magic eye doctor

Chapter 3114

Xin Guojun lingered in the private warehouse and visited all the warehouses where items were stored. He did not go to the silver warehouse where the spiritual stones were stored until noon.

After being accumulated by several generations of kings, the treasury was filled with spiritual stones.

To be called an empire, the private treasury of the monarchs of Xinhe naturally has no shortage of spiritual crystals, spiritual essences and top-quality spiritual stones, and those are among the top cultivation resources and are stored in storage bags.

Most of the high-grade spiritual stones are also stored in storage containers. About [-] high-grade spiritual stones are placed in the warehouse, occupying half of the room.

Most of the spiritual stones piled up in the bank are medium-grade spiritual stones and low-grade spiritual stones. Each type of spiritual stone occupies a small palace with a length of [-] feet.

Looking at the shining spirit stones, Xin Guojun's heart ached like a knife. He deliberately made money in order to accumulate enough cultivation resources for his own cultivation and advancement.

After years of accumulation, there is no shortage of wealth, but life is coming to an end.

Xin Guojun looked at the piled up spiritual stones, and as his thoughts surged, he came up with an idea—cultivate the ghost path!

There are thousands of ways to practice cultivation, and ghost cultivation is one of them.

So I haven't reached the dead end yet, even if I die, I can still turn to the ghost path.

After finding a way out for himself, Xin Guojun's heartache suddenly eased, and he stopped dilly-dallying and asked eunuch Huang to get the storage bag filled with spiritual stones.

The invisible waiter Huang regained his presence, took out his storage bag, and moved the spiritual stones from the bank.

The grain and silver owed by Lord Xin to Ning County amounted to more than one billion pieces of low-grade spiritual stones. Because the guardian of the sacred tree intercepted a batch of items to offset the debt, hundreds of millions of spiritual stones were offset, and he still owed more than 12 billion low-grade spiritual stones.

If all the lower-grade spiritual stones were returned as food and silver, several storage containers would be required. King Xin was reluctant to part with the storage containers and asked Naijian Huang to take some high-grade spiritual stones and medium-grade spiritual stones. Only about one-third were still low-grade spiritual stones. .

The total amount of spiritual stones that return grain and silver fills a medium-sized storage container.

After counting out the spiritual stones that should be returned to Ning County's grain and silver, Lord Xin no longer missed them, closed the private treasury, and took the eunuch Huang back to the surface from the underground treasury.

The monarch's private treasury is located under the main hall where the monarch handles government affairs. The entrance is in the study room where each monarch approves memorials or summons courtiers.

After coming out of the private treasury, Xin Guojun felt calm. He finished reading the memorial before going back to the palace. Instead, he went straight to the underground library under the royal library.

The library on the first floor hidden deep underground is a secret place, which houses the techniques and books collected by the kings of the past dynasties and obtained from previous dynasties. Many of the books are banned.

The underground library has always been accessible only to the king or the prince, as well as those with special permission.

Huang Naijian and the royal family followed the monarch to the library, where they rested on the first floor and waited.

The Ruyiwu, which carried the royal family secretly following the monarch, originally stopped on the monarch's shoulder. When Xin Guojun entered the magic circle in the underground library, the magic circle ejected the Ruyiwu.

Xin Guojun entered the magic circle, and Ruyiwu and the royal family Mahayana who stayed in Ruyiwu were left outside the magic circle.

The Mahayana people in Ruyi House were extremely angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Xin Guojun entered the underground library and searched for and sifted through thousands of books related to ghost cultivation.

He was busy looking for the exercise books he was looking for, completely forgetting himself, and time slipped away unknowingly, and it was dusk again.

The arrival of dusk also means that half of the first day back to the imperial city for Huang Naijian and his team has passed.

The Mahayana beast responsible for driving the spirit boat has recovered after repairing it day after night, and he is in high spirits. A group of friends stayed on the spirit boat, cracked shells and nuts, and happily planned to receive the spirit stones so that they could travel day and night. Return to Ning County for the New Year.

And just when Young Master Yan and his friends were wondering what kind of meal the little loli/fairy would treat them to, the little fairy they longed for had already reached their heads.

Classmate Le Xiao, who was rushing towards Xinhe Imperial City, flew above the sea of ​​clouds to save trouble, and it took him a few days to reach his destination.

About [-] miles away from the Xinhe Imperial City, the spirit boat descended from above the sea of ​​clouds and flew below the sea of ​​clouds. With the help of Qi-gazing, it was easy to find the location where Yan Handsome Guy and Beast Beast had parked their boat.

After finding Handsome Yan and the beasts, Le Yun did not dispel the illusion. She put away the spirit boat and used the teleportation technique to sneak downwards, but she reached her goal in the blink of an eye.

Young Master Yan and the beasts sat around a table. There were four large bowls on the table, one filled with fried shells, one bowl with fried fish, and two plates of nuts.

