magic eye doctor

Chapter 3115

With something hidden in his heart, Young Master Yan was not in a stable mood. He spent the whole night in a daze in Ruyi's house and did not show up after dawn.

Coincidentally, Lord Xin also felt uneasy after entering the underground library.

After spending half a day and a night, Xin Guojun screened out dozens of books and more than a dozen jade slips. Although they were related to ghost cultivation, there were no high-level ghost cultivation techniques.

The books collected in the Collection Pavilion provide only superficial explanations and insights into ghost cultivators, and the only cultivation methods of ghost cultivators are also very rough.

After finding an unsatisfied ghost cultivator to practice his martial arts, and seeing that the time for morning court was approaching, Xin Guojun had no choice but to leave the underground library first.

The royal family, who had been waiting outside the magic circle for a whole night and half a day, manipulated the Ruyi House, which was as small as a dust particle, to stick to the monarch's shoulders.

Xin Guojun left the underground library and went directly to the morning court. After finishing the government affairs, he returned to the palace. He was told by the royal family that the empress and the prince's children and grandchildren who were gifted in cultivation had not suffered from the pain of depleted Dantian. He was just stunned for a while and then left. the back of the head.

He couldn't protect himself, so how could he care about the prince's children and grandchildren.

Xin Guojun entered his living room and silently studied the ghost cultivation techniques in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if the only ghost cultivation technique is not high-level, it is better than nothing. Once he is familiar with the ghost cultivation technique, when the day comes when he has to give up his flesh and blood body, he will immediately change to the ghost cultivation technique and condense his soul. After becoming a ghost cultivator, you can then look for higher-level ghost cultivation techniques.

The monarch showed no signs of being a demon, and the Mahayana Mahayana monarchs of the Xin family were somewhat relieved. They took turns going home to arrange their posthumous affairs, reasonably allocate resources to the younger generations, and prevent the possibility of younger generations killing each other for cultivation resources.

Moreover, they also left a way out - secretly issued passes for the best juniors, allowing them to leave the imperial city immediately and go to other counties to change their surnames and settle down.

The monarch did not issue an order to send the spirit stone out of the city, and Huang Naijian did not take the initiative to remind the monarch that people from Ning County were still waiting to receive the spirit stone.

In the blink of an eye, it had been three days since the royal guards who guarded the prince returned to the palace. All the royal guards who took shifts also went home to make arrangements for their funerals. They would only wait for the monarch to enthrone in a few days before they could "retreat" again.

At midnight on the third day after they returned to the palace, when the palace was changing, a figure quietly appeared in the study room where the monarchs of the Xinhe royal family were handling government affairs.

The person who quietly sneaked into the monarch's study was covered in black curtains. He entered the study without alerting any of the palace guards or the Mahayana monks secretly protecting the palace.

The person shrouded in black moved the bookshelf against the wall of the study room, then made ten handprints on the wall, unlocked the magic circle, and walked into the teleportation array.

The teleportation array only sends people to the passage in front of the underground private treasury of the Xinhe monarchs. The underground warehouse still has magic arrays and magic weapon defense barriers.

The man in black robe untied a layer of defensive barriers, walked to the closed underground warehouse door, opened the lock with his spiritual consciousness, and floated into the warehouse.

The spacious warehouse was quiet, with a dazzling array of items sitting quietly, some items emitting a faint light.

The shadows that entered the warehouse swept all the items, high or low, into their own storage bags, leaving a piece of air behind wherever they passed.

After receiving the goods, Heiying searched the entire underground warehouse. When collecting the spiritual stones, he left behind one-tenth of the low-grade spiritual stones.

After sweeping away the shadows in the warehouse, he quietly locked the warehouse door and restored the magic circle. After teleporting back to the study, he still restored the defensive magic circle that protected the teleportation circle and put the bookshelf back to its original position.

The shadow left quietly without touching the items in the study.

He came and went without a trace, leaving no trace.

No one among the Mahayana monks in the palace and the dense guards outside the palace noticed that an uninvited guest entered the palace, walked around and then left.

The Diamond Ape and the Long-eared Bear were counting the time with their fingers every day since they landed. Seeing that three days had passed and those people hadn't sent the spirit stone yet, they immediately became unhappy.

Counting on the fourth day with fingers, the three Mahayana beasts cursed some guys after finishing their morning meditation.

Young Master Yan stayed bored in Ruyi's room for a whole day and night, then climbed out silently and sat with his three beast companions waiting for someone to deliver the spirit stone.

In fact, he hoped that a certain royal family would not return the spirit stone, so that they could follow the brown-robed guards into the palace to chat with others.

The three beasts and one of them had not yet waited for the person who delivered the spirit stone. At noon, they waited for a certain young man who came to the city for business.

