using the teleportation technique again, and took over the alchemy work.

Little Loli combined several furnaces of liquid medicine and ointment into one furnace and began to condense the elixir. Master Xuan was still not off work, so he helped take care of the other elixir furnaces.

When the soul-melting plant is started, the alchemy furnace group proceeds in sequence, and most of the time the elixir condensation is also carried out in order. Sometimes a medicine furnace is removed from another group of medicine furnaces to match the ointment brewed in the medicine furnaces of other groups.

The little Loli condensed the solution or ointment from a group of pill furnaces into pill pills, then threw a bunch of spiritual plants into the furnace, and at the same time threw a storage container on the flower table.

Mr. Xuan took over the work quietly and added materials regularly according to the jade slip instructions.

The little Loli condensed the ointments in the eleven groups of alchemy furnaces into elixirs. She stopped her work for the time being and returned to the main hall quietly until she went to the magic circle to condense elixirs again in the second half of the night.

The second time he condensed the elixir-condensing materials into pill pills and returned to the main hall. Then he waited until the next batch of medicinal soup in the medicine furnace was boiling before going to the third courtyard to condense the elixir.

The materials brewed in the alchemy furnace were gradually cooked to a high temperature. The little Loli wandered between the alchemy ground and the main hall for four days in a row, and successfully made all the materials cooked in the first round into elixirs. .

The red cloud in the sky has not dispersed, but it has become lighter visibly to the naked eye, and the fragrance has also faded.

The monks also noticed it. However, for them, the Sheriff's Mansion was still a good place for cultivation.

The boiled ointment was made into elixir, and the elixir cloud and elixir fragrance became lighter because of this. However, because every time the medicine furnace was empty and spiritual plants were added to cook, the elixir scent still did not dissipate, and gradually slowed down again with the passage of time. Slowly thickens.

On the 25th day of Mr.

The team of monks of the Xinyu clan is led by the former and current heads of the Xinyu clan. Together with the monks of Mahayana, Jiebian, Hedao, Huashen, Lianxu, and Yuanying, there are more than 80 monks. They also use Ruyiwu to carry several monks. Children and young adults of all sizes, size ten.

The Xinyu family rushed to Ningcheng and immediately went to the door of their in-laws' Yu family to ask to see the head of the Yu family.

The head of the Yu family and most of the monks in the family were practicing in the county governor's mansion. After receiving the news from the family's left-behind staff, they returned to the family with the Mahayana monks.

The head of the Yu family hurriedly returned to the main hall where the family entertained guests. What they saw was a group of good-looking monks, but all of them had red eyes and were withered.

Most of the monks are handsome, and the Xinyu family is also very careful about their appearance when choosing their partners. Therefore, the children of the Xinyu family are considered to be the best among all the monk families. Historically, when monks from various families meet, the one with the most eye-catching appearance is usually Xinyu. Shi.

At this moment, the Xinyu monks, who had always looked bright and bright whenever they met before, all looked listless and exhausted. It was obvious at a glance that they must be tired from working day and night.As the head of the family returned home, they were slightly surprised to see the exhausted Xinyu family. The expressions on the Xinyu family showed that they were not too happy after knowing that they had taken refuge in the royal family and framed Ningjun.

When the monks of the Xinyu family saw their master returning, they all stood up, their tired eyes showing excitement and anticipation.

The head of the Xinyu family rushed forward, knelt down in front of the head of the Yu family, and shouted sadly: "Brother Yu, please save my little brother's family!!"

The head of the Xinyu family made a big gift when they met. The head of the Yu family and the Mahayana people flew aside in a "swish", avoiding the big gift of the Xinyu family.

The head of the Yu family was even more defensive and refused directly: "Head of the Xinyu family, please don't embarrass Yu. Yu has lived in Ningcheng for half his life and has little knowledge. The Yu family is unknown in the family of practitioners and has no foundation. , I can’t make friends with any powerful relatives of the emperor, and the Yu family can’t help the head of the Xinyu family. You are in the wrong place, please go back.”

The monks of the Xinyu clan saw that their master put down his dignity and knelt down to beg the master of the Yu family, but the other party actually refused to help. None of them could believe that the Yu family was so ruthless. The Xinyu family and the Yu family were related by marriage!

The old head of the Xinyu family took two steps forward and asked sadly: "Grandnephew Yu Xian, do you want me to kneel down too before you are willing to lend a helping hand?"

The Yu family Mahayana people were angry, what did the Xinyu clan mean?
The head of the Yu family also had a cold face: "Everyone of the Xinyu family, please don't forget that when you plotted against the entire Ningjun people, I, the Yu family, was also a victim. Over the past 2000 years, how much more rice and taxes have my Yu family paid? How many generations of mortals of my Yu family have suffered?

I, the Yu family, have missed the marriage relationship and have not asked your Xinyu family for the extra taxes and rice they have paid over the years. Not retaliating against the Xinyu family is the greatest tolerance.

Now that things have happened, you, the Xinyu family, are doing well. You have done something wrong and have no regrets. You have come to the Yu family to threaten and persecute the head of the family. Do you think that I, the Yu family, are easy to bully?