The friends were having a good time chatting with each other, and a man quietly appeared on the bow of the spirit boat.

Yuan Da, who was sucking the shell meat, Yuan Er, who was pinching the shells, and the long-eared bear, who was about to reach into the bowl to grab the shells, immediately sensed something strange and jumped up to protect Brother Yan.

Taking another closer look, he saw a graceful and handsome young man standing on the bow of the spirit boat. The young man had bright eyes and white teeth, and his clothes were as white as snow. He had a purple forehead band inlaid with gems on his eyebrows and held a jade bone fan in his hand. This person is like a clear light, bright and flawless.

The young man's breath was gentle and without any malice.

The two apes and the bear were stunned. Who is this young man?Why can I enter the spirit boat?
While Yan Xing was licking his shells, three Mahayana beasts suddenly ran to him. He was stunned for a moment and jumped up on his own.

Looking along the Mahayana beast's gaze, he also saw a handsome young man who appeared out of thin air at an unknown time. His eyes flashed, this young man seemed a bit familiar?
His thoughts turned around, and he looked at the guards in brown clothes. The nine people had stood up at some point, and they only stood up, but they did not drive away the young man in white clothes.

Does the star-patterned brown-robed guardian know the boy?
Thinking of that possibility, Yan Xing's expression froze, and he squeezed to the front from among the Mahayana beasts. He looked at the boy in white and asked tentatively: "You...are little Loli's friend?"

The young man holding the folding fan shook the jade bone fan and smiled, his brows and eyes full of chicness: "Oh, your reaction is a little late.

The little fairy friend said that her two friends are handsome and have their own characteristics. One is Fengshen Yulang, calm and majestic, and is good at refining weapons; the other is as graceful and elegant as jade, as gentle as jade, and is good at refining elixirs.

Judging from your appearance, you should be the noble and cool weapon refiner that the little fairy said. "

"Who are you?" The two apes and the bear were confused. From the young man's tone, they felt that they were very familiar with the little fairy, but the little fairy never told them that they knew this person.

"I met the little fairy in Songzhu Ling in Zhuzhou. Because the little fairy was accompanied by four young men and a girl, she will stay in Songzhu Ling for a while, and I have other plans to go south beforehand."

The young man calmly floated to the big table, took his seat calmly, and pointed at the brown-robed guard: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the little fairy's guards. If I am not the little fairy's friend, how could they be indifferent."

The eyes of the three Mahayana beasts and a handsome man turned to the star-patterned brown-robed guard, and their eyes meant the same thing: Is this person telling the truth?

The nine Yinxing brothers nodded slightly to one person and three beasts, then sat down gracefully, closing their eyes slightly and meditating.

Silence represents acquiescence, and the attitude of the brown-robed guards also represents their recognition of the young man's identity.The three Mahayana beasts had complicated expressions, and the long-eared bear scratched his big head: "How are you sure that Ling Zhou is a friend of the little fairy? Why can he enter the defensive formation?"

"The little fairy said that her friend's contracted beast, the long-eared bear, is the smartest among the bears. He is not as simple-minded as other bear monsters and has well-developed limbs.

Little Bear, I am also a weapon refiner. I have seen the spirit boat refined by the little fairy, and I also know the characteristics of the spirit boat she refined. You can know it at a glance.

The little fairy gave her a talisman that could enter and leave the various defensive formations she had set up.This spiritual boat was made by the little fairy. With the pass given by the little fairy, I can come and go freely. "

The young man acted calmly. He reached out and took out a shell, crushed the shell and took a sip of the meat. A look of surprise appeared in his clear and beautiful eyes: "My friend's craftsmanship is good. This taste is similar to the fairy's craftsmanship." It’s a little bit worse than other spiritual meals.”

He Long-eared Bear, who was praised a few times by the boy, rubbed his big ears in embarrassment. When he heard the boy commenting on the fried clams, the big bear's eyes were filled with astonishment.

The alertness in Yuan Da Yuan Er's eyes became less intense, but there was still some doubt: "Are you really the little fairy's friend?"

"Of course. Hey, let you see the talisman that the little fairy gave me." The young man raised his hand and threw out a jade talisman.

Yuan Er quickly grabbed the jade talisman and sensed it. It did have the aura of the little fairy. Then he handed it to Brother Yan and asked him to check whether it was true or not.

Yan Xing took the jade slip and sensed the aura of the little Loli. Looking at the talisman on the jade talisman, it was indeed the handiwork of the little Loli, and handed the jade slip to Xiong Shan.

The long-eared bear also smelled the scent of the little fairy's blood in the jade slip, and returned the jade talisman to the boy.

The young man took the jade talisman and put it away. He pointed at his forehead with a bamboo-like finger and showed off with a smile: "This forehead wipe was also given to me by the little fairy. It is a defensive magic weapon."

