magic eye doctor

Chapter 3105

After driving away the members of the Xinyu family, the head of the Yu family immediately sent a message to Lord Shang that the Xinyu family had come to Ningcheng, and also told Lord Shang about the brief meeting between him and the Xinyu family.

He communicated with Lord Shang, and then contacted the head of the Luo family, telling him the news that the head of the Xinyu family in Kaiming Mansion had led a family team.

It is said that if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle the inside. However, the head of the Yu family first fought against the outside world, and then dealt with the internal affairs of the family. He summoned the Xinyu family's daughter and the Yu family's children who were part of the Xinyu family's blood, and told the rich that the Yu family and the Xinyu family had broken up. It was decided to let them choose whether to advance with the Yu family or to live or die with the Xinyu family.

Although the children of the Yu family have some ancestry from the Xinyu family, they bear the surname of the Yu family and naturally choose to be the descendants of the Yu family.

The girl from the Xinyu family who married into the Yu family was a concubine herself. She married into the Yu family because she had spiritual roots and was also a Qi-refining monk. If the chicken follows the chicken, I would like to be Yu's son and daughter-in-law.

The head of the Yu family promulgated the family rules that separated the family from Xinyu, and strictly ordered anyone who violated the family rules to be a traitor and be punished according to the family rules, as a warning to the children of the Yu family.

After finishing his household chores, he didn't stay at home and took a shortcut to the Sheriff's Mansion.

The head of the Luo family, who entered the compound on the third day of the Sheriff's Mansion, received the news from the head of the Yu family, and then informed the heads of the various monk families present.

The monk families exchange news, and the monks from each family naturally know that the Xinyu family has come to Ningcheng.

The Mahayana monks of the monk families quietly released a ray of spiritual consciousness and stared at the square in front of the governor's house. About a quarter and a half after receiving the news, the Xinyu family's team arrived.

As soon as the Xinyu family arrived outside the square, the head of the Yu family also entered the third courtyard from the back door of the Sheriff's Mansion.

The season has entered August, and it is already the end of mid- to late-mid-autumn. Autumn is getting stronger in Ning County, and various crops are maturing one after another. People who make a living by planting are rushing on the road to harvest.

Ningcheng was also shrouded in the joy of the autumn harvest. Many of the carriages and horses traveling inside and outside the city were pulling crops or fruits picked from the fields, and some were traders transporting goods back and forth.

The square in front of the Sheriff's Mansion has also become a convenience area. Currently, only half of the space behind the statue of the Guardian of the Sacred Tree and in front of the Sheriff's Mansion is used for carriages and horses. The area in front of the icon is only a dozen feet wide in the middle. Both sides of the passage were covered with various crops that the people had just harvested.

The autumn harvest fruits that the surrounding people dry include rice, wheat, golden millet, millet, beans, etc., as well as peanuts, sesame, etc., as well as nuts, chestnuts, okra seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Some people cut radish, white melon, and pumpkin into strips and dried them in the sun. They also dried beans or vegetables, and some dried eggplants and peppers.

This is "sun-autumn".

The sun-dried items were spread out in colorful pieces, turning the square into a large floral cloth, filling the square with a lively atmosphere of life.

That is also the taste of life that Le Yun likes. Therefore, she sits in the main hall of the Sheriff's Mansion, and her consciousness often wanders around.

The people of Ningcheng love life.

Even if they live next to monks who can live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, under the pressure that ordinary people and monks are obviously two different worlds, they still do not lose their nature, maintain their simple heart, and transform the lives of ordinary people. Have a great time.

Le Yun's consciousness would occasionally stop on her jade statue, accompanying the people to enjoy the autumn weather and share their joy in the autumn harvest.

Sometimes her spiritual consciousness would stop on the eaves of the first courtyard of the Sheriff's Mansion to feel the admiration of the people for her.

When Xinyu's team arrived at the square, a ray of her consciousness was resting on a citron that was the first to enter the courtyard, watching the people coming and going.

The government officials set up a long wooden frame with wood and planks in a corner of the yard, spread it with coarse cloth, and asked the people to put the seasonal vegetables and fruits on the frame, leaving free baskets for them to take back.

Government servants and petty officials often see familiar faces when recording, and they can't help but scream: "Hey, hey, hey, I remember you just sent a basket of vegetables yesterday, why are you here again today?"

"Hey, you, you, and you, you just gave me a basket of pumpkins yesterday."

"...I remember that your hometown just sent a bag of golden millet two days ago. Why did you send something again today?"

"If you give it to me every day, will you have enough to eat at home? Keep the things at home first, otherwise the fairy will feel uneasy if she finds out."

The common people respected the fairies, and the petty officials and government servants were also honored. Sometimes they were worried that the common people would send all the good fruits and vegetables to the county governor's house, which would lead to insufficient food for their own family.

"Master Cha, yesterday was yesterday and today is today."

"There's enough to eat, and there's plenty."

"My family harvested golden millet a few days ago, and purple millet in the past two days. Today I will send some purple millet to the fairy for a taste."

"Master Cha, please don't worry about us. The fairy is here. Let's take a walk. We feel very happy."

