magic eye doctor

Chapter 3124 Gift of the Sword

Chapter 3124 Gift of the Sword
When Granny Lin passed away, she was carving the music of building materials. Her heart skipped three beats. She frowned, stopped what she was doing, and used her fingers to deduce the number of heavenly evolutions.

After some calculations, the cause and effect lies in Wangzhu County.

"Wangzhu County..." Le Yun seemed to have some realization and calculated with her fingers. Sure enough, the old woman of the Lin family had just died.

"Cause and effect are over, let each settle on his destiny." Granny Lin didn't owe her, and she didn't owe Granny Lin either. If Granny Lin owed something, it was Lin Pan who took care of it, it had nothing to do with her.

Since it had no causal relationship with her, Le Yun would naturally not meddle in other people's business and spend her energy checking whether Granny Lin passed away peacefully and whether she had any unfulfilled wishes.

Building a house is an auspicious occasion, and if work is interrupted by news of a special event, it is not appropriate to continue carving building parts.

Le Yun had her own rules for doing things, and no matter how precious her time was, she did not continue working. She put away the materials and tools, packed herself up, climbed onto the jade couch, and lay down to sleep.

I slept very sweetly that night, and I woke up naturally, and I felt very energetic.

The radiant little loli washed her face and hands, ate two spiritual fruits for breakfast, and then moved into the boundary of the third courtyard. She took over the ore melt that the beasts had melted and removed the impurities. Refining magic weapons.

The battered Young Master was able to turn a blind eye to the little Lolita's outrageous behavior and work hard.

Mr. Xuan would wander around little Lolita when he had free time. He was also very annoying. He would carry a bag of fried lingbei in one hand and knock the lingbei while strolling around. Occasionally he would considerately ask, "Do you want to try one?"

Le Yun just laughed. After Mr. Xuan came and went three times, she was not polite. She stretched out her little paws and grabbed Mr. Xuan's bag, and then took the fruit shells to eat.

"Ah ah ah, don't bring this!" Mr. Xuan howled ghostly after his snacks were taken away.

"This is something you gave to me yourself." Le Yun tightened her grip on the storage bag, not giving Young Master Xuan a chance to retrieve the lost items.

"I only asked you to eat a few, I didn't ask you to eat all of them." Mr. Xuan wanted to snatch the bag back but couldn't find a chance, so he jumped up and down in a hurry: "Little beauty, aren't you drawing a talisman formation? How can you still strike evenly? Eat fruit shells?”

"I've finished drawing a talisman array." Le Yun stuffed the bag into her sleeve and continued to draw the talisman array for the magic weapon in the air.

Mr. Xuan was dumbfounded. His bag of spirit shells was so big!

"Little beauty, I was wrong, I was wrong. I shouldn't have disturbed your work. You, sir, are so generous to me. I will work hard and never paddle again."

Young Master Xuan decided to change his mind and change his ways for the sake of his son, almost crying. Le Yun also decided to forgive him generously once, shaking out the storage bag from her sleeve and giving it back to him.

Mr. Xuan caught his storage bag and ran away immediately.

When I got to the alchemy place, I sat down on a chair, held the storage container in my hands and looked at it several times, and hurriedly hid it.

Then, he dared to glare angrily: "Little beauty, can you please be a human being?"

"If you say that, after I refine the weapon, I will go out and chat with the monk family and tell you that you are an elixir master and can refine elixirs." Hey, are you saying that she is not a human being?

"I didn't say anything." Mr. Xuan glared and had no choice but to admit defeat. No wonder Mr. Yan occasionally muttered that the little lolita was cruel. This lolita was really cruel and terrifying when not a human being.

The three Mahayana beasts suppressed their laughter. In the past, it was Brother Yan who loved to tease the little fairy, but now it is Brother Xuan. Have these two brothers made an appointment to take turns being the tease?