Is it reasonable for your Xinyu family to have trapped Ning County in dire straits for more than 2000 years for your own selfish interests?The Xinyu family is not a good person, let alone you kneeling down, even if you Xinyu family, men, women, old and young all kneel down, I, the Yu family, can bear it. "

The old head of the Xinyu family originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that he was the legitimate daughter of the previous generation of the Yu family and married into the Xinyu family's father-in-law. His status was several generations higher than that of the head of the Yu family, so he could control the Yu family, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

The head of the old family of Xinyu felt embarrassed and hurriedly made up his mind: "Great nephew, the Xinyu family has no intention of forcing the Yu family. The Xinyu family was blinded by eating dolphin oil, and for a while they made a mistake and went astray. The Xinyu family is repenting. Today is the day to come Qiu Xian's great-nephew wanted to help the Xinyu family because of the deep blood between the two families. Qiu's great-nephew wanted to help the Xinyu family because the descendants of the Xinyu family also have Yu's blood. The good nephew could not bear to watch those children die. right……"

"Your Majesty, please don't call me your virtuous grandnephew. I have no blood relationship with you. The descendants of the Xinyu family who have the blood of the Yu family did not reveal it to me, the Yu family, when the Xinyu family gave advice to the monarch to frame Ningjun. A little bit of news.

Those people bear the surname of the Xinyu family and are descendants of the Xinyu family. The descendants of the Xinyu family will naturally live and die together with the Xinyu family and have nothing to do with my Yu family.

The daughter of the Xinyu family married into my Yu family. If she and her husband and her children are devoted to the Xinyu family and want to go back and advance and retreat with the Xinyu family, I, the Yu family, will not force them to stay and will immediately send them back to the Xinyu family.

When you, the Xinyu family, stabbed Ningjun in the back, you never gave half a thought to the Yu family because you were related to the Yu family. If you had the heart to stab the Yu family in the back, why should my family not bear to do it?
Now that the Xinyu family is in trouble, and they are talking about blood relations again, do you think that I, the Yu family, are a temperless clay figurine who can be thrown away by you, the Xinyu family, as you please? "

When the Xinyu family plotted against Ningjun, they did not regard the Yu family as a relative. Now that the matter has been exposed, they have come to argue about their blood relationship. The Xinyu family is really shameless!
The head of the Yu family had a cold face, sat down on the main seat of the family, and ordered with a straight face: "Elders, get rid of all these heartless and unjust guys! If you continue to pass on the order, the Yu family will sever ties with the Xinyu family from today on. Whoever dares to communicate with the Xinyu family again in the future will have their cultivation level or siblings revoked according to family regulations, and the Yu family will be expelled!"

Yu's Mahayana, who had just floated to the side of the family master, solemnly accepted the order: "Follow the order of the family master!"

When the monks of the Xinyu family heard the ruthless eviction order from the Yu family, their faces were ashen. The Xinyu family leader stood up and his eyes were red with anger: "Don't bully others too much!"

"Oh, my head has done nothing, so you think it's too much to bully others? If this is the case, then my head has gone too far to bully others.

A bunch of inhuman things, my Yu family is still so arrogant when they come here, who will give you face?Elders, throw them out! "

The head of the Yu family was happy. The Xinyu clan was quite good. They were obviously the ones asking for help. They either relied on their elders or relied on their blood ties to make matters worse. They wanted to retreat in order to advance but were arrogant. That's why they were able to win people's hearts.

The Xinyu family was able to hide their secrets and join the royal family without being known by the various cultivating families in Ning County. It must not be that the Xinyu family is good at hiding, but that the Xinyu family has always been nestled in Kaiming Mansion and has not had close contact with other families. The ambition of the Xinyu family is not so great. Be known.

The Mahayana disciples of the Yu family looked at the Xinyu monks, with one meaning in their eyes: should they leave alone or should they be "sent off"?
The master of Xinyu's hometown was so aggrieved that a mouthful of old blood was stuck in his throat. He suppressed his anger forcefully, endured the humiliation, and took the lead in rushing out.

The monks of the Xinyu family also rushed to follow the old family master. A huge group of people came out of the Yu family hall, like a gust of wind blowing through the remaining clouds, drifting out of the Yu family gate.

The Yu family waited for the last Xinyu family monk to walk out of the Yu family's gate, and closed the corner door of the main entrance with a wave of his hand.

The few monks walking at the end of the Xinyu family heard the sound, turned around and saw the door of the Yu family closing behind them. The resentment in their hearts could not be suppressed, and it showed on their faces.

There are many children of the Yu family who also have the blood of the Xinyu family. Now that the Xinyu family is in trouble, the Yu family obviously has the ability to help, but not only does it not help, but it does so cruelly, it is too cold-blooded!

Several monks were full of resentment and glared at the Yu family for a few times before quickly following the family team.

The head of the Xinyu family also heard the sound of the Yu family's door closing. He was so angry that he had no choice but to endure it. The Xinyu family was on the verge of life and death. How to preserve the family was the top priority. There was no time to be idle.

This road of Yu's failed, so he could only implement the second plan.

The two heads of the Xinyu family led the family team straight to the direction of the governor's mansion in the inner city of Ningcheng.

It was another sunny day that day, with crisp autumn air and cloudless sky. It was almost the end of the day, and the inner city of Ningcheng was bustling with people. The streets and alleys were busy with traffic and pedestrians.

Because the guardian of the Everlasting Tree came to Ningcheng and brought justice to Ningjun, people from all walks of life in the city were in a good mood. Whether they were talking about business or chatting, everyone was smiling.

Whenever we talk about the guardian of the sacred tree, everyone looks excited, speaks respectfully, and speaks "fairy", full of respect and intimacy.

Whenever anyone mentions the Xinyu family in Kaiming Mansion, they all call her "harmful" and scold them.

The streets were full of polarized discussions. Xinyu's team didn't even dare to raise their heads and hurriedly walked through the streets and alleys towards the county governor's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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