The people happily put the things they brought on the shelves, or poured them into the cloth bags or wooden barrels placed by the county magistrate's house to hold rice grains, and left happily.

The Xinyu clan's team hurried to the square. Because they were all monks with good hearing, and the magistrate's mansion had not opened the magic circle, they also heard the lively chatter of the people in the magistrate's mansion.

Because they heard it so clearly, the two heads of the Xinyu family became increasingly uneasy.

With panic and uneasiness, the two heads of the Xinyu family led the team of monks from their families around to the southernmost end of the square, and walked along the wide path left by the people to enjoy the autumn sun before arriving in front of the statue of the guardian of the longevity tree.

The two heads of the Xinyu family were in front, and the monks behind them formed several columns, and then released the young people or children in the Ruyi House.

The children and young people were arranged from small to large, followed closely by the elders in front.

Several young monks lit sticks of incense and held them for the children and juniors.

The monks also each took a stick of incense in their hands and lit it again.When people around saw a family coming to offer incense to the statue of the guardian fairy of the Immortal Tree, people who were walking or doing work stopped and watched with smiles.

Everyone in the Xinyu family lit the incense in their hands, and when they raised it above their heads and prepared to bow down, all the incense went out at the same time.


"The incense has gone out!"

"The incense went out, the incense in their hands actually went out!"

The people watching were shocked.

Ever since the statue of the guardian of the sacred tree was erected in Ningcheng, every household in the city has worshiped the statue. There has never been a precedent for the incense to be extinguished when offering incense, but I didn't expect it to happen today.

In any sacrificial or blessing activities, if the incense goes out, it means that the person being sacrificed is angry and refuses to accept the incense.

Someone offers incense to the statue of the guardian of the sacred tree, and if the incense goes out, is it because the sacred tree does not accept the incense, or does the guardian fairy do not accept the incense?

At this moment, the people were all speculating on the reason why the incense went out, and they were all nervous.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Shang Mahayana also heard the noise in the square and immediately sent a message to the young master.

Shang Junjun wandered outside without conscious awareness, but he was always paying attention to the outside. When he heard the screams of the people in the square, he rushed out of the side hall and ran outside quickly.

The monks who were staring at the square with their spiritual consciousness were shocked when they saw the incense extinguished when Xinyu offered incense, and immediately informed their family master.

The heads of the monk family jumped into the air, flew diagonally to the empty path in front of the enclosures on both sides of the main hall, and ran towards the gate.

Mahayana monks from various families also followed.

When the head of the monk family flew into the courtyard, he also caught up with Lord Shang and Mahayana Shang, and flew out of the governor's mansion together.

Outside the mansion, people in the square knew that the incense sticks of the incense crowd were extinguished, and they all waited with fear for what would happen next.

When the members of the Xinyu family heard the sound of "porphyry", their hearts tightened. Before bowing down, they first looked at the incense in their hands. When they saw that the incense that was originally lit and burning brightly went out, they were so shocked that their hair stood on end.

Children and young people still don't quite understand what the extinguishing of incense means, and their expressions are blank.

The two heads of the Xinyu family had their hearts in their throats. They forced themselves not to shake their hands, and then used a hand trick to draw a wisp of flame to light the incense in their hands.

They held the incense above their heads and were about to pray when they heard another sound of "porphyry".

The incense in their hands went out again!

The face of the old head of the Xinyu family changed several times. He knelt down and bowed nine times in a row. He stood up tremblingly and lit incense again.

However, just as he raised his hand above his head, the incense went out again.

I lit the incense three times and it went out three times, and no smoke came out when it went out.

The head of the old Xinyu family not only shook his hands, but also his legs trembled. He knelt down again and knocked his head heavily on the ground. His forehead hit the ground with a loud "bang" sound.

He banged his head nine times and cried bitterly: "Fairy, the Xinyu family is wrong! The Xinyu family knows that they are wrong, so they come here to apologize and ask the fairy for forgiveness! Please forgive the fairy!"

The old head of the family looked panicked, and the head of the Xinyu family was even more panicked. Cold sweat broke out on his face. He also knelt down, bowed his head and kept shouting: "Please forgive me, please forgive me..."

The two heads of the family knelt down, and the monks of the Xinyu family also panicked and threw themselves on the ground.

The children and young people who followed behind them, whether they understood it or not, followed the same example and knelt down like the adults.

There were nearly 200 monks from the Xinyu family, plus young people who were not monks or had spiritual roots, and children, and they all knelt on the ground.

The monks knew that the person who offered incense was the Xinyu family, but the people in the square didn't know. When they heard the person who offered incense reported his origin, they were all stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, there were bursts of exclamations: "Are they the family from Kaiming Mansion?"

"They said it themselves, that's it, they are harmful!"

The sympathy in the hearts of the people disappeared in an instant, and everyone was so angry that they yelled: "Harmful people!"

"ungrateful dog thing!"

"Heartless and unjust, you beast!"

"God is watching what people do, and the sky has eyes. The harmful people will finally be punished!"

Knowing that the person who offered the incense was the family that had conspired with some people in the court to seduce the emperor and exploited the people of Ning County, the people were so angry that they cursed at the Xinyu family.

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