magic eye doctor

Chapter 3113 Remorse

The dozen or so ministers who became the king's confidants were unwilling to die. No matter how unwilling they were, they did not dare to resent the master who had killed them, let alone speak out.

Ningjun is the territory of the Xinhe Empire. The arrival of the new guardian of the Everlasting Tree in Ningjun of the Xinhe Empire should have been a joyous event for the whole country to celebrate.

However, because of their dark plot with the king, the guardian of the sacred tree broke through their plan and ordered them to die to atone for their sins. If this news spreads, they will be criticized by thousands of people.

Fortunately, Ning County is far away from the capital, and the news cannot be transmitted for a while. They still have time to arrange their affairs before disappearing in an honorable manner, and at least they can keep their name during their lifetime.

Paper can't stop the fire. Even if the whole country knows about it in the future, since all the participants will be dead by then, the old things will naturally be forgotten.

The courtiers who became King Xin's confidants had their minds turned over and over again, and they all reluctantly accepted their fate of being manipulated.

The ministers who accepted their fate calmed down, exited the study, and quietly went to their respective departments to perform their duties.

Huang's chamberlain sent away the monarch's close ministers, collected the bodies of the prince and Princess Shu, and then waited on the monarch to handle government affairs.

King Xin was calm on the surface, but burning inside. He was greedy for the supreme power and the status of king, who could control life and death, and was extremely reluctant to give up his rights and life, and he did not dare to act disobediently because of fear.

I feel conflicted and entangled in my heart, so I can't think of dealing with government affairs.

The absent-minded Lord Xin sat for nearly an hour without even reading half of the memorial. Distraught, he threw the political affairs aside and took the eunuch Huang to the private treasury.

His private treasury has a rich collection, which is basically cultivation resources, concentrates and spiritual ores for refining weapons, a small amount of spiritual gold ore, spiritual jade, spiritual stones, spiritual plants, elixirs, and various magic weapons.

Some of the items in the private treasury were the results of his search in various ways, and some were accumulated by successive monarchs and passed down from generation to generation.

Xin Guojun looked at the resources in his private treasury, and thought that he had worked hard to accumulate them for many years, originally for his own enjoyment, but now he would no longer be able to enjoy them, and his heart ached like flesh.

Chamberlain Huang followed the monarch with his eyes lowered, silently acting as an invisible person.

The two royal Mahayana who protected the monarch did not follow him to the private treasury as before, but the royal Mahayana who stayed in Ruyi House followed him in.

It was the first time for several members of the royal family to enter the monarch's private treasury. When they saw the dazzling array of cultivation resources, they were so angry that they almost wanted to rush out and strangle the monarch to death.

The monarch's private treasury is so rich, why do he still want to covet the grain and silver from Ning County?

If the monarch had not been greedy for the small amount of grain and silver from Ning County and privately increased taxes, he would naturally not have caused a huge disaster for the Xin family.

Because of the monarch's selfish thoughts, the guardian of the sacred tree judged him as "the monarch is stupid", and the Xin family was also judged as "the royal family is corrupt", putting the foundation of the empire in jeopardy.

The Mahayana people in Ruyi House were filled with murderous intent, but they still controlled their emotions and did not expose their whereabouts.

When Xin Guojun was admiring his collection in his private treasury, the queen of the country ushered in death.

In the morning, after the monarch took Huang Naijian to the morning court, Kun Palace also received the news immediately. After the queen accepted the greetings that the concubine must have every morning and evening, she also reported to the queen.

Empress Xin knew that Huang Naijian had returned to the palace, so she arranged for the king's bedroom after having a meal.

She entered the king's living palace, but because the king was not there, she did not dare to enter the main hall. She went to the main hall of the West Wing Hall, waiting for the king to come back from court to find Huang Naijian and ask where the prince and Princess Shu were.

