magic eye doctor

Chapter 3126 Warmth

Chapter 3126 Warmth
She brought a little follower with her in order to protect herself from the enthusiastic people, but as a result, the little follower turned into a little helper who helped collect gifts. Le Yun felt numb all over!

There is no solution to this game!

Anyway, she couldn't refuse the hospitable Ningcheng people, so she was forced to accept the reality.

There is also an advantage to having a little secretary who takes the initiative to help receive gifts, that is, the moving speed is much faster!

After moving a few hundred meters, we arrived at a stall selling food.

The space in the square is limited, and there are too many people coming to set up stalls. The area of ​​each stall is also extremely limited. Generally, one person sits with the width of two baskets in front of him.

At most, two people sit side by side, guarding a stall.

People who sell rice grains put a small wooden board in front of them, and put a few grains in small bags to make samples. If anyone wants to buy grains, they will take it out from the storage bag.

It is well known that Ning County is rich. How rich is it?
The people of Ning County have storage bags in every household!
The people of Ning County have an average of two storage bags per household. Richer families even have three or five. Even the poorest family has at least one storage bag.

Commoners do not have such things as spiritual consciousness. The storage containers in common people's homes are storage bags that can be used by mortals. When using them, you only need to open the bag to access items.

Common people's storage bags are mainly used to hold grain. One bag holds stored grain, and the other bag holds the new grain produced that year.

If the storage bag is larger, it can also free up space to hold some fresh fruits, vegetables and other items. If the storage bag is smaller, it will naturally be mainly used for holding food.

In order to extend the service life of storage bags, the bags are generally not used frequently, and warehouses are built to store grains for several months and then take some out after eating. Except for the grain harvest season, the bags are generally opened two or three times a year.

Storage bags are not permanent items, and most of them have a useful life. Compared with ordinary people, the price of storage bags is very high. Therefore, ordinary people have accumulated spiritual stones from generation to generation just to use them as storage at home. Replace the device with a new one when it reaches its expiry date.

Storage containers are family heirlooms. If a family needs money and has to sell storage containers, at most one will be sold, but one will be kept anyway.

Ning County also has laws to protect people's storage bags. It clearly stipulates that anyone who robs or steals another family's storage bag will be executed after verification. It is also a crime of imprisonment. The family members will also have their property confiscated and be punished as criminal slaves.

Sin slaves had to serve hard labor for five generations. If they made no more mistakes, they could be released from their status as sin slaves. After another hundred years of observation, they could regain their household registration.

Because the punishment for stealing and snatching storage bags is too severe, people have taught their children from childhood to never steal storage bags. As a result, few people dare to take risks. The safety of storage bags for the people of Ning County has also been improved. Assure.

Every household in Ning County has storage bags. The three counties of Ping'an and An'an are also wealthy, but not as wealthy as Ning County. Every household in Ning County has storage bags, but the average number of storage bags per household is not as many as in Ning County.

Every commoner in Ning County has a storage bag, but the people in the imperial city have not found that every household has a storage device. This has attracted the jealousy and dissatisfaction of King Xin and many courtiers.

There are hundreds of millions of household registrations in a county, where do so many storage bags come from?
Some of the storage bags are made by the weapon refiner who was born in Ning County and then handed over to the government for sale. The other part is purchased by the county governor at the Monk City on a regular basis.

The Ning County Sheriff's Office, District Office, Prefecture, and County Government all have a certain amount of storage bags. People can buy them if they need them. People in small places such as cities or towns need to buy new storage bags. They need to go to the town government or the county government to buy new storage bags. Registration at the city lord's office requires upward application from the city lord and the town chief.

The government agencies have strict management of storage bags, and there is also a strict set of procedures for buying and selling bags to ensure that the bags are not embezzled or used for personal use by some people in the government agencies.

Leyun also learned about Ningjun's laws when she entered the city, and sincerely admired the majesty and rigor of Ningjun's laws. Those laws are perfect in a technological society.

Ning County has complete laws. What is even more commendable is that Ning County officials strictly abide by the laws and enforce the law strictly, maintaining the majesty of the laws and realizing the rule of law in the county and the city in law.

The laws of Ning County protect the common people who are regarded as ants by the powerful to the greatest extent.

There is another reason why Ningjun’s laws are respected and maintained in Ningjun—it is a law formulated by an immortal.

As Le Yun was also born as an ant, she suspected that the pioneers who formulated the laws of Ning County were also immortals who gradually grew up from commoners to monks.

Thanks to that person, Ningjun became a prosperous place and the home of rice, so she had the opportunity to purchase a large amount of rice.

Finally moving to the stall selling grain, Le Yun smiled and asked the buyer who had already stood up: "Do you still have grain in hand? How much is it?"

