magic eye doctor

Chapter 3107

Chapter 3107
The background of a cultivating family is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even if the Xinyu family used part of their family wealth to flatter the royal family or other courtier families in order to obtain the position of county magistrate in Ning County, their net worth is still not too thin.

The remaining twenty or so members of the Xinyu family have become ordinary people. Without the monks, the Xinyu family has become a big fat piece of meat.

Lord Shang was grateful for the fairy's decision to handle the Xinyu family's property. Even if he was the county magistrate, it was not convenient for him to make the final decision on the Xinyu family's property.

After all, the Xinyu clan has not been truly exterminated. There are still more than twenty people alive and there are still in-laws. Those people should take over the property of the Xinyu clan.

The Xinyu family's in-laws include the Yu family in this county and several other monk families. In the past 5000 years, there have been frequent marriages with monk families in neighboring counties.

The relationship between the Yu family in this county and the Xinyu family, and the marriage relationship between the monks in the neighboring county and the Xinyu family are close. At this time, if those monk families step forward to take over the Xinyu family, others have no right to stop it.

Now the fairy has taken the initiative to confiscate the Xinyu family's property to Ning County's tax revenue, benefiting the entire Ning County and benefiting every family, which is the most just solution.

With the fairy in charge, not to mention the monk families in this county who are related to the Xinyu family will not have any objections. Even other monk families in neighboring counties will not dare to take a peek.

Several cultivating families present were also convinced after hearing the fairy's arrangements for the aftermath of the Xinyu clan.

After listening to the fairy's explanation, Lord Xinshang asked a question: "Fairy, Kaiming Mansion is more than 800 million miles away from Ningcheng. It takes a long time to go back and forth, and you may miss the alchemy period this time."

"Is there a lot of rice in Kaiming Mansion?"

"There are more highlands in Kaiming Prefecture, and there are slightly less paddy fields for growing grains. The yields of millet, wheat and millet are higher than those of surrounding prefectures. A county under Kaiming Prefecture is rich in a kind of black millet and black millet. It has always been a member of the Xin royal family. Designated royal tribute.”

"If it is rich in rice and grain, it will be easy to solve. Shang Junjun will write a few more warrants, and I will call one of my buddy's beast partners to come back and send people to Kaiming Mansion in a spirit boat to purchase rice grain."

Le Yun nodded, turned around and asked, "Can the Luo family and the Yu family spare a few monks to go to Kaiming Mansion to help buy rice?"

"Can you do it!"

The head of the Luo family, the head of the Yu family, responded repeatedly, quickly stepped out of the queue, and bowed.

The face of the head of the Luo family was full of smiles: "Fairy, there are many idle people in the Luo family. It is not a problem to find twenty or thirty monks. The Luo family and the Yu family are not enough, and there are other families."

The heads of other families nodded frequently. They had people to spare, so they could make as many arrangements as they wanted.

"Twenty people from the Luo family and the Yu family will go to help buy food." Le Yun smiled: "As a reward, you two can prepare a spiritual plant, and Brother Xuan will refine a furnace of elixirs for you.

After deciding what elixir to refine, there is basically no chance of regretting it after the Lingzhi is delivered to Brother Xuan'er. "

"Thank you, fairy!" The head of the Luo family, the head of the Yu family, was overjoyed and thanked her hurriedly. They had never thought of asking for any reward, but they didn't expect the fairy to agree to let Mr. Xuan Zhen help them refine a furnace of pills!

The surprise came too fast!

The two family heads, patronized by the goddess of luck, immediately decided to send messages to the Mahayana Lords of the family to discuss who would lead the manpower to Kaiming Mansion.

Seeing the envy in the eyes of other families, Le Yun threw out another bait: "The Xinyu family is a monk family with a large population and must have a lot of properties under their name. The manpower in the Kaiming government office is not enough. The family is willing to arrange some manpower to help the government deal with the aftermath. You can also ask Brother Xuan to refine a furnace of pills, or find another brother to refine a magical weapon."

"I'm waiting for it!"

Before the heads of each family expressed their opinions, the senior monks of each family had already shouted out.

Isn’t the aftermath just about collecting the corpses?
This life is simple.

Doing a job of collecting corpses can buy an opportunity for the family to make alchemy/weapon refining, which is not a good deal!

The opportunity must not be missed, the time will never come again. The monks were afraid that the opportunity would slip away, so they responded enthusiastically.

The monk family's response was as expected. Le Yun was very satisfied. She called over the basin containing the storage magic weapon, found a storage bag from it, took the things out and threw them on the ground.

Brother Xinyu's storage bag contains some daily necessities, including a change of clothes, shoes, accessories, etc., as well as headwear that many women like, and tools for mining spiritual plants and ores.

In addition, there are thousands of spirit beads, hundreds of jade, several boxes of ordinary ores and two small boxes of gems suitable for making headdresses.

After pouring out the contents of the bag, Leyun gave the empty storage bag to Shang Junjun: "This is used as a body bag. These corpses will be transported outside the city and burned. The same goes for Kaiming Mansion."

