magic eye doctor

Chapter 3119 Evaluation

Shang Jungong sent the fairy into the main hall, and quickly rushed back to the west side hall. He told the people in the palace that the fairy knew that he would accept the people of Anjun when he entered the main hall on the third day, and asked the staff who had nothing important to do to take care of things.

He personally sent a message to the elders of the Shang family, asking them to notify the family monks who were purchasing rice grains in various prefectures to return to Ningcheng as soon as possible.

He did not forget his little daughter, and personally sent a message to Shang Miaoyin, informing her that the fairy asked him to return to the county governor's house before December.

He contacted his own family first, then the outside, and then contacted the head of the monk family in Ning County, asking them to notify their family members to return to the city.

At the same time, the heads of the monk families were also notified to check who in each family was far away and might not be able to return to Ningcheng in time, and asked them to arrange for a guide who could contact people outside to come to the county governor's house.

After finishing the business, Lord Shang personally went to the back hall to visit Lord Genu, and told the news that the fairy would summon everyone from Anjun to the main hall of the third hall tomorrow.

Jun Jun was overjoyed and sent Jun Jun Shang away. He immediately informed the monks, family and people to prepare and go to see the guardian of the sacred tree tomorrow.

The monks and people in Anjun knew that the guardian of the Immortal Tree was willing to see them, and they felt happy from the sky. They quickly packed up, packed their clothes and supplies in advance, and prepared for tomorrow morning's food and so on.

Young Master Yan received a blow from the young man in white robe. From the time he returned to Ningcheng to the time he returned to the governor's house, he ignored what was going on outside the window and only focused on refining weapons.

He didn't know that the little Loli had returned to the Sheriff's Mansion, but the three Mahayana beasts knew that they waited until the magic weapon that Brother Yan had refined was finished and could distract his attention before they heard the news that the little fairy was back.

"Oh." Mr. Yan said he understood and ordered another molten shaping.

Three Mahayana beasts: "..." Do you think Brother Yan listened to it or didn't?
They didn't want to disturb Brother Yan while he was refining the weapon, so they didn't say anything. Later, they saw that Brother Yan had been busy refining the weapon, and the little fairy didn't come to see Brother Yan, so they just worked and stopped yelling.

Le Yun said goodbye to Mr. Shang and entered the main hall. First, she observed the miniature magic circle on the big book table. She felt relieved when she saw that the magic circle was functioning well and the vitality was stronger than when she left.

She still put out her large jade couch that was a mixture of spiritual jade and spiritual crystal, and then placed a Kang table at one end of the couch. Sitting on the couch, she boiled a pot of spiritual tea, and while drinking tea, she checked the details of the governor's mansion. Resources received by the Xinyu family.

The Xinyu family developed a yearning and desire for power more than 10,000 years ago, and had the ambition to compete in the world and replace the Xinhe royal family.

Their family had their own ambitions, and their ancestors began to secretly accumulate wealth in a planned way. When the time was right, they would unveil their flag, establish themselves as kings, and start their journey to fight for power.

However, the ancestors of the Xin royal family managed the country well, the Xin He Kingdom was relatively peaceful, and the Shang family of Ning County managed Ning County in an orderly manner, so the Xinyu family naturally had no excuse to rebel.

Among the ancestors of the Xinyu family, those talented people with plans, ambitions and abilities died in vain from generation to generation due to the unfavorable circumstances.

This wait lasted for 10,000+ years. In modern times, the Xinhe royal family had complained about Ningjun since the first two generations of monarchs, but they were only dissatisfied and did not target Ningjun.

It was not until the current monarch succeeded to the throne that his dissatisfaction with Ningjun became more and more obvious. The Xinyu family finally found an opportunity and took the opportunity to turn to the monarch and secretly target Ningjun.

The Xinyu family's plan is to capture Ningjun first, and then use Ningjun as a starting point to slowly annex neighboring counties and strengthen itself step by step.

At the same time, he secretly instigated the relationship between the royal family, the counties, the courtiers, and the monks' families, so that the reputation of the monarch and the royal family would be ruined, and they would lose their hearts.

While the reputation of the Xin family has declined due to recent decline, the Xinyu family has accumulated a certain level of reputation and strength, and can then raise its troops to conquer the world.

The ancestors of the Xinyu family have accumulated wealth for dozens of generations, and their heritage is far from comparable to that of other monk families in Ning County. The resources collected from the Xinyu family are almost equal to the total resources of the monk families in Ning County.

Many resources of the Xinyu family are hidden in secret warehouses, and the keys are controlled by successive family heads or a few elders. Even most of the core members of the Xinyu family do not know where the secret warehouse is or how to open it.

The Shang family and the monk family searched for the souls of the Xinyu family, and found out the secrets of the secret warehouse from the two family heads. They rushed to Kaiming Mansion to take over the aftermath, and also found the Xinyu family's secret warehouse.

