magic eye doctor

Chapter 3108

The fairy was telling him how far the road was and what speed was the best to fly at. Shui Dun kept the fairy's instructions in mind while nodding his little head hurriedly.

After explaining some things about Shui Dun, Le Yun took out twenty storage bags and twenty spirit stones and gave them to the Yu family and the Luo family, so that they could divide into small groups to purchase food.

The Luo family and the Yu family took over the storage container and boarded the spiritual boat with their family members.

The members of other families also boarded the spirit boat under the leadership of the Mahayana Lord. The steward of the Luo family just got off the spirit boat and boarded the boat again. He was responsible for following the Spirit Beast Lord to help guide the way or settle accounts.

Shang Mahayana also floated into the spirit boat and went to meditate in the cabin with everyone.

Shui Dun put away the bag given by the little fairy, happily jumped on the spirit boat, took off on the transportation tool, turned his head in the air, and flew in the direction pointed by the little fairy.

The spirit boat boarded the sky and flew away. Le Yun withdrew her gaze, took out a wooden tea tray with a bunch of storage containers and stuffed it into Lord Shang's hand: "This is the storage container for those people from the Xinyu clan. This fairy has collected the spiritual plants they collected." Remove items such as ores and jade that can be used to refine weapons.

The remaining items are too messy, so you count them out and confiscate them together with the storage containers.

There are not enough manpower in the county government, and the monks from each family are righteous and should be willing to share the worries of Lord Shang. "

Lord Shang took the tea tray and was a little confused: "Fairy, these should belong to fairies!"

"This fairy is not short of these resources. Using these confiscated taxes to offset the taxes can somewhat soothe the hearts of the people of Ning County who have been wronged for many years."

"A fairy has upheld justice for Ningjun, and the Xinyu family has also acquitted themselves of their crimes. Ningjun has no more grievances." Lord Shang Qun held a tea tray and thanked the fairy for his kindness to the people on behalf of the people of Ningjun.

Le Yunxu helped Lord Shang up and told each family that if they had thought about and sorted out the materials for alchemy and weapon refining, they could send them to the entrance of the hall for her to review, and then turned around and walked into the hall.

The heads of the families sent the fairy into the main hall, and together with Lord Shang, they went to the courtyard of the fourth hall to inventory the items.

The family heads were naturally happy to be named by the fairy to share the worries of Lord Shang. The fairy asked them to participate in counting the resources of the Xinyu clan. Why didn't they trust them?

This trust is priceless.

The atrium of the fourth level hall is wide, and the monks only occupy a piece of land.

The monks heard that they were going to take stock of some of the Xinyu family's storage vessels, so they retreated to the corridor of the side hall to watch again.

Shang Junjun distributed several storage containers to each household owner, and took care of the remaining ones. He moved the items out and put them in the square to dry.

The owners of each house also moved the items from the storage containers and placed them in the square.

Hundreds of storage containers and bits and pieces of items sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, successfully occupying the courtyard square.

The items in the storage of the monks of the Xinyu family are diverse and dazzling.

The monks were also dazzled.

Lord Shang divided the work with the heads of the families, and each of them packed up different types of items. Each of them went around for more than a dozen times, sorting the items into neat categories.

Then divide the labor and statistics.

The monks from each family also allocated manpower to help register and calculate the prices.

Everyone worked together to sort out a lot of messy items before midnight, made a list, copied a dozen copies each, and gave several copies to Lord Shangjun.

The team of the Xinyu clan may have made two preparations before coming to Ningcheng. If the effect of the bitter meat show is not obvious, they are prepared to give up their practice resources to win people's hearts like bribing the royal guards, thus bringing a lot of practice resources with them.

The heads of the families who helped to count the items saw the resources their families needed and wrote them down. They then discussed with Lord Shang and expressed their willingness to exchange for them.

The fairy first asked the monk family to send people to help "resolve the aftermath", and then asked each family to "share the worries". Lord Shang also understood the fairy's good intentions - the fairy asked the monk family in Ningjun to participate in the entire process of handling the Xinyu family's property , that is, let each family bear witness, in case anyone in the future suspects that the Shang family and the county governor's family have misappropriated the rare treasures of the Xinyu family, and thus has different intentions.

In addition, another purpose of the fairy is to make the monk families in Ning County feel a sense of belonging to Ning County, so that the monk families are willing to share the honor and disgrace with Ning County.

All the fairy's starting points were for Ningjun. Lord Shang understood the fairy's good work and painstaking efforts, and naturally he tried his best to cooperate.

The monk family took a fancy to certain resources. As long as the items could be traded, he freely decided to trade them. Some resources were also needed by the county's garrison, half of which were traded and the other half kept for himself.

If each family likes the same resource, they can either divide it evenly or let them negotiate a settlement among themselves.

All transactions are carried out in front of everyone, there is no favoritism or secret operations, the accounts and pricing are also clear, and everyone is happy.

After completing the large transaction, Lord Shang returned to the west side hall of the main hall with the list and confiscated items, and redrawn the list of items to be returned to the warehouse. He did not return to the ear hall and meditated on the spot.

The people who witnessed the Xinyu family being struck by lightning in the square became the best propagandists, and thanks to their blessing, the news spread like wildfire.

Then, the county magistrate's office posted a notice announcing all the charges against the Xinyu family. In less than three days, everyone in Ningcheng knew about it.