She did not wait for the monarch to go to court, but first waited for the royal guards to protect the Crown Prince Shu during her western tour. Before she could ask about the Princess Shu's situation, the royal family asked her to secretly summon the most talented and cleverest among the Prince's children and grandchildren. palace.

After hearing that the Mahayana Maharaja of the royal family secretly summoned the prince's outstanding children and grandchildren into the palace, Queen Xin intuitively understood that something big was going on. In order to let her children and grandchildren seize the opportunity or have a chance to stand out without annoying the monarch, she made round-about inquiries. The reason why the king summons the prince's children and grandchildren to the palace.

She hesitated, as if she wanted to break the pot and ask for the final answer. Xin's Mahayana frowned: "Why do women ask so many questions? You are not willing to give up just now. Your son's descendants are not the only ones with good talents in the monarch's bloodline. "

The Mahayana True King scolded the king, and then said "I don't know what is good and what is evil" and walked away.

Not only was she lectured by the royal family, but she was also scolded for being ignorant. Empress Xin didn't care about her shame, and immediately called the palace servants serving the monarch in the main palace to question her.

She first asked concernedly about the monarch's daily life, etc., and then the topic changed to the fact that the monarch sent people out of the palace to deliver orders today before and after he went to court.

As usual, the palace officials answered all questions. To be honest, the king sent several eunuchs with their palm seals before he went to court. After the king went to court, those eunuchs left the palace to send messages. As for who they sent the message to, they didn’t know. .

After listening to the words of the palace servant, and then thinking about the previous behavior of the royal family Mahayana asking her to announce the crown prince's children and grandchildren to enter the palace, Queen Xin thought about it. Huang Naijian and the royal family Mahayana True Monarch secretly returned to the palace, and Xin's Mahayana family asked herself to announce the crown prince's children and grandchildren. When he entered the palace, he failed to cooperate and was scolded as "ignorant".

When someone scolds someone for being ungrateful, it naturally means that he has good intentions, but the other person does not appreciate it and instead takes his good intentions for granted.

Therefore, it is naturally a good thing for the Mahayana elders of the royal family to invite the prince's children and grandchildren to the palace.

Recalling that the prince originally patrolled the city on behalf of his father, but the one or two Mahayana and Huang eunuchs who were guarding the royal family hurriedly returned to the palace, I speculated that something great must have happened during the western tour, so the eunuchs and the royal Mahayana secretly Report back to the palace.

Why does the king summon outstanding children and grandchildren?

Based on visual inspection, the prince discovered a small secret realm in some county during his western tour. Huang Naijian and the royal family rushed back to take a group of talented children to practice;

Or it may be that the high-level true monarchs of the Great Immortal Sect who were passing through the Xinhe Empire stopped in a certain county to wait for suitable disciples. The king gathered talented children to give to those true monarchs of the Immortal Sect for selection.

No matter what the possibility is, it is a good thing for the emperor's grandchildren who are still low in cultivation.

After thinking about it like this, Queen Xin became extremely anxious. The eunuch who was out must have sent a message to the children and grandchildren of the monarch's other sons to let them enter the palace!

The monarch did not send anyone to summon the prince's children and grandchildren. He must have thought that the prince and Xin Shu were already present and had taken advantage, thus excluding the prince's children and grandchildren.

Empress Xin didn't know what to do, but she actually figured out some tricks. For the sake of her children and grandchildren, she immediately asked her personal eunuchs to go to the Prince's Mansion to recruit the most talented children and grandchildren into the palace.

The Xin family was seated in the east side hall, watching the chief eunuch beside the queen leave in a hurry.

The internal eunuchs around Queen Xin were very fast, and in less than an hour they brought the most talented, smartest and cleverest among the prince's children and grandchildren into the palace.

The prince has more than fifty sons. Among the mortals without spiritual roots, the oldest ones have long since passed away. Among the sons with spiritual roots, the oldest ones are over 300 years old and the youngest ones are over fifty years old.