The four humanoid beasts were enjoying watching the fun. No matter Brother Yan or Brother Xuan, they were killed by the little fairy every time they tried to act like a monster. The little fairy was so powerful!

Young Master Xuan was crushed by the little Lolita, and Yan Xing's depressed mood instantly disappeared. He was often disliked by the Little Lolita for his poor IQ. Now the tide finally turned, and it was Young Master Xuan's turn to be stupid!

In a good mood, Young Master Yan can refine weapons a little faster.

It took three days and three nights for the beasts to melt out a lot of molten ore. It took Leyun Refining Equipment until the end of Xu Shi to reach the bottom of the furnace.

In the end, there was about a bowl of molten liquid left. In order not to waste it, the little Loli melted a piece of spiritual jade as big as a fist and added it to make three small brands.

Mr. Xuan came closer again lively, holding a small and jade-like sign, and was extremely surprised: "Hey, this is actually a top-grade magic weapon. It is strung with a rope and worn around the neck like a small pendant. It is the easiest to hide.

Little beauty, you are indeed extremely smart and have a delicate heart. You can always come up with novel magic weapons on sudden whims. "

"..." Yan Xing couldn't bear to look at Mr. Xuan, who was trying to flatter him. Yunlan's magic weapon had all kinds of weird shapes. The brand-shaped magic weapon was not the first creation of the little Lolita. Young Master Xuan's ability to tell lies with open eyes was unmatched.

"That's right, this little classmate is the most witty and smart. My smart little classmate is very tired now. Do you want to treat her to some fruit shells?"

"I don't have many fruit shells left, please let me go."

Mr. Xuan jumped up and dodged ten feet away, then moved closer and suggested mysteriously: "Little beauty, one day you have time to go out for a walk, be sure to take me with you, and I will be the bag bearer behind you."

"The people in Ningcheng are too enthusiastic. I'm afraid. You want to go alone." Le Yun waved her hand to reject the unreliable suggestion.

"Isn't it just a fruity car? Such top-notch treatment shows that the people love you."

"If you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight. The more the people respect me, the more hope they place on me. And I will soon leave Yunlan. From now on, I am separated by the sky. I am beyond my reach to Yunlan. If The people's wishes are never fulfilled, and they will inevitably develop resentment over time, which is not a good thing for me or for them."

Le Yun was not dizzy, she always stayed awake.

"Then why are you still meddling in Ningjun's business?" Mr. Xuan was curious: "I have always had a question. The disasters in the counties surrounding Fentou Mountain in Kuzhu are more severe. Why did you only save people and not make decisions for the people to cut them down? The true king of Qi Kingdom.

Speaking of which, the situation in Ningjun County is much lighter than that in Fengtou Mountain. Instead, you beheaded the crown prince of Xin State and ordered the king to commit suicide? "

"These two things are completely different in nature."

Le Yun explained: "The disaster in Kuzhuling Fentou Mountain was not caused by the royal family of Zhenqi State. The failure of the county magistrate, prefecture magistrate, and county governors in Wangzhu County to provide disaster relief was not the will of the monarch, but the actions of powerful ministers. The chief fault lies with the courtiers, not the monarch.

To put it bluntly, in Zhenqi State, relatives are in power, the courtiers control the government, and the king is like a puppet. The king of Zhenqi State is incompetent, not immoral.

Ningjun is the territory of Xin Heguo. The Xin royal family and the monarch enjoy the worship and belief of the people, but they do not care for their own people. The monarch personally attacks the people of a county. This is unethical.

The courtiers of Ningjun were plotting against Ningjun because they knew that the monarch was targeting Ningjun, so they went along with it. It was the monarch who made the mistake first, and the courtiers followed suit.

When the monarch loses his virtue, the royal family helps the tyrants to commit evil, and the Xinhe monarch and the royal family are the chief culprits.

