magic eye doctor

Chapter 3122 Top Treatment

The beasts and Yan Shaoxuan had a night's rest and got together to practice before dawn. They were all full of energy, tidied up, and happily gathered for dinner.

The two of them, Seven Beasts, had their morning meal and were enjoying the fruit after dinner when they saw the little loli/fairy coming.

Xuan Shaoyan was stunned. They thought that the little Loli was tired after practicing for half a month and needed to repair for a day or two before coming back again, so they did not include the Little Loli when they had breakfast in the morning.

Mr. Xuan quickly came back to his senses and looked at the little Lolita who appeared so struttingly, with a sympathetic face: "Little beauty, you have done good things and have to hide your merit and fame. It's so pitiful."

"I know you are compassionate, so you try your best to take the blame, and continue to work hard." Le Yun smiled at Mr. !

If one day the news that Young Master Xuan is an alchemist reaches Immortal Wanghai City before she and the handsome guys return to the Western Continent, when they appear in Wanghai City again, Young Master Xuan will be watched by everyone.

At that time, those monks who could no longer ask her to make alchemy pills due to her different status would definitely be eyeing Mr. Xuan, a master of alchemy with a hot moxibustion skill.

It is conceivable that Young Master Xuan will definitely become a popular target and the target person to be chased and intercepted.

Seeing the innocent and harmless smile of the little Lolita, Xuan Shao's hair stood on end: "I have a hunch that you are going to do something big!"

"Illusion, illusion, if something big happens, that person is also you." Le Yun carried her little hands behind her back and walked out as if she didn't recognize her relatives.

"It's over! I feel like the blame this time may be the one that can crush me to death."

"That's not the case." Le Yun wandered into the crowd of people and beasts sitting around the table, and stepped in between Calabash Baby and Young Master Xuan.

Mr. Xuan moved his chair to one side and leaned back on the chair: "If you don't say this, I can still have some delusions. But if you say this, the last trace of luck in my heart will disappear."

"It's really nothing. You have to believe in my honesty." Le Yun handed Xuan Shao a piece of paper and showed an innocent expression of "I am a good person."

Mr. Xuan immediately checked the paper in his hand. The surnames of the Ningjun monk family were listed on the paper, followed by the name of a certain elixir.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not much better."

"You should also have heard rumors that a certain monk family was exterminated. That family's property was confiscated. As a result, the Sheriff's Mansion collected another spiritual plant resource, which is approximately equivalent to this batch of materials you used to make alchemy last time. about seven and a half times the total.”

The little Loli narrated something calmly, and Xuan Shao jumped up, his voice cracking: "What?!"

"Don't panic, this is just a trivial matter. I haven't said that some of the spiritual plants in that batch are of good grade and are the materials for refining immortal pills."

"..., little beauty, you should just bury me!"

"Look what you said, you are my little friend. How can I push you into the fire pit? I have already picked out the materials for refining the immortal pill. No matter you or Ning County, there is no way that the immortal pill can be produced at the moment. .”

"That's good." Mr. Xuan finally felt at ease.

"The Immortal Pill cannot appear, but the Heavenly Pill requires one or two furnaces."

"..." Mr. Xuan is hopeless again. In Yunlan, he is determined to bear the blame for the alchemy master, and he is still unable to get rid of it.

After scaring Mr. Xuan, Le Yun stood up with a smile, walked to the open space, relocated the previous alchemy furnace, and placed dozens of groups of alchemy furnaces again.

The alchemy furnaces formed a large circle, and each group was still equipped with a small flower table, which contained storage bags and instructions for spiritual plants. The storage bag for fuel was shared.

After preparing all the necessary preparations, Le Yun loaded fuel into the alchemy furnace, lit a fire, and stuffed spiritual plants into the furnace.

Dozens of groups of alchemy furnaces started working at the same time. The fire in the furnace slowly became stronger and the heat rose.

Mr. Xuan silently took office and checked the instructions for each group of alchemy furnaces to confirm the time and order of adding spiritual plants.

After completing the first step, Le Yun slipped back to the table and sat down, enjoying the considerate care of the clever Calabash Baby who was rubbing her shoulders.

Little Loli is also a conscientious person and has found a helper for Mr. Xuan: "Xiao Guozi, you and Shui Dun help Brother Xuan to share the worries and be responsible for adding spiritual plants to the alchemy furnace on time, while the Yingsheng Helper takes care of the fire."

"Okay." The four beasts accepted the task happily.

Yan Xing, who had been ignored for a long time, saw that even the Calabash Baby had a task, but the little Loli never looked at him, and moved towards the little Loli aggrievedly.

He presented the refined magic weapon and a batch of spiritual stones retrieved from Xinhe Imperial City: "Little Loli, this is grain and silver. This is the result of my work some time ago. Please check and accept it."

Le Yun took two storage containers and gave a certain one a faint look. She still didn't want to talk to him. The guy named Yan was the type who wouldn't pay attention to his house for three days. The more you paid attention to him, the more he would do nothing. Instead, he is honest and contented.

