magic eye doctor

Chapter 3127

Winter pears that have experienced frost have thin skin and crispy flesh, plump and juicy, and no longer have the same slightly astringent taste before the frost, making them very delicious.

The two female cultivators strolled into the ritual gate while nibbling on winter pear fruits, then walked through the wide and clean courtyard and climbed the steps in front of the main hall.

Shang Miaoyin sent the fairy into the main hall, and then entered the West Er Hall along the colonnade to report the day's harvest to the elders.

Several Mahayana disciples of the Shang family also had a ray of spiritual consciousness outside, and witnessed Shang Miaoyin's experiences throughout the day "with their own eyes". When they saw her return, they all smiled happily.

In terms of cleverness, Miaoyin is still clever!

From now on, when the fairy goes out, it will be sure to have Miaoyin follow her.

Thinking of Shang Miaoyin's performance during the day, the Shang monks felt particularly beautiful.

After going out for a day, Le Yun rested for an hour after returning to the main hall, then sorted the gifts into different categories, painted symbols in the main hall, and then went to refine weapons again in the afternoon of the next day.

This time, I first refined ten wishful houses, then focused on refining storage containers, refining ten thousand-foot-wide storage containers, and then refining storage bags that can be used by mortals.

Mr. Xuan counts the days every day, just hoping that the New Year will pass quickly so that he can "get out of seclusion" as soon as possible.

Small New Year is also popular in most areas of Yunlan, which falls on the 23rd of December every year.

On this day, there were more people setting up stalls in the square in front of the county governor's house than before, and the square was crowded with people.

At noon, Lord Shang and the Shang family ascended to the sky and announced to the whole county: Starting from the next year, Ningjun will not collect various taxes that need to be paid to the treasury for 70 years, and the people only need to pay half of the harvest to Ningjun every year. A share of military supplies for soldiers and horses.

The reason is that the fairy ordered all the properties of Prince Xin, Princess Xin and the Xinyu family to be confiscated, and the county governor's office used the received properties to pay the taxes that Ning County paid to the national treasury!
The grain and silver recovered by the Fairy Gang were reserved as military reserves for Ning County to raise soldiers and horses and build equipment.

When the people heard that they would not have to pay taxes to the national treasury for the next 70 years, they cheered with excitement, and their voices echoed through the sky like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Lord Shang's voice came out through the sound transmission magic weapon, covering hundreds of thousands of miles. Every city and town received the news, people rushed to congratulate each other, and laughter and laughter could be heard everywhere.

Master Xuan listened to the cheers coming from all directions and was ready to make a move: "Hey, it's so lively outside!"

Le Yun, who was waiting for her to condense, said calmly: "If you want to go out for a walk, you can go, but you have to disguise yourself."

"Forget it." It's too troublesome to go shopping and disguise yourself, so it's better not to go.

Yan Xing thought that Mr. Xuan would jump around for a while, so he would naturally become the control group. Little Lolita would naturally have a good impression of him, a person who keeps to himself and works quietly.

As a result, this is it?
Mr. Xuan is also a scumbag!

Without the person acting as a monster, he could not show his good image of being tall and tall. Yan Xing also resolutely remained silent and was willing to be a hard-working old cow.

Le Yun only sat there for less than an hour. The medicine in several groups of alchemy furnaces was boiling, and she immediately took over the task of condensing the elixir. Before taking over the alchemy, she kicked Xuan Shao, who was the most idle person, to refine the weapon.

He thought he could happily be a melon-eater, but he was kicked to refine the weapon. The "alchemist" Xuan Shao was stunned. The little loli thought that the pot on his back was not heavy enough, so maybe she wanted to let him carry another one. The cauldron of the "Master of Weapon Refining"?

He doesn’t want to be a scapegoat, he wants to be a spiritual meal!

Facing several pots of molten ore, Mr. Xuan was about to cry without tears. He sadly put away the bag of snacks that he had just picked up but had not yet eaten a few, and was forced to open the business.

Compared with alchemy, weapon refining is a familiar business, and it is easier to do. Once Mr. Xuan got started, he had no time to think about it.

When he finally finished a furnace of molten ore, another furnace was melted over there!
The beasts listened to the fairy, but the fairy refused to stop. They continued to smelt the ore, and Mr. Xuan, who was driven to the shelf, was forced to refine weapons day and night.

The little Loli condensed the elixir intermittently. As more and more ointments turned into elixir balls, the fragrance of the elixir became weaker and weaker, and the elixir cloud gradually became thinner.

After nightfall on December 25, as the last batch of ointment turned into pill balls, the pill clouds that enveloped the sky could not withstand the blowing of the winter wind and drifted away with the wind.

The little fairy successfully completed the alchemy work. Several beasts poured the ashes from the alchemy furnace into two large stoves and carefully cleaned the alchemy furnace.

The fire in the two-burner stove is glowing red, which is perfect for barbecue.

