magic eye doctor

Chapter 3109 "Alchemist" Mr. Xuan's sexy moves

Chapter 3109 "Alchemist" Mr. Xuan's sexy moves

The fairy wanted to go out to enjoy the autumn, so Shang Junjun naturally did not dare to dissuade him. He originally wanted to invite the fairy to go out after the Autumn Harvest Festival, but he thought about it and decided not to do so.

Shang Junjun hesitated to speak, it must not be an important matter. Le Yun didn't ask any more questions and left a bag containing spiritual stones and a storage bag for him to keep for safekeeping. Send them back when they are full, and give them empty bags.

If all the spirit stones are spent, Lord Shang will be asked to share the spirit stones she left with the people who help with errands, so as not to have to ask the county governor to help advance the spirit stones.

After arranging the trivial matters, Leyun stepped into the air, released the spirit boat at an altitude of thousands of feet, and flew to the southeast.

Seeing the fairy's spirit boat disappear from sight, Shang Junjun hurriedly went to the atrium to offer incense, finished reciting the blessing scriptures, and then entered the west side hall.

He waited until the officials in the county government went to work at midnight, told them that the fairy had left a storage bag and a spiritual stone, and placed the bag in the west side hall.

There are officials on duty in the East Wing Hall during the day. If he is away from the magistrate's house for something, the person who helped the fairy purchase small items will bring back a storage bag and ask them to bring it to the boss and others, and exchange the storage bag for an empty one or get a sum of spiritual stones. spare.

Everyone in the Sheriff's Mansion naturally took the matter to heart and felt a little regretful. After the 49-day period for the fairy to guard the formation, it was almost the Autumn Harvest Festival in September. The people in the city were looking forward to spending the festival with the fairy.

Now that the fairies have gone to enjoy the autumn, naturally we can't celebrate the Autumn Harvest Festival together.

The officials then looked forward with great anticipation to the fact that the True Monarch who was refining the elixir in the third courtyard could complete the elixir before the Autumn Harvest Festival and celebrate the Autumn Harvest Festival with them.

Mr. Xuan guarded the medicine stove. At nightfall on the third day after Little Loli left the magistrate's house, the Bigu Pills had reached their peak. He was forced to be the one chasing the ducks to put them on the shelf, and went to condense the pills. .

This was his first formal alchemy.

The test of condensation is spiritual consciousness.

Mr. Xuan's spiritual consciousness was relatively powerful, but he still seemed at a loss when condensing the elixir for the first time. It took him a long time to figure out how to use his spiritual consciousness to condense the ointment into pills.

The little loli condenses the elixir, and a furnace of ointment becomes the elixir at once.

Mr. Xuan, who wears the guise of an alchemist but is actually a rookie player, is doing that kind of work for the first time. He is inexperienced and can only divide out a small portion of the ointment to condense the elixir.

Only ten pills can be condensed at a time.

There is a saying that "one time makes you familiar, two times you are familiar with it, three times and four times you are called master". Mr. Xuan tried it several times, and became more and more proficient in the work of condensing pills, and the number of pills that could be condensed at one time was also increasing.

When the number of pills condensed at one time reached one hundred, it reached its limit.

My work efficiency is far from comparable to that of Little Lolita, but at least it is much faster than the one who can only condense ten or twenty pills at a time.

Mr. Xuan worked conscientiously and spent a whole night finally turning several batches of ointment into pills.

Eighty percent of his consciousness was consumed. After refining a batch of elixirs, he immediately meditated on the spot and rested for a day and night before he could barely recover.

He had just recovered his breath, and the last batch of Yuan Yang Pills should be condensed in the middle of the night.

Mr. Xuan accepted his fate and went to work, and he worked hard to condense the elixir.

The second time of condensing the elixir took longer. It took half a night and a whole day to condense all the ointment into an elixir.

After successfully completing the elixir condensation work, Mr. Xuan fell asleep.