The young man who parachuted into the spirit boat again, still looking elegant and elegant in white clothes, shook his jade bone fan gently, and said with charming eyebrows: "Hey, look at your looks, are you worried that I will run away, or are you worried that I will enter? Will Xinhe Imperial City be in trouble?"

The long-eared bear jumped up when he felt the fluctuations in the spirit boat barrier. When he saw the young Mahayana monk, he breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the young man teasing them with joy, he scratched his round head and smiled naively: "Hey, you are back so soon. We thought it would take you a few days.”

"I was worried that you wouldn't see me, thinking that I thought you were burdensome and missed the appointment, so I contacted the little fairy to cause trouble for her. I finished the work as quickly as possible and left the city."

The young man shook his folding fan, floated to the long-eared bear, and handed over a piece of golden honey: "You are the cutest and smartest little bear in the mouth of the fairy, you probably haven't finished your fruit shell yet, I'll use this to follow you. You change to some fruit shells.”

The cutest and smartest little bear: "..."

Should I change this or not?
The long-eared bear looked at Brother Yan, but did not get Brother Yan's advice. After thinking about it, he took out a storage bag and a cloth bag, poured some of the shells in the storage bag and put them into the cloth bag.

He filled the cloth bag with half a bag of fruit shells and handed it to the boy: "I don't have many fruit shells, so I can only give you this much."

"The little fairy said that smart and cute little bears are the most generous. It's true." The boy took the bag of fruit shells and took out a wooden box containing only a piece of spiritual honey. He put it in together with the previous piece of spiritual honey and stuffed the long-eared bear's In big paws.

The long-eared bear who was praised put away the spiritual honey box and showed a naive smile: "You are also very generous."

"If I am a carefree and stingy person, I will definitely not be the fairy's friend." The young man carried the cloth bag, floated into a chair and sat down, taking out the fruit shells and cracking them happily.

"You're right." The long-eared bear agreed with the young man's point of view and sat down, watching the young man lick the fruit.

The King Kong Ape brothers and Young Master Yan, who jumped right after the long-eared bear, were stunned by the boy's moves.

The two of them looked at the long-eared bear and sat down slowly.

The young man cracked two shells and closed his pockets: "Don't expect me to share the shells with you. I am a refiner who is not suitable for cooking. It is not easy for me to eat some spiritual food."

Three Mahayana beasts: "..." This is also a little expert at frying the kitchen.

"We are not greedy for you. The little fairy said that the little expert in the frying kitchen is also a little pitiful in some respects. We will not snatch the little pitiful snacks to eat." The three Mahayana beasts each took out a bag containing fruit shells. , Knock slowly.

"This will put you at ease. The little fairy said that your brother Yan and I share the same destiny. He will definitely not be greedy for this poor little fruit shell like me." The smile on the young man's face instantly brightened.

Young Master Yan, who had been innocently shot and turned into a pitiful young man, felt very complicated. He silently took out the storage bag of fruit shells and cracked them.

The gestures of the two people and the three beasts in pinching the shells were very elegant, and the sound of the shells breaking came and went, which was particularly crisp.

Amidst the crunching sound, the young man put the bag away and asked with a smile, "Has Lord Xinhun's spirit stone been delivered?"

"No." The three beasts shook their heads.

"It hasn't been delivered yet? Could it be that Mr. Xinhun wants to default on the debt? It's good that he dares to default on the debt. He just happens to go to Xinhe Palace for a walk with the Xin family."

The young man said it easily, and the three beasts looked at each other. Hey, could this man also be a master who likes to defeat the strong, help the weak, rob the rich and give to the poor?

No one paid attention to him, so the young man threw a Ruyi House on the bow of the boat: "I have been running around for a few days, so take a rest first. If you come to see me for anything, just take a picture of the door of my Ruyi House."

After saying a word, the young man stood up leisurely, stretched out as if no one else was around, and floated into the Ruyi House.

The young man entered the house, and the scent of roses left behind by the young man floating in the spirit boat could still be smelled.

Young Master Yan and his three beast companions looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a few times. They also put away their fruit shell bags and went to the bow of the spirit boat to meditate.

They were really looking forward to Xin's Hunjun refusing to pay, but unfortunately, their little wish failed to come true. In the middle of the afternoon, the person who sent food and silver to Xin Hunjun came.

Lord Xin went to court in the morning and finished processing the memorial, and then finally ordered Huang Naijian to send food and silver.

Everyone in the Mahayana of the Xin family knew that Huang Naijian had entered into a master-servant contract with the monarch, so naturally they were not afraid of Huang Naijian's disloyalty, and did not allocate manpower to monitor Huang Naijian unnecessarily.

Chamberlain Huang didn't even change into palace clothes. He left the palace directly with the storage bag containing the spirit stones, and left the palace and the imperial city without stopping. He only used the aircraft to travel a few miles away from the city.

With the help of an aircraft, Huang Naijian hurriedly traveled through tens of thousands of miles of mountains, rivers and fields at the last moment, and found the spiritual boat where the sacred tree protected his friends.

