magic eye doctor

Chapter 3111

Chapter 3111
Xinhe Imperial City is divided into three layers of outer, middle and inner city walls. The imperial palace is located in the center of the inner city, and the city gate opens at Youguan every day.

Royal Mahayana and Huang Naijian hurriedly entered the city after the outer city gate was closed. When they hurried to the middle city, the city gate was already closed, and they opened the city gate with their badges.

Because of their special waist cards, the two of them opened the gates of the middle city and the inner city one after another, and then opened the palace gate. They entered the inner courtyard of the palace and went straight to the emperor's bedroom.

Lord Xin went to court every three days to listen to the court officials' memorials. When he was not in court, he got up at noon every day to go to the director's hall to handle government affairs. He usually stayed for an hour. In special circumstances, it might take up to two hours to read the memorial. Book.

After handling the government affairs, he spent the rest of the time practicing, and then visited the harem at night to visit his concubines.

In recent months, state affairs have not been busy. Lord Xin has a lot of time to practice every day. In the evening, he went to the harem to have a meal with his beloved concubine. He was also preparing to rest in the harem. He received a message from the personal eunuch Huang saying that he had returned to the palace and had an urgent report. He left his beloved concubine and returned to the palace.

Huang Naijian and the royal family rushed to the monarch's palace, entered the main gate and the ceremonial gate, and went straight to the main hall of the main palace. They took off their curtains and hats outside the door, saluted, and after getting permission, they walked into the room where the formation protection was turned on. Main hall.

Hearing that there was something important, Lord Xin dismissed all the people waiting in the palace and opened a defensive array that could isolate spiritual consciousness and prying eyes to ensure that the conversation was not leaked.

When he saw the royal Mahayana elder entering the palace together with Huang Naijian, he was not too surprised. Then he saw the royal Mahayana elder taking out a Ruyi House and releasing all the royal guards, and his face could not help but darken.

When the eunuchs were saluting, King Xin immediately asked: "All the royal family elders have returned to the imperial capital. Who will protect the prince and princess Shu?"

As soon as the royal family stood in formation, they did not receive any attention from the monarch. Instead, they were questioned all over the face, and a cold feeling came into their hearts. It was pitiful that in order to make their own lineage prosperous, they ignored the laws of their ancestors and did many things they knew they couldn't do. for it.

It was in vain that they had worked so hard to protect the inheritance of their own lineage, but in the eyes of this junior monarch, they were just the guardians of his children!

It was probably after they received a slap in the face in Ningcheng that the self-deceiving Mahayana people of the Xin family realized the subtlety of the monarch's attitude at this moment, and finally sobered up.

At the same time, my heart suddenly became cold.

The frustrated Xin family members ignored the monarch and walked directly to a row of armchairs on the west side and took their seats without saying a word.

The Mahayana elders of the royal family who were once kind to him and responsive to his requests actually ignored him. Lord Xin could not help but be slightly stunned, wondering if the royal elders were so tired from traveling for a long time that they were not clear-headed and slow to react, and did not hear his words.

He looked at the slave who had been following him for many years, and saw that the eunuch Huang who had just stood up after kneeling down was actually a lot thinner than when he left. The clothes he wore on him looked empty, his face was haggard, and his face was sad. , clearly looking like he had suffered a major blow.

There are tens of thousands of servants in the palace. As a king, he has many loyal servants, but only the loyal servant Huang Naijian will never betray.

Huang Naiyuan has been with him for more than 1000 years. No matter what happened in the past, Huang Naiyuan could calmly treat it. He had never looked so lifeless.

At this time, Xin Guojun also guessed that the prince must have encountered something big, or very serious, during his western tour. When he thought about the temperament of his beloved princess, his heart became heavy.

He was worried and asked hurriedly: "Old slave, are you doing this with a sad face? Are Princess Shu and the Crown Prince in trouble? Did you offend a major immortal sect passing through the Xinhe Empire, or offended a certain orc empire? His direct bloodline?"

