magic eye doctor

Chapter 3116

The white-robed young monk's eyebrows were indifferent, Huang Shi's heart was shaken, and the fear in his eyes was as thick as water, almost overflowing.

The three Mahayana beasts are simple-minded and don't understand why the person who sent the spirit stone suddenly changed his appearance. Isn't it just to help count resources? Isn't this a good thing?
Yan Xing's face froze. He dared to put his personality on the line. The young man's words must be exactly what the little Loli told him before leaving!
The prisoner's eyes were horrified, and the young man raised his eyelids very calmly: "It's just as you thought. Don't worry, I have not touched Xin Heguo's people's wealth, and I have not gone to the treasury to help audit the accounts."

At this moment, as calm as the young cultivator was, Huang was shocked. He took a few deep breaths before managing to steady himself, and said in a dry voice: "True Lord, the magic circle in the monarch's private treasury is said to have been set up by mortal immortals themselves."

"So what? I'm not bad at all. I'm a half-step mortal. Not to mention that I'm also a weapon refiner. The weapon refiner himself is the most powerful formation master. It's just a few magic formations. I can use them just by looking at them. What formation is it?"

The young man in white still felt that it was not enough to shock people, and continued to say: "The private treasury of the king of Xin Heguo, the formation plates of the defensive formations and the talismans of the formations, the highest level ones are heavenly products, even an immortal There are no defensive formation disks or talismans of this level.

Such a simple defensive formation can only fool ordinary practitioners. If you encounter a weapon refiner, a magician, or a master of Talisman who are proficient in magic formations, you can easily break it. If you break the formation violently, it will only take a few breaths. .

Actually, there is no need for you to be frightened. Compared with the fact that I watched a court meeting that was noisier than a duck in the morning palace yesterday, and slept all night in the main hall of Xinhunjun's palace last night, I went to the monarch's study. Taking a walk is really not a big deal. "

"Zhenjun, please stop talking!" Huang Huang's mentality was about to collapse.

He is not an array mage, a weapon refiner, or a master of talismans, but there are many monks in the Xin family who have been studying formations, talismans, and weapons. Not to mention unlocking the magic circle in the monarch's private treasury, even the entrance to the magic circle is in Nowhere to be found.

If the young monk's words were heard by the monks of the Xin royal family, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood and die on the spot.

The most frightening thing is that the young monk actually went to listen to the court meeting and stayed in the monarch's palace all night, but no one in the palace, including him, noticed him!

With the young monk's ability to hide, it would be easy for him to kill the king or anyone in the royal family.

Huang Naijian felt that if the royal family and the monarch knew that the young monk could come and go freely in the palace, they would definitely not be able to eat or sleep well from now on.

The young man flicked the folding fan shut, then slowly floated up, pacing back and forth in front of the chamberlain: "Oh my, your mentality is really too weak!

As long as I say something more, for example, the person in Xinhunjun's palace said that the black gold couch in the palace is good, and the green jade screen with the rising sun pattern in your collection is good...

Uh, come on, I won’t say any more, you might faint if you continue. "

Even though the chamberlain Huang was shocked on the black gold couch in the young king's chamber, he could still hold his own. When the young monk mentioned the green jade screen in his family, he was so shocked that his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

The young Mahayana finally became kind-hearted and stopped telling secrets. He raised his hand with a trembling heart and wiped his sweat: "Thank you, Mr. Zhen, for showing mercy!" If he continues to say this, he might really faint!
The young man stood in front of the chamberlain, his eyes calm: "As long as I change my name, my name is Changsheng. If Lord Xinhun is dissatisfied, let him come to me.

By the way, I have something important to do and I am in a hurry to go to the Eighteen Continents of the Wilderness. I am very pressed for time. Lord Xinhun and the Xin family want to fight with me and tell them to hurry up. If they cannot catch up with me within a month, then they Only accept your fate. "

Chamberlain Huang's face changed, and he humbly replied: "The king of the country and the Mahayana of the Xin family must also understand the mercy of the true king, and would say that the items in the private treasury should be regarded as small gifts to honor the true king."

"You are good at talking." The young man in white robe showed his face and chuckled: "In that case, I would also like to give you a kind word. When you move, let the younger generations of the family throw away those things with shady origins, like the green jade screen. The origin is not right and it is bad luck.”

"Thank you, Zhenjun!" Huang's face turned pale and he leaned over to thank him.

"Get up." The young man's voice was indifferent: "Yesterday evening, I sent a message to the guardian of the Immortal Tree. The little fairy said one thing. She said that on the first day you returned to the palace, there were many innocent souls in the palace.

The fairy also said that those old fools of the Xin family did not take action when they should have taken action in the past, and they did not kill those who should be killed, which caused Xin Heguo's national destiny to be greatly shortened. Now they have regained their authority and killed those who should not be killed. This has ruined Xinhe's remaining national destiny by half. I really don't know what the use of the brains of those old fools is.

It's up to you whether you want to tell the Mahayana monks of the Xin family about this matter. There is really nothing else to do this time, so you should go back and recover as soon as possible. "

"Yes!" Waiter Huang Nei said, got up, straightened his appearance, saluted the young man, turned around and left through a door opened in the defense barrier of the spirit boat.

He stepped out of the spirit boat, bowed his thanks in the direction of Ningjun, then released his aircraft and drove it towards the imperial city.

The long-eared bear opened the defense formation of the spirit boat and sent away the visitor. When he was about to restore the defense formation, he saw the boy in white robe walking out and hurriedly closed all the defense formations of the spirit boat.

