magic eye doctor

Chapter 3120 Good is good

Chapter 3120 Good is good
The young monk in white robe said that he was stubborn, and the little loli also said that his IQ was not up to par. Yan Xingqi turned into a pufferfish, trying hard to argue with reason in order to regain his respect.

"I'm not smart enough to run away from home. Can you stop calling me stupid all the time?"

"Yes, you are not stupid. You are the smartest in the world. You are extremely smart. You are so smart that you don't remember what spiritual consciousness is, and you don't know how to communicate with spiritual fire."

Le Yun was heartbroken. She had committed several lifetimes of misfortunes before she had to deal with such a bodyguard. With such a jerk, she was destined to have her heart broken.

Are you talking about this?Yan Xing said confidently: "I use my spiritual consciousness to communicate with the fire, but it ignores me."

"The spiritual fire is weak, and sometimes it may be asleep. If you communicate once, you will not succeed twice, and twice will not succeed three times. Time and time again, if you communicate with each other, you will always succeed.

More than 60 years have been enough for you to communicate with spiritual fire tens of thousands of times. How many times have you tried? "

"..." Yan Xing was so guilty that he hung his head and stopped talking.

"You are like a bird. If you are still not convinced that you are stubborn, I really want to kick you and send you back to your hometown." Le Yun looked at Mr. Yan who was pretending to be dead and was furious.

The little fairy got angry. When the three Mahayana beasts saw that something was not going well, they jumped away and quickly rushed to the weapon refining furnace, pretending to be working.

The little Loli was so angry that she cursed, but Yan Xing still said stubbornly: "It's good that you kicked me back. I just missed home."

"From now on, you can do whatever you like." Le Yun no longer wanted to reason with others, so she stood up with a tigerish face, turned around and left.

The little Loli was really angry, and Yan Xing became anxious. He jumped up, grabbed the sleeves of the Little Loli, and begged pitifully for mercy: "Little Loli, I was wrong, please give me a good beating, or else you will get a few deductions." It’s a meal, don’t be angry, okay?”

Oh, there is no birdman in Leyun. He brushed away the poor guy with a flick of his sleeves, then called back the nine Yinxing brothers who were in the air. Then he went to a corner away from Yan's weapon refining furnace, grabbed the storage container and moved it out. ore.

The ore was piled in piles and lined up in dozens of rows.

Le Yun placed a refining furnace in front of each column of ore, threw flame stones into the furnace, lit the fire, added ore to the furnace, then called the great ape and the long-eared bear to her side, and let the two beasts Help smelt ore.

The two Mahayana beasts nodded like mincing words: "Yeah, just melt the materials, we can do this! Don't worry, little fairy, we will definitely do it for you."

"There are a lot of materials. It will take about three days to melt them all. I will come back in three days." Le Yun handed two storage bags containing flame stones to the two beasts.

Saruda and Long-eared Bear took over the fuel and asked about the order and specific requirements for putting the materials into the furnace. They confirmed that there was really no skill in melting the materials, and they were completely relieved.

Mahayana beasts have very strong memories, and the ability of Mahayana beasts to assist in refining weapons was taught to them by themselves. Leyun trusted their work attitude and skills, so she returned to the hall with the teleportation technique without asking her mother-in-law.

Yuanda and Long-eared Bear instantly transformed into steel workers and began to deal with impurities in the ore.

The little Loli ignored him, and Yan Xing followed him aggrievedly. Standing a few steps away, he became even more panicked when he saw the Little Loli carrying out the ore and furnace.

The little loli is really angry if she doesn’t give her a piece of cake!
Especially when the little Loli asked the beasts to help melt the materials and did not arrange her own work, Yan Xing became even more panicked. He wanted to get closer but was afraid of making the little Loli even more angry, so he just watched the little Loli arrange the work. disappear.

He stayed for a long time, then walked dejectedly to the great ape and the long-eared bear, wandering around the two beasts.

"Brother Yan, have you made all the materials into a magic weapon?" Brother Yan was walking around, and Yuan Da was confused. Why is this guy wandering around here if he doesn't work?

"No." Yan Xing drooped his head with a frustrated look on his face: "Yuan Da, why do you think the little fairy asked you for help instead of asking me to help with the work?"

"Of course we work proactively and conscientiously. The little fairy's friends must have told the little fairy. The little fairy thinks we are trustworthy." Isn't the answer obvious?

Yan Xing felt bad: "Do you think the little fairy cares about her friends' opinions?"

"Of course, the little fairy asked his friend to pick us up, which shows that he has absolute trust in him. The little fairy trusts his friend, so he will naturally listen to his opinions and suggestions."

"..." Yan Xing was hit hard. He is not as transparent as a beast?
Feeling unhappy, Young Master Yan walked slowly back to his weapon-refining furnace for fear of hearing more shocking words, and returned to his old business and continued to refine weapons.

