magic eye doctor

Chapter 3110 Fans want to take a ride

The Lord of Anjun, whose surname is Yu, sounds zé, was born in the Yu family, an aristocratic family in Anjun. He is a cultivator who is thousands of years old, but he still looks like he has just entered his forties.

Most of the monks have beautiful postures, and Jun Jun is no exception. He has starry eyes and sharp eyebrows, and wears a scribe's hat, adding a bookish air to his heroic demeanor.

His eyes were clear and lively, and when he saw the young monk floating towards him, he couldn't help but praise: "What a handsome young man, he is as good as jade in the world of strangers, and he is unparalleled in the world!"

Generally speaking, the young monk's appearance is not the kind of beauty that would captivate a country, but he is as if he is clothed in the bright moon and sunshine, exuding a gentle aura like the earth, bright, majestic, and noble.

The beauty of a young man does not lie in his appearance, but in his extraordinary temperament and his aura of broadness and harmony that embraces all rivers and the sky is vast.

"Excellent!" Le Yun made a monk's salute and said politely: "Jun Lao Gen and everyone are kind to you. I am here for a private matter, and Jun Lao Ge issued a grain purchase order to allow me to stay in An Each county government purchases rice and grain."

Everyone in the Sheriff's Mansion returned the gift.

Jun Jun invited the young monk to go to the main hall and asked with a smile: "I need a warrant from the county, which means that the rice grain purchased exceeds one billion catties. I wonder how much rice grain you need?"

"The more, the merrier." Le Yun raised her eyebrows and smiled: "To be honest, if the three counties of Ping'an and Jing'an can sell all the stored grain and this year's autumn grain to Lord Benzhen, I would be very eager for it."

While they were talking, everyone floated up the steps and onto the verandah outside the gate.

Lord Geng made a gesture to invite the guests in, and asked again: "The four neighboring counties of Ping'an and Jing'an are famous granaries of the west. Why did you leave out Ning County alone?"

"Originally, my elders and I planned to buy grain in Ning County due to transportation problems. Now no one else can get the rice and grain in Ning County. If my elders and I could have a hand in it, we would not buy grain from Ning County at this time. Come to Anjun to buy grain."

"Does Ning County have no grain to sell?" The officials in the county governor's office were very puzzled. It was the autumn harvest now, and Ning County had not heard any rumors of a bad harvest this year. Why did such a large Ning County have no grain to sell.

Then, Jun Jun seemed to have some realization: "Could it be that Prince Xinhe arrived at Ning Jun during his western tour?"


Le Yun answered with a smile, followed the guidance of everyone in the Sheriff's Mansion, entered the main hall and sat down in the guest seat.

"Prince Xin visited Ning County on his westward tour. Even if he collects tax rations or some military rations, he won't be able to levy all Ning County's stored grains."

The officials invited the young Nascent Soul Master to sit down, and a junior official took out a pot of hot water to make tea from a fresh storage container.

"Prince Xin proposed that Ningjun should pay [-]% of the autumn grain as tribute, and also requisition next year's spring and autumn grain, but he and Lord Xin no longer have the chance to enjoy Ningjun's tribute."

"Our four counties are known as granaries. According to the law, the empire collects [-]% of the taxed grain, and the local government collects half of the tax. The people pay [-]% of the annual harvest as taxed grain. Prince Xin actually asked Ning County to pay [-]% of the autumn grain. ? He dares to secretly increase taxes by [-]%, is he crazy?"

Before the others could react, Jun Jun caught the key point. He was so shocked that he almost slammed the table. Are you kidding? He asked people to hand over [-]% of their autumn grain. Was this to force the people to rebel?
Le Yun pretended to be surprised: "Hey, the law of the empire is to take [-]% of the national tax grain? Why is Ning County's grain tax [-]%? Is the Xin family still preferring one to another?"

"Xin Heguo's national law stipulates that each county's grain tax is [-]%. If there is a war in the country, military rations may be increased and the grain tax will be increased by [-]% to [-]%."

Jun Jun explained the tax laws in a deep voice and sincerely asked for advice: "May I ask your Excellency, Prince Xin asked for [-]% of the tax. Will Ning Jun Zheng agree to it? Is Shang Jun Zheng okay?"

"Shang Junjun is very good, but Prince Xin is not so good."

Jun Jun was so shocked that he almost jumped up: "Shang Junjun won't... do anything to Prince Xin, right?"

"Shang Junjun didn't do anything to Prince Xin, but someone else beheaded Prince Xin and Princess Xin who accompanied Prince Xin on his western tour."

The young monk kept swearing without saying anything shocking, and the officials in the An County Sheriff's Mansion were so shocked that they seemed to have springs under their buttocks, and they bounced up.

Lord Geng also slapped the table and stood up, shouting: "It's over, it's over! Prince Xin died in Ning County. Shang Jun's crotch fell out of yellow mud this time. It's either shit or shit. His life is over!"

Le Yun looked at Lord Genu, who seemed to be really worried about Lord Shang? !

