magic eye doctor

Chapter 3125

Chapter 3125

Shang Miaoyin sent the ice magic sword into his Dantian, and had a strange feeling - the sword was very happy!
The sword does not have a sword spirit, but it conveys emotions, which also shows that the magic sword has high spirituality, and it is very likely that a sword spirit will be born in the future.

The magic weapon of destiny is about chance, and he actually received the sword as a gift from the fairy. Shang Miaoyin was so happy that he thanked the fairy again with gratitude.

When the good thing came to an end, Le Yun casually took another jade slip and stuffed it to Jurchen Jun: "Here is some cultivation insights of the Ice Spirit Root Immortal, you can think about it yourself."

Everyone in the Shang family was so shocked that they almost jumped up. What an important and precious resource the fairy's understanding was, and the fairy actually gave it to the Shang family like this?

Shang Miaoyin was also at a loss. She hesitated and put the jade slip away. She couldn't express her gratitude and bowed her head to thank the fairy for giving the sword and the slip.

"Kneeling back and forth, you don't feel tired. I feel tired for your knees." Le Yun raised her hand to help the Shang Numer, and asked with a smile: "How did you help me run errands? How can you do it? Be careful, if you don't do things right, this fairy may not be able to help but beat you up."

"Don't dare to disappoint the fairy. I've gained a little." Shang Miaoyin hurriedly sat down and put the storage bag containing the supplies he collected in a small tray and presented it to the fairy.

The Shang Mahayana moved the fruit plate to one side on the table to make a space for the small tray.

Shang Miaoyin placed the small tray in front of the fairy, explained which storage device contained what, and handed over a shopping list.

Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to probe into the storage container and saw piles of jars, porcelain, etc., and she felt particularly happy: "Hey, you did your job beautifully, I can't even find a reason to beat you up now." ah."

"If the fairy wants to beat up Miaoyin, just beat her up. Although she is a girl, she is a monk with strong skin and flesh. She can be beaten hundreds of times without any problem." Lord Shang was also in a rare mood to joke.

"Hey, it is said that Miaoyin Zhenjun is the youngest daughter of Shang Junjun. It is not said that the ancestors love the eldest grandson and the parents love the youngest son. Why does it seem to be different when you come here?"

"Shang Jun also hurts Yao'er. It hurts. He has to be beaten when it's time to beat him."



"That's good, otherwise your father wants to beat you, but if you can't beat him, you will suffer a big disaster."

"Fairy, Shang Jun is not a violent person." Lord Shang felt that if he didn't speak, he might become a "violent and cruel" violent and evil father.

"I know, no one says Lord Shang is a bad person."

"..." Shangjun Jun was silent, and the Shang family's Mahayana men looked at the young master and smiled.

Mr. Shang was rarely old-fashioned, so Le Yun made fun of him. After fooling around for a while, he livened up the atmosphere and settled the rice and grain spiritual stone accounts with Mr. Shang.

The Shang family first handed over a batch of resources and the remaining spiritual stones that the fairy had paid in advance to the fairy, and then settled the general ledger of the rice, cloth, wine jars and other materials collected by the monks of the Shang family.

Shang asked the alchemist to help make a furnace of elixirs. The spiritual plants for the elixir were all ready, but the highest-grade flame stones were used to make the elixir. The quality of their flame stones was too poor, so the alchemist paid for the fuel in advance.

In addition, some of the monks of the Shang family asked the spirit boat to pick them up because they were too far away from Ningcheng. They also had to replenish a share of spirit stones to offset the consumption of the spirit boat.

Not only the Shang family, but also other families, any family that asked the spirit boat to pick them up had to make up a fortune in spiritual stones.

The fairy takes care of business, and the monk family is convinced.

When settling the bill, Shang deducted an amount of spiritual boat travel expenses and spiritual stones for fuel from the general ledger he calculated. The remaining amount was the rice, grain, and silver the fairy had to pay.

Leyun withheld the gift from the Xinyu clan to bribe the Xin clan's royal guards. She did not like the magic weapons and elixirs in the gift, and planned to use it to pay for a sum of spiritual stones. Whether it should be given to the Shang clan or the county governor's mansion, it was up to them. choose.

Everyone in the Shang family was overjoyed, and hurriedly expressed that the Shang family was short of elixirs and magic weapons, and that the Shang family was willing to exchange them.

The Shang family was willing to accept the elixirs and magic weapons, and Le Yun was naturally happy to accommodate them. She gave the elixirs and magic weapons that had been intercepted by the guards of the Xin family to the Shang family.

The elixirs and magic weapons are of high value and can offset a large amount of spiritual stones.

The Shang family immediately calculated the value of the elixirs and magic weapons, converted them into spiritual stones, and then subtracted them from the total value of the materials they collected.

So in conversion, Aiyo, not only does Leyun not have to pay Shang's spiritual stones, but Shang also has to pay for another three thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

From this we can see how valuable the Xinyu clan's batch of elixirs and magic weapons are, and also how much money the Xinyu clan sacrificed in order to bribe the royal family and Mahayana people.