The Xinyu family was also placed on the pillar of shame in Ning County, and was criticized by thousands of people and despised by thousands of people.While the streets of Ningcheng were spreading the news about the Xinyu family's crimes, the medicine furnaces guarded by Mr. Xuan were also getting hot enough to condense elixirs.

The little Loli has become the unsung hero who travels between the main hall and the alchemy field. She goes through wind and rain, never leaving behind the good deeds she has done, hiding her merit and fame.

Between condensing the elixir and resting, Le Yun spent forty days guarding the formation in the main hall of the governor's palace.

The last pot of elixir was also released on the night of No. 40 Nine Days.

After condensing the last batch of ointment that needed to be refined into elixir, Le Yun slipped over to Mr. Xuan who was cracking nuts, put out a chair, sat down, and kneaded the nuts from Mr. Xuan's snack bag.

I cracked a few nuts, took out a square table, and took out the boxes containing the elixirs and displayed them in rows.

There is a label on the box, indicating the name of the elixir.

Mr. Xuan's eyes widened: "Oh my god, there are so many pills?"

"The recipe and steps I came up with basically didn't waste any materials and made the best use of them. Of course, everything is perfect."

Le Yun put all the elixirs on the table, and then put aside the two storage containers containing some of the elixir boxes and bottles and a few storage containers.

Then he asked Master Xuan to transfer the things to Shang Junjun: "I have stayed for 49 days, and the Juyun Formation cannot be implemented yet. We have to stay in Ningcheng for a few more months. I will go out for a walk tomorrow, and you will not be here for another three or two days. Get out of seclusion so that no one will find out."

"What?" Mr. Xuan looked shocked: "There are still a few furnaces of elixirs that have not been refined. Are you going to run away?"

"Those furnace pills are the most common Bigu Pills and Yuanyuan Pills. They are left for you. You will be free after the pills are condensed."

Le Yun smiled innocently: "Mr. I sent a group of people to accompany Shui Dun to another house to buy food. I told them that you would help each of them refine a pot of pills as a reward.

There are other families who are also contributing. I told them that they can choose between alchemy or weapon refining. I don’t know how many families have asked you to make alchemy.

I believe you, the alchemist, will be warmly received when you show up. I wish you good luck! "

"Oh my God!" Mr. Xuan was so shocked that he jumped three feet high, staring at the little Loli with a pair of bull's eyes and an accusing look: "Little beauty, you don't have the ability to squeeze labor like this! Are you doing this kindly? ?”

"Is Ningjun's food delicious?"


"That's it, the food in Ningcheng is so delicious, it doesn't matter if you work hard and tired, right? If I run away, you can run away too. When handsome Yan comes back, he can make weapons and you can make elixirs."

"..." Mr. Xuan, who was entrusted with the important task, was speechless: "Can I say no?"

"Yes, but in the end, you, a master of alchemy, have to accept the invitation and willingly go into seclusion to make alchemy. After all, this job belongs to you."

"Look, this pot is round and big! But as professional scapegoats, we are people with professional ethics. We have to carry this big pot even if we bite the bullet. You should run away quickly, otherwise we will watch. I will want to pass the blame."

Mr. Xuan raised his eyelids, sat down again, hugged the bag helplessly, and continued to crack his own nuts.

"Okay, I'm going to go to another county. Don't worry if you and Xiao Guozi can't contact me."

"Understood, go ahead. If I see you recently, I might want to put a sack on you. If you run away, I won't have a chance to make a move. This way I can maintain my image as a humble gentleman."

Look what you've done to your child!Le Yun felt guilty for a second, so she made a decisive move and rushed back to the main hall, enjoying her beauty sleep.

The little Loli ran away. Master Xuan put the nut bag aside and happily counted the elixirs made by the Little Loli, the elixir bottles, and the storage containers.

The little beauty did not keep the elixirs she had refined, and planned to give them to Shang Junjun all at once. The elixir bottles and boxes and storage containers she had helped to refine were delivered to half first.

Mr. Xuan naturally understands what the little beauty means. The amount of elixirs exceeds the person's budget. It can be said that the level of the alchemist is high. If he also made a large number of storage containers and elixir bottles, it would not be reasonable and easy. Suspicious.

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble and retain strength, keeping a low profile is the right way to go.

The little beauty had hidden her merits and fame, but for him, Young Master Xuan sighed resignedly. When these boxes appeared on the table of the governor's house, it was impossible for him to keep a low profile in Ningcheng.

Little Loli Le didn't know that Mr. Xuan, who had a lot of dramas, was sad all night. She took a good night's sleep and woke up on time before dawn.

Get enough sleep and feel full of energy.

After tidying up, he placed a formation disk in the main hall, waited until dawn, put away his Arhat couch, and walked out of the main hall.

Lord Shang got up early as always, packed up and prepared to go to the courtyard to burn incense. Suddenly he saw the fairy walking out of the hall. He couldn't help being stunned, and then quickly ran to the steps in front of the corridor to say good morning to the fairy.

"The Luck Gathering Formation has been completed. It is not appropriate to formally set up the formation at the moment. I will go out to enjoy the autumn scenery and return to Ningcheng before the New Year at the latest." Seeing Lord Shang, Le Yun informed him.

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