magic eye doctor

Chapter 3123

Chapter 3123
Lord Shang did not persuade the fairy to go out for a walk without anything to do. He sent the fairy to the entrance of the main hall and watched the fairy enter the main hall before returning to the west side hall to do some work.

Leyun took the nine Yinxing brothers back to the main hall, recalled the guards, and took out all kinds of materials used for carving and building houses from the spirit wood.

The alchemy furnace in the third courtyard's legal circle was boiling spiritual plants. There was no smell in the morning, but a faint medicinal fragrance came out towards the evening.

When the head of the monk family smelled the medicine, he immediately sent a message to the family members and asked people to arrange shifts and take turns to go to the county governor's house to practice in batches.

The monks from each family did not go through the door of the apse this time. They entered the courtyard from the back gate of the east side courtyard, and then entered the county governor's mansion from the east wall of the main temple area connected to the first courtyard on the east side. Enter the courtyard and each occupy a corner to practice.

The people and monks in Anjun also knew that the fairy's friend began to make elixirs in December. The incense of the elixirs was beneficial to the body and mind and cultivation. They stayed in the fifth hall and waited to smell the incense.

The aroma of the medicine was relatively weak at first, but quickly became stronger in the middle of the night. When it dawned the next day, several red clouds had accumulated above the courtyard where the third person entered the hall.

The monks became more and more happy and never left the governor's mansion unless there was something important.

And because the fairy wandered around the square yesterday, more people came to the square to set up stalls the next day, and even shopkeepers came after hearing the news.

Lord Shang simply announced that the people would be allowed to trade freely in the square.

The square is close to the Sheriff's House, where you can do business, and you can also smell the aroma of medicine that is good for the body and mind. Fairies may also come to the square, and the temptation is not ordinary.

The good news spread quickly, and even many qualified merchants from the outer city of the middle city came to the city square to set up stalls. The entire square became a free trade market, just like a grand event, with crowds of people and loud voices. .

Le Yun did not go out and stayed in the main hall of the county magistrate's mansion to carve materials.

While the square in front of Ning County's governor's house was bustling with activity, a major event that shocked the court also happened in the court of Xin He's capital - the king officially enthroned the throne that day!
Xin Guojun's Zen position was given to a monk in the royal family who was in the Void Refining Realm. His successor was the same generation as Xin Guojun. He was a talented and capable member of the royal family. There were also many high-level monks in his lineage.

Most of the courtiers thought that the monarch's talk about the Zen throne was a joke. Even if he really took the Zen throne, he would have to prepare for it for at least ten or eight years, so that they would have the opportunity to nominate their favorite grandson and have a certain hope of winning.

Who would have thought that the monarch said he wanted to take the throne last month, but then he actually took the throne, and the successor was not the monarch's prince or grandson.

The court of the Xin Dynasty was shaken, but the new emperor who succeeded to the throne that day did not give anyone a chance to act like a monster, and used thunderous means to deal with a group of courtiers who had no achievements and could only beep.

The new emperor's tough tactics also intimidated the courtiers and allowed for a smooth transition of imperial power.

When the Xinhe Empire was undergoing a change of monarchy, an earth-shattering event also occurred in the Zhenqi Empire within the Kuzhu territory of Zhuzhou - the uprising of the kings with different surnames in Fentou Mountain, the Kuzhu territory!
The reason for the uprising of the king with a different surname was "Qing Jun's side". The reason was that when the Fengtou Mountain earthquake occurred decades ago, the relatives in the court and the powerful officials played tricks and concealed the truth, and used the power to prevent the counties, prefectures, counties and towns from rescuing the people. There were numerous casualties among the people.

A king with a different surname whose fiefdom was in Fentou Mountain hurried back when he heard about the fiefdom. He rushed back to the fiefdom more than ten years ago and spent nearly three years to suppress and straighten out the officials in the fiefdom. Official affairs of all prefectures and counties.