The Great Ape and the Long-eared Bear were called to work. The Second Ape and the other gang looked after the fire. They finally felt relieved when they saw Brother Yan come back to work. The little fairy likes hard-working and enterprising people and animals. Brother Yan worked hard. If he completes the tasks arranged by the little fairy early, the little fairy will definitely not be angry with him again.

Is the little loli angry?
She didn't get too angry, mainly because Yan didn't like to use her brain to talk back. She was too lazy to deal with such a dog-tempered person, so she just turned a blind eye.

After quietly returning to the main hall using the teleportation technique, Le Yun sat on her jade couch, took out her tools, and drew the talisman meticulously.

After drawing the talisman for a long time, when night fell, I saw that the rain had not stopped, so I put down the talisman for a while, took a rest, and took out the messenger talisman to contact Mr. Xuan.

Master Xuan and his friends split up into two groups. He and Shui Dun went to a city far away from Ningcheng to buy food, led by a monk from the Yu family.

Calabash Baby and Baiyin Yingsheng are in a group, and they are accompanied by monk Luo to buy grain.

The two groups went in different directions.

It rained in many places that day, but this did not affect the schedule of Mr. Xuan and others. They still set out under the morning light and did not stop working until the shops on the street closed.

When he received the summons from Xiao Loli, Mr. Xuan was still busy in a grain store. He didn't bother to read the summons at that time. He waited until the check was settled before checking the summons talisman.

After reading the message, he was happy to learn that little Loli had returned to Ningcheng. Then he heard that little Loli said that the spiritual plants collected behind the governor's house and several alchemy commissions from the monk family were waiting for him, and the smile froze on his face.

Oh my god, there are so many elixirs to refine, and the pace is exhausting!
The tired Young Master Xuan didn't want to talk, so he threw the communication talisman into the storage bag, grabbed Shui Dun and the guide, and headed straight to the next grain store in a hurry.

Le Yun was not surprised at all when Mr. Xuan didn't reply. She spread out the talisman paper and continued to draw the talisman. She didn't stop working until midnight and started to meditate on time.

That night, half of the people in the Sheriff's Mansion slept soundly, while the other half were so excited that they stayed awake for half the night.

The people of Anjun were so excited that they didn't sleep well for half the night. They got up early to cook, eat, and tidy themselves up.

Jun Jun and the monks meditated all night and were full of energy. They waited for someone to inform them before going to see the fairy.

On the morning of November [-]th, the rain still continued, with occasional light rain or showers.

There was a moderate rain in the early morning, and then it turned to light rain. At the end of the morning, the rain stopped, and the ground in the Sheriff's Mansion was moist and clean.Shang Junjun went to the courtyard early to offer incense and read prayers, and then went to have morning tea with the officials who had woken up in the middle of the night.

After the meal time, Lord Bo went to the back hall to inform Yu Zhenjun and others to go to the main hall of the third main hall first.

Junjun Jun and the monks from Anjun moved the people from the back hall to the main hall, which is the third entrance to the main hall. They were guests and lived on the west side.

When the monks and people of An County entered the palace, the Lord Bo and the guards led some officials from the County Sheriff's Mansion into the main hall of the third major palace.

Lord Shang and the Shang family went to the main gate of the main hall and waited for the fairy to drive to the third hall.

As soon as they reached the door, the fairy came out.

Lord Shang and the Shang family hurriedly led the way, bypassing the Xi'er Hall, and then passed through the verandah to the long corridor connected to the Xi'er Hall, which was the third entrance.

The three of them walked along the colonnade and passed through the west ear hall and the west side hall of the third entrance hall. Before they reached the entrance of the main hall, the Shang monk standing at the door announced: "The fairy has arrived -"

The anxious Anjun people in the main hall heard the announcement and stood up neatly. They all looked at the door of the main hall. Then they saw Lord Shang accompanied by a girl who looked like a half-grown child and wore a blue skirt with wide sleeves. coming.

Lord Geng, the monks, and the common people knelt down devoutly and bowed their heads to greet the fairies: "Welcome to the fairies! The sacred tree will always be prosperous, and the fairies will be healthy!"

All the officials in the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion bowed and lowered their heads to their knees.

"Everyone stands up without ceremony." Le Yun raised her feet and stepped across the threshold of the main hall. She walked calmly through the brocade-carpeted passage between the people who bowed their heads and bowed and bowed, and walked towards the Xumi Platform, which was placed on the throne of the main hall. throne seat.

The fairy granted him a flat body, and all the officials in Ning County stood up straight. The monks and people in An County only raised their heads, and their eyes touched the petite guardian of the sacred tree. Suddenly, their eyes suddenly lit up, and the entire hall changed. Get the brilliance.