As the last batch of ointment was refined into elixir, the last cloud of elixir dissipated quietly, and the fragrance of elixir lasted until midnight.

The monks who were practicing in the fourth courtyard witnessed the process of the alchemy cloud changing from thick to light. They practiced for another night. When they looked at the sky at dawn, the alchemy cloud was gone, and they knew that the alchemist had finished refining the alchemy.

The head of the monk family and the high-ranking true monarchs all ran to the west side hall of the main palace to make tea with Lord Shang and wait for the alchemist to come out of seclusion.

Mr. Xuan slept all night and for half a day, only to wake up naturally near noon.

After getting enough sleep, although his consciousness was only half restored, he was still in good spirits.

Feeling that his hands and feet were stronger, his waist was no longer sore, and his legs were no longer hurting, Mr.

Then count the pills you made.

The two kinds of elixirs he condensed were more than 1000 bigu elixirs and more than 7000 yuanyuan elixirs. Since the spiritual plants were ordinary spiritual plants, the grade of the elixirs was naturally not very high. They were all low-grade elixirs.

"Ah ha, I have become an alchemist!" Looking at the fruits of his labor, Mr.
The genius Young Master Xuan was full of energy, quickly covered the elixir box, put it into the storage bag, walked out of the magic circle with the results, and went to find the county guard.

As soon as he bypassed the Xi'er Hall, which was the second main hall, he was discovered by the government officials and immediately informed the county prince.

Lord Shang and the monks who were in the west side hall heard the sound and flew out of the hall together, like a whirlwind flying to the front of the young Nascent Soul Lord to greet him.

"Here comes the True Lord Laoxuan!"

"Xuan Zhenjun is tired!"

"Xuan Zhenjun, please come this way and move to the West Wing Hall to drink tea."

Lord Shang and Lord Bo were so grateful that they expressed their thanks.

"You are welcome, the little fairy sent me, I will do my best." Mr. Xuan returned the gift politely, and accepted the invitation of the county magistrate and everyone.

The monks and Shang Junjun accompanied the young alchemist Zhenjun along the mountain corridor to the front of the west side hall, and moved into the side hall to sit down.

Although there were many Mahayana Lords and Jiebian True Lords among the monks in front of him, Mr. Xuan remembered that he was the friend of the little lolita. In order not to lose the little lolita’s face, he bravely held the alchemist’s hand. Identity, pretending to be indifferent on the surface.

When he was invited to the first guest seat, he didn't hesitate and sat down calmly.

His airs were so good that Shang Junjun and the heads of the families didn't notice anything at all, and they politely received the young alchemy master with the same etiquette as an alchemist.

After the newly boiled water boiled, Lord Shang personally made a cup of tea for the alchemist to show his respect for the alchemist.

Mr. Xuan was polite, then generously took the tea and drank it.

The tea is spiritual tea, and it is also sponsored by the monk family.

Originally, the Sheriff's Mansion and the Shang family also had a certain amount of spiritual tea. However, due to the arrival of Prince Xin and his entourage, very little of the spiritual tea was consumed, and now it is inevitable that they are stretched thin.

The monks and officials from the county governor's office accompanied the alchemist to enjoy tea.

After tasting the spirit tea, Mr.

Pointing to the last two pill boxes: "These are the Bigu Pill and Yangyuan Pill that have just been refined in the past two days. Ben Zhenjun is too lazy to separate them into bottles. You can fill them when you have time." He gave Shang Jun two more pills. Two storage containers: "One is the elixir bottle and the alchemy box, and the other is the remaining materials after the alchemy box. I made a small storage container casually, and the county magistrate's office will use it as needed."

The monks looked shocked: "The true king or the weapon refiner?"