The oldest of the grandchildren is over 200 years old, the eldest of the great-grandchildren is over 200 years old, and the youngest of the great-great-grandchildren is eight or nine years old.There are more than [-] children and grandchildren of Prince Xin, among whom there are only more than [-] with spiritual roots, and only eight or nine with good talents.

The internal eunuchs brought the emperor's grandsons with better talents into the palace. There were more than twenty people in total who were talented in cultivation and clever and intelligent people.

The eunuch led the emperor's grandson to the queen.

Empress Xin was very pleased to see the children and grandchildren of a county. She gave instructions to the younger generations and urged her children and grandchildren to be filial and filial to the monarch when the monarch returns from court.

While she was earnestly giving instructions to her children and grandchildren, the royal family entered the West Wing Hall again, asked the palace attendants to exit the hall, and then opened a magic weapon to seal the hall.

The four Mahayana Lords hiding in the Ruyi House also appeared together. One Mahayana Lord captured Queen Xin before she could react, quickly crippled the Queen's Dantian, and gave her a blow to her consciousness.

Queen Xin was also the Nascent Soul True Monarch, but she was nothing more than a weakling in front of the Mahayana True Monarch. What's more, the Xin family's Mahayana suddenly launched an attack, and she was deprived of her cultivation before she even had time to resist.

Several other Mahayana members of the Xin family also took action at the same time, each controlling several young monks with spiritual roots, and quickly shattered the young monks' Dantian and spiritual consciousness.

The young monks who had lost their cultivation and spiritual consciousness fell to the ground and wailed.

After destroying the spiritual fields of the young monks, the Xin family's Mahayana warriors used their spiritual consciousness to attack the heads of several children without spiritual roots without blinking an eye.

Those smart and clever children were attacked by spiritual consciousness and became stupid and dull, and their clear eyes became dull and lifeless.

Queen Xin, whose Dantian was disabled, was attacked by her consciousness and her brain was dizzy from pain. She heard the wails and forced herself to sit up. When she saw her children and grandchildren lying on the ground, she was as angry as a lion: "You are killing the prince's children and grandchildren. Do you want to force the palace to rebel?"

"The queen is cruel and murderous, and is not worthy of being a queen. The king ordered that the queen be deposed. The queen was ashamed and committed suicide in the palace." The Xin family deposed the prince's children and grandchildren, and calmly checked to see if any fish had slipped through the net.

"Nonsense!" Queen Xin was so angry that she didn't even care about the pain on her body. She got up and faced the Xin family members directly: "You dare to kill my children and grandchildren before the prince returns. My uncles will never let you go!"

"You don't have to count on your uncle to save you. Your mother's clan can't protect itself."

"You fart!" Queen Xin was horrified and glared angrily: "My mother's family is a practicing family, and your Xin family is not as powerful as my mother's family. If you Xin family dare to kill a donkey with a mill, my mother's family will definitely crush the Xin family!"

"She is really ambitious. I'm afraid she has already had the intention of stealing the country." The Xin family's Mahayana men looked at the queen coldly, and one Mahayana man added: "Don't count on your children, they are already dead."

"No -" Queen Xin exclaimed: "Xin Shu is the lucky star of the empire. Anyone who dares to touch the lucky star of the empire is an enemy of the Xin Empire. You are talking nonsense. What on earth do you want to do?"

Faced with the Queen's question, the Xin Family Mahayana looked calm: "The new guardian of the Immortal Tree came to Ning County, and just when Princess Xin Shu was killing the people of Ning County, the guardian of the sacred tree killed Xin Shu and the prince.

The guardian of the sacred tree also learned that the courtiers had joined forces to oppress Ningjun, and sent a greedy letter to the monarch, offering suggestions to increase taxes on Ningjun.

The guardian of the sacred tree ordered the punishment of those who participated in the attack on Ning County. Your mother's family was the most active in sending letters to the monarch, so it is difficult to say whether the family can preserve the bloodline.