"Our defensive magic weapons and storage containers are all given by the little fairy." Ape Erda and Long-eared Bear rolled their eyes and sat down.

Yan Xing walked to the round table in silence and sat down, looking at the young man opposite him from time to time.

"That's different. You are not weapon refiners. I am also a weapon refiner myself. I can also refine magic weapons. The little fairy still gave me a defensive magic weapon. This shows that we have a deep friendship."

The young man shook his jade fan and asked, "Don't talk about what you have or don't have, let's talk about the important things first. How many days have you been here?"

"Arrived at dusk yesterday." The long-eared bear told the truth.

"That means there are still four days until the deadline." The young man said oh and continued to talk to himself: "I will go to Xinhe Imperial City to find something in a while. It may take three to five days. I will try my best to get there within four days. Come back, if the Xin family sends the spirit stone in advance, you can wait here for me to come back and then I will take you back to Ning County."

Yuanda looked depressed: "We have a spirit boat."

"The little fairy said that your spirit boat can travel thousands of miles and is too slow. Let me give you a ride so that you can return to the county early and ask Yan Zhenjun to go back and help the county governor to refine weapons."

"What?" The long-eared bear and the ape were confused. The little fairy arranged another job for Brother Yan?
Yan Xing was also confused.

"Looking at your expressions, I know that the little fairy hasn't told you yet, right?" The young man said happily: "I don't know the details, so you can ask the little fairy yourself."

"Oh." The long-eared bear scratched its long ears and asked sincerely: "May I ask how fast your spirit boat is traveling?"

"It's a bit slower than the little fairy's spirit boat that travels 8000 million miles. It travels [-] million miles."

"Your spirit boat travels 7000 million miles faster than ours. It makes sense for the little fairy to ask you to give us a lift." The three Mahayana beasts understood. The young man's spirit boat was eight times as fast as theirs. From Xin It only takes about half a month to travel from Hehuang City to Ningjun, which saves nearly two months compared to driving the spirit boat by themselves.

The three Mahayana beasts dismissed their doubts and happily chatted.

Yan Xing, who believed in silence for a long time, stared at the young man and asked in a deep voice: "I didn't have time to ask you what the Taoist name is?"

The young man met the young monk's gaze openly and calmly: "My name is Changsheng. The little fairy said that she gave you a communication talisman with a communication range of one billion miles. If you have any questions, ask the little fairy. "

Yan Xing nodded slightly. The boy even knew that Xiao Loli gave them a jade slip with a communication range of one billion miles. This shows that his friendship with Xiao Loli is very deep.

"Now that the business is over, I have to rush to Xinhe Imperial City. Remember not to run around, lest you have to look for me everywhere when I don't see you when I come back."

The young man stood up, said a few words, floated lightly to the defense cover of the spirit boat, and walked out of the spirit boat with a lift of his legs.

When Yan Xing looked again, the boy had turned into a small dot and disappeared from sight. He turned to ask the long-eared bear: "Did he touch the spirit boat barrier when he went out?"

"The barrier has a slight fluctuation, very weak." The long-eared bear scratched his head and wondered: "Brother Yan, do you suspect that he is a fake fairy friend?"

"No." Yan Xing shook his head: "Can you sense his cultivation level?"

"He is the Great Perfection of the late Mahayana."

"The true energy is strong, and you can faintly feel the burning aura. His fire spirit root is very pure, and he should be contracted with a powerful high-grade natal spirit fire."

The eyes of the long-eared bear and the diamond ape brothers were dark. The young man's true energy was strong, and even if he was not targeting them, he still felt the pressure.

"..." Yan Xing's heart sank. The little Loli didn't tell them that she had made new friends, but the boy knew a lot about them. It was obvious that the Little Loli and the boy had a close relationship.

He pondered for a while and asked the long-eared bear if he wanted to send a message to the little Lolita on the jade slip.

Probably because of the distance, there was no reply after the summons was sent.

One person and three beasts continued to chat. They thought the contact had failed. However, when night enveloped the earth, the communication talisman finally responded.

Yan Xing eagerly checked the communication talisman. Xiao Loli responded to the message and answered his questions, saying that Changsheng, a friend she met in Zhuzhou, went to Xinhe Imperial City and neighboring counties to look for something, and he would go find them on the way. Take them back to Ning County.

Little Loli also said that she helped him take on several weapon refining jobs, allowing them to get a ride back to Ningcheng about two months early.

After confirming the identity of the young man Changsheng, a line of words came to Yan Xing's mind - childhood sweethearts are not as good as the gods.

How many childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts can't resist Tiansheng? What's more, he and the little Loli are not childhood sweethearts, so they are even more incomparable with Tiansheng.

Yan Xing's heart felt so cold that he responded to the message and went to Ruyi's room in a daze in the name of cultivation.

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