The king and the royal family of a country are responsible for the destiny of the country. Lord Xinhun and the royal family targeted Ningjun, and Ningjun was suppressed by the destiny of the country. Under normal circumstances, only those with a higher status than Lord Xinhun could interfere with Ningjun's affairs.

When I came to Ningjun, I also encountered the crown prince and princess of the Xin family bullying Ningjun. If I let it go, it would only increase the arrogance of the Xin family.Therefore, I took action when it was time to take action. I took care of the affairs of Ning County and severely punished Lord Xinhun and his courtiers. This was also to rectify some unhealthy trends in the human race, so that the leaders of the human race in Yunlan and the kings of the empires could take this as a warning. "

"It's so complicated." Mr. Xuan rubbed his hands and decided not to be curious anymore. Ningjun's matter actually rose to the level of human customs. The meaning behind it was too deep and too brain-burning!

"It's nothing complicated. In fact, even if I just don't like it and take care of it, the monks in Yunlan will take the initiative to rely on this aspect when discussing this matter in the future."

"I understand this, celebrity effect."

"I'll catch up on my sleep, you can do whatever you want." Le Yun flashed as she had nothing to do.

When the beasts saw that the fairy had left, they started to light the fire and melt the ore conscientiously.

Young Master Xuan sneaked around to Young Master Yan and walked around twice. After Young Master Yan finished refining a magic weapon, he asked, "Young Master Yan, how many more magic weapons do you have to refine?"

"There are a total of seven monk families who want to refine magic weapons. Little Loli sorted out the ores, mixed and matched them, and integrated them into thirteen parts. I completed two parts, and this is the third part."

"It's pretty fast. Does that mean it can be completed within half a month?"

"The monk family's magic weapon can be completed within half a month, but the county governor's mansion still has a share of ore."

"It seems that we have to celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng."

"Absolutely. Mr. Xuan, aren't you having a great time in Ningjun, why do you look like you don't want to celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng?"

"Compared with celebrating the New Year in Ningcheng, I prefer that we go to the mountains to find a place to have a happy dinner together, without restraint and freedom, how nice it is."

"Same as above." Yan Xing would rather spend the New Year alone with Little Loli, Young Master Xuan, and a group of beasts than stay in Ningcheng for the New Year.

The two handsome guys didn't want to spend the New Year in Ningcheng, but the people of Ningcheng and everyone in the county governor's mansion were looking forward to the fairy spending the New Year in Ningcheng with great anticipation.

The high-level true monarchs of the Shang family, the heads of the Ningjun monk family and others worked day and night for several days, sorting out the collected items and making a list.

The fairy prepaid the spiritual stones in advance and placed and settled the items separately. Because the fairy gave too many spiritual stones, there was still a lot left.

After the supplies were sorted, Lord Shang made an appointment with the head of the monk family in Ning County to discuss how to prepare for the New Year's Eve banquet.

In the past, New Year's Eve was a day for family reunions, and everyone celebrated their own festivals. This year, the fairy should celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng, and the monk family was naturally looking forward to coming to the Sheriff's Mansion to celebrate the festival with the fairy.

Lord Shang intends to hold a grand New Year's Eve dinner at the Governor's Mansion, and all the family heads naturally participate enthusiastically and are willing to contribute resources and manpower to jointly organize the New Year's Eve dinner.

A group of people who are in charge of the family participated in the grand event together in the West Wing Hall. They sat and talked for a whole morning and planned all the details of the New Year's Eve banquet.

In turn, Lord Shang will ask everyone in the governor's mansion to clear out several yards in the first courtyard on the west side to use as temporary kitchens. Each monk family will prepare spiritual meals in three of the yards, and separate three others. The hospital invited several restaurants in Ningcheng to come in and help organize the New Year's Eve banquet.

The spiritual food materials for the annual banquet are provided by each monk's family, and the other matching ingredients are purchased as needed.

The people in the Sheriff's Mansion and the monks' family were busy again. Little Le Xiao was not busy, so he quietly went to the backyard to refine the weapon twice, and then took over the work of condensing the elixir.