The king with a different surname first cleared up the affairs in the fiefdom and no longer had any worries. He raised the banner beside the Qing emperor, issued a proclamation, and then headed towards the imperial city.

The young master Lu of Jinxiu City can be said to be extremely talented in the secular world. He received the guidance of the fairy and spent more than 50 years practicing to break through the golden elixir one year before the king with a different surname returned to his fief.

The young master Lu, who became a Jindan monk, inspected Wang Su's behavior in governing the government after leaving the customs. He felt that Wang Su, a different surname, was trustworthy and joined him as a counselor.

He just surrendered himself to the king of different surnames, made suggestions for the king of different surnames, and put forward opinions on the management of the county and the city. Because he was talented and was a Jindan monk, he was highly valued by the king of different surnames.

When the king of a different surname wanted to bring justice to the people of Fengtoushan, he officially launched an uprising and cut off the two captured county officials who had fled in fear of crime. The young master Lu secretly paid a visit to the king of a different surname that night with the box left by the fairy, the guardian of the sacred tree. .

The king with a different surname learned that the guardian of the sacred tree had surrendered to him on the order of the fairy. After being shocked, he felt lucky. Fortunately, this time he did not choose to compromise like before!

If he is as worried as before and chooses to bow his head and compromise to the emperor's relatives, the guardian of the sacred tree will never protect him. The young master of Jinxiu City has received the guidance of the fairy to assist him, which is equivalent to him also receiving a point of protection from the guardian of the sacred tree. and blessings.

The king with a different surname accepted the gift from the fairy with tears of gratitude, and handed over the resources to Young Master Lu, who also let Young Master Lu take charge of the financial power.

When the king with a different surname raised the banner of rebellion, Patriarch Youbai of Wangzhu County also brought some monks from his family and a team of new monks from Wangzhu County to serve under his command.

The Youbai family in Wangzhu County is a family favored by the guardian of the Immortal Tree. There is also a child who was taken to practice by the fairy, which is equivalent to a weather vane.

With the support of the young master of Jinxiu City and the Bai family in Wangzhu County, Wang with a different surname became even more powerful and his reputation increased. The monk families in the county also voluntarily surrendered one after another and provided food, grass and some assistance.

With the assistance of the young master Lu and the Youbai family, Wang with a different surname drafted a crusade and spread it to all directions. At the same time, he formally sent his troops eastward.

Several neighboring counties had received news decades ago that the new guardian of the longevity tree had arrived in Wangzhu County and other counties to control the plague. They also knew that several children in Wangzhu County had been taken to practice by the guardian of the sacred tree.

When the kings of different surnames led their troops to the Qingjun side of the imperial city and passed through their counties, each county decisively chose to provide convenience, opening the city gates wide to let the troops pass through, and providing military supplies.

The governors of various counties also concealed the news and did not report the itinerary of the rebel army led by the king with a different surname to march to the imperial city.

When the news of the uprising of the king with a different surname and the crusade finally reached the courtiers in Zhenqi Imperial City, the king with a different surname had already captured five counties and was sharpening his sword towards the imperial city.

The powerful ministers of Zhenqi Kingdom were trembling with fear after receiving the message of crusade against them. They also learned from the team of monks who passed through the imperial city in Kuzhu County and Wangzhu County decades ago that the guardians of the sacred tree were visiting Kuzhu Tomb. After hearing the news about Shan's rescue of the people, he was afraid that the person who knew what they had done would come to Zhenqi Imperial City to raise an army to question them.

Although the guardian of the sacred tree did not come to settle a score with them, she was nowhere to be found after that. The powerful officials were afraid that she would suddenly appear in the imperial city one day, and they would never sleep peacefully again.

After decades of being on tenterhooks, bad news finally came.

The king with a different surname may not have seen the guardian of the sacred tree, but the place where the accident happened was in his fief. The guardian of the sacred tree also treated the people in his fief, and it is said that he also left a large ground protection formation on the tomb mountain.