Lord Shangjun had no objection.

After the important matters were taken care of, Le Yun didn't care whether Lord Shang and the monks wanted to search for the souls of the Xinyu family members. She took the basin with some magic weapons in the sky and returned to the governor's mansion first.

Return to the main hall area and land on the colonnade at the entrance of the main hall. First, take out the communication talisman and call the Calabash Baby, so that the Calabash will notify Shui Tuan to return to the Sheriff's Mansion.

Every day, a group of friends bought a large amount of rice, and the mood was like a cloudless night. The Calabash Baby suddenly received a message from the little fairy. He heard that Shui Dun was going to go back and had another mission. The whole vine was no longer so happy that he couldn't find the north. Wake up from the state.

Shui Dun heard that the little fairy had another job for him, so he took a young steward from the Luo family as a guide and drove his spirit boat back to Ningcheng.

After contacting Calabash Baby, Leyun purified the items in the basin again, then took the basin into the main hall, and then counted the properties of a group of monks from the Xinyu clan.

The fairy returned to the governor's house. Lord Shang comforted the people, first collected some items on the ground, and then put the deceased members of the Xinyu family into storage bags, and then discussed with the monks to search for the souls of the Xinyu family. feasibility.

The family heads had no objection. Each of the rough family heads brought a Mahayana monk, and together with Lord Shang, they took the remaining 24 members of the Xinyu family to a side courtyard on the East Road.

Shang Junjun invited a Mahayana from the family to search for the soul of the old head of the Xinyu family. The Mahayana from the Yu family searched for the soul of the head of the Xinyu family. The Mahayana from other families captured a monk from the Xinyu family and used soul-searching techniques to check the memory.

The people from each family who went to help buy rice or collect corpses were notified by the family head or family elders, and those who were not at the county magistrate's house rushed to the county magistrate's house on their own.

People from each family arrived one after another and first stayed in the fourth courtyard of the Sheriff's Mansion to meditate.

Lord Shang and various families also searched the souls of the Xinyu clan very smoothly. The people of the Xinyu clan may have been affected by the thunder. In the past, the consciousness of people of the Mahayana level was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people.

The spiritual consciousness of the Mahayana Lord can easily enter the consciousness sea of ​​the Xinyu people and read people's memories.

People of the Xinyu family know different secrets due to their different identities. The memories of children and teenagers are not of much value, but the dozen or so monks are the core figures of the Xinyu family. They participate in family affairs and know a lot of things. few.

Whenever the Mahayana kings finished searching for souls, they would immediately lay out paper and record the things they had found one by one.It took the Shang family and the Yu family Mahayana about an hour to read the relevant memories of the two heads of the Xinyu family. They wrote down the more important things first and let the monks from each family study them first. They then used jade slips to record a copy. Detailed memory.

According to the statistics of the monks, the Xinyu family has done a lot of evil things. They have secretly communicated with other counties or courtier families who are also monks, and conspired with the monarch and the royal family to plot against Ningjun and the monks from various families in Ningjun, secretly eradicating them. Outstanding young monks from various families, etc.

As small as the younger generations of their family, they secretly tortured people who offended them to death for some trivial matters, and even exterminated the entire Manchu clan.

Mortals of the Xinyu family relied on the family to rob beautiful girls or young men from good families as slaves, and robbed other people's manors, real estate, farmland, etc. There were countless things.

The Xinyu family is a family of monks. Although they do a lot of evil in Kaiming Mansion, they do things secretly and secretly. The oppressed people have to endure it in order to survive, and those who are unwilling to endure it are exterminated.

The people do not complain and the officials ignore it.

Because the Xinyu family silenced those who tried to resist, no one sued the Xinyu family, and the image of the Xinyu family has always been upright and upright.

Lord Shang Jun was so angry that his veins jumped when he saw the compiled records. He immediately took the official seal and contacted the governor of Kaiming Mansion and cursed him bloody.

Kaiming Mansion is more than 800 million miles away from Ningcheng. Normally, communication with the government is extremely inconvenient.

In fact, communication with the government is very convenient - they have official seals!

Nowadays, the official seals of various counties and prefectures in Yunlan Continent are basically magic weapons left over from the period before and after the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, and can be used for communication.

Before the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, the official seals of the empire were all child-mother magic weapons. The imperial seal controlled the seals of all lords and commanders in the entire empire.

The official seal of the county government is also a son-mother magic weapon. The county's palm is the official seal of the mother weapon. The government seal below is a child seal. The communication range covers an area of ​​up to one billion miles.

In the initial period after the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, the function of the official seal remained the same as before. When the spiritual energy decreased sharply, the function of the official seal was also affected, and the communication distance became narrower and narrower.

Today, the official seals of each county are equivalent to a jade talisman worth thousands of miles.

Kaiming Mansion is more than 800 million miles away from Ningcheng, and is still within the official seal's communication range.