Huang, who had just stood up after saluting, was about to report the death of Princess Shu. When he heard that the monarch had guessed some of the truth, he knelt down again and cried loudly: "My good majesty, Princess Shu and the princess are dead." He caused a huge disaster..."

The inner prisoner burst into tears, and Lord Xin jumped up from his throne in shock, his face changed drastically: "Old servant, tell me quickly, what trouble did Princess Shu and the Crown Prince cause? Where are they?"

"Your Majesty, Princess Shu and the Crown Prince are here." Huang Naijian swallowed his cry, took out the Ruyi Room, and moved the already dead Prince Xin and Princess Shu out of the Ruyi Room and placed them on the floor in the palace.

The royal family cleaned up the prince's body and removed the blood stains, but they did not sew up the body. When it was placed on the ground, the body was still with its head missing and its eyes glaring.

Princess Xin Shu still maintains her miserable appearance with messy hair and bloody body.

The Xin brothers and sisters died with their eyes open.

Xin Hunjun saw his precious princess at a glance and became furious: "Who, who harmed Gu's princess? Tell me quickly, who harmed Xin He's lucky star?! Dare to kill Gu's princess, Xin He Empire and He swears no conflict!"

The monarch's violent appearance made the Xin family's Mahayana couldn't help but recall the behavior of Prince Xin when they were in Ningcheng. They couldn't help but be disappointed. How blind they were before never realized that the monarch and the prince were clearly a tyrant.

"Your Majesty, be careful what you say! Your Majesty, be careful what you say!" Huang Eunuch crawled to the steps under the throne and urged with a pale face: "Your Majesty, the one who killed Princess Shu and the Crown Prince is Wan Wan You can’t scold me!”

"Gu Gui is the leader of the empire. Even if he is a large-scale immortal sect or the leader of an orc empire, he still has to give face. He killed Gu's princess and prince, and he clearly didn't take the Xinhe Empire seriously. Gu Gu can't scold him? He Does it have three heads and six arms, or is it a god descending to earth?”

Xin Guojun's eyes were as fierce as if he wanted to eat people, and he wished he could order thousands of troops to kill the person who killed his daughter thousands of times to satisfy the hatred in his heart.Xin Shu has a noble destiny and is most likely to be promoted to an immortal. This is the hope for him and the Xinhe Empire!

During a tour to the west, his precious daughter died outside. That man killed Xin Shu, which effectively cut off the Xinhe Empire's path to becoming a super empire and cut off his ambitions.

His dream was cut short, and Xin Guojun was arrogant and murderous.

"Your Majesty, that one is even worse than a god descending to earth!" Huang Naijian judged from the monarch's aura that the country was on the verge of going berserk, and hurriedly explained: "The person who killed Princess Shu and the prince was none other than the newly born The new guardian of the Everlasting Tree!”

"What did you say?" Xin Guojun, who was in a frenzy, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face changed drastically, and his breathing was disordered: "Who killed Xin Shu? Who...who?"

"Your Majesty, it's the new guardian of the eternal tree! It's the new guardian of the eternal tree who killed Princess Shu." Huang Naijian replied with a trembling voice: "The new guardian of the eternal tree came to Ningjun City, and it was the guardian of the sacred tree who killed Princess Shu. The princess and the prince.

It was precisely because it was the guardian of the sacred tree who ordered the killing of Princess Shu and the prince that the old slave and the Mahayana princes of the royal family were unable to save the young master. "

"..." There was a loud "buzzing" in Xin Guojun's head, and he couldn't stand up. He staggered back a few steps and held on to the armrest of the throne chair with one hand to steady himself.

Huang Naijian flew up to Danbi, supported the monarch, helped him into the throne, and expressed concern with a trembling heart: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Princess Shu and the prince have passed away. You regard your body as the most important thing. FD……"

Xin Guojun's legs were so weak that he almost couldn't stand when he was helped to move. When he was helped to sit down, his legs could not calm down and kept shaking.