The first pills that were made were three furnaces of Tianpin pills, followed by several furnaces of high-grade pills.

It was mid-December when the ointments in the first few groups of medicine furnaces were turned into pills.

Little Loli, who was busy until early morning on the [-]th, returned to the main hall. She rested for two hours. At about midnight, Shi Shiran walked out of the main hall and went to Xi'er Hall to find Shang Miaoyin and the Shang Mahayana disciples.

After Shang Miaoyin returned to Ningcheng, he was called by the elders to practice in Xi'er Palace. Xi'er Palace is close to the third courtyard and is the coverage area of ​​Danyun Center.

Seeing the fairy coming, the Mahayana people of the Shang family invited people to their seats. While making tea and serving fresh fruit snacks, they notified the young master.

The main hall of Xi'er Hall does not have a Xumizuo. The main hall is divided into a front hall and a back hall. In the middle of the board wall is a large spiritual wood couch surrounded by fifteen screens.

A long Kang table is placed across the couch, and people can sit in a circle around it.

The elder Shang invited the fairy to sit in the middle. The first seat on the west side of the fairy was reserved for Young Master Shang. He asked Shang Miaoyin to sit on the east side of the fairy so that he could hand out refreshments to the fairy.

Everyone in the Shang family sat down one after another to accompany him.

As soon as the Shang Mahayana people put out the fresh fruits and snacks, Shang Junjun whirled into the shop like wind. He bowed, took off his shoes in front of the couch, climbed on the couch, and sat down cross-legged on the west side of the fairy.

Shang Miaoyin didn't talk much, but he was a considerate person. He took out a small dagger to peel the fresh fruit, then cut it into cubes, put it on a small porcelain plate, put it on a wooden skewer, and placed it in front of the fairy.

Le Yun took a wooden skewer, ate fresh fruit pieces with a fork, and teased the beautiful lady: "Mr. Miaoyin, you are not only beautiful and kind-hearted, but you are also clever and considerate. I am a man like this, and I will definitely try my best to kidnap you." Taoist companion."

"Fairy is such a man, just say a word, and the little girl will follow the fairy happily." Shang Miaoyin's eyes overflowed with smiles, and he placed a plate of nuts within reach of the fairy.

"Oh, it's a good thing that this fairy is not a man, otherwise it would be a big sin to kidnap someone else's treasure." Le Yunle was so upset that she ate the pulp with a smile, took out a sword and gave it to Nv Zhenjun.

"This is a small sword with ice attributes. It matches your attributes and has the potential for growth. I see that you don't have a natal sword yet, so I will give you this sword."

The sword is narrower and shorter than ordinary swords. The sword body is like a willow leaf, blue and exuding a trace of icy coldness.

"Heavenly Magic Sword!" The Shang Mahayana disciples stared at the blue magic sword in astonishment.

Feeling the coldness of the sword, Shang Miaoyin felt extremely cordial and her eyes were full of stars, but she did not dare to take it: "The magic weapon is too precious. I don't dare to accept the fairy's gift without merit."

"Don't say anything about merit or demerit. I appreciate your upright character. This little magic weapon is your reward for daring to stand up for the people of Ning County.

You don't need to look at your father or the business elders. You don't need to ask other people's opinions about the things this fairy gives you. You just need to follow your heart. If you like it, accept it. If you don't like it, reject it directly. Others have no right to comment on your choice. "

"My little girl likes it very much. Thank you Fairy for the treasure!" Shang Miaoyin liked the magic sword with ice attribute very much and happily took the magic weapon with both hands.

Lord Shang and everyone in the Shang family also expressed their thanks in unison. It was an honor for the Shang family that the fairy valued the wonderful sound.

Shang Miaoyin confessed her master by dripping blood in front of the fairy, and gained another spiritual consciousness. After establishing the contract, she put the magic sword into her Dantian for cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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