Needless to say, the little beasts also guessed what they were thinking. She placed a large wooden basin on the ground and took out some pickled sheep and large dolphins for the beasts to roast by themselves.

After finishing their work, the beasts happily skewered the sheep and pigs on steel skewers and put them on the stove. They also took their pickled fish and grilled them happily.

Le Yun put away the alchemy furnace and flower table, sat in an armchair and closed her eyes to rest.

Mr. Xuan, who was still struggling with the molten ore, was so anxious that he screamed: "Little beauty, my work is done, the work here is yours, come and get to work!"

"Young Master Xuan, you have to be kind." Le Yun opened her eyes quietly and looked at Young Master Xuan: "Your job belongs to Handsome Yan. You are helping Handsome Yan, not me."

"Master Yan, this job was arranged by you."

"I also arranged your work. I will finish the work for you."

"..." Mr. Xuan had nothing to say and stared glumly: "Little beauty, tell me, when can I get out of seclusion? I still owe my new friend a meal."

"Without delaying your invitation to dinner, you can start your business tomorrow."


"Of course. But you are in such good spirits that you don't look like you have been busy refining alchemy for a long time. So you have to work hard to refine the weapon, and you have to consume at least half of your consciousness and spiritual power. Tomorrow, when people see you as the master of alchemy, Your mental state is in line with reality."

"Hey, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, I would have stopped meditating in the past two days." Young Master Xuan was so regretful that he beat his feet.

"This is all common sense, Brother Xuan, if you don't make progress, when will you be able to refine the immortal spiritual plant space? Without the spiritual plant space, even if you find a cute spiritual plant doll, you will have no place to raise it, little one Therefore, don’t hold the spiritually implanted doll.”

"...I understand, please don't poke the knife. I can't do it even if I try hard."

The little lolita is obviously soft and cute, but she can sometimes look sweet but feel bitter at heart. She always pokes at her heart from time to time, making him want to put a sack on her and beat her up.

With the heart of being poked by the little Lolita, Young Master Xuan gritted his teeth and refined the weapon. He practiced, practiced, and refined the weapon more. Maybe practice makes perfect, and one day he accidentally created the Immortal Space.

Young Master Yan was smart and did not go looking for abuse. He took some time to hand over the magic weapons that he had refined and belonged to several monk families to little Loli.

The elixirs and magic weapons of the monk family were all refined. Leyun put the elixirs of each family into storage containers, and then divided the magic weapons among the families who were refining the magic weapons.

The elixirs and magic weapons were placed in the storage containers according to their numbers, and they quietly returned to the main hall and practiced all night. The next day, it was not until midnight that they opened the back door of the main hall and entered the magic circle in the third courtyard with great dignity. .

The elixir cloud dissipated in the evening. At that time, the members of the cultivating family entered the fourth hall to practice. They did not notice it in time. When they woke up in the morning, they found that they could no longer smell the elixir fragrance, but smelled a strong aroma of meat.The monks still haven't left. Those who don't have to help in the kitchen are meditating in the side hall or ear hall of the fourth main hall, all of them are quiet.

In order to achieve his goal, Mr. Xuan worked all night long, and the results were as expected. Most of his spiritual consciousness and true energy were consumed, and he looked mentally exhausted.

Seeing the little Loli coming, he quickly went back to Ruyi House to take a shower, change some clothes, and then sat in a chair, looking exhausted.

Le Yun sat in the magic circle for a while, then left with her little hands behind her back.

Xuan Shao followed behind him sluggishly, trying hard to put on an expression like a harem of a harem. When he walked out of the magic circle, he seemed to regard the little loli as running away like a savage beast.

He turned into a gust of wind and rushed into the courtyard of the fourth hall. Not seeing his new friend, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Fellow Daoist Luo and Daoist Yu, are you still like this?"

"I'm here."

Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen, who were meditating in the south wing of the West Wing Hall, heard the voice of their fellow preachers and hurriedly ended their meditation and rushed out in a hurry.

The two of them rushed to the big courtyard and saw the fellow preacher on the east side of the big courtyard. He flew past like lightning and landed on the ground. When they saw the fellow preacher clearly, they were stunned.

When the missionaries were collecting rice grains with them, they felt as if they were in the clear breeze and the moon was shining brightly. However, the missionaries in front of them had a gloomy face, and there was a circle of black and blue under their eyes, and they were obviously depressed.

Luo Shuyin also thought about how fellow preachers ended up like this, and asked cautiously: "Friend preachers, are you... okay?"

"It's okay, okay, as long as you don't let me make alchemy again, nothing will matter." Mr. Xuan waved his hand carelessly, picked up the two of them and ran away.

"I said I would treat you two to a meal. Let's go. I'm going to make a spiritual meal. You guys can come too."