Everyone watched excitedly as the small and pretty fairy in blue skirt walked slowly into the hall, watched her walk lightly in front of them with lotus steps, and looked at the back of the fairy with fluttering clothes. Their hearts felt as light as floating on the clouds. .

After passing through the hall, Leyun walked to the throne in the center, turned around and sat down, and asked everyone to get up again: "All the true monarchs and elders of Anjun, get up and sit down."

Shang's Mahayana stopped in front of the first seat on the east side. Shang Junjun walked to the fairy and stood beside him: "Fairy has mercy on all living beings, and granted Junjun Jun and all the true monarchs and the fathers of Anjun a place to live and sit on the same level!"

"Thank you Fairy for your grace!" The people of Anjun heard the message from Lord Shang and kowtowed excitedly before getting up.

When Junjun Jun and the monks saw the officials from Ningjun taking their seats, they also took their seats one by one.

The people of Anjun waited for Jun Jun and the immortal masters to sit down, then took two steps back and sat down. They all sat upright, with their waists straight, and their eyes looking at the fairy were shining like stars.

After everyone sat down, Lord Shang called a chair and placed it next to the fairy's throne, and sat next to the fairy.

The Shang monk standing at the door of the main hall shouted again, "Tea."

The back hall of the main hall can be opened to the doors of the east and west side halls. Attendants carrying saucers and fruits filed out and moved from the back hall to the main hall to serve tea to the guests.

Lord Shang placed a small table in front of the armrest adjacent to the fairy throne, took the saucer and fruit plate from the waiter, and made tea himself.

There is a small flower table between each two tables for monks, common people and officials from Ning County. Each two people has a pot of tea, two plates of fruits and two plates of snacks.

The monks and officials made tea themselves, and the waiter made a cup of tea for the people of Anjun. Then he quietly left the main hall and went around the back hall to wait in the side hall.

Le Yun took the initiative to pick up the tea bowl, invited everyone in An County to drink tea and taste snacks, and asked: "Ning County has good weather this year, and the crops have been harvested well. The elders of An County can harvest all the crops and return them to the warehouse. How will the harvest be this year?" ? How many crops have been increased, and is there a lot of pressure to support the family?"

The fairy cared about people's livelihood, and the people of Anjun were so grateful that they could no longer speak and kept shouting: "Okay, very good, the crops have been harvested."

Junjun Jun also replied on his behalf: "Thank you, Fairy Lao. The weather in Anjun is stable this year, and the crops in summer and autumn have been abundant. Before coming, the crops in various prefectures and counties in Anjun have basically been returned to the warehouse. Only a small amount is left and should be harvested at the end of November." of winter crops were not harvested.

Thanks to God's pity for the common people, the wind and rain have been even in recent years, and the harvest in An County has not failed. The people in the county are diligent and diligent, and every household has a slight surplus of food and clothing. "

"The county guards of the four counties of Ping An and Tranquility have managed each county well. The people's food and clothing are not worried about it, not only due to their own hard work, but also to the contributions of all the officials.

The Xinhe royal family is immoral, but the officials in the four counties of Ping An and Tranquility are truly good officials. This fact makes me very happy. Human officials are like this, which to some extent preserves the dignity of our human race. "

The fairy praised the officials of the four counties, and the officials of Ning County. Lord Geng quickly stood up and thanked them: "We just did our duty, we don't dare to be praised by the fairy!"

"You don't have to be humble, good is good. The people's eyes are sharp. If you want to ask whether the officials in a place are qualified, just ask the people."

Le Yun smiled: "You don't have to be so restrained when you sit down. If you are so careful, the elders in An County will only become more nervous when they see you.

This fairy doesn't eat people, so just treat it like you are at home and feel free to do so. "

The standing officials responded one after another and sat down again. Lord Shang was busy livening up the atmosphere, inviting the monks and people in Anjun to taste snacks and fresh fruits. He also asked them how the fresh fruits tasted, and asked if Anjun had the same fresh fruits.

The people of Anjun were originally very nervous, but the fairy was amiable and had a gentle smile. She only talked about the people's food and clothing, crops and families, which made people relax.

The people started chatting, talking about planting, the number of people in their families, marriages, and trivial matters between neighbors. There were many topics to talk about.

All kinds of bits and pieces from the farmhouse are put together to form the essence of life.

The fairy and the common people actually had a common topic, and their conversation was particularly speculative. Lord Geng and the monk were so shocked that they almost suspected that there was something wrong with their ears.

The common people chatted happily with the fairy, and the monks became the audience.

When the common people talked about the education of raising children, the monks thought that the fairy would be blinded and unable to answer the words. However, they thought differently. The fairy would not be able to answer the words, and she had quite a lot of experience in raising children.

Listening to the fairies talking about parenting with the common people, the analysis was clear and logical. The common people showed expressions of "confidant" and "taught", and a group of monks were completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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