Now, that batch of resources has entered the pockets of the Shang family.

After receiving a batch of cultivation resources, the monks of the Shang family couldn't hide the smiles in their eyes.

After settling the accounts with the Shang family, Leyun and Shang Junjun went to the West Wing Hall to settle accounts with the officials of the county governor's office, making sure that public and private affairs were kept separate and that no one was deceived.

Lord Shang, Lord Bo and others followed the list and converted the spiritual plants used by the alchemist into spiritual stones. They deducted them from the total value of the materials collected by the governor's mansion and deducted the fuel cost of the last alchemy.

Because the alchemist and the weapon refiner are still refining the elixir and the weapon, we don’t know how much fuel will be consumed, and we don’t know what spiritual plant ores the alchemist or the weapon refiner will add during the refining process. Those things will be calculated later.

They settled the general ledger of collected materials, then calculated the value of the sundries that the fairy had taken away from Prince Xin and Princess Xin, and converted them into the value of the spirit stones.

The spiritual plants used in the soul-replenishing pill are of high value, and the spiritual plants paid by the alchemist in advance are the core spiritual plants for refining the elixir, which is worth a large amount of spiritual stones.

Le Yuntong paid a total of 15 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones to the county governor's office.

The accounts were settled at the Sheriff's Mansion, and the heads of the monk family also took the materials and lists they collected to the West Wing Hall to settle the accounts.

Leyun settled accounts with each family, and also left the fuel for alchemy and refining equipment or additional materials for later, and settled the accounts for rice and grain supplies first.

As the spiritual stones were paid out one after another, the wallet became slightly deflated, but each spiritual stone was exchanged for a large amount of food.

With a huge amount of food in hand, Le Yun was elated. After paying the bill, she returned to the main hall with steady steps, and then ran to the third entrance of the courtyard to wander around.

The little fairy was beaming with joy. Even the very nervous Mahayana beast felt it. Everyone was extremely surprised. Did the little fairy pick up spiritual stones for nothing or did she get some good news?

"Little Fairy, you look very happy today, are you doing something great?" The four humanoid beasts finished their work and ran to the Little Fairy's side to follow.

"I paid the bills with the families who bought food for me in Ningjun today, and I got a lot of food back in exchange. I'm so happy!" Le Yun carried her little hands behind her back and walked out like a stranger.

"Wow -" the humanoid beasts also wowed, and all of them were so surprised that they were starry-eyed: "Little fairy, little fairy, is there enough food to last 10,000+ years?" "What are you thinking about? Buying food once will last 10,000+ years. Dreaming is faster." Le Yun raised her hand and gave each humanoid beast a stir-fried millet.

"Ah, it's not enough for 10 years. Then 5 to [-] years should be enough, right?"

"One meal a day weighs about a thousand pounds, which is enough for at least 900 years." This is a conservative figure.

"One meal a day, one thousand catties per meal, is only enough to last eight or nine hundred years?" The beasts are wilted than eggplants beaten by frost. They think that with so much food, they can achieve three meals a day, three thousand catties per meal. happy life.

"Hey, you guys are not very good at math and you still need to learn more. Calculate how much food you need to eat in a year if you weigh a thousand pounds a day, and how much food you need in 100 years?

What's more, in addition to making rice, grain must also be used to make wine and vinegar. Wine and vinegar are indispensable condiments for making spiritual meals, pickled fish, smoked fish, and pickled ingredients. In addition, making various snacks also consumes grain.

In theory, at least half of the grain should be used for making wine, vinegar, etc. In this way, there will naturally be less grain as rations. "

Beast Beast, who was not good at mathematics, counted with his fingers, but failed to calculate a definite number. He was embarrassed to admit that he was not good at mathematics, so he sighed sadly: "Oh, the food we only have is not enough to eat. We still have to eat." Tighten your belt and get by.”

Le Yun was amused: "What are you worrying about? Have you forgotten that you are spiritual beasts with owners? Brother Yan and Brother Xuan have purchased food and have their share. They can afford it." you."

"My brothers don't have much food in their hands." Beast Beast was still worried. They and their brothers walked all the way to scavenge food, and also gave up a small sum of spiritual stones from their private treasury in exchange for a large amount of food.

Each of them has no less than 90 billion kilograms of personal grain storage, which seems to be quite a lot, but as the little fairy said, half of it is for wine, vinegar and other things, and the rest is rations.

They have a big appetite, and as their cultivation level increases, they eat more and more. Even if they can make one thousand kilograms of food in one meal now, they still need to make four to five billion kilograms of food.

"The food we collected is enough to eat. Besides, we will only stay in our hometown for one or two hundred years, so we won't starve you." Young Master Xuan couldn't bear to worry about the food of his beast friends, so he comforted the beasts.