"Preacher, why don't you take a rest first? It won't be too late to treat us to a meal in a day or two." Fellow preacher still remembered his promise. Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen were very happy, but they still suggested that he go and have a rest.

"It's okay, I felt energetic when I made the spiritual meal." Mr. Xuan dragged the two of them and ran from the fourth to the third courtyard like a whirlwind.

Then, he stretched his neck and took a look, and saw that the back door of the main hall was closed. He breathed a big sigh of relief: "Hey, it's safe now."

"Preacher, the Sheriff's Mansion is very safe." Luo Shuyin was confused by the actions of the preacher.

"The Sheriff's Mansion is very safe and there will be no danger. The danger is Little Fairy. I am afraid that she will come to arrest me for making alchemy again. Seeing that the back door of the main hall is closed, it means that she will not arrest me for making alchemy. "

Mr. Xuan explained in a pretentious manner, threw a formation disk about ten feet away from the golden barrier, and circled a territory about twenty feet wide.

He led the two of them into his property, and placed a set of tables and chairs that could seat 20 people for Luo Zhenjun and Yu Zhenjun to sit first. He went to one side to take out the stove and pot, and lit a fire to make a spiritual meal.

Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen followed the instructions and sat down at the round table. They each took out a few plates of fresh fruit and placed them on the table.

Seeing that Brother Xuan was ready to show off his skills, Calabash Boy, Shui Dun and Ying Sheng left the weapon refining circle with a large stove and a bunch of tools and went to join Brother Xuan.

Arudai, Long-eared Bear and Baiyin who were idle also ran with their friends.

Yuan Er, who still had to help Brother Yan take care of the fire: "..." A group of friends forget their friends after seeing food!

Four humanoid beasts and two robed Mahayana beasts rushed into Brother Xuan's territory, putting the stove and the guy aside and occupying a corner.

"Hey, why are you here too?" Mr. Xuan was surprised to see a group of beasts.

"Brother Yan is refining weapons, and we are barbecuing nearby, which will inevitably distract him." The beasts had good reasons.

"Brother Yan is not affected anymore, but you guys came here, and I feel a little uneasy. I'm worried that the little fairy will come too."

"Didn't you successfully complete the alchemy task? What are you still afraid of?" The beasts were also very cooperative and helped sing along.

"It's done. Don't worry, the little fairy will help me take over the alchemy order again."

"No, don't worry. That's what the little fairy said. She will never agree to anyone who asks you to make elixirs on your behalf. The little fairy sticks to her word and will never break her promise."

"After hearing what you said, I can finally feel relieved."

The beasts were talking to Lord Xuan. Lord Luo and Lord Yu sat aside, thinking about the lawsuit. What was this? It seemed that Lord Xuan was very reluctant to make elixirs.
Mr. Xuan didn't know what his new friends were thinking. If he knew, he would definitely nod his head crazily. He is not a real alchemy master, so he would definitely not be willing to make alchemy!

Mr. Xuan happily put the ingredients into the pot and grabbed the young man unceremoniously: "My friend Yingsheng, please give me a fan, the fire is a little low."

Yingsheng answered the call to help and ran to work as a fireman.

Le Xiaoluoli, who went to the third courtyard to collect the magic weapon, first entered the main hall through the back gate and stayed for about half a quarter of an hour before walking out of the main hall and went to the west side hall to find Lord Shang.

When the alchemy cloud was not seen in the morning, the head of the cultivating family also guessed that the alchemist might have prepared the elixir, so he went to the west side hall of the main hall to wait after the morning meal.

The officials of the county governor's office were handling official business. They set up a table on the north side and made tea.

A group of people secretly waited eagerly for the alchemist to show up. Finally, when the alchemist showed up, he did not come to the West Palace. Instead, he went to the fourth courtyard and took away the two Nascent Souls from the Luo and Yu families and ran to do it. The meal is gone.

The alchemist doesn't like to make alchemy, but he likes to cook?
This is very confusing.

The heads of the Ningjun family were shocked, and they were in a daze for a while before they calmed down.

When the fairy came, everyone rushed to welcome her.

Lord Shang knew that fairies did not sit in the official seats, so he still placed a chair in the middle of the Xumi Seat and asked the fairies to sit on it. He then placed a chair under the fairies and sat down there himself, and placed a coffee table.

The monks took their seats on the north side.

The tea waiter quickly made tea.

Lord Shang stood up, took the tea from the waiter, and placed it on the small coffee table beside the fairy.

A group of people looked at each other with eager eyes. Le Yun was worried that she would be burned through, so she took out the storage containers and divided them into two groups to give to Shang Junjun.

When the monk family gave the storage device to Lord Shang, they naturally returned it to him now.

Each family's storage device is tied with a thin thread and hangs a wooden sign as big as a fingernail. The last name of each family is engraved on the wooden sign, making it easy to identify.

Lord Shang sent the storage containers to the heads of the cultivating families and asked them to check them out for themselves.

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