His pupils trembled with fear, and the words squeezed out of his throat also had a trembling tone: "God...the guardian of the sacred tree...why did he kill Xin Shu?"

"Your Majesty, this is a long story, let me report it to you." Huang Naiyuan helped the monarch to sit down, then stood in front of the throne and talked about Ningcheng.

He did not hide it. Princess Shu deliberately caused trouble and killed the maid who delivered fruit to Ning in the county governor's mansion. She also ordered the royal guards to destroy the courtyard guarding formation in the county governor's mansion in order to deliberately provoke Shang Miaoyin and Lord Shang.

Princess Shu deliberately fought Shang Miaoyin from the ground to the air in order to stimulate Lord Shang. If Lord Shang wanted to punish her, for the sake of the majesty of the royal family, the royal family Mahayana and the prince would not agree, so that Lord Shang could be defeated. Roast over fire.

If Lord Shang cannot punish Princess Shu, it means that Ning County's laws are no longer as powerful as the royal family, and the laws are in vain. Lord Shang's previous impartial law enforcement will also become a joke, and the prestige of the county will be greatly lost.

Princess Shu provoked Ningjun's laws in order to undermine Lord Shangjun's prestige. Who would have thought that the guardian of the sacred tree would disguise himself and entered Ningcheng, and encountered Princess Xin Shu who was killing civilians indiscriminately, and the prince and the royal family were protecting the princess. shameful behavior.

Knowing the reason why the guardian of the sacred tree killed Xin Shu with his staff in anger, Lord Xin's legs shook even more, and the hand holding the throne also shook. His voice was dry: "He didn't let her go after killing Xin Shu." After killing the prince, why...why did you kill...kill the prince again?"

"The reason why the guardian of the sacred tree ordered the prince to be beheaded is related to the taxes and military rations levied by your majesty on Ningcheng." Huang Naijian packed his bags with the royal guards and prepared to leave Ningcheng, but was suddenly summoned by the guardian of the sacred tree. The process of entering the main hall of the county magistrate's house for questioning was reported to Datian.

The reason why the prince was beheaded was because the monarch imposed unreasonable taxes on Ningcheng and because the prince and princess Shu increased taxes on Ningcheng privately.

The monarch and the crown prince, Princess Shu, exploited Ningjun in secret ways, which was the main reason for angering the guardian of the sacred tree.

Knowing that the guardian of the Immortal Tree knew the secret of his Zhenzhen Ning County, Xin Guojun collapsed in fear, his face turned earthy: "It's over, it's over..."

"Your Majesty, that's not all. The guardian of the sacred tree did not kill the old slave and the royal family in Ningcheng. Instead, he asked me to come back and send a message, asking the old slave and others to supervise that your majesty will pay back the grain and silver owed to Ningcheng within five days. return."

Huang Naijian knelt down sadly: "The guardian of the sacred tree still has an order, ordering His Majesty and all the courtiers who offered tricks to frame Ningjun to commit suicide years ago to apologize..."

"No... no... I can't die alone... I am the king of a country, how could he do this..." Lord Xin shrank back towards the throne in horror, curled up into a ball, and shook his head desperately in rejection.

The royal Mahayana people also looked defeated.

"Your Majesty, who dares to disobey the order of the guardian of the Immortal Tree?" Huang Naijian looked bleak: "The guardian of the sacred tree also left the old slave alone to say a few words. He knew that your majesty's previous queens and the family were Why is it gone? Those blood debts must be repaid with the lives of your descendants.

That person said that he was sitting in Ningcheng. If the old slave and the royal guardian return to the city, and there are more innocent souls in the imperial city, all of them will be blamed on His Majesty... He also said..."

Mentioning the deaths of the previous empresses, King Xin was frightened, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He asked in horror: "He...what else did he say?"

(End of this chapter)

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