The Shang family and other monk families emptied out the Xinyu family's secret warehouse. The rough estimate of the value could be worth 70 years of Ning County's taxes.

The senior monks of the monk family and the monks of the Shang family collected all the supplies of the Xinyu family and immediately returned to Ningcheng to sort out the resources and register them.

Lord Shang Jun presented spiritual plants, ores and spiritual jades, some high-grade spiritual stones and spiritual marrow, and a small amount of spiritual crystals so that the alchemist and weapon refiner could use whatever resources they needed to refine the alchemy and refine the weapon.

After checking a pile of storage bags, Le Yun wiped her sweat for herself. Oh my god, I asked Mr. Xuan to help "refining the medicine" and didn't trick Mr. Xuan. This is the way to trick him!
A gentleman's promise is true. He promised to let the two handsome guys help him refine the alchemy and the weapon. Now even if the materials for the alchemy and the weapon are far more than expected, he must continue.

I checked the storage containers in the Sheriff's Mansion, and then checked the resources of the monk families to see how many families chose to refine alchemy and how many chose to refine magic weapons.

Surprisingly, there are almost the same number of monk families who choose to refine elixirs and those who choose to refine weapons. It feels like they have been discussed.

Le Yun didn't have time to wonder whether the monk family had reached some kind of agreement, so she started sorting out the spiritual plants in the Sheriff's Mansion, distributed the spiritual plants according to the recipe, and then wrote the instructions.

After preparing all the elixir ingredients, sort out the ore.

She concentrated on sorting out resources, and it took her an hour and a half to sort out the spiritual plants and ores from the Sheriff's Mansion, and then she sorted out the spiritual plants and ores from the monk family.

It is already the beginning of Youshi when all the materials are sorted out smoothly.

Le Yun, who had been sitting for several hours, rubbed her aching arms, put away the four treasures of the study, performed a few dust removal spells on herself, cleaned up, and slipped into the magic circle in the third courtyard with the movement spell.

The three Mahayana beasts had melted the materials and were fine for the time being. They were so bored that they ran away to eat snacks. When they saw the little fairy coming, they threw the snacks into the storage container and quickly moved out a big throne for the little fairy to sit on.

The little fairy sat down, and the three beasts moved out a table, put the spiritual fruits that they were reluctant to eat on a plate in front of the little fairy, and then crowded around the little fairy and started chattering.

"Little fairy, little fairy, that friend of yours is so powerful. He just made a top-grade magic weapon!"

"Little fairy, your friend's professional knowledge is so strong, I feel he is only a little behind you."

"Little Fairy, he said he came to see you for fun, why didn't he come to Ningcheng with him?"

The three beasts took the initiative to talk about the boy in white robes, and they all praised him non-stop.

"That's natural. That person is an immortal-grade weapon refiner. He has touched the threshold of a mortal immortal and can be promoted to a mortal immortal at any time. Because to be promoted to a mortal immortal, he must leave Yunlan as soon as possible, so he suppressed his cultivation and failed to advance."

Le Yun was confident, and naturally she would not show off her lies. She calmly explained the whereabouts of the boy in white robe: "Chang Sheng is looking for materials for refining weapons. There are clues that there is something he wants in Dahuang. He found me and went crazy for two days. He set off a few days ago. He said that the three of you were smart and simple, and you even treated him to fruit shells and ling shells, which made him very happy."

The three clever and simple Mahayana beasts rubbed their heads in embarrassment and said shyly: "We just asked him to knock a little bit of shellfish."

When the little Loli came, Yan Xing was drawing a magic circle. He had no time to pay attention. After finishing the formation, he took a breath and turned his head to look at the little Loli and the beasts faintly: "Little Loli, your friend If we stay a little longer, these three will definitely empty the bag of fruit shells.”

"Sharing with others is also a happy thing." Le Yun smiled and took a bite of a spiritual fruit: "Do you want to listen to his evaluation of you?"

Yan Xing pondered for a moment: "I feel like there may not be any good words, but if you want to hear them, wait until the item in my hand is finished."

"Okay, you continue to work, don't be half-hearted, I'm chatting with the little ape, the little bear and the others." Le Yun waved her little hands, just saying one thing - go ahead and do your business!

"They will treat me like a cow or a horse." Yan Xing muttered and continued working resignedly.

The three Mahayana beasts didn't pity Brother Yan. They ate spiritual fruits with the little fairy and talked about how the white-robed boy appeared and what he did.

The three beasts asked curiously: "Little Fairy, did your friend plunder the private treasury of that foolish king?"

"Yes, he went to pick you up. Every time he came back, the spirit boat consumed a lot of money. Lord Xinhun's private treasury can at least cover the travel expenses."

"The travel expenses are too much." Yan Xing couldn't help but interrupt again. Looking at the eunuch's expression, he knew that Hunjun's private resources must be very considerable.