Based on this, the Fentou Mountain area is equivalent to receiving the protection and blessings of the guardians of the sacred tree. The king with a different surname is also a person who has received the protection and blessings of the guardians of the sacred tree. If he rebels, the monk families of the Zhenqi Empire will definitely take the initiative to avoid his influence. , don’t be an enemy of him.

The powerful ministers were frightened when they received the message from the king with a different surname, but they still did not give up and made heavy promises to the monk families in the imperial city and surrounding counties in exchange for support. As they expected, other monk families closed their doors and chose to remain neutral.

While the powerful ministers of Zhenqi State were in panic all day long, Granny Lin, who had settled in Wangzhu County, was about to retire.Granny Lin was lucky. She lived to be more than 110 years old, but she was also unfortunate. Her grandson Lin Panan, for whom she had high hopes, passed away decades ago, leaving her with white hair and black hair again in her later years.

Lin Panan was less than 30 years old when he died, and his death was extremely disgraceful.

He studied until he was 22 years old. He wanted to be an official, but he couldn't pass the examination. He wanted to be a teacher in a private school, but no one hired him.

He had a high vision and would not settle for anything less than he could achieve. After two years of procrastination, he finally found a job as an accountant in a dyeing shop by relying on his sister's relationship with him to follow the guardian of the sacred tree to cultivate immortality.

Lin Pannan keeps his job as an accountant, and his wife also manages the household well. Not to mention being rich, he can live a stable life at least.

It's a pity that his eyes were too high and he disliked that his wife was a farmer's daughter. After giving birth to two sons and a daughter, Grandma finally stopped staring at him and never touched his wife again.

Lin Panan was obsessed with getting into a big family with monks in the city, and set his sights on his boss's youngest daughter.

The dyeing workshop where he worked and the embroidery workshop next door were both owned by the same owner. The owner assigned it to the youngest daughter as a dowry and asked the daughter to learn housekeeping and accounting.

The owner's youngest daughter often goes to the embroidery workshop and dyeing workshop next door, and goes to the cloth workshop to check the accounts every month.

Lin Pan'an took advantage of having an elder sister who was a cultivator. He was so bold that he even got some intoxicating drugs. When the youngest daughter of his employer went to the cloth workshop to check the accounts, he knocked out the youngest daughter of his employer and all the servants, with the intention of making the raw rice mature first. He ruined the girl's reputation, forced her to marry him, and then divorced her to become the boss's son-in-law.

However, the youngest daughter of the host family is a monk who studies alchemy. Even if she is not an alchemy master, she can make some elixirs and prepare a lot of elixirs for her family. She took it when she felt something wrong after drinking the tea prepared by Mr. Bufang's accountant. He bought some elixirs, and then when he saw the servant woman fainting, he pretended to be fainted too.

The girl was not someone to be bullied. Knowing Lin Panan's true intention, she threw a handful of powder to burn Lin Panan's eyes. She took the opportunity to run out, and found that the people in the cloth shop had also passed out, and ran to the embroidery building next door. Call someone to beat Lin Pan'an violently.

Lin Panan's eyes were almost burned and he had no way to escape, so he was blocked in the dyeing workshop.

The boss received the news that his daughter's accident had happened and rushed to the dyeing workshop. Lin Pan'an had been beaten to the point of losing his energy. The boss did not hide it and sent someone to report it to the county government.

At that time, Wangzhu County had not yet had a new county magistrate, and the county chief Bo and others were still jointly acting as agents, with the assistance of Mr. Bai. Since Lin Panhao's younger brother was involved, Mr. Bo invited ancestor Youbai to come and take charge.

Everyone in the yamen rushed to the scene. The people in the dyeing shop and the servants of the owner's daughter were still awake. First-hand evidence was complete. Then they identified the type of drug and the source of the drug.

Then an investigation was found on Lin Panan's head, and a little residual drug was found from Lin Panan's body. The evidence of Lin Panan's evil intentions towards his boss's girl was conclusive, and he was worthy of his death.