If the mountain doesn't come, I'll be there. If I go, I'll leave the mountain. Yan Xing takes the initiative and takes the job: "Little Lolita, I'm free now and full of energy. Is there anything else that needs my help?"

"I don't need your services. The Ningjun monk family collects rice grains for you, and several of them ask you to refine magic weapons." Le Yun pulled out a few storage containers and put them on the table in front of Yan with a sullen face.

"Oh oh oh, there's a job, I'll get to work right away." The little Loli finally calmed down, and Yan Xing was refreshed and resurrected with full health.

Yan is a typical example of someone who shines brightly when given a little sunshine. Le Yun couldn't bear to look at his stupid look, so she grabbed the long-eared bears Da Yuan and Bai Yin to help melt the ore.

Yuan Er, he still works for Brother Yan, helping to look after the fire, removing impurities from the ore and so on.

In order to prove that he kept his word, Mr. Yan turned into an activist, grabbed the storage device and ran to the place where the weapons were made, checked the instructions for what kind of magic weapon to make, and excitedly opened the furnace to melt the materials.

The two young men and Beast Beast both had jobs and left cleanly.

The little Lolita who was left behind became a loner.

With no beasts to pick up, Le Yun stood up slowly, wandered out of the magic circle, returned to the main hall through the back door of the main hall, and closed the door.

She entered the hall through the back gate, then went out through the main gate of the main hall, and wandered into the west side hall.

Lord Shang and others who were on duty in the West Wing Hall and took the time to count supplies when no one came to do things were startled when they saw the fairy who suddenly arrived.

The frightened people hurriedly welcomed the fairy, placed a throne in the middle of the hall in front of the Xumi Terrace, and invited the fairy to sit on it.

All the officials lowered their hands and stood on both sides, respectfully waiting for the fairy's instructions.

Looking at the uneasy expressions of the group of people, Le Yun sighed helplessly and handed a storage container to Lord Shang: "This is the grain and silver that Lord Xinhun owes Ning County. Brother Yan previously took care of the storage container. , he had already started refining the weapon on his way back to Ning County from Xinhe Imperial City, and he had no time to be distracted, so he delayed handing this fairy over to you until today."

All the officials really didn't pay attention to the matter of grain and silver during this period. At this moment, this fairy said that the grain and silver owed by Lord Xin had been recovered, and everyone was still in a daze.

"Thank you, Fairy!" Shang Junjun took the storage device and almost burst into tears with gratitude. He asked Fairy Hongfu to protect him. Now he was finally worthy of Ning Jun.

The grain and silver that had been forcibly taken away by Lord Xin passed through his hands. If the grain and silver did not come back one day, he would feel ashamed of facing Ning County. The arrears of grain and silver over the years became a worry for him.

Now that the Fairy Gang had recovered the grain and silver, Lord Shang felt relieved.All the officials were so grateful that they almost burst into tears.

"You guys are busy, I'm going out for a walk." Le Yun was afraid that a group of people would react and kneel down to thank her, so she calmly stood up and stepped away without leaving a trace.

"..." Shang Junjun and the officials suddenly came to their senses and saw that the fairy had arrived at the door. They quickly chased after the fairy and asked where she wanted to go and if she needed someone to guide her.

"No, I am free to go shopping on the street." Le Yun stepped across the threshold of the hall and walked calmly towards the steps.

Shang Junjun and others were also worried that someone following the fairy would make the fairy unhappy, so they did not suggest that anyone follow them to guide the way. They watched the fairy walk out of the gate before going back to continue counting the collected items.

Lord Shang first checked the grain and silver, and then circulated it to everyone. Lord Xin paid back the grain and silver he owed, and even gave Ningjun a storage container.

The governor's office accepted this storage device with peace of mind. When Xin Guojun asked for grain, the price was lower than the market price, and he still owed grain and silver for many years. In theory, a storage container can be used to pay for the interest on grain and silver, but it is far from enough. The loss caused by the low-priced grain requisition in Ning County.

Over the past 2000 years, Ning County has suffered huge losses, but fortunately, the losses were stopped due to the arrival of the guardian of the sacred tree.

The most important thing is that with the lessons learned this time, even if the dynasty changes in the future, no one will dare to enrich his own pockets like King Xin by using the name of military rations.

Although the officials in the county governor's office felt sorry for the loss, they were content with it. They checked the grain and silver, recorded it in the warehouse, and worked together to sort out the supplies.

Le Yun walked out of the ceremonial gate of the county governor's mansion, and when she entered the first courtyard, she summoned the nine Yinxing brothers to show off, and then walked out of the county mansion with her guards.

Time has entered December, and people in Ningcheng are busy for the New Year. Many business themes are also linked to the New Year. When it doesn't rain, the streets are busy every day.