The young man in white robe stood in the air, raised his hand and released a leaf spirit boat.

The whole body of the spirit boat is smoky gray, plain and unpretentious.

The long-eared bear reduced his spirit boat to about a foot long, moved the boat to the bow of the white-robed boy's spirit boat, and occupied a small space.

The boy in white robe stepped into his spirit boat and smiled at the long-eared bear: "You are so clever. No wonder the little fairy said that you are the smartest little cutie among the bears."

Little cute long-eared bear: "..."

The corners of Yan Xing's eyes trembled slightly, and just when he was about to continue to be his own air, the young man suddenly stood in front of him and looked up in shock.The young man raised his hand and took out a storage bag and put it in the air: "The storage bag contains the ore collected by the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion. The little fairy asked me to give this to you, and asked you to deal with the impurities in the ore or refine the weapon on the way.

The little fairy has already sorted out the ore and told you to refine it according to your instructions.

My spirit boat travels slower than the little fairy's spirit boat, and it will also take a detour to Anjun and Hepingjun to buy some rice and grain along the way, which may take seven or eight days.

After that, he will go to the county town of Anjun, and take along the governor of Anjun and his entourage to Ningjun. "

"You want to buy rice too?"

The three Mahayana beasts stared at the white-robed boy with defensive eyes.

Yan Xing's thoughts moved, and his eyes were fixed on the young man, observing his expression.

The young man smiled happily: "Is it possible that I only allow you to buy rice grains? Forget it, I won't tease you anymore. I bought rice grains to exchange with the little fairy for the wine she brewed.

The rice and grain in Ning County were taken care of by you and the little fairy, so I had no choice but to go elsewhere. When I came here, I passed through An County and Heping County. I asked the county governor to issue a warrant, and went to some cities to buy some grain. When I returned, I went in a different direction. Buy some more. "

Yan Xing took the storage bag and asked the question in his heart: "Your Excellency said before that he did not go south with the little fairy because he had important things to do. Just now he told the imperial eunuch that he was going to the Eighteen Continents of the Wilderness. It’s important, why are you still staying in Binzhou?”

"It seems that you suspect that I have bad intentions." The young man smiled nonchalantly: "My ultimate goal is Dahuang, and Binzhou also has what I am looking for.

I arrived in Binzhou 20 years ago and guarded a spiritual plant in a spiritual place in the Baiyu Mountains. I waited until the fruits of the spiritual plant were mature and picked before coming to Xinheguo.

I originally thought that the little fairy would need to teach a few children and might need to stay in Songzhu Territory for about seven or eighty years. Unexpectedly, she only stayed for about fifty years before heading south and arriving at Ningjun faster than I did.

I am ready to set off, so don’t be idle, look at the ore materials, and refine the weapon as soon as possible. After all, there may be a cultivating family in Ning County waiting for you to refine the weapon. "

The long-eared bear humbly asked for advice: "Your Excellency, why did the little fairy let Brother Yan refine weapons for the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion?"

"Ning County has no elixirs and no protective equipment, and there are no weapon refiners in Ning County. The little fairy took pity on Ning County's difficulties and asked your brother to help refine weapons, and asked the County Sheriff's Mansion and the County Sheriff's family to help purchase rice and grain. This mutual exchange of jobs.

The same is true for your brother Xuan. The little fairy arranged for him to help the governor's mansion refine elixirs, and he has already made a batch of elixirs. "

"Your Excellency, you are also a weapon refiner. Why didn't the little fairy ask you to help the county governor's palace refine weapons?"

"When the little fairy decided to let Brother Yan refine the weapons for the county governor's mansion, I was still in the Baiyu Mountains. Besides, even if I was present at the time, the little fairy would not let me help refine the weapons.

I am a half-immortal and can only refine immortal-level weapons. The Ning County Sheriff's Mansion does not have high-level materials that can be used to refine immortal-level magic weapons, so I will not take action. "

"..." Being eliminated once invisibly, Yan Xing was so depressed that he wanted to hit a wall, but in the eyes of the little Lolita, he was just a tool for refining ordinary magic weapons!

The young man ignored the depressed young man and walked back to his own spirit boat. He sat on the bow and activated the defense barrier of the spirit boat.

The spirit boat rose quickly and reached the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds before sailing at high speed.

The boy turned on the hurrying mode, while the ape and the long-eared bear had nothing to do. They took out a bag of dried fruits and ate snacks happily.

When the spirit boat flew smoothly, Yan Shaocai checked the storage container.

Little Loli classified the ore materials according to the types of refining magic weapons. The ore materials for refining each magic weapon were packed in a separate storage container with instructions.

The instruction manual was written in little Loli's handwriting. It stated the weight of the materials, the order in which to refine the weapon, and the approximate number of magic weapons that could be refined.

After checking all the storage containers, Mr. Yan entered the Ruyi Room, opened the furnace, melted the materials, and removed impurities.

The three Mahayana beasts thought they could sleep every day, but on the fifth day of Yan Ge'er's weapon refining, they were thrown into Yan Ge'er's wishful house by the white-robed boy.

The boy in white robe personally taught the three Mahayana beasts how to remove impurities from the ore.

The three Mahayana beasts did not want to study, but succumbed to the majesty of the young Mahayana and were forced to be good students and work hard to learn skills.

Dear little fairies, it’s the annual Reunion Festival again. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and all the best~

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