As long as he doesn't perform alchemy live, he will definitely not be afraid of pretending to be 13. His brows are filled with calmness and calmness: "A perfect alchemist not only knows how to make alchemy, but also needs to dabble in refining weapons. After all, an alchemist has his own personality." , I also have my own preferences for the elixir bottles and elixir furnaces that contain elixirs. It is better to find others to refine them yourself, and the ones you refine yourself are the best."

"Makes sense."

Everyone looked convinced, it made sense for the alchemist to become a friend of the fairy!

In order not to betray others, Mr. Not too high.

The spiritual plants provided by the Sheriff's Mansion are basically low-level spiritual plants. The number of high-level and mid-level spiritual plants is limited, and they cannot be made into a furnace of elixirs. I have helped you add several spiritual plants into it, and you can barely make up a furnace of high-grade pills. There are two furnaces of soul-replenishing pills, two of which are medium-grade soul-restoring pills and one furnace of detoxifying pills, and the rest are all low-grade pills.

This is the spiritual plant and quantity advanced by Ben Zhenjun. After checking the storage space in the governor's house, this will be converted into spiritual stones to offset part of the rice and grain money. "

"High-grade soul-replenishing pill?"

Not to mention Mr. Shang, even the Mahayana monks sat upright with excitement in their eyes.

Soul-replenishing pills are pills that repair spiritual consciousness. It is hard to find a single pill in Monk City. It is said that the success rate of soul-replenishing pills is very low. If a master of alchemy can get eight or nine pills from one pot of pills, it will be a great harvest.

There are more than a dozen monk cities in the Baiyu Mountains, and the highest-level soul-replenishing pills are only mid-grade. Even so, the monks flock to them.

Young Master Xuan summoned his hand to take the pill box containing the soul-repairing pills and handed it to Lord Shang: "This box is the top-grade soul-repairing pills. I only got one hundred and three pills in total."

"..." The eyes of the Mahayana monks stared like bells. What do you mean by "only one hundred and three pills in total"? !

Lord Shang's hand covering the box froze: "Your Excellency, Alchemist, if... each family can get together the spiritual plants, can you please refining the soul-replenishing pill in the furnace?"

Mr. Xuan jumped up and said, "Don't, don't, don't ask Benzhenjun to make elixirs again. Benzhenjun has been locked up for so many days. Look, his originally fair face has been blackened, and he is so tired." I also lost dozens of hairs.

The work of refining alchemy is not done by humans. This is also because it was the little fairy who asked Ben Zhenjun to help refining the elixir. Someone else came to Ben Zhenjun. Ben Zhenjun would never admit that he was an alchemist.

You guys chat slowly, Benzhenjun is looking for some friends to play with! "

If you don't leave now, when will you stay?

With an excuse to run away, Mr. Xuan ran wildly, turned into a ray of light, and rushed out of the hall, jumped up into the sky a few times, and ran away.

"Alchemist Alchemist..."

Lord Shang and the monks chased after him until they reached the corridor, only to see the back of the alchemist jumping into the air and escaping, and they couldn't help but be stunned.

How much does this alchemist dislike refining alchemy? !

The alchemist was scared away, what should I do?
Everyone looks at me and I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes.

Lord Shang was still holding the box of soul-repairing pills in his hand. Knowing that he could not keep the alchemist, he did not rush to chase him. He sighed and called the monks to enter the hall.

Everyone entered the hall and took their seats. The high-level monks stared directly at the soul-repairing pill in Lord Shang's hand.

Lord Shang also knew that this elixir was hot, so he thought about it and found the best of both worlds: "Why don't we all work together to get a batch of soul-repairing elixir spiritual plants, and if we can ask the alchemist to refine a batch of elixirs, this box of elixirs will The county governor's office will keep it for future use. If the alchemy master is not willing to practice any more, then the county monarch will take the initiative and take out half of this box and divide it evenly among the families. Do you think it's feasible?"

"Okay!" All the family heads and high-level true monarchs were relieved. The spiritual plant for refining the soul-repairing pill came from the county governor's mansion, and the pill belonged to the county governor's mansion. No one had the right to comment.