The area in front of the statue in the square in front of the Sheriff's House has also become a temporary small trading market. Many people come to the square to set up stalls, trade with each other, and prepare for the New Year.

Little Loli took the Yinxing brothers and sneaked to the square trading market.

Many people suddenly saw the guardian of the sacred tree, especially the fairy who was dressed exactly as in the legend, wearing a blue skirt and blue cloak, and they screamed with excitement.

As for the nine giant Buddhas following the fairy, they selectively ignored them.

"Fairy Fairy—"

Warm cheers came one after another.

When the fairy approached, everyone bowed and saluted, and then looked up at the fairy eagerly. People in the distance craned their necks to look up.

Those who sell edible things, and those who hold edible things in their hands, after saluting, open baskets, baskets or bags with great piety, or hold things in clean bowls or cloths, and ask the fairies to reward them.

The eyes of the people were eager and sincere.

Unable to refuse the hospitality, Le Yun took a fruit from the nearest basket that looked like an egg fruit on earth, but was a vine fruit that formed tubers underground, and put it to her mouth and took a bite.

When you take a bite, it's like you've been given a mouthful of concentrated saccharin. It's not just sweet, it's downright sweet.

"Ouch, it's so sweet!" Le Yun swallowed the mouthful of fruit pulp and put the fruit away without daring to continue nibbling.

The person who was rewarded by the fairy was so excited that he could not speak incoherently: "Thank you... thank you fairy! Fairy... I grew this at home... there are many more. You can try a few more."

"Just one taste is enough. You continue to do business. I, the fairy, can walk around as you please." Le Yun declined the invitation to continue eating for free. She wanted to continue walking, but she was already surrounded by people.

Looking at the people who were eagerly looking forward to her reward, she had no choice but to treat them equally and take something from everyone's belongings.

The clever person saw that the fairy had no basket pocket, so he hurriedly emptied a basket and handed it to the fairy to put things in.

Their things caught the fairy's eyes, and the owners couldn't help but happily stepped aside, grinning sillyly.

Before anyone moved, a basket was full.

Le Yun wanted to turn around and go back to the Sheriff's Mansion, but the crowds from all directions were waiting eagerly, making people feel that it would be a sin to just turn around and run away.

This time, I really encountered a difficult problem.

If you continue shopping, you will definitely get gifts from the people of Ningcheng, which is tantamount to taking advantage of the people. If you slip away, you will make those who look forward to it piously disappointed and sad. They may misunderstand that they did not do well, so that She didn't want to go there.

After thinking about it, I decided to bite the bullet and continue shopping.

He handed the basket to the guards, touched a fresh fruit himself, and walked forward while nibbling on it. He was surrounded again before he went far, and someone stuffed a bag to hold things.

The people nearby rushed forward and brought all the food to the fairy. When the fairy took an item from his hand, its owner smiled radiantly.

Thanks to the trust of the simple people in Ningcheng, a pocket is full again in the blink of an eye.

The little loli walked slowly around the square, and every short distance someone would give her a basket or a cloth bag, and she would get a bunch of things.

At first they were eaten immediately, and then even seasonal vegetables and dried vegetables were stuffed into baskets or pockets.

The people along the street enthusiastically gave things away, and the little lolita was forced to take them away. The nine brothers of Yinxing became the bag-carriers.

Also because of the arrival of the fairy, the square was very lively.

Originally, only half of the square was turned into a trading area where people set up stalls. It only took half an hour to walk around, but it took the little Loli three hours to walk around the trading area.

After finally finishing shopping in the square and enjoying the top-notch treatment given by the common people, Le Yun carried a basket of food and quietly returned to the county magistrate's mansion with the Nine Silver Star brothers.

Lord Shang knew what was happening in the square, so he greeted the fairy at the Yimen first and offered his advice: "Fairy, if you want to go out on the street tomorrow, why not let the monk family lead the way."

"No, no. The people in Ningcheng are too warm and kind, so I won't go shopping anymore." Le Yun was still frightened, so how could she dare to go shopping again.

She casually took out a chubby egg from the basket and stuffed it into Lord Shang's hand, letting him feel the enthusiastic attack from the people of Ningcheng.

Lord Shang held an egg that was bigger than his fist and smiled heartily: "Oh, the Ningcheng elders not only invited the fairy to taste fresh fruits and nuts, but also invited the fairy to eat boiled eggs. How enthusiastic!"

"Lay eggs." Le Yun prompted very kindly.

"?" Junjun Shang glanced down at the eggs in his hands and was dumbfounded. Hey, no wonder the fairy didn't dare to go shopping anymore. The enthusiasm of the people was indeed a little bit intolerable!

Le Yun smiled and took the eggs back from Shang Junjun: "This is a gift from the common people to this fairy. I decided to keep it to hatch the poultry. Shangjun Jun is destined not to have the pleasure of eating boiled poultry eggs."

Lord Shang looked at his empty hands, feeling a little disappointed. Alas, this special gift was not available to him!

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