"Does Jun Jun think that the one who killed Prince Xin will let Jun Jun Shang take the blame?"

"..." Jun Jun sighed and sat down a little weakly. His tone could not hide his worry: "You don't know something. The prosperity of the four counties of Ping An and Tranquility has long attracted the dissatisfaction of many relatives of the emperor. It's just that they have no chance. Dealing with the four counties, now that Prince Xin died in Ning County, how could the people in the imperial city not take the opportunity to get angry? Even if that person would not let Shang Jun take the blame, those people would still blame Shang Jun. So we took the opportunity to attack Shang Jun."

"You don't have to worry, Lord Geng. The Hunjun of the Xin family and some of his courtiers are now in a difficult situation and have no chance to embarrass Ning County."

"How do you say this?" Junjun Yu was refreshed.

"Mr. Geng, does he know who was the one who chopped off the head of Prince Xin, Princess Xin?"

"I can't guess. It must be the powerful true king of a large immortal sect. May I ask which high-level true king of the immortal sect did it?"

"It's not the Immortal Sect. That person's name is like thunder. After all, her immortal statue still stands in the square in front of the An County Sheriff's Mansion."

"?" Jun Jun jumped up again, his eyes as wide as bull's eyes, and his voice as urgent as thunder: "Is... the guardian of the Immortal Tree beheaded Prince Xin? The guardian of the sacred tree came to Ningjun?!"

The officials also stood up, all showing expressions of disbelief.

"Yes, he is the guardian of the sacred tree." Le Yun also stood up, pretended to bow to the outside, and then sat down: "This matter is a long story. If you want to know the story, I will allow this true gentleman to tell you slowly. listen."

"It's work!"

Lord Geng and all the officials followed Shan into the stream and sat down to listen.

Le Yun took the teacup and drank a sip of tea to moisten it before telling the story softly.

The young man's voice was gentle and clear, and he talked about the time when the guardian of the sacred tree concealed his whereabouts and went into Ningcheng to get food, and got angry and killed Princess Xin Shu for the people of Ning County. He also talked about how he later heard that Prince Xin was ordered to demand [-]% of the food tribute from Ningcheng. Prince Xin was angrily killed because of the incident. He was neither anxious nor slow, and his voice was measured and steady.

The audience was fascinated, sometimes filled with anger, sometimes furious, and sometimes applauding.

After the young monk finished telling the story of the guardian of the sacred tree who killed the prince and princess of the Xin family in anger to uphold justice for Ning County, the whole hall was silent.

After a while, there were bursts of envy.

"The people of Ningcheng are so lucky to be able to admire the treasure of the guardian of the sacred tree!"

"Shang Junjun is actually protected by the guardian of the sacred tree. It is a blessing in time!"

"The guardian fairy of the sacred tree actually sits in Ning County to help Ning County. Ning County is so happy!" If you ask the officials of the An County Sheriff's Mansion how they feel now, they will not only be envious but also envious.

Seeing that a group of people had forgotten their business, Young Master Leyun had no choice but to urge: "Your Excellency Chu Wei now knows the reason why Ning County's grain is not sold to outsiders. I need Lord Genu to write a warrant. I'm in a hurry to buy grain."

"Let's write it now." Geng Junjun also remembered the business, agreed, and took out paper and pen to write a handwritten letter.

He wrote the warrant as fast as flowing water, stamped a few big seals, made a register, drew a picture of the young monk, and recorded the warrant and the boy's record with a photo stone.

After completing the procedure, Lord Geng handed the order to the young monk.

Leyun took it and took a look, oh haha
, Good guy, the Lord of An County is so generous that he also issued an unlimited warrant of the highest level.

The warrant is not issued for free, there is a tax to be paid.

The amount of tax depends on the level of the warrant. For a warrant with unlimited grain transactions, you need to pay 30 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones, which is equivalent to 3000 million low-grade spiritual stones.

If the warrant limits the purchase amount to within 900 to 19 billion jins, the top-grade spiritual stones paid will be between [-] and [-] yuan.

Due to the different population in each county, the amount of taxes paid is also different. Generally, it is about 1000 million to 2000 million low-grade spiritual stones.

The "handling fee" collected from an unlimited grain purchase warrant can be used to offset a county's taxes for one and a half or two years. This shows that the warrant is worth a lot of money.

But unlimited warrants cannot be issued casually. Many counties have never issued such warrants in their lives. After all, if the warrant is issued, the person who gets the warrant will buy up all the remaining grain in the county. At this time, if the country needs a sudden war, When raising food, there is no food left in the county, so we have to finish it all.

With the unlimited grain purchase warrant, Le Yun was naturally happy and put 30 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones in a small storage bag and handed it to the county guard for inspection.

Business being done, Lord Genu took the storage bag, transferred the spirit stones to the silver bag in the governor's house, returned the small storage bag, thought for a while and asked more: "Your Excellency should be from a famous Immortal Sect. , there should be no shortage of spiritual rice, why do we still need to buy so much rice?"