The seller's face turned red with excitement, and he responded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes. I still have a lot of food in my hands."

As he spoke, he took out a few storage bags and put them on a small plate. He held them up for the fairy to see with his hands that were shaking with excitement. He explained: "Counting from your right hand to the left, the first bag is grain. The second is wheat, the third is millet, and the fourth is miscellaneous grains.”

"Where's the fifth one?"

"This one is the new grain that Xiaomin gave to the fairy to taste." The seller grinned and gave the fifth storage bag to Shang Zhenjun: "Zhenjun, this is what Xiaomin gave to the fairy. Can you please help transfer it? .”

"We can't accept this. You can give me ten jins and a hundred jins of new rice and new grains, which is still acceptable, but it won't work if you put it in a storage bag."

"Fairy, there isn't much, just a small portion of each kind of food, as well as some seasonal vegetables and fresh fruits. They are all produced locally in our spiritual city. Because they are too mixed, they are only stored in small bags."

The seller hurriedly explained. Shang Miaoyin took the storage bag, checked it, and testified: "Fairy, this old man is very honest. The small storage bag contains one bag of each type of grain produced locally. There are more than a dozen Grow seasonal vegetables and fresh fruits.”

With the confirmation from Shang Zhenjun, the seller breathed a sigh of relief.

The amount of the gift was within the allowable range, and Le Yun did not refuse: "You can keep it for me. During the days when I was in Ningcheng, many elders sent me a lot of rice, grain, vegetables and fruits, which cost everyone a lot of money."

"The fairy upheld justice for Ningjun and pulled Ningjun out of the dire straits. The people of Ningjun will remember this in their hearts. The fairy does not need the people of Ningjun to retaliate. The only people who can take action are some local people." The fairies do not despise ordinary things, which is a blessing for the common people."

"The immortal brings luck to Ningjun, but the common people only hate people like ants and cannot do anything for the fairy."

"The fairy's kindness to Ningjun will be unforgettable to the common people."

"..." The people chattered and put their belongings into the basket in Lord Shang Zhenjun's hand.

Le Yun is no longer polite because of the sincere love of all beings. Otherwise, in order to convince her, the people would enumerate her good qualities, which would make her feel embarrassed.

She negotiated the deal directly with the grain owner, asked about the weight of each grain, took out two Yunlan-style abacus and placed them in the air to calculate.

The Chinese abacus is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors, and Yunlan also has an abacus for calculation.

Yunlan's abacus is slightly different from the Chinese abacus. There are ten beads under the beam, one bead is equal to one, and there are two beads above it, and one bead is equal to three.The beads on a straight column add up to sixteen, which is consistent with Yunlan's number of 16 taels per catty.

Except for the number of beads in Yunlan's abacus, which is different from the number of beads in the abacus of the Earthly China, the calculation method is similar, both in decimal system.

There are two abacus in the sky. The left abacus calculates the sum of the value of various grains, which is addition and subtraction. The right abacus multiplies the weight of the grain by the unit price, specializing in multiplication.

The seller and the men, women and children beside him excitedly watched the fairy settle accounts. The fairy's fingers were flying, and they could only hear the crisp crackling sounds of beads like raindrops.

The people who also brought the abacus to calculate also held the abacus to help calculate the accounts. They just started to calculate. The fairy had already done the calculation and reported the number.

When someone calculated how many spiritual stones the first grain reported by the grain owner was worth, he found that it was exactly the same as the fairy's calculation. He suddenly felt that he was also a genius in accounting, and he was very proud of it.

She calculated the total price herself, and Le Yun asked the seller to do the calculation herself to see if it was correct.

The seller is not willing to do the calculation anymore and asks the fairy to transfer the rice. He may doubt his own arithmetic ability, but he will never doubt the fairy's arithmetic. If even the fairy cannot be trusted, there is no trustworthy person in this world.

Le Yun took the storage bag and transferred the grains one by one into her own storage container. She then transferred the medium-grade spiritual stones and some low-grade spiritual stones and placed them in the seller's storage bag to return to him and let him count them.

The seller took back his storage bag and saw that the fairy gave some medium-grade spiritual stones. He was so excited that he thanked him: "Thank you, fairy, for caring about the people!"

After thanking him, he looked at the fairy with burning eyes and asked sincerely: "Fairy, will you celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng this year?"

"Yes, I and my friends are celebrating the New Year in Ningcheng this year. I heard that there is a delicacy in Ning County called clay urn braised sheep. Every household must have it for New Year's Eve dinner. I am waiting to taste the delicious food." Le Yun nodded with a smile. The Ningjun Zhenyun magic circle has not yet been implemented, so she and the handsome guy will naturally celebrate the New Year in Ningjun this year.