The residences, manors, villas, and shops of the Xinyu family were all struck by lightning. The Kaiming Mansion was informed, and the entire government office was dispatched. There were not enough manpower, and they were too busy to do anything.

At this moment, the government official received a summons from the Junjun. Before he could report on the Xinyu family, he was scolded by the Junjun and was blinded by the scolding.

It wasn't until the county prince scolded him and told him that the county would arrange for a team of monks to rush to Kaiming Mansion to handle the aftermath of the Xinyu family and ask the people in the government office to take care of the place, that Fu Zheng came back to his senses. He was almost stupid. .

How did the Junjun know that the Xinyu family was struck by lightning?
Then I learned that the Xinyu clan had offended God and was punished by thunder from heaven. The Xinyu clan was virtually wiped out and everyone else was numb.

After learning that the guardian of the sacred tree had confiscated all the property of the Xinyu family, the monk families in Ning County would send people to Kaiming Mansion to help with the aftermath, organize the monks' resources, and resurrect the mansion.

The guardian of the sacred tree took the initiative to pay the Xinyu family's property to Ning County's taxes. Now he no longer has to worry about others snooping on the Xinyu family's property.

His only responsibility is to take care of the Xinyu family's residence and manor first, and wait until the personnel arranged by the county monarch come to take over.

With the backbone, Fu Zheng's brain can function normally, and he quickly issued instructions, asking the government officials to announce the reason why the Xinyu family was struck by lightning, and to have people guard the Xinyu family residence and not allow people to enter privately.

He also sent people to the Xinyu family manor and shop to collect the dead of the Xinyu family, and ordered the long-term and short-term laborers in the manor to continue harvesting crops, while the people in the shop closed the shop first, and waited for the people from the county government to come to check the accounts.

People who worked in the Xinyu Manor and shops heard that the Xinyu family had offended God and been struck by lightning. The Xinyu family was a sinful person. They felt unlucky and wanted to stay away. How could they dare to covet the belongings of the Xinyu family members.

Lord Shang contacted the governor of Kaiming Mansion and asked the heads of various monk families for their opinions on how to deal with the remaining 24 people in Xinyu.

In the end, it was unanimously decided to imprison the people of the Xinyu family in the county prison, and then send them to do hard labor, dig in the county's mining field, or plant in the county's public fields.

After settling the whereabouts of the Xinyu clan, the heads of the monk family returned to the Fourth Hall compound.

Shang Junjun took the records compiled by each family to the west side hall of the main hall and handed them over to the officials to copy them and list the Xinyu family's crimes.

After collecting all the charges against the Xinyu family, they will make hundreds of rubbings and stamp them with the county government's seal. Some of them will be sent to Kaiming Mansion to be posted to the public. Some will also be posted in Ningcheng, and one copy will be sent to each government. .

After Lord Shang finished his official duties, he wrote twenty more warrants and gave them to the Mahayana elder who led the family to Kaiming Mansion.

There are only two Mahayana in the Shang family who are in charge of the governor's mansion, and now one of them has gone to Kaiming Mansion for official business, leaving only one Mahayana behind.

Next, wait for the contracted beast of the fairy friends to return to the Sheriff's Mansion.

That wait lasted until dusk.

The place Shuidun and his friends went to was far away from Ningcheng. Even with the spirit boat, it took them several hours to get back to Ningcheng.

Shui Dun was not a road-crazy person, but he was not very familiar with the location of Ningcheng County Sheriff's Mansion. Fortunately, a steward of the Luo family showed the way, and he found the place without much effort.

The spirit boat landed in the open space in front of the main hall.

The monks from each family who were preparing to go to Kaiming Mansion saw the spirit boat flying to the Sheriff's Mansion and followed the family master to the courtyard in front of the main palace as quickly as possible.

When the spirit boat descended, Le Yunchu walked out of the hall and stood in the corridor waiting for the little beast.

After parking the spirit boat, Shui Dun rushed out of the defensive formation and whirled to the side of the little fairy like a whirlwind. He reported happily: "Little fairy, my friends and I bought a lot of rice!"

The humanoid beast laughed so hard that his eyes were almost lost. Leyun floated a little higher and reached out to ravage his head: "Well, I know. There is a family of monks who did bad things and were struck by lightning. Their family is far away from here. You use Lingzhou to help send some people over to deal with the aftermath.

There is a lot of rice and grain there, so you can buy some grain by the way. The two Yuanying Zhenjun families who accompany you and your friends to buy grain will also send people to help buy grain. You can go shopping with any of their teams.

If you don't want to go to the streets without your friends, you can go to the family that was struck by lightning to help with the aftermath. "

"Understood!" Shui Dun's eyes were shining. Hey, he is familiar with the aftermath. Isn't it just collecting the corpse first, then touching the corpse, and then burning the corpse!
Le Yun rubbed the beast's head vigorously, then handed him a bag of spirit stones for the spirit boat to consume, gave him a storage container, and told him the direction and distance to go.

(End of this chapter)

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