He was still more than a hundred miles away from the spirit boat. The young man in Ruyi's house quietly appeared, floated into a chair and sat down before speaking: "The person who returned Ning County's grain and silver is here. Let him come in later."

The three beasts and one of them, who noticed the boy's appearance, slowed down their thinking, jumped up, and rushed to sit down at the round table, waiting for the result with suspicion.

After a moment, the consciousness of the three Mahayana beasts placed outside the spirit boat barrier "saw" the person rushing from a distance. When the distance got closer, they recognized that it was the person named by the little fairy to send the spirit stone. Bit.

The three Mahayana beasts admired the boy's powerful perception ability. This young boy's Mahayana perception ability was very powerful. Before that, the strongest one was the little fairy.

Huang, who was driving the aircraft on the way, was relieved when he saw the spirit boat still parked in its original position. He put away the aircraft more than ten miles away and slowed down to approach.

He was still half a mile away from the Lingzhou's defense formation, when the nine Silver Star brothers flew up and stood on the bow of the Lingzhou.

As the human monks got closer and closer, the long-eared bear opened a corner of the defensive formation.

Huang Chamberlain also understood that he entered the spirit boat through the small door that was opened. As soon as he stepped into the defensive barrier, he saw a handsome young man in white clothes inside the spirit boat and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Handsome, elegant and spotless.

A few words flashed through his mind. Huang Chamberlain floated down on the bow of the ship. He bowed politely as a monk, then took out a storage bag and sent it to the top of the round table: "I have kept you guys waiting for a long time. The monarch ordered the Sa family to send the arrears Ning." Please count the county’s grain and silver.”

The three Mahayana beasts had little education and were not good at mathematics, so naturally they would not be able to get jobs. Young Master Yan looked at the boy in white.

The young man in white sighed: "Oh, no wonder the little fairy doesn't trust you guys. She said she was coming to pick you up, but in fact she just asked me to do the hard work. Forget it, for the sake of the little fairy, I reluctantly help you share your worries. Bar."

Complaining in his mouth, he summoned the storage container in his hand to help him count it.

Yan Xing secretly grinded his back teeth. On the surface, this person seemed to be a stranger to the world, but in fact, he was "putting an onion in a pig's nose - pretending to be an elephant."

Waiter Huang was astonished. This young man... is also a friend of the guardian of the sacred tree?

The young man in white robe holding the storage device was as quiet as a statue. After about thirty breaths, he sent the storage device to the young Yuanying monk: "The number is right, give him the list and let him take it." Go back to Lord Xinhun."

He turned to look at the servant: "I want to say one thing. On the 40th day after you left Ningjun, the Xinyu clan in Ningjun was exterminated.

I will tell you the specific situation..."

The young man spoke sharply and told the story of how the Xinyu family of Ning County burned incense in front of the governor's house until they were struck by thunder and their property was confiscated. At the end, he added: "The little fairy asked me to tell you about this matter." Let me listen to you. When you go back, you can tell Mr. Xin Hun and those people and let them decide what to do."

Knowing the reason for the annihilation of the Xinyu clan, Huang was so shocked that several layers of sweat broke out on his forehead. Fortunately, he woke up early, otherwise the family would definitely be affected!

After hearing what the young man conveyed, he hurriedly bowed his head and responded: "Follow the fairy's order!"

Young Master Yan took out the grain and silver list stamped with several large seals and handed it to Inspector Huang.

The young man's indifferent voice came up again: "The little fairy said that you should arrange for your family's descendants to leave the imperial city as soon as possible. The way to live is in the north. You let them go north, let alone resettling, the farther away the better, the better. A foreign country. There is a paradise for them.”

Waiter Huang, who put away the food and silver list, was so shocked that his expression changed several times when he heard the fairy's advice. He turned towards Ningjun and bowed down: "Thank you, Fairy, for your advice!"

The three Mahayana beasts of Yanxing were also very satisfied with the servant's grateful behavior.

There was a look of satisfaction in the young man's eyes, and he sent a small box to the chamberlain: "This is what the little fairy asked me to hand over to you. It is said that the contents in the box can burn whatever is in your hand. It can also burn the soul, so use it with caution."

Chamberlain Huang understood that what the guardian of the sacred tree asked to be handed over was for that contract, and tears burst into his eyes.

He kowtowed nine times in the direction of Ningjun, stood up and received the small box, thanked the white-robed boy, and asked respectfully: " you have any other orders?"

"No more." The young man casually leaned back on his chair: "I have been wandering around Xinhe Imperial City for two days, but I didn't find any good scenery. Only Xin Hunjun's private treasury is barely considerable. I will help you take inventory when I go to play. Check out the resources.”

"Hiss-" Huang Huang was shocked. It couldn't be what he guessed, right? !

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