Ningjun's clay urn braised lamb is similar to Xuan Shao and others' favorite stone pot/stone vat braised lamb. The processed whole lamb and seasonings are put into the urn or vat, without adding water, and then sealed and stewed dry.

Ningjun's clay urn braised lamb is very particular about the choice of main ingredients. Lambs aged three to five years are preferred. It is said that mutton of this age has the best taste when stewed in a clay urn.

"Wow, the fairy is really celebrating the New Year in Ningcheng!"

The people were so excited when they heard the fairy said that she would celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng, and they shouted happily to convey the good news.

People who were far away also cheered when they heard the news.

They wandered around the square every day, just waiting for news. Some people in the county governor's house and the monk family said that the fairy should celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng, but the county prince didn't say it himself, so they were doubtful.

Now that a fairy has personally confirmed that she will celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng, Renjun is so excited that she can't wait to run around to tell the news and spread the good news to her neighbors.

Le Yun also understood why the people were happy. With her in Ning County, no matter whether they were evil villains or scheming people who dared not approach Ning County, the people felt at ease and everyone was naturally happy.

While the crowd was so happy that they temporarily ignored her, they quickly moved on to the next target.

Shang Miaoyin also returned the seller's small storage bag, and then walked slowly with the fairy, helping to collect various items given to the fairy by the people of Ningcheng.

Many shopkeepers came to the square specially to sell food, but in fact they just wanted to have the opportunity to see the true face of the guardian of the sacred tree. Le Yun walked along the "small alleys" with human walls on both sides and passages in the middle, specializing in shopping for rice and food.

This time it took longer than last time. I walked from the morning until the end of the afternoon and visited the entire square. It was basically equivalent to a whole day of shopping.

Shang Miaoyin, who was following the fairy, was receiving gifts that made everyone feel numb.

This is also the first time she has truly experienced how enthusiastic the people of Ningcheng are. She wants to ask the people how much they respect the fairy and see the gifts!

The common people wanted to give the fairy everything, whether they could eat it or not, they would give it all to her.

The shops around the square knew that she was following the fairy, and the shops selling cloth, pots and bowls secretly moved bundles of cloth and baskets of pots and bowls to her.

Several heads of households also brought jars of pickles and homemade sauces and vinegar. Someone specially slaughtered a sheep or a bird, put it in a basket and took it outside the square, and then quietly pulled her over to receive it.

If she didn't help with the reception, people would be so anxious that they would say, "You're partial" and "Don't you dislike our feelings?" Some were even so anxious that they shed tears, which made her unable to withstand the pressure.

Can she not help receive it?
This is definitely not possible.

After Shang Miaoyin declined several times, she stopped refusing at all. No matter what it was, she would accept it. After all, gifts were given to fairies, and she was just an errand boy. Whatever the people said was accepted.

At the end of the day, she didn't know how much rice the fairy had bought in total, but she did know that the gifts she helped to receive filled three small storage bags thirty feet wide.

When he finally entered the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion, Shang Miaoyin felt that his hands and feet were his own, and he hurriedly showed the gift he had received to the fairy.

Le Yun took the storage bag and took a look, OMG, why are there so many things?

There are a lot of gifts, a dazzling array of things are nothing, there are all kinds of weird things, in response to the phrase "everything is available".

Especially when she saw several large bundles of firewood and several baskets of charcoal, Le Yun herself fell into a confused silence. The people of Ningcheng were really too... too considerate, weren't they?

Look, some people are sending poultry, eggs, mutton, fish, seasonal vegetables and other ingredients, some are sending oil, vinegar, sauce, some are sending pots and pans, and now we even have firewood, so all the cooking property and ingredients are available!

The gifts were so joyful that Le Yun smiled so hard that her eyebrows curled up like crescent moons: "Oh, the people in Ningcheng are really as considerate as hair. They didn't even leave behind the firewood for cooking. They are so considerate! These gifts made me feel like a human being. warmth."

"The elders of Ning County are extremely honored to be liked by the fairy." The fairy did not dislike the strange gifts, and Shang Miaoyin also laughed from his heart.

A wise man sees wisdom and a benevolent man sees kindness. Even she didn't know what to say after seeing the gifts given by the people of Ningcheng. The fairy actually saw the bright spots in them, which shows how kind and pure the fairy's heart is.

"You have worked hard today, please have some fruit." Le Yun took out two bright yellow winter pears from the storage bag, stuffed one into Shang Zhenjun, ate one herself, and put the storage bag away.

Shang Miaoyin picked up the winter pears and followed Xianzi's example. Instead of peeling them, she rubbed them and then chewed them.

(End of this chapter)

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