"Originally, I was entrusted by someone to purchase some grain reserves. A few hundred million kilograms is enough. Knowing that the guardians of the sacred tree were also buying grain, my elders and I bought more and then resold some to The guardian of the sacred tree and her friends.”

Le Yun had already prepared a reason, and it was quite natural. She was the guardian of the sacred tree, so there was nothing wrong with her reason.

Lord Geng was stunned: "After purchasing grain in Anjun, do you still need to return to Ningcheng? Can you make it in time?"

"Of course I can make it in time. The friend of the guardian of Shencun sent people to Xinhe Imperial City. He is expected to return to Ningcheng before the Chinese New Year at the earliest. If it takes a slower time, he may not be able to return until after the New Year. I have no idea why I rushed back to Ningcheng before the Chinese New Year. question."

"That's right." Jun Jun thought for a while and discussed sincerely: "Your Excellency, the guardian of the sacred tree appears in Ning Jun. To us, it is equivalent to being right in front of us. I don't know how good it is. Now that I know, no. If you go to pay homage to a fairy once, you will be in awe for the rest of your life.

I want to go to Ning County to meet the fairy on behalf of the people of An County. If I fly by myself, I will not be able to reach Ningcheng before the New Year even if I try my best. Can you be accommodating and give me a lift when you return to Ningcheng? "

The eyes of the officials brightened, then dimmed again. They also wanted to pay homage to the fairy, but their cultivation was weak. If they all followed the commander to Ningcheng, who would handle the official affairs of the governor's mansion.

"?" A question popped up in Le Yun's mind. Oh, my fans want to take a ride, how about a ride?Not loaded?It's so embarrassing.

"An County is far away from Ning County. If you take a spiritual boat to go there, you will have to fly on your own on the way back."

"It's not a big deal. Come back, it's just a small thing to spend ten or twenty years."

"The Lord wants to visit the guardian of the sacred tree. I am not qualified to dissuade him. I plan to go all the way from An County to Ping County, and then take a detour to pick up the Lord when I return."

Le Yun did not hesitate much, agreed to give someone a ride, and stood up: "Ben Zhenjun is expected to return around November, please Jun Jun not to travel far after October to avoid missing it."

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Jun Jun's heart was agitated and he stood up to see him off.

Le Yun only asked people to deliver it to the main palace gate, but no one sent her there. She flew out of the county governor's house and rushed into the streets of the county city to sweep up rice and grain.

After the young monk left, all the officials in the governor's mansion were extremely excited. They congratulated the governor one after another, and each one of them passionately suggested bringing some earthen rituals as a gift to the guardian of the sacred tree.

Jun Jun was in a great mood and quickly contacted his family, asking the family to arrange manpower to purchase some rice and grain, and asked the elders to send a few people to accompany him to Ningcheng.

He also contacted the big cultivating families in Anjun, told them the news that the guardian of the sacred tree was in Ningcheng, and asked them if they wanted to go to Ningcheng to meet the fairy.

The cultivating family was surprised to hear that the new guardian of the Immortal Tree arrived in Ning County. They were surprised and happy. They heard that Jun Jun was going to Ningcheng, and there was no one who would not want to go with him.

After contacting Jun Jun, the cultivating family also became busy.

Leyun swept goods in Ancheng as quickly as possible. After wandering around for seven or eight days, she bought a large amount of rice and grain, and then headed to other cities.

I went to several cities one after another to clean up the goods, and then when I went to a city to clean up goods, I found that someone had arrived first. I guessed that it might be the work of Jun Jun's family or the monk family of Anjun.

She gave up the city and instead entered Pingjun as planned. The governor of Pingping County issued a warrant and swept away the grain supplies in Pingjun Zhicheng and several surrounding cities, and then drove the spirit boat straight to the imperial city of Xin Heguo.

Little Loli was still one day away from Xinhe Imperial City. After flying in the air for two months and 23 days, Young Master Yan and his party finally arrived at their destination.

Along the way, Yuan Da and Big Er Xiong Xiong Shan drove the spirit boats alternately, traveling day and night.

The spirit boat sailed at full speed, and the two Mahayana beasts were very tired.

It was already dusk when they arrived at their destination. The long-eared bear who acted as the pilot parked the spirit boat among the wild mountains about [-] miles away from the imperial city.

The guardians of the royal family were worried and scared all the way. When the imperial city was close at hand, they had no intention of returning, only worries. Returning to the imperial city also meant that they were not going to die soon!

No matter how much you resist reality, what should come will always come.

The royal guards left one person behind, and the others entered a wishful house first.

The royal Mahayana True Monarch and Huang Naijian, who had not entered the Ruyi House, put on the curtains that concealed their spiritual consciousness, took the Ruyi House, walked out of the spirit boat, and flew towards the imperial city by flying close to the ground.

Xinhe Imperial City stretches for more than [-] miles. In addition to planting fields, the valleys and plains outside the imperial city also have hundreds of cities, large and small.

The landowner where Yan Shao and others stopped their spirit boat was still more than 150 miles away from Xinhe Imperial City, and less than [-] miles away from the nearest city.

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