"Hey! There is enough food, and there are so many ingredients. I don't have to worry about eating and drinking. I have almost realized my dream of lying down, perfect!" Knowing that they don't have to tighten their belts to save food, the beasts suddenly became energetic and resurrected with full blood.

Mr. Xuan: "..." With their conditions, they seem to be a little far away from the level of having no worries about food and drink, but this dream is still good, who doesn't want to lie down!

The beasts were simple-minded and had no worries. They jumped excitedly a few times and ran off to work again.

Le Yun looked at Mr. Xuan's complicated expression and felt much better. She had raised a group of little creatures, the number of which was more than the contract beasts of the two handsome pots. However, the total food intake of the Calabash Baby and a group of little creatures together was also more than The food intake of a Mahayana beast is small.

Therefore, she doesn't have to worry about the beasts' food.

He felt refreshed and naturally liked everything he saw. Even when he saw someone named Yan who didn't want to talk to him, he felt that he was a bit more handsome and it was a pleasure to look at.

However, she only had a cool day. In the evening, there were several sets of medicine furnaces that needed to condense elixirs, and she had to work overtime.

After refining the elixir, the beasts melted several more cauldrons of ore, and then worked non-stop on refining the weapon. After refining the weapon, they continued to condense the elixir, and they kept spinning like a small top.

When the small human-shaped top spun for several days and finally had time to breathe, it was already four days later and it was December [-]th.

After finally finishing her work for a while, the little Loli didn't go back to the main hall, and just rested on the spot in the magic circle.

Mr. Xuan waited for the little Loli to rest for two hours and revive with full health. He ran over to inquire about the news: "Little beauty, how many days will it take for me, a great alchemist, to refine the elixir? Can it be completed before the end of the year?"

"It is impossible to complete the project before the Lunar New Year. It is expected to be released one or two days after the Lunar New Year."

"Little Lolita, what about me?"

"You, it would be great if you can get out of seclusion before the New Year."

"I think if I work hard, I should be able to complete the task after the new year."

"What are you thinking about? The ore in your hand is just the tip of the iceberg. I have the bulk of it."

"Okay, I'll keep working. If the New Year's meal is more generous, it's not unacceptable to work overtime during the New Year, not to mention finishing the work before the year."

"..." Mr. Xuan looked shocked. Mr. Yan is such a badass. Did he find the IQ he lost by himself?

"This year's New Year's Eve, the local natives are treating you to guests. You should feel at home." Le Yun smiled and rolled her eyes. Lord Shang and the monk family prepared early for the New Year's Eve dinner. They all held back their energy and wanted to "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea - Each Show your magical powers.”

"We'll see." The handsome guys and Beast Beast were particularly surprised when they heard that someone was inviting them to a feast.

She had just finished her work and had no other work in front of her. She rested for a while and returned to the main hall in the evening. The next day, she asked the Shang Jurchen to accompany her to go shopping.

The people in Ningcheng were too friendly and enthusiastic, so she actually didn't want to take advantage of them. However, many grain store merchants in Ningcheng also came to the square to set up stalls.

Yesterday I had nothing to do, so I used my spiritual consciousness to go out for a walk. I heard a lot of news and knew that many grain store owners carried a lot of grain. I was looking forward to her going out for a walk one day.

When the owner of the grain merchant came to the square, it was equivalent to food being delivered to his door. How could he let it slip away? Le Yun decided to shamelessly go out for a walk again.

Shang Mahayana was delighted when he learned that the fairy had appointed Shang Miaoyin to accompany him on the street, and immediately sent Shang Miaoyin to accompany the fairy to go out for some fresh air.

Shang Miaoyin packed up and followed the fairy out of the house.

As soon as the two people walked out of the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion, they were spotted by sharp-eyed people. Here they shouted "Fairy, the road is wider this way, please go this way!", and there they shouted "Fairy, there is a fragrance of flowers here, please smell it." ."

When the fairy came, someone recognized the youngest daughter of the Junjun family and was extremely surprised: "Mr. Miaoyin, please accompany the fairy to come out for some air. This is great! Zhenjun, please help the fairy carry it."

Someone put two baskets into the hands of Miaoyin Zhenjun, and the stall owners of various stalls took things and stuffed them into the baskets.

The two baskets were full in the blink of an eye, and someone urged: "Mr. Miaoyin, the baskets are empty, please collect them quickly."

Shang Miaoyin: "..." What can she do?
Of course, put it away!
Recalling the storage bag her father secretly stuffed into her before she set off, and the words he told her to be smarter, Shang Miaoyin realized at this moment: her father gave her the storage bag to help her collect the gifts from the fairies from the common people!

The people in Ningcheng are simple and simple, so Shang Miaoyin naturally understands everyone's mood and puts the contents of the basket into a storage bag.

The common people stuffed their things into baskets.

Soon everyone had a tacit understanding, putting ready-to-eat items in the same basket and items that cannot be eaten raw in another basket.

(End of this chapter)

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