The pair of sons and daughters you raised acted arrogantly and cruelly, angering the guardians of the Immortal Tree and bringing shame to the Xin family.

The king has killed his relatives in a righteous manner today, bestowed the death of the queen, and deposed the prince's lineage to cultivate his children and grandchildren. "

"No, no, no, this is not true, this is not true..." Queen Xin's Dantian and consciousness were destroyed, but she still had the courage to fight against the Xin family's Mahayana people. When she heard that her children were dead, she couldn't stand and was on the verge of collapse. .

She swayed, staggered a few steps, and sat down weakly, feeling regretful in her heart. The royal family asked her to secretly summon the prince's children and grandchildren into the palace. It turned out that she was just to get rid of him quickly, but she misunderstood the meaning and harmed all the children and grandchildren. !
A Mahayana of the Xin family looked at the queen: "When your mother's clan and the monarch teamed up to murder the families of the previous queens, and you secretly killed the children and grandchildren of the previous queens, you probably didn't expect that you would be here today.

Now you know what you need to know, and at least you can die in peace. "

"..." Queen Xin's painful expression changed, and she smiled miserably: "They all say that the cycle of cause and effect is true! I am cruel, how can you and the monarch get away with it? When I poisoned the children and grandchildren of the former queens, the monarch I know it, you know it too, but you didn't stop it.

I'm not a good person, and neither are you. If I get retribution, you will get retribution sooner or later! "

Empress Xin stood up, wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of her mouth, looked at the howling children and grandchildren on the ground, lifted up the skirt of her heavy palace dress, turned around and rushed towards a big pillar in the palace.

Her voice was sad and decisive: "I am waiting on the Huangquan Road, waiting for you and the monarch!"

Several young people howling in pain saw the queen rushing towards the pillar, and their eyes widened in horror: "Queen Mother-"


Amid the screams, Queen Xin rushed forward decisively and hit her head on a pillar. There was a loud bang and blood splashed out.

She was so determined to die that half of her head was smashed, her body slid down against the pillar, and she died on the ground.

When Xin's Mahayana saw Queen Xin trying to commit suicide by hitting a pillar, she did not stop her. Looking at the woman in the blood, and then thinking about the reaction of the monarch and himself when they heard that he was bound to die, he was so ashamed that he was ashamed.

Queen Xin has vicious thoughts and ruthless methods. She is not merciful when she harms the prince and grandson, but she is also decisive and fearless when facing death.

The royal family was silent and turned to a group of the prince's children and grandchildren.

There was panic and fear in the eyes of the prince's children and grandchildren, as well as another strong emotion - hate!

The Mahayana people of the Xin family communicated with their spiritual consciousness for a while and reached a consensus - these descendants of the Xin family cannot stay!
A group of people have become disabled, but it does not mean that they have reached the end of their road. The spiritual consciousness can be rebuilt, and the disabled Dantian can also be repaired.

Don't underestimate a person's hatred. Hatred can sometimes make a person successful, but it can also destroy everything.

There is hatred in the eyes of the prince's children and grandchildren. In order to take revenge, such people are most likely to go to extremes, such as being willing to be puppets, thus destroying the Xin family's legacy.

Xin Dacheng did not dare to gamble on human nature with his ancestral inheritance. He did not hesitate to kill the emperor's grandson and killed more than [-] people with his spiritual consciousness. He then collected all the corpses into the corpse collection and used magic to remove them. Blood stained.

After cleaning up the place, except for the Mahayana of Xin family who showed up, the others entered the Ruyi House again.

He walked out of the West Wing Hall with the royal family from Ruyiwu, and told the queen's eunuch that the queen would be in seclusion for a few days without disturbing her, and asked the eunuch to lead the palace people back to the palace.

The inner prisoner was suspicious, thinking that his master and the emperor's grandson were in the monarch's palace, and it was absolutely impossible for anything to happen, so he took the palace servants back to the queen's palace first.

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