The Junjun knew the importance of high-level soul-repairing pills to the monk family. He made the biggest concession by offering half of it for the monk family to purchase. They could not push further.

After agreeing on the distribution of soul-replenishing pills in a few words, Lord Shang put away the pill box first, and then checked with everyone how many pills there were.

When the pills were carefully counted, everyone was shocked.

The pills made by the alchemist are not only of various types but also in large quantities. The middle-grade pills have more than a hundred pills each, and the lowest-grade pills have a thousand pills, usually around [-] pills.

Bigu Pill, Yuan Yang Pill, Blood Replenishing Qi Pill, Foundation Building Pill, Marrow Cleansing Pill, Bleeding Pill, etc. are the most common pills and most commonly used by low-level monks, and the number of each pill exceeds tens of thousands.

"This, this must be the master of alchemy! The rate of elixir success may have reached [-]%!" Lord Shang was so excited that he almost shed tears. He had taken care of the spiritual plants, so he naturally knew the number of spiritual plants.

With just a few spiritual plants, it would be impossible to refine so many elixirs even if one or two furnaces were wasted.

The head of the Yu family and others took a breath, adjusted their clothes, first congratulated Lord Shang on the elixir, and then said goodbye to Lord Shang.

Shang Junjun also didn't stay as a guest.

The monks from the monk family rushed back to the family as quickly as possible, and immediately mobilized all members to inspect their respective collections and collect spiritual plants for refining soul-repairing pills.

Mr. Xuan, who made an excuse to escape, jumped high into the sky, took out his spirit boat and flew out of Ningcheng before contacting his friend. Knowing where he was, he went straight to his goal.

He found the team in front of midnight, successfully reunited with his friends, and started a journey of sweeping food.

And little Loli, who left Ningcheng a few days earlier than him, had already arrived in Anjun, Ningjun's neighbor.

Le Xiaololi took the spirit boat across Ning County and entered the territory of An County, which is adjacent to Ning County. She went to the uninhabited mountains and plains to collect a large number of plants and seeds, and then went to An City, the county seat of An County.

She stopped once tens of thousands of miles away from An City, cast an illusion spell on herself, wore props engraved with illusion spells, and dressed herself up as a handsome young man.

Her disguise was very successful, and she could pass it off as real. As long as she didn't meet a monk with spiritual eyes or a creature born with illusory eyes, no one could see through the illusion disguise.

Le Yun, who dressed up as a handsome young man, changed into a spiritual boat that could travel thousands of miles, and flew into Anjun City in a swaggering manner.

Anjun and Ningjun, the first two words together mean "An Ning". The other two counties adjacent to Ningjun and Ningjun are called "Pingjun" and "Jingjun" respectively. The four counties together mean "Peace and Tranquility". .

The four counties of Ping'an and Ting'an are also the richest rice and grain towns in the west of Xinhe Kingdom.

The young man Le Yun who was driving the spirit boat flew straight to the county governor's mansion before landing. He collected the spirit boat and walked towards the county governor's mansion with his head held high.

The governor of Anjun County has received the report of the monk driving the spiritual boat into the city. He was wondering why the monk driving the spiritual boat came to Anjun. He never thought that the spiritual boat came to the county governor's house in a blink of an eye. He and the ministers were in front of the main hall. Welcome.

When the young monk who came on the spiritual boat entered the ceremony gate and came closer in a blink of an eye, everyone's eyes lit up. The young monk had white robes and black hair, a magic weapon and a jade crown, and an eyebrow-length smear on his forehead. Like a spot of paint, with jade face and red lips, handsome and elegant.

The young monk is wearing magic cloud-chasing boots, and in his hand is a magic fan that is also made of white jade and has a landscape painting pattern. When he walks, he looks like a jade tree facing the wind, just like the spring breeze and the bright moon coming towards people.

(End of this chapter)

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