magic eye doctor

Chapter 3118

Chapter 3118
The guests from Anjun arrived at the Ningcheng County Sheriff's Mansion around the end of the afternoon. After entering the mansion, it took an hour to meet each other and then go to the back hall to settle down. The guests of honor who returned to the west side hall of the main hall chatted too much. Pleasurable, it was evening before I knew it.

Time was tight that day and there was no time to greet the guests. Lord Shang acted as host and invited the guests to a restaurant in Ningcheng for a meal.

The next day, the Sheriff's Mansion of Ning County held a reception banquet for the guests from An County. The large kitchen of the Sheriff's Mansion was busy since the morning, and several restaurants in Ningcheng were also invited to support it.

Lord Shangjun also invited the monk family from Ningjun County to accompany the guests, and also invited the common people who came to the governor's house to give gifts to the fairy that day to entertain the people of Anjun County on his behalf.

The common people have something in common. If there are no common people to greet the people of Anjun, the latter will inevitably feel uneasy. The most appropriate way of reception is for the people of Ningjun to entertain the people of Anjun.

The reception banquet was held in the large courtyard of the fifth entrance hall. All the people who were not on duty in the county magistrate's mansion participated. There were more than 500 tables lined up. When the sky was dark, the reception banquet started.

The guests of honor gathered together happily, and the banquet lasted until midnight.

The common people who participated in the dust-washing banquet stayed at the governor's mansion that night. Of course, they did not go to the guest courtyard. The monks placed array trays in the courtyard of the fourth entrance, and everyone made beds on the floor.

The people staying in the county governor's mansion packed their mats and quilts early the next morning and quietly left the mansion. Everyone returned home and shared the experience of the banquet with their families, who were also honored.

The next day, the people who had attended the banquet went out with their whole families and brought a portion of their own produce to the county governor's house. Half of it was presented to the fairy, and the other half was given to the people of Anjun.

The Lord of Geng County rushed to collect the supplies after hearing the news, and he also sincerely admired the Shang family. The Shang family managed Ning County and loved the people like their own children, so they won the heartfelt support and love of the people of Ning County.

The people of Ning County took the initiative to send supplies to the people of An County who came to Ning County as guests. Firstly, they were kind-hearted and hospitable. Secondly, they also shared the worries of the county governor and Lord Shang.

The Gen family was also popular among the people in Anjun, but it was far behind the Shang family.

Lord Geng was only envious, not jealous. It seems that it was precisely because the Shang family governed Ning County with sincerity, and the people of Ning County were also honest and kind, that they won the protection and pity of the guardian of the sacred tree.

The people in the inner city who were close to the county governor's mansion knew that a group of people from An County had come to Ningcheng to meet the guardian fairy of the sacred tree. Whenever there were vegetables or fresh fruits at home, they would also pack some and send them to the county governor's mansion to entertain the distant guests.

The people of Anjun stayed at the Ningjun Sheriff's Mansion for two days. They got used to it and went out shopping. They all received warm hospitality from the people of Ningcheng.

The people of An County have experienced what it means to feel at home in a guest room, and therefore, they feel particularly comfortable living in Ning County.

Lord Geng and the monks were also meditating in the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion, waiting for the guardian of the Immortal Tree to return.

Everyone in Anjun was in a happy mood in Ningcheng, but Lord Xin and the Mahayana people of the Xin family were miserable every day.

Huang Nei did not hide anything when he returned to the palace with grain and silver, and conveyed everything that the white-robed boy said or did to the monarch and the Mahayana of the Xin family who accompanied the monarch.

When Xin Guojun and the Xin family Mahayana heard about who had been to the monarch's private treasury, they were shocked. Without waiting for Huang Naijian to say anything else, they immediately went to the underground private treasury to check whether it was true or not.

A group of people entered the underground private warehouse and saw the empty warehouse. Xin Guojun vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted out of anger.

The Mahayana disciples of the Xin family were not much better. They were so angry that they almost went crazy.

However, this was not over yet. Everyone who had just been hit by a wave of blows returned to the study from the underground private warehouse. Before they could fully recover, the second wave of blows came immediately.

The Mahayana of the Xin family heard that because of their selfishness, the national destiny of the Xinhe Empire was shortened, and that among the descendants of the royal family they treated as hidden dangers this time, there were people who should not be killed, because they killed people who should not be killed. These people actually caused the national destiny to be halved, and they were all so angry that they vomited blood.

The vomiting of blood was a minor matter, but some Mahayana were so overwhelmed with grief and anger that they broke several meridians, causing chaos in the true energy. They failed to control it in time, and they exploded and died.

Several Mahayana buildings exploded one after another, the study room was blown up, and the entire palace suffered several impacts and was destroyed to pieces.

Even though Chamberlain Huang and several Xin family members evacuated the palace guards and palace residents when things turned bad, they still inevitably caused more than [-] casualties.

The royal family lost several Mahayana and suffered huge losses.

Xin's Mahayana, who was still alive, was in panic all day long.

Lord Xin was even more frightened, and he had to stay by his side at night before he could close his eyes.

Although he was not feeling well, King Xin also did not forget to rope in his close ministers. The next day, he summoned people to have a secret conversation and asked the eunuch Huang to convey the news of the Xinyu clan's annihilation to them.

The courtiers involved in the conspiracy in Ning County were shocked to hear that the Xinyu clan in Kaiming Mansion in Ning County was destroyed, and they were frightened out of their courage. They did not dare to delay any longer, and returned home to order all the family insiders and those involved in giving suggestions to commit suicide.

At the same time, he packed up another portion of gold and silver and secretly sent away the best young people in batches.