After receiving the news of Lin Panan's accident, Granny Lin and her granddaughter-in-law rushed to the dyeing workshop. They watched the entire county government trial and confirmed the cause of Lin Panan's death. Granny Lin fainted at that time.

The Lin family's daughter-in-law found a carriage to take Grandma home, and then found a car to take Lin Pan'an's body to Yizhuang. After Grandma recovered and accepted the reality, she buried Lin Pan'an hastily.

The owner of the dyeing shop was a sensible person. The perpetrator was dead and did not embarrass Lin Panan's family.

After Lin Panan's death, Granny Lin fell seriously ill again and stayed in bed for nearly a year. Thanks to the careful care of her granddaughter-in-law, she got better.

Lin Pan'an's death actually had little impact on the Lin family. After all, apart from being the son-in-law, he did not assume the important responsibility of supporting the family. It was his wife who supported the family.

In the first few years, the Lin family's granddaughter-in-law and her mother-in-law made money to support Lin Pan'an's education. When Lin Pan'an got a job, the money he earned was never given to the family to support the family. For the Lin family's granddaughter-in-law, there was no difference between her husband and her. Not big.

When Granny Lin fell ill, the children of the Lin family's granddaughter-in-law were still young. The elder in the family was ill and the younger ones needed to be taken care of. She had to quit her job and take care of the elderly and children at home.

It wasn't until Ah Nai recovered from the illness that the Lin family's grandson's daughter-in-law found a job again to earn money to raise her children and Grandma.

Lin Pan'an was unhappy, but his two sons and one daughter were very successful and both learned calligraphy. When the son reached the age of seventeen or eighteen, he went to find a job to earn money to reduce the burden on his mother.

The two sons of the Lin family also had a smooth marriage. They each found a matching girl and started a family, and their daughter married into a well-connected family.

After Granny Lin lost her grandson, her only hope was to wait for Panhao to come back to visit relatives. Unfortunately, she waited for year after year and worked hard for more than thirty years but still did not receive any news about Panhao.

Granny Lin, who was in her dying years, managed to survive until she was more than 110 years old, and finally reached the end of her life.

Granny Lin suffered from a cold, and within three days of being on the bed, she had no food or water. The grandson-in-law of the Lin family learned from the doctor that grandma would not be well this time, so she called her son, daughter-in-law, and stayed in front of the bed with her grandchildren.

Granny Lin breathed her last at dark on the third day of December. She seemed to want to speak when she was dying. She only shouted "Fairy" twice and then lost her voice. She still kept her eyes open until she died.

When an elder in the family dies, the Lin family will naturally report the death to their neighbors.

The Lin family's sons and daughters came to report the funeral, and Zhu's father took his wife, children and grandchildren to the Lin family next door to express condolences.

The father of Zhu married the girl as scheduled the year after his son Zhumi left home. After the marriage, the couple fell in love and gave birth to four sons and two daughters, two of whom had spiritual roots.

Although the net worth of their spiritual roots is very low, the three children have become Qi refining monks.

His children also established their own families. One of them married a girl from the Youbai family, and his daughter without spiritual roots also married a Qi refining monk.

His children also had children. The eldest son and daughter also became great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, and the father-in-law was promoted to the ancestors.

Several of Zhu's father's grandchildren and great-grandchildren also have spiritual roots, which proves that their bloodline inheritance ability is very strong. Not only do families with monks in Wangzhu County have good relations with the Zhu family, but families with monks in neighboring counties also hope to have a good relationship with the Zhu family. The family is married and has close contact with each other.

The Zhu family and Grandma Lin's family did not have a deep personal relationship apart from the neighbors. It was not easy for Miss Ying to take pity on the Lin family's daughter-in-law, so she often took care of her in secret. After Lin Panan's death, she introduced her to a store owned by the Ying family. Do the work.

Father Zhu took his family to the Lin family to express condolences. He and his wife went home to take care of the family and several great-great-grandchildren. His sons and grandsons were invited by the Lin family's sons and daughters to help the Lin family organize the funeral, so they stayed at the Lin family that night to help with arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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