"As he said, you are very dissatisfied with him." Le Yun frowned: "Brother Yan, you have no conflict of interest with him, why do you keep rejecting him?"

"No." Yan Xing firmly denied that he rejected the boy in white robe. If he admitted it, the little Lolita would definitely think that he was jealous of other people's excellence, and that he was narrow-minded and unbearable.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, he is my friend and has nothing to do with you. It is basically impossible for you to interact with him again in the future. Even if you become a high-level immortal and travel around the world one day, he will have already He went to a higher level world, and you are not in the same world as him."

Le Yun is not afraid that handsome guy Yan will be beaten to the point of collapse. This handsome guy is hostile to her "friend", and this kind of behavior must not be tolerated.

Yan Xing's heart sank: "Then, will you interact with him in the future?"

"Of course. Anyone who can become my friend will naturally have an inseparable connection with me. Even if we are not in the same world for certain periods of time, we will meet again sooner or later."

"What about me and Young Master Xuan?"

"Do your job, why are you asking so many questions?" Le Yun rolled her eyes: "Little Xiong Xiaoyuan, you brother Yan can't even walk safely and you want to run away. From now on, you must not only protect his life, but also You have to constantly guard against him because he is too far away, and it feels like it’s too difficult for you.”

Yuan Er Long-eared Bear looked dumbfounded, this and this...where did this go? Their brains couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Yan Xing was so angry that he didn't want to talk to the little Loli anymore, or the Little Loli would kill him!Is he too ambitious?He obviously didn't!

The long-eared bear looked at Brother Yan, then at the little fairy, stretched out his big paw to scratch the back of his head, thought for a moment, took out his shell bag, opened it and handed it to the little fairy.

"Little fairy, Brother Yan is a straight man with steel. He has a simple mind but strong limbs. He is too blunt and can't speak. Don't be the same as him. Eat a fruit shell to calm down."

Can you still use it like this if you are too straight?Le Yun felt that the three beasts had followed the two handsome men for decades and might have heard some extraordinary things.

She generously grabbed a handful of fruit shells and put them on the table. She stretched out her little claws to rub the little bear's big head: "The little bear is still the smartest and cutest. For the sake of you and your friends, I won't argue with you Brother Yan." "Whenever he gets angry with me again, I'll beat him up and let him know why the flowers are so red."

"Little Fairy, just do it, we will pretend we didn't see it." The attitudes of the three beasts were surprisingly unified, and they all sided with the Little Fairy.

The beasts were still cute, and Leyun was in a great mood instantly. She decisively ignored the handsome guy Yan and happily enjoyed the shells and spiritual fruits shared by the three beasts.

Yan Xing is so angry, his own beast turns his arms outward and asks you how you feel.

He was so angry that he didn't want to talk any more, so he simply worked hard on refining the weapon. When a magic weapon was turned into a finished product, he threw it aside and rushed to sit down next to the little Loli like a whirlwind.

He felt unhappy, and angrily took a plate of spiritual fruits, one on the left and one on the right, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Three beasts: "..." Look how hungry Brother Yan is!
In order not to starve Brother Yan, the three Mahayana beasts offered another plate of spiritual fruits and a plate of spiritual shells, and looked at Brother Yan with doting looks as he ate Haisei.

Yan Xing was stared at with horror. He finished eating the fruit in his hand and pretended to be calm: "What are you looking at me for?"

"It's nothing. Brother Yan, please continue to eat. Eat more to replenish the energy consumed so that you can have the strength to refine the weapon." The three Mahayana beasts were considerate.

Yan Xing looked at this and that, his heart went crazy, and he decisively changed the subject: "Little Lolita, you can tell me what your friend said about me."

"Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Going up to the sky is just a derogatory term. It's not a big deal. I can bear it."

"Whether it's derogatory or not, I'll talk about it later. His evaluation of you is, 'You're pretty lucky, and your talent in weapon refining is pretty good, but you're just stubborn and have wronged the spirit fire that formed a contract with him.'"

"Spreading rumors, this is spreading rumors!" Being said to be brainless, doesn't that mean that he is not smart?Yan Xing was dissatisfied. This was deliberately belittling him. It was definitely the person who deliberately attacked him.

"If you don't mind, why haven't you transferred the spiritual fire to Dantian for decades?" Le Yun's eyes widened: "On the day we met in Guiji City, my fist was ready to move. At that time, I saw that there were ten of you. I haven't seen the light of day for several years before I beat you."

"The spiritual fire doesn't move on its own, what can I do?" Yan Xing felt extremely wronged. The spiritual fire was his, but it was willing to stay where he chose. What could he do?
"You won't communicate with it and let it move to a better position?"

"Spiritual fire can't speak, how can it communicate?"

"You didn't bring your brain with you when you came. It's hopeless. Destroy it!" Le Yun gave up on saving Yan. This person came from the earth without his brain when he went out, so someone came.

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