Huang Naijian also took leave, went back to his family, and secretly sent the younger members of his family out of the imperial city. As for some elderly people, they voluntarily stayed in the capital as a cover in order for their younger members of the family to leave smoothly and safely.

The King of the Xin family also put it on the agenda to prepare to abdicate and choose a successor from the royal family.The monarch was in his prime, and his cultivation still had a lot of room and potential for improvement. At this time, he suddenly announced his abdication, causing an uproar in the court.

And because of the news that the monarch will choose a successor from among the royal descendants, the royal descendants are ready to take action. The royal relatives and ministers of the court also secretly form cliques in an attempt to elect a "puppet" to the throne.

The atmosphere in the Xinhe Palace became increasingly tense. The Queen personally went to the King's Palace to pick up the Master several times but did not see anyone. She also did not see many of the Prince's sons and grandsons. She went to the uncles to discuss countermeasures in an uneasy manner.

The uncles were unable to protect themselves, so they had no intention of caring about what happened to the prince's descendants. They even guessed that the queen must have been executed, but they couldn't say it clearly, so they just asked the internal prison guards to leave them alone and sent them away.

The internal prison guards also had a deep sense of crisis and arranged their own escape route.

The Xin family was in a precarious situation, and the people in the imperial city were not aware of it at all, let alone the people far away in Ning County. They didn't even bother to pay attention to what happened to the monarch and the royal family.

Many cities and towns in Ning County only look forward to the fairy coming to buy food one day. The fairy can't come, but the fairy's friends or spiritual beasts can come.

Whenever the people in every city know that a fairy friend is coming to purchase goods, they will definitely take notice and take the initiative to bring rice and grain to find people, so that the streets are often empty.

Young Master Xuan and his friends' work of buying rice and grain went smoothly, and they were almost too happy to miss Shu.

Le Xiaololi returned to Ningcheng at noon on this day in mid-November. It rained in many places in Ningjun County, and it also rained heavily in Ningcheng.

The raindrops were falling heavily, and the sound of pattering was endless.

Because of the heavy rain, the streets of Ningcheng were rarely idle, and pedestrians, vehicles and horses were also coming and going in a hurry in the rain.

Little Lolita's spirit boat passed through the woven rain curtain and quietly entered the county governor's house.

When the spirit boat with its golden light shield landed in the courtyard in front of the main palace, Shang Junjun and his bosses noticed it and hurriedly ran to the colonnade to look around.

The spirit boat with the barrier open was only more than ten feet long. It arrived under the eaves in front of the main hall. After the light shield disappeared, the fairy, who had been out for more than two months, floated from the spirit boat to the corridor.

Lord Shang ran wildly into the rain curtain and arrived just before the fairy put away her spiritual boat and was about to enter the palace. He saluted and said hello, and reported: "Fairy, Lord Anjun and some members of the monk families in Anjun have learned that the fairy is coming to Ning." City, along with hundreds of people's representatives, rushed to Ningcheng to see the fairy more than ten days ago, and Shang Jun placed them in the back hall of the county governor's mansion."

"My friend, my fairy, has told me about this. The Sheriff of An County is also a good official. They came all the way to Ningcheng for their own reasons. I, the fairy, will make an exception and meet them tomorrow."

Le Yun nodded and asked: "Has Kaiming Mansion handled it properly? Have they brought back the materials for alchemy and weapon refining?"

"The aftermath of the Xinyu clan in the Kaiming Mansion has been properly handled, and the spiritual plants and ores have been sorted out. Fairy Lao can take a look at it." Lord Shang quickly took out two storage containers and placed them on a tray and presented them to the fairy.

Leyun didn't ask for details and put away the two storage containers.

Lord Shang quickly put a bunch of storage containers into the tray: "These are spiritual plants or ores collected by the Ningjun monk family. They didn't dare to worry about the fairy and her friends, so they put the materials in the governor's house. Shang Jun will keep it on your behalf. They decide which elixir or magic weapon to refine, and everything is decided by the fairy."

"Okay, the materials from each family have been sent. I will talk to Mr. Xuan Zhen and ask him to refine the elixir next month.

Lord Shang asked the governor's office and the people from various monk families who were buying rice and grain to return to Ningcheng as soon as possible. When the alchemist was refining the elixir, they could also take the opportunity to practice and make up for the time they had lost in practice these days.

If anyone is too far away and cannot return to Ningcheng before December, let each family send someone to guide the way, and I will ask the spirit beasts of the two brothers to pick him up. "

"Thank you Fairy for your thoughtfulness. Shang Jun obeys Fairy's order!" Lord Shang Jun thanked the people on behalf of those who were traveling outside, and then asked: "Fairy, where will you receive everyone in Anjun? Is it in the third main hall or the fourth hall? Shang Jun will make arrangements."

"They are here for non-official business, so they can be accommodated in the West Wing Hall."

"The fairy has a noble status. How can a fairy condescend to be worshiped by all the people in the side hall? Shang Jun thought that at least he had to be in the main hall of the third hall to be worthy of the status of a fairy."

"So, according to Lord Shang's words, everyone in the governor's office can thank you for your hard work."

"The fairy condescends to live in the governor's mansion. Everyone in the mansion feels that they are lucky and cannot afford to work hard. The fairy is doing a disservice to Shang Jun and others."

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be humble. If you need to arrange a spiritual boat to pick up someone, when the person who leads the way comes, you can bring someone to the outside of the palace to inform this fairy."


"Jun Jun, go and do your work." Jun Jun Shang was strict and serious. Le Yun didn't want to chat with him anymore, so she walked into the hall with a bunch of